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Officials in child protection to be probed over alleged involvement in sex trade


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Officials at the Social Development and Human Security Ministry’s Department of Children and Youth are to be probed on their alleged involvement in human trafficking and in buying sex services from underage girls.


Social Development and Human Security Permanent Secretary Patcharee Arayakul on Thursday pledged to investigate the case thoroughly, adding that she has also ordered the Department of Children and Youth to explain a report that youngsters in a home, operated by the department, were forced to have sex with many clients.


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The probe will include an investigation into an allegation of an abuse of authority by a deputy director-general of the department in interfering in the case. The official in question allegedly made a call to the youth shelter and ordered the people in charge to convince the underage girls not to testify against the suspects in the case.


Full Story: https://www.thaipbsworld.com/officials-in-child-protection-to-be-probed-over-alleged-involvement-in-sex-trade/



-- © Copyright Thai PBS 2022-05-05

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I WAS talking once to two thai university students, man in their 20's, and they

told me that they do not go to the same brothels as farang do.

they said thai people like much younger girls, and for them 16 years is

allready old.

they were gigling when they said it, as if it is some kind of game.

someone told me it is a chinese thing, thinking that having sex with "very young"

will help them stay young.

and i saw once an advertisement on hong kong TV : "remember ! SEX WITH CHILDREN

IS A CRIME !!"...i remember thinking...what da....

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9 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

Social Development and Human Security Permanent Secretary Patcharee Arayakul on Thursday pledged to investigate the case thoroughly, adding that she has also ordered the Department of Children and Youth to explain a report that youngsters in a home, operated by the department, were forced to have sex with many clients.


9 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

The official in question allegedly made a call to the youth shelter and ordered the people in charge to convince the underage girls not to testify against the suspects in the case.

Safe trusted Thailand..

Corrupt and rotten to the core.


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I'm not Thai and those are not my people but still, it enrages me to read such abhorrent conduct of mistrusts from those who are suppose to protect shelter from harm... is there no limit to human greed and cruelty i ask?...

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9 hours ago, RandiRona said:

Unfortunate thing is that all of those caught will bribe their way out of it....

A statement based on nothing but your own opinion. Thailand takes sex with underage kids extremely seriously, same as anywhere else. That isn't to say it doesn't happen, but those caught face many years in jail.

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10 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

The official in question allegedly made a call to the youth shelter and ordered the people in charge to convince the underage girls not to testify against the suspects in the case.

Hope he is well connected, or this will cost him millions and/or 20 years

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looks, like those 12 arrested (and probably another 6 on the run, who were not home at time of raids of raids) is just a tip of an iceberg, taking into consideration, that many kids between age 12-17 were forced to have many clients.

Were those 6 not apprehended tipped off? It looks like that, when 33% of raids are unsuccessful, even if 100 strong police force involved.

There is no mention for how long this proceder was happening.

There is also cultural aspect - south of the country is partly muslim.

As military, civil servants and medics are involved, there is a high chance this investigation will be stalled by the government (same as Rohingya mass graves, koh tao multiple murders). From list of suspects there are no any police officers and politicians - the usual figures associated with mafia style local power set up. Is it just coincidence or deliberate exclusion from investigators? 

Gen Surachate Big Joke Hakparn, who flown to Surat Thani, was involved in threatening police investigators into mass graves. He acted on orders from Prayuth and Prawit, so this scheme might be also used in that case. How independent politically is he now? With the elephant ticket not much chance is will be impartial.

Edited by internationalism
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10 hours ago, chickenslegs said:

Children in these care homes are extremely vulnerable to this type of predatory behaviour. Some (maybe most) have already been abused by family members.


This is not unique to Thailand. I am from the UK and, if I mention Cyril Smith (former UK Member of Parliament and disgusting pedo) other Brits will certainly recognise the similarities. A massive cover-up of kids in care homes being sexually abused with the full knowledge of those people whose job it was to protect them.


I'm sure that there are examples in all countries.


IMO there needs to be much closer supervision of these care homes, and extreme punishments for anyone in a position of trust who is found guilty of abuse, or enabling abuse of children. Life sentences without parole.



Add Jimmy Seville and Rolf Harris to your list.

You are correct it is not limited to this country and I would suggest maybe less as a lot of kids who are dumped seem to end up being looked after by Grandma etc

They had a Royal Commission in Australia into children being abused in Institutions and some of the evidence that came out was appalling.

The worst offenders were those in religious run organizations with the Catholics topping the list and surprising to me even the Salvation Army.

In the State of Victoria there was evidence of the police being complicit in covering up the crimes when it involved Catholic Priests.

We live in a very sick world and as the father of a six year old daughter It sickens me.

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After looking at that tv program about the man who fled Thailand I'm not surprised the corruption goes high up so until there is change in government and attitude I'm afraid little will be done very sad really

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12 hours ago, RandiRona said:

"raided 18 locations and arrested 12 suspects, several of them army officers, teachers, government officials and medical personnel who allegedly bought sexual services from children as young as 12."

All Uniform wearing A-holes think they can get away with anything and are above the law, as many often do by paying or threatening another uniformed A-hole to keep quiet.

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2 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:

A statement based on nothing but your own opinion. Thailand takes sex with underage kids extremely seriously, same as anywhere else. That isn't to say it doesn't happen, but those caught face many years in jail.


Certainly they seem to have stamped it out by farang here (after the high profile Gary Glitter case here & Vietnam years ago ?).

However NEVER heard of any Thais being prosecuted. Believe it’s endemic cultural unchecked for Thais here ( until this high profile Govt. case?).Tied regrettably  of course to Poverty & Money.


Disgraceful & Massive Authority Abuse ONLY by Western standards unfortunately. Thais are ethnic Chinese who superstitiously believe sex with very young girls is strength - enhancing, like rhino horn powder. 
Culture trumps Decency outside West. Thai Rural Practice to rape females to force marriage as “ damaged goods” is another manifestation of misogyny here. 


It’s all over the world sadly. RC Church prime systemic abuse example for two thousand years.

Evolutionary Base Male Drive to perpetuate species will never disappear & without enforced laws like in West, the abuse will continue with vulnerable young. 

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12 hours ago, RandiRona said:

"raided 18 locations and arrested 12 suspects, several of them army officers, teachers, government officials and medical personnel who allegedly bought sexual services from children as young as 12."


Hardly shocking when you have wolves guarding the hen house. Unfortunate thing is that all of those caught will bribe their way out of it....

Really shameful for a society which tries to distinguish themselves on a religion which talks about love, compassion and prosperity for all! 

These kind of allegations will not come as any surprise to anybody who has lived in Thailand or some time.

Something has gone seriously wrong within Thai Society, and these kind of depraved things seem to be the normal nowadays.


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12 hours ago, Golden Triangle said:

After more than 10 years living here I am more disgusted than surprised. There is something seriously wrong with Thai society.

What about your own society?  Never heard of all the Catholic and church child sex cases in America, Ireland, etc?  

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49 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Prayuth, Pratin, Anutin, Phiphat, and the mafia chief Prompow must go. These guys are toxic, corrosive, corrupt, ineffective, incompetent, untrustworthy, very bad for the nation, and virtually assure a rotten future for the nation, a drop to 75th place in GDP, and increasing irrelevance. They have already turned Thailand from the tiger of SE Asia, to a sorry, rabid, whiny, anemic alley cat. 


What ever happened with your promises to root out your bad apple immigration guys, on the border? They likely let in thousands, to line their greedy pockets. Same applies to virtually every department of your heinous administration. Do you care at all, on any level, about anything other than your own enrichment, and the vintage of the ridiculously expensive champagne you will have this evening?

Symptoms of Diseased Culture here.

Not the cause just continuity. Replace them with what? 
Prior Civilian Govt. Was Equally Appallingly Corrupt & Worse as Chaos reigned & Compelled Military Coup.
Unfortunately the underlying Root Causes of Culture, Education, Day to Day Thinking Only, by the vast  mass of the uneducated backward superstitious People. I see no hope for change. The very few young educated protesters being killed off.

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1 hour ago, TropicalGuy said:

Symptoms of Diseased Culture here.

Not the cause just continuity. Replace them with what? 
Prior Civilian Govt. Was Equally Appallingly Corrupt & Worse as Chaos reigned & Compelled Military Coup.
Unfortunately the underlying Root Causes of Culture, Education, Day to Day Thinking Only, by the vast  mass of the uneducated backward superstitious People. I see no hope for change. The very few young educated protesters being killed off.

Things will change. They have to. Only educated and progressive youth can bring this change. 


If the change does not happen Thailand will continue to move backwards and become completely irrelevant. 

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