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Survey Shows Teenagers Favor Unprotected Intercourse on Valentine’s Day


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"The survey reflects a common belief among teenagers that drinking alcohol leads into sexual intercourse."


based on my experience, and what I have heard anecdotally, that is a well-founded belief.


as the saying goes "candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker"

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2 hours ago, jak2002003 said:

Planned. Not a mistake from a 14 year olds  teenage romantic  unprotected sex on Valentine's day.  


Sounds crazy I know, but my parents were in their 20's and married. 


These days I don't know why young people would take the risk of unprotected sex.  There are so many unwanted pregnancies here, illegal abortions and underage pregnancy.  There is no need for these problems at all. 

Is it possible that they don't think a lot before they do it?

And maybe they are too shy to buy condoms? 

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6 hours ago, webfact said:

A recent survey by the Department of Health Service Support (HSS) showed teenagers favor having unprotected intercourse as part of Valentine’s Day celebrations. The department also stressed the importance of providing proper sexual education to youths.


The survey, with a sample size of 1,000 participants aged 12-18

1. I'm no longer a teenager, but I also prefer unprotected sex. Not only on valentine's Day, though...

2. Population of Thailand is around 70 million. If say around 20 million teenagers in Thailand is a fair estimate. Surveying 1000 out of 20 million is a bad joke, like most surveys quoted in this forum.

3. Legal age of consent in Thailand is 18. That would make all those surveyed potential criminals (if they go through with alcohol drinking under 20 years of age and then sex)

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5 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

YES. Because they are the ones getting left with the baby, after their "boyfriend" runs for the hills!

In my case  we are bringing up a lovely daughter of BOTH that ran for the hills after the event ! More fool them when I have someone to push me around in my old age !

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I'll only have unprotected sex when I know there are no unintended consequences.


As for drinking alcohol, I'll take bets every moo baan  in Thailand has a couple of village idiots, the result of fetal alcohol syndrome.

Edited by Lacessit
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4 hours ago, Jerno said:

Wrong caption! Should say MALE teenagers prefer unprotected sex ...blah...blah....blah.  And IRRESPONSIBLE males should be repeated in each paragraph throughout.

I think everybody prefers unprotected sex. But the consequences of unprotected sex for girls are more severe, so they are more reluctant.

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8 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Well most of us favor unprotected sex. That does not mean we do it. And that does not mean the selection of a partner for unprotected sex is not a consideration. 


Think about the kids, if nothing else.

Do you want one?

Do you need one?

Does the world need another one?

Can you take care of it? Does the guy you are fooling around with have any interest in raising and supporting a kid?

Do you consider your parents martyrs, who will look after you kid while you attempt to earn a living? 


Think, think, think. 

Unfortunately when us guys are young we do the majority of our thinking with the (little head) and most of us don’t have the integrity to pay the consequences 

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You'd think with the recent low birth-rates and fertility rates Thailand is currently experiencing, that unprotected intercourse might be  a welcome boon to the economy?  ????



But, nah. Another sanctimonious finger-wagging warning about the dangers of being young and having fun.

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Yes the survey is wrong, and it is the males who want the unprotected sex, just like always.

   It has always been the women who have the risks, and seem to get blamed if they get

pregnant.  The people who post on here, seem to be the same as when I was a teen, 55 years ago.

  Different year same attitude.  I feel sorry for any woman who get pregnant, and had forgot her birth control 

pill, or to pack a few condoms in her purse for the jerk she was with.

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2 hours ago, Stargeezr said:

Yes the survey is wrong, and it is the males who want the unprotected sex, just like always.

   It has always been the women who have the risks, and seem to get blamed if they get

pregnant.  The people who post on here, seem to be the same as when I was a teen, 55 years ago.

  Different year same attitude.  I feel sorry for any woman who get pregnant, and had forgot her birth control 

pill, or to pack a few condoms in her purse for the jerk she was with.

Why should the female be the only one responsible one about contraception? 

Trust yourself with protecting your health outcomes.

Remember contraception pills do fail on occassions

Condoms are also able to protect from things like herpes, chlamydia (generally the men are symtomless, remain untreated, and be transmission vector) .


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