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Doesn’t Thailand have enough events already to attract tourists?


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2 hours ago, ikke1959 said:

Thailand is not attractive for a full moon party or events like that... THat are 1 day/evening events.. Thailand should focus on the food, the weather, beautiful beaches, beautiful wedding locations for everyone, historical buildings, and of course the sex industustry which is all over the world know, although Thailand pretent different. Cheap is Thailand not anymore as the THB is too expensive and double pricing is a standard now. In former travelguides hey wrote Thailand is safe, but nowadays it is less safe for tourists too. A tourist want to go to on a holiday to relax, eat drink what and whenever they want, and travelaround  and not being scammed because of the idea that they are rich, and not have the feeling that they are intruders or criminals....If TAT only focus on events they will miss the boat.

Focus on the over rated food, full of sugar and salt, cooked in the cheapest  oil, and in very un hygienic conditions  and   beautiful beaches ?, i dont  think so, i have seen better beaches in south west England

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7 hours ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

You can still buy sex though and beers still available 

But full of rules and regulations. Just trying to get INTO the country turns away the majority of tourists, and no more partying until the sun comes up. You turn into a pumpkin and must go home at midnight. No thanks.

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1 hour ago, ikke1959 said:

I don't think so... Many people living here are quite happy with the local people there are no issues or almost none... THe problem occur with the Government and his offices as immigration, police and so on... Rules, grumpy, double standards that is what expats and retirees makes unhappy...If you are not in the same situation you can't understand. Why are the foreigners often treaten as criminals, or unwanted??? Again not by the locals, but enter Thailand at the border and find out how smiling the immigration is for instance... or ride a motorcycle without an helmet and get a fine while 10 Thais pass you with also no helmets.. 

Not in the same situation? I can not understand? I am living in Thailand permanently with wife and two children. What is it that I can not understand. There has never been any problem with immigration, nor any visa/entry or extension problems. Not at land borders, nor airports. Never have had a Thai policeman treat me any other way, than they treat the Thais. Never felt treated like a criminal.

I guess that is just because I treat them the same way, and not demand any extra rights or treatment in this country. Neither do I see myself standing above the Thais or that I am more worth, because I spend so much money. Maybe you should try that and see how different life becomes. On here we only have 80% grumpy posters, with a negative attitude towards Thailand. Yet, it seems like most accept their faith and stay. Strange, but I also hear that the same 80% burnt their bridges back home, just to be able to afford their complaining life.

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3 hours ago, Gottfrid said:

No, there is no boat that has been sailing. Just a few bitter wanna be expats that couldn´t hack it in Thailand. Now they are just too bitter, and feel the need to spread negative information about the country. My guess is, that you might be one of them or you just listen to far too many of them.

There is nothing to be gained from denying that Thailand is nowhere near the place it used to be. I see it. Many others see it. I still love it here. But, it has diminished on a number of levels. So what? It is what it is. 

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"The Thailand Tourism Authority of Thailand, known as the TAT, has very well-paid executives trying to promote the land of smiles to a global audience."


"TAT -The Hub of of Over Estimates and False Predictions"

In other words :- "Tosh and Twaddle".

Edited by sambum
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To keep producing all these " Events " is not a promotion of the Country.

It is sign of Two desperate things

1) A County that has a high reputation for service and VFM, does not need to sell itself in this way.

2) Desperation

Thailand may as well stand on a Street Corner waving its Knickers in the Air like some kind of working Girl.

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4 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

People come to Thailand because it is reasonable, because it has nightlife and because it is fun. They also like that the place has some character, warm weather, and hot women. Whitewashing the character, street life and color out of the place is just dumb, and dreadfully misguided. 


The goons in charge are focusing their efforts in all the wrong areas. They are trying to make Thailand a Quaker State. A land of purity. Total BS. Nonsense. Misplaced priorities, and wasted efforts. And completely fake and hypocritical. No doubt these terribly ignorant fools are trying to rid Thailand of one of it's most popular attractions. The nightlife. And we are not just talking about the "industry". Little do these ninnies know, the girls will just go underground, and online, but it will operate more in line with the enormous sex industry in the US. Illegal, underground, unprotected, unregulated, potentially overpriced, and potentially more dangerous for all involved. So, they would be moving the nation backwards, and harming their people, and tourism, in the process.


I think alot of nightlife venues will ever re-open. Many are permanently sabotaged. And I would venture to guess this was intentional sabotage.


The charlatan puritans want to remake Thailand, in their own image. At least the image they perceive of themselves, which we all know is a major form of pathological delusion.

So, that included killing Thailand's nightlife. Willfully. Covid became that opportunity and it was seized with vigor. And within their bubbles of self delusion, they do not get the fact that the nightlife here is part of Thailand's charm and appeal, to a significant portion of tourists, regardless of whether or not they partake of it.

And considering the real motive force behind everything you have outlined is infinity as bad as any of the excesses we get to read about then therein lies the root of 99% of Thailand's problems.

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I think if you want a relaxing holiday now is a better time than ever. That Thai pass system is still the biggest issue to me. A lot of people take the path of least resistance and that's why the fewer numbers make it a better holiday. I've just got back from Phuket and Koh Phi Phi. The number of tourists still created an atmosphere (there was plenty of young, mostly Brits), and there was space on the beaches to enjoy the 'paradise' that many come for. 

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Yes sort out the Covi  restrictions required for Tourists to come to Thailand

Making it easier  ie the 30 day on  arrival visa 

Plus encourage the Thai people with more holidays and discounts in the hotels and restaurants and else where it  seems to work



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3 hours ago, Excel said:

I think you misunderstand and perhaps do the RTP an injustice.  The reasons that the RTP are always too ready to stop a foreigner on a bike without a helmet are several. Firstly is the simple fact that the RTP can extort more money from a foreigner than a poor Thai. Secondly they care about the health of foreigners and they stop them because they warn them about the dangers of head injuries. This in-turn would/could have a serious impact of their rates of extortion if too many foreigners were to be killed or incapacitated.  Thirdly, and in line with government ideals, the RTP do not often stop Thais riding without a helmet as they don't give a toss if a poor Thai dies or not as this country is for wealthy Thais only.


PS. This post has a health warning for those allergic to sarcasm.

Yes sure..... hahahahaha Thais care about foreigners...... but not in this century

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9 hours ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

Surely if guys are horny enough , they will jump through the hoops and get a Thai pass ?

Guys who haven't had sex since before Covid should be very eager to jump through the hoops 

for the guys who ain't had sex since  before covid..no way they got no cash left spent it all on Kleenex..got to Hand it to them eh

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2 hours ago, Gottfrid said:

On here we only have 80% grumpy posters, with a negative attitude towards Thailand. Yet, it seems like most accept their faith and stay. Strange, but I also hear that the same 80% burnt their bridges back home, just to be able to afford their complaining life.

Ah the 80% made up on the spot statistic. :giggle:

Well 80% of us reckon you sport a pair of these

80% of the time.

Good day mate.



kk - Copy.JPG

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7 hours ago, Led Lolly Yellow Lolly said:

What Thailand really needs is it's own cocktail using the historical country name for mystique.


... Oh, hang on a minute ..



A very highly selective and limited entry program would be much more desirable.

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9 hours ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

Surely if guys are horny enough , they will jump through the hoops and get a Thai pass ?

Guys who haven't had sex since before Covid should be very eager to jump through the hoops 

Gross. Men can find whores anywhere, even in Saudi Arabia.

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The owners of Thailand don't own ALL the tourist related industry. The idea is to run the industry into the ground, buy out the independent failed businesses then allow them to re-open under establishment control. The  lack of income is not affecting the wealthy. They have more money than they need, they will just buy less of their stupid and expensive fripperies

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I loved and then lived in Mallorca because it was edgy, didn't have as much law as the UK where I was born and it was a place you could drink all night, be free as a bird or relax on a beach all summer. Don't be too stupid and the greater freedom will do you no harm.

When I discovered Thailand 30+ years ago, it was Mallorca on steroids and off he wall in terms of attraction. In the beginning the wild nightlife and endless sunshine and seemingly total lack of law was amazing and the main attraction along with the food. Over time, I visited more and the vast variety of places to see (many now destroyed by tourism and greed) made it impossible to ever get bored with the place and in love, I moved to Thailand.


I've seen a lot, lived in the north, south, in Bangkok, on the beach and I love most of it. I could find things to do for the rest of my life and never become tired but the lack of freedom is killing the country.


Open up, drop the stupid rules, get rid of the military government and set Thailand free or the generation who have not yet discovered Thailand will find another magical place and their money will largely be lost forever.

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23 hours ago, Gottfrid said:

Not in the same situation? I can not understand? I am living in Thailand permanently with wife and two children. What is it that I can not understand. There has never been any problem with immigration, nor any visa/entry or extension problems. Not at land borders, nor airports. Never have had a Thai policeman treat me any other way, than they treat the Thais. Never felt treated like a criminal.

I guess that is just because I treat them the same way, and not demand any extra rights or treatment in this country. Neither do I see myself standing above the Thais or that I am more worth, because I spend so much money. Maybe you should try that and see how different life becomes. On here we only have 80% grumpy posters, with a negative attitude towards Thailand. Yet, it seems like most accept their faith and stay. Strange, but I also hear that the same 80% burnt their bridges back home, just to be able to afford their complaining life.

"Never felt treated like a criminal."  So you don't do 90 day reports then?

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3 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

There is nothing to be gained from denying that Thailand is nowhere near the place it used to be. I see it. Many others see it. I still love it here. But, it has diminished on a number of levels. So what? It is what it is. 

Yeah. you must really love it here, as you spout garbage of everything in this forum on a regular basis.


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