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Opinion: It is time Thais end the practice of demanding dowries from prospective spouses


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2 hours ago, Hummin said:

Since you know her is a bar lady, I assume the whole village know to.


but the younger generation who have been spoiled and taken care off, do not know how to do hard work like their parents and grandparents anymore. 

My woman's village, the people assume any attractive lady who moves to the 'big city' for work is working as a hooker.


I'm not sure I ever knew how to do 'hard work' like my parents and grandparents either.

Edited by BritManToo
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9 minutes ago, CrunchWrapSupreme said:

If she came back and got to work it'd be a different story. We saw other bargirls who did this. They went to sell food by the road, sell stuff online, provide online "entertainment". They were respected for this.


No, this one was a little princess. Terrible attitude, not lifting a finger. She thought she was worth a dowry payday and this was all she had to do. She thought wrong. Then she had no back up plan. Grandpa finally had to tell her to get off her high horse and go work.

Yeah it happens to as there is many people in the world who is just a fault of themselves, and have no one to blaim! Still it happens I feel sorry for people who obviously struggling with something.


I just see how the pressure is on some of the girls around here to succeed with a rich man, and if he is not rich, they have squeeze everything out of him before he either leave volounterly, forced to leave, die or stay in it because he have nowhere to go. 


But still many good families and girls around even they have been naughty girls, so it takes a bit of theft and luck to succeed.


Still 4 years to our 10 years anniversary before I will claim my success. 


At least my investment theoretically will be downpaid by then ????????

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