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Show some humanity, support Ukraine and don't blame ordinary Russians


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8 hours ago, jesimps said:

 I bet the author of this tirade votes Democrat or Lab/Lib/Green or Scots Nat in the UK. Most Russians I've ever encountered here have been big miserable troll-like oafs.

My favorite weekend getaway in Jomtien catered to Russian and Eastern European families.  I found them to be delightful.  And I'm a redneck out of Texas.  You must hang out in the wrong places to meet so many troll like oafs.

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Had to scroll 100 times to finally get to that dreaded signature: ‘Rooster’.

Just another long winded one-sided rant that droned on and on and on and on…as usual. What could have been said in a few sentences this guy always feels he must write a 600 page novel. 

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10 hours ago, jesimps said:

 I bet the author of this tirade votes Democrat or Lab/Lib/Green or Scots Nat in the UK. Most Russians I've ever encountered here have been big miserable troll-like oafs.


How much would you like to bet?

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Not just russians trolling and thai bashing on here there are quite a few English/European/American people doing the same for the same reasons i.e. smug superiority

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58 minutes ago, DBath said:

Had to scroll 100 times to finally get to that dreaded signature: ‘Rooster’.

Just another long winded one-sided rant that droned on and on and on and on…as usual. What could have been said in a few sentences this guy always feels he must write a 600 page novel. 

Ta, R.



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1 hour ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:
3 hours ago, impulse said:

My favorite weekend getaway in Jomtien catered to Russian and Eastern European families.  I found them to be delightful.  And I'm a redneck out of Texas.

No further explanation needed! 



Pretty sad though, how many posters are less tolerant than a Texas redneck.

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The folks have been busy tonight... Let's see. The posts removed above include:


--a post linking to a pro-Kremlin conspiracy-pseudoscience website

--a post with a trolling name for the head of one country

--a threatening post

--a derogatory name calling post toward another country's leader

--and a comment on moderation post for good measure.


You know who you are...


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I will just say that this is an anonymous website and try not to take things said too personally.


When people say 'educate yourself' or 'try again' or 'you're now on my ignore list' or about your 'rose-colored glasses' or 'head-in-the-sand' etc., it will often say more about them than it does about you

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Great rant Rooster, it seems to have woken up a few posters.  The bully Putin has shut down the news media in Russia

Putin claiming that Ukraine is not a real country, and says that he will jail anyone who says that Russia invaded Ukraine,

are all signs of a spoiled bully.  It is too bad that one of his general is not brave enough to walk up and give Putin a lead bath.

  I think that that large convoy of Russian trucks are having a hard time with gas shortages, and no food as well. I can imagine it takes

lots of fuel and food for all those cannon fodder soldiers.  The Saga of the Bangkok river, and drowned actress is the present local

distraction. I am wondering just how much longer the rich Russians are going to let Putin ruin their country? 

Looking forward to your column next week.  Chuk Dee and Cheers

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9 minutes ago, Stoker58 said:

  I had to stop reading this bigoted rant after the first few paragraphs. Simplistic caricaturing of other people is no better than the people the writer imagines he is criticising.

I suggest the person responsible takes a hard look at his prejudices.

I read this as a strong  message to the recalcitrants to get the memo that bigotry is bad for the board. There was no hint of any prejudices other than against bigots, in particular those who have made it a passionate hobby to bash Thais and Thailand (and ordinary Russians).


tl:dr. Cut out the nationalism, it's toxic.

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17 hours ago, sawadee1947 said:

A bunch of prejudices about people you don't like.

Probably it's vice versa.

However, apart from this there is no beef in your elaborate. Just enumerations which we read about already during the week.

Have a say, have an opinion, pick only one Item and make your weekly column something Special in a positive sense.



Agree that everyone is entitled to their opinion and you have the choice of talking to them or ignoring them . Keyboard warriors ? all part of the fun . It would be a boring world if we all had the same beliefs and controversy is the spark for debate . Treasure the free world and free speech because it may not be around for too long . 

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19 hours ago, MrJ2U said:

Ordinary Russians?


Far and few between.   The few Russians I've met are rude and aggressive. 


I'm sure there are a few nice ones.

It's just I haven't met any.

Not sure where you are in Thailand but here in Samui I have met quite a few Russians and the vast majority have been really nice people.  Mostly 25-45, well educated and no lovers of Putin and his regime.  I guess that is why many are making a life for themselves here.

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Just now, futsukayoi said:

Not sure where you are in Thailand but here in Samui I have met quite a few Russians and the vast majority have been really nice people.  Mostly 25-45, well educated and no lovers of Putin and his regime.  I guess that is why many are making a life for themselves here.

I've only met 3 Russians here in Thailand. A middle aged couple in Lumpini park who were trying to photograph Monitor lizards, they spoke no English and I speak no Russian, but I was able to direct them to a good lizard selfie spot. They seemed like a normal, nice and courteous couple.  The third was a loud and foulmouthed young lady who was berating an immigration officer about her deficient extension application, and I attribute her behavior to being a loud and foulmouthed young lady rather than a Russian.


While certain cultures have undeniable certain behavior patterns (full disclosure: as an American I avoid other USA expats like the plague) always good to try and keep an open mind....here in Thailand we are all outsiders to Thais.

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16 hours ago, Nicholas Paul KNIGHT said:

I really like this bit the resistance in the face of terrible odds in the 1940s. 

To put it correctly token resistance and then allowed Japannese Soldiers to walk through Thail;and and onto Malaya and then Singnapre causing tens of thousand of ALLIED soldiers to lose their lives as well as the thousands together with Thais who DIED in the construction of that Railway . The Allies may well have lost Singapore anyway but only from sea-borne actions Thailand opened up the land bridge 

PLUS they DECLARED war on the UK in 1940 . Which bit of the RESISTANCE in the FACE of terrible odds was that one asks .


Rooster please get your Historical facts straight if not why bother posting ....OKAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Actually Thailand signed an offensive and defensive alliance between Thailand and Japan on 21st December 1941 just a couple of weeks after Pearl Harbour.  On 25th January  1942 Thailand declared war on both the UK and the USA. Apart from the dates I agree with you though.

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24 minutes ago, futsukayoi said:

Actually Thailand signed an offensive and defensive alliance between Thailand and Japan on 21st December 1941 just a couple of weeks after Pearl Harbour.  On 25th January  1942 Thailand declared war on both the UK and the USA. Apart from the dates I agree with you though.

Like Switzerland, a pragmatic approach was dictated by geographical position and relative military power. Thailand's declaration of war was never taken seriously.


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Well I am not too keen about the start of this one this week Rooster ... you seem to have put a lot of effort, into getting, the Bar Fly Loonies who we all know about !!! ... And might even have drank with some years ago  in My case. !!! ... But they always have been here, so well really are just part of the scenery I think ? ... Still when they post !!! Their <deleted> (and not just go off topic like I do !!!) ... then well yes Well worth noting ... and Thanks ! As usual. ...


Did you see the article about Thailand ??? Becoming "Known" ??? As a top hiding place for Hardened International Criminals ? ... Like I thought that that was an interesting one ! ... Like the Bar flies, ! Possibly yes it IS becoming more of a Problem here now !!! ???


Like the whole world is getting more tough, and also better on tracling people now I think ? !  And with the better data handling and computer systems. As well as more cooperation !!! they now ! Can do it a Lot LOT better. ..  (Like now catching one of the assassins if the "Slice" was it ???  In Canada Already !!! ) ...


And also things are getting tougher !!! So they probably also are getting better at pissing off Bar flies as well  !!! ... Like the rise of the Anti Money laundering measures !!! ??? ... just making it harder for We Honest people to get around !!! 


... So well it is probably quite likely that more of them will be trying to come to Thailand and Hide, or just take up their bar stools here ??? ... the Int Criminals ! And the Bar Flies. . ??? 


... Like I wonder if they have to have almost impossible to get, insursnce if you are ovet 65 ! ? ... to get in !!! ...  like the rest of us do ? ...

Edited by Mark mark
Touch screen typing, Corrections needed
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