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Do they really allow dancing in 7-11?

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Probably should have removed her shoes before dancing on the counter.  I remember a few years ago at a christmas party in a bar - the coyote dancer girls all took their shoes off before climbing up on the platforms.  I thought it looked funny at first, but they were wearing bikinis, so I guess barefoot makes sense compared to heels or boots.

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16 hours ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

Its annoying when that happens : "Yes, thanks for the dance, but could you please just put my Sausage and Cheese toastie, into the toaster, Thanks"

''Could you just put my sausage in please miss ? hold the cheese. ''

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3 hours ago, Ralf001 said:

Reminds me of a lock door party a few years ago on the 6.

All the girls took off their shoes and g-strings.... got up on the counter and after a twerk or two squatted and urinated into beer glasses.

Really ? I wouldnt find that the least bit entertaining or even pleasant.


Each to their own.

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Aw come on!! ..... nothing wrong with this..... what's the big deal?.....Why doesn't CP teach good manners to their staff?...

why don't they teach them to at least iron their clothes and look presentable?, why don't they teach them basic customer service!.....in my 7/11 there can be people waiting in Qs for ages and staff ignoring us....I have stopped going there now that we have 2 Mini Cs in our area.... Love to know how 7/11 staff behave in other parts of Thailand.....A very Good Morning all the same...????

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