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Re_LOVE: "Can't Buy Me Love" plus "You Can Leave Your Hat On" plus "From Russia, with Love"

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Dear Friends,


My fellows, or, those who might be looking for love,.... as are we not all looking for it, here and there?


Money can't buy us love.

We cannot find love standing on a chair, leaving the hat on.

However, in my opinion, finding love in Russia might be easier.


Personally, I prefer Asian women, and always have.

Yet, a woman like Tilly Masterson, she is to die for.


Some might like to see their lover painted in gold.

This is no way to treat such a beautiful woman.


I would say that Tilly Masterson is one of the most beautiful babes I have ever seen in my life.

I first saw her on the big screen in 1964, when I was barely past puberty.


Nothing can buy love.

Women on chairs is no more than mildly titillating for me, these days, having seen too much in my life.

Yet, a real woman, a woman from Russia, with love, is a dream we dreamed and one we will never forget. 


The question is, will we ever find love in this life?

Real love?

Money truly cannot buy it.

Love happens in the brain, and nobody ever understands it.





I am so happy to be celibate.


Yet, I feel such nostalgia for the good old days.


My guess is that most people never find love, true love.


Is love just something that poets write about?


Love can be exceedingly boring, once one finds it.


It is only in the not-having that love is interesting.




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40 minutes ago, KhunLA said:

Seems to be the theme song for many here ????


I was more a 'sleep late in the morning' person ...



Damn Right, I've Got the Blues....


Blues is mostly about angst and loss, maybe.


Loss of love, etc.

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1 minute ago, swissie said:

OP was always a strong believer in celibacy. But the theme "women/love" seems to be on his mind a lot. Now contemplating to go look for a Russian woman. (never a better time for this than now, isn't it?)

There are major forces governing the universe, like Gravity, Electro-Magnetism etc etc. But also "Pussy-Power". I am afraid, that the OP would fall victim to the grand force called "Pussy-Power".

= There was also a song "Looking for love in all the wrong places".

And, you forgot to mention, Pussy Galore.

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2 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:

Damn Right, I've Got the Blues....


Blues is mostly about angst and loss, maybe.


Loss of love, etc.

You see?


Blues is all about loss, angst, and so much more that we would not wish to think about...


Mostly lost love.



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4 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:

My guess is that most people never find love, true love.

Yep, agree 


So your statement below is SO important. 


Money can buy us lots of things and in this new world (fake world) we live in money can buy you fake love. 


Fake Love.......It happens in many countries, not just Thailand. 

I see fake love everyday, everywhere. 


4 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:

Money can't buy us love.


BTW, this new world brings us many fake items, fake friends are common, too bloody common, lots of fake people. 


I reckon social media is encouraging this bad behavior. 


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1 hour ago, SAFETY FIRST said:

Yep, agree 


So your statement below is SO important. 


Money can buy us lots of things and in this new world (fake world) we live in money can buy you fake love. 


Fake Love.......It happens in many countries, not just Thailand. 

I see fake love everyday, everywhere. 



BTW, this new world brings us many fake items, fake friends are common, too bloody common, lots of fake people. 


I reckon social media is encouraging this bad behavior. 


Agreed, people can be whoever they want to be, or portay themselves to be hidden behind the safety of a keyboard on the internet.

They often say things and react to people in ways they would never do "face to face".

Allsorts of wierd and wonderful deceptions  and games and just downright fantasy and lies.

The internet brings them all.


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29 minutes ago, SAFETY FIRST said:

Yep, agree 


So your statement below is SO important. 


Money can buy us lots of things and in this new world (fake world) we live in money can buy you fake love. 


Fake Love.......It happens in many countries, not just Thailand. 

I see fake love everyday, everywhere. 



BTW, this new world brings us many fake items, fake friends are common, too bloody common, lots of fake people. 


I reckon social media is encouraging this bad behavior. 




You seem to say that we are, ever increasingly, as time goes by, living in a fake world.


NICE observation, My Friend!


You are so correct.


Yes, as time goes by, we become ever-more removed from reality.


If this is true, then, no love lost, on my part.

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42 minutes ago, CharlieH said:

Agreed, people can be whoever they want to be, or portay themselves to be hidden behind the safety of a keyboard on the internet.

They odten say things and react to people in ways they would never do "face to face".

Allsorts of wierd and wonderful deceptions  and games and just downright fantasy and lies.

The internet brings them all.




In my case...


As you know, I tell it like it is, face to face.


This is why I have so few friends, maybe.


(But, same as you, I have no trouble with dogs.  I love dogs.  I once had a huge Rottweiler in Taiwan.  Just one bark of this gargantuan dog could almost knock down buildings.  He was a pussycat.  However, he was so large that he was hard to handle.  He had a will of his own.) 


I am talking LOVE, here.

Love of canines for their unquestioning love of humans.


Some say that humans are superior to canines.

And others say that the wolf is superior to humans.


In my opinion, Jack Nicholson already settled this issue.

Edited by GammaGlobulin
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Love is a Hollywood/Disney myth. "True" love is a bigger falsehood. Marriage is a commitment between to people in a real traditional sense to start and raise a family. It's certainly not love that keeps people together for a lifetime. It's duty, honour and respect. 

 The only real love is unrequited and most passionately expressed in the love you have for your children or your parents had for you. 

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12 minutes ago, jerrymahoney said:


Randy took a huge hit, on this one.


Very unfortunate, since, ... I think this hit him hard, which may have caused him to write less interesting music in following years, which he might have written, to the betterment of his dedicated listeners.



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8 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:

Is love just something that poets write about?


Love can be exceedingly boring, once one finds it.


It is only in the not-having that love is interesting.

Well since poets have been writing about for centuries love certainly does exist.


Comes in various forms of course.


I love my children in a visceral way it's hard to describe, but I know I'd die to protect them I love them so much.


I love my pets, I've cried too many times over the years when they died.


Sexual love, way more complicated. We all start off with physical lust, thats just a given. But if it's going to last you develop that curious thing called love, where sex or no sex you just want to be with the other person.


I'm sitting with my wife right now, she's watching TV, we don't need to talk it's a feeling of just being comfortable with each other after 25+ years together

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7 minutes ago, GinBoy2 said:

Well since poets have been writing about for centuries love certainly does exist.


Comes in various forms of course.


I love my children in a visceral way it's hard to describe, but I know I'd die to protect them I love them so much.


I love my pets, I've cried too many times over the years when they died.


Sexual love, way more complicated. We all start off with physical lust, thats just a given. But if it's going to last you develop that curious thing called love, where sex or no sex you just want to be with the other person.


I'm sitting with my wife right now, she's watching TV, we don't need to talk it's a feeling of just being comfortable with each other after 25+ years together

As you say so poignantly and heartbreakingly:


Love is Pain.


When one loves, there is either loss of love, or the fear and dread of loss of the object of one's love.


If you can stand it, then fine.


As for me, I cannot stand it.

Maybe, in the past, I have loved too well.


Better to be alone, in my opinion.

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7 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:

As you say so poignantly and heartbreakingly:


Love is Pain.


When one loves, there is either loss of love, or the fear and dread of loss of the object of one's love.


If you can stand it, then fine.


As for me, I cannot stand it.

Maybe, in the past, I have loved too well.


Better to be alone, in my opinion.

I actually disagree.


I'm a rare duck. An hispanic only child of an only child hispanic Mother. We kinda buck the stereotype, 


I've always been fine being by myself, but thats different to being loved.


I can very happily spend time by myself, yet I still crave affection/love in all it's forms, when I want it


Maybe it's why I'm a cat guy. 


My cats love me, but on their terms. If they want me to pet them they tell me, but woe betide I try to ever force my desires on them!

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9 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:

Randy took a huge hit, on this one.


Very unfortunate, since, ... I think this hit him hard, which may have caused him to write less interesting music in following years, which he might have written, to the betterment of his dedicated listeners.




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9 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:

Randy took a huge hit, on this one.


Very unfortunate, since, ... I think this hit him hard, which may have caused him to write less interesting music in following years, which he might have written, to the betterment of his dedicated listeners.

I don't think he cared much anything, most celebrities do.  He didn't even make much money in the beginning, and probably more from royalties.  


"He enjoyed the royalty checks as well, a fact confirmed by Three Dog Night's lead singer Cory Wells who said after it became a #1 hit, Newman called him and said "I just want to thank you for putting my kids through college."


Been a fan since his 1st release, though hit wise, not much.  A song or 2, per release was enough to keep me interested.  Big fan of 'Political Science', 'Baltimore', 'Sail Away', 'You can leave your hat on' ... classics, timeless & fun ????


Don't know what they are writing today, or if fans of even listen to the lyrics.

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21 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:

Damn Right, I've Got the Blues....


Blues is mostly about angst and loss, maybe.


Loss of love, etc.

Lonelyness is a terrible thing. The root-cause for many ailements, mental or otherwise. Increased activity on social media will not cure it. Giving the laptop a well deserved rest and stepping out the door to "meet the world" I would recommend.
Self isolation (fearing "loss") probably the worst therapy I can think of. To mix and mingle with the real world means to accumulate a series of "losses" and "gains". An accountants game. Hoping that the "gains" surpass the "losses" at the end of our time.

OP: Start reading the works of the German Philosopher "Arthur Schopenhauer". Althoug true what he has to say, you will find the urge to escape this ultimate "gloominess", by buying a funny hat and gladly joining the nearest ongoing street party, determined to become "the live of the party".

Just do it and report back. This is an order, not a recommendation. Recommendations will get you nowhere in your situation.

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"When there are two, one must wait". Love is being able to wait. It took me 64 years before I was able to wait (to put someone else's desires above my own). Many romances that lasted 5 years until the other realized it was not going  to go any farther. At 64, I decided that if I was going to marry, now was the time. 75 now, I love my wife-- I wait a lot.

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On 5/15/2022 at 10:57 PM, swissie said:

Lonelyness is a terrible thing. The root-cause for many ailements, mental or otherwise. Increased activity on social media will not cure it. Giving the laptop a well deserved rest and stepping out the door to "meet the world" I would recommend.
Self isolation (fearing "loss") probably the worst therapy I can think of. To mix and mingle with the real world means to accumulate a series of "losses" and "gains". An accountants game. Hoping that the "gains" surpass the "losses" at the end of our time.

OP: Start reading the works of the German Philosopher "Arthur Schopenhauer". Althoug true what he has to say, you will find the urge to escape this ultimate "gloominess", by buying a funny hat and gladly joining the nearest ongoing street party, determined to become "the live of the party".

Just do it and report back. This is an order, not a recommendation. Recommendations will get you nowhere in your situation.

Hmmm....  Schopenhauer...


Is he not the guy with a thing for mirrors?


Philosophy is something for younger men, and I am not one.


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