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Face masks back on as cabinet votes down end of mandate in June. Nightlife trade slams reopening


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53 minutes ago, Kwaibill said:

"Expected" by whom? I have seen few comments in here favoring the outlook re: governmental intransigence with their anti-tourism decrees.

Just how is wearing a mask an Anti Tourism decree.  I have yet to talk to anyone who has arrived, and I have talked with many in the tourist locations, who have said the masks are keeping people from traveling.  Only a Karen would vent in rage over being asked to wear one.  The many who are not coming have based it upon the insurance mandate, and the Thai Pass application process.

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2 minutes ago, uksmdh said:

By example


A mask is not required in the US now is it, it is a requested mandate here in Thailand.  If the man wants to do as others in the country he is visiting then he can, but if the US President were to visit here it would be a common courtesy to wear one here as it is a mandate....no biggie now is it.  To many are bowing there backs over a mandate where even before Covid, I myself and many others wore KN-95 masks because of the air here, and if sick and going to the hospital I also wore one........not a hard decision to help protect others now is it.

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On 6/1/2022 at 4:10 PM, ThailandRyan said:

So here is the first of the day quote "If it offends you so much to do as asked, you are free to return to whence you came from". We criticize this government daily for their missteps and since when do you need to see the face of the person your talking too. Until smart cell phones were introduced you conducted business by talking to someone on the telephone and never saw there face, so try again.  Masks are still viable for many situations......


No one is saying you must blindly acquiesce what has been stated is to follow the mandate this country has made and requested, you are very dispirit in your comments and at the same time have been degrading in your statements regarding the Thai people and their lifestyle.  Ignore is now on.

Their not "there" for a start. 
To further educate you on face to face communication try understanding the amount of unconscious lip reading along with other communicating  facial expressions inherent in face to face interchange. Why do you think Zoom conferences are so important ?You may have so little of value to communicate that perhaps a disconnected voice is all that’s required.


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23 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

A mask is not required in the US now is it, it is a requested mandate here in Thailand.  If the man wants to do as others in the country he is visiting then he can, but if the US President were to visit here it would be a common courtesy to wear one here as it is a mandate....no biggie now is it.  To many are bowing there backs over a mandate where even before Covid, I myself and many others wore KN-95 masks because of the air here, and if sick and going to the hospital I also wore one........not a hard decision to help protect others now is it.

Ah,so conceding that much mask wearing is a "courtesy " rather than an efficacious medical necessity? I recently returned from Phuket where mask wearing was quite rare even amongst Thais. So your 'mandate' that people follow argument falls apart - and then collapses when you were dumbstruck for an answer when I challenged you on the widely ignored helmet wearing mandate . 

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On 6/1/2022 at 4:49 PM, nchuckle said:

Ah,so conceding that much mask wearing is a "courtesy " rather than an efficacious medical necessity? I recently returned from Phuket where mask wearing was quite rare even amongst Thais. So your 'mandate' that people follow argument falls apart - and then collapses when you were dumbstruck for an answer when I challenged you on the widely ignored helmet wearing mandate . 

No I just chose to stay on topic which I had originally veered from.

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And no mention of 'masks' from Anutin:


COVID to Become Communicable Disease under Surveillance


BANGKOK, June 1 (TNA) – Public Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul said he would propose to categorize COVID-19 as a communicable disease under surveillance and set aside a plan to declare it an endemic disease





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5 hours ago, nchuckle said:

Thais "Risk averse" ?! ???? 

Then explain the appalling Road death statistics,the associated low level of helmet wearing and the generally poor/reckless driving commonplace. For further evidence,the poor health and safety practices vs the countries you compare with. You are correlating unthinking mindless actions with considered practices. Why are many riding a scooter outdoors,fully masked but with no helmet? ???????? 

Maybe you misunderstood. As a culture they express being risk averse in the number of laws and regulations they have. Naturally there are people who think nothing of breaking those rules (I will say why later) I have worked in Thai companies for 30 years and found people who did stupid things but the intelligent ones are very careful.

But the original post refers to the need to cover themselves in rules, law and regulations e.g masks. Not being held accountable means imposing rules. People still die of COVID, but the government cannot be blamed because they issued a regulation or ban.

Hence, if you go to get a new driving licence, you used to watch an English language video (I have also seen the Thai video and it wasn't the same). Pay attention and you find almost no difference to the traffic rules of the UK. Yes, I was shocked that the rules are so similar to the UK including the distance for parking near junctions etc. All of which Thais ignore.

So your question is, if they are risk averse why do they drive like lunatics? Simply, most people don't understand it is a risk! If you don't have sufficient self awareness or education to realize it is a risk then it isn't a risk.

My caution is don't blame the Thai authorities for being risk averse. They do know that COVID is still active and want to avoid the risk if it spreading or being blamed for not doing anything.

I thoroughly advise you to read Geert Hofstede's research, compiled over decades, which allows you to compare business cultures (you know I can include government cultures here) of many countries. If you compare Thailand and Australia you will see a huge difference.

Anyway, I hope this helps.

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On 6/1/2022 at 5:29 AM, anchadian said:

Then the foreign tourists should be made aware of this


Yesterday evening I viewed this live webcam from Koh Samui.  I saw many foreigners but not one was wearing a mask.


It's like this all over Thailand.



I was there only once, for about 3 days, and loved it.

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20 hours ago, Smoothsailing1 said:


As long as there is a mask mandate in Thailand, or people are being encouraged to wear masks, ... I wouldn't want to risk a holiday.


I don't get as far as looking into insurance or the "thai pass" because the idea of having a fun holiday falls at the first hurdle.


I wish everyone who is in Thailand, or planning to go there regardless, all the best.


But I go on holiday to relax, not to join an even more crazy health paranoia regime than the one I live under.

Thailand Pass and wearing a mask are child's play. you're obviously a fair weather friend to Thailand.

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In Thailand a mask and a oxygen tank would probably be the best way to visit.

Kills two birds with one stone.

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16 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

It is getting to the point to utter stupidity, and a total lack of common sense. The other day I was in an outdoor restaurant, and there was an entire table of people wearing masks. As soon as the food arrives, they not only took off their masks, but they were digging into the common area food with their own spoons, which they had already eaten with. The lack of science in this debate, and situation is stunning. 


It is really about keeping the people scared, at this time. Numbers continue to drop, standard cloth masks have limited effectiveness, wearing them outdoors is downright silly, and this ultra paranoid behavior has to stop. The government and goons like Anutin are largely responsible for an environment of fear at this stage of the game. This is about maintaining paranoia, control, and fear. After all, you would not want the people to get too comfortable. They might take to the streets again, and show their disdain for this thoroughly toxic, and nearly useless administration. 


Questioning the narrative is essential to life, prosperity and well being. Being a lemming is not a desirable trait. We all know how minor the effect of a cloth mask is. Defy nonsense. Be disobedient. Defy stupidity and big brother's diabolical scare mongering nonsense, every chance you get. 

Hopefully, we will see alot of civil disobedience.

I for one, will not be wearing a mask for much longer. This is getting ridiculous. Defy stupidity and oppression! Embrace science and common sense. 


Thailand is likely one of the last remaining countries in the world to require this. It is juvenile. It is oppressive. It is sheer denial of science. Especially mask use outdoors. It is likely a way to keep the people afraid, paranoid and prevent them from taking to the streets and expressing their extreme disappointment with the leadership here, who have failed them on nearly every level and are despised. 

Perfectly summed up - Having recently got back to London after four months around Koh Samui and Phuket, certainly saw more masks and bits of PPE rubbish on the sea bed and on beaches than I saw marine life. As you say, time for those with sense to simply stop wearing wearing the things, to make the mandate unenforceable and the peer pressure, less prickly. For whatever reason some Asian 'governments' won't let this idiocy end, it's not for the good health of the poor and the regular citizen.

Good luck Mike

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19 hours ago, Smoothsailing1 said:

I love Thailand but I wouldn't go back unless they manage to get over Covid mania. 


If you live in Thailand, or you have some kind of investment, the calculation is different. 


I wonder if Asia in general is a write off for relaxed holidays. Perhaps there is something neurotic in the culture which got triggered by the hysteria?

No question that the over reaction, and the belief in everything the authorities tell them is over the top, mindless, not science based, and not appealing to tourists, at all. I was just on Samui and 80-90% of Thais were still masked up. Less than 5% of foreigners were wearing those silly masks. They do seem to be very risk averse. 

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On 6/1/2022 at 7:14 AM, rainham said:

I'm gonna be there in june i haven't seen my wife for over years which isn't the best situation, anyhow I'm not trying to offend anyone we've all had a bumpy ride I'm just saying that mask wearing on a country by country basis has achieved very little even if you had the top grade mask you've got to take it off at some point the virus is airborne so getting it is pretty much inevitable i e tested positive for it twice and had no symptoms other people i work with have had common cold symptoms and some have had mild flu type symptoms I've not heard of any one that has been fully vaccinated requiring  hospitalization not disputing the fact that there are people that have needed medical assistance  it's over for now in my opinion 



Good points. Some just cant, and won't let it go. Not sure what that is all about. Fear, paranoia, hypochondria, belief in an untrustworthy government, or just a fear of the unknown? Not an appealing attitude. Let us just get on with our lives. Covid is not a big worry anymore. See ya!

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On 6/1/2022 at 6:49 AM, jacko45k said:

Why do you care, are you living here and subject to this discomfort? I do and it isn't so bad. Must be very bored to worry about this....

I live here and it is a discomfort on my hourly morning walk, where I now wear my mask under my chin so my 70 year old lungs can get enough air, I get a lot of beeps each morning, dont know if they are ok with it or not, i guess some are ok as they wave or maybe they are shaking their fists at me.

I will however still be fully masked up in crowds or in supermarkets and such.

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14 minutes ago, Billy Bloggs said:

I live here and it is a discomfort on my hourly morning walk, where I now wear my mask under my chin so my 70 year old lungs can get enough air, I get a lot of beeps each morning, dont know if they are ok with it or not, i guess some are ok as they wave or maybe they are shaking their fists at me.

I will however still be fully masked up in crowds or in supermarkets and such.

I don't see much evidence of people having a problem with that.... but I manage and my lungs are only a few years younger. Maybe that clean sea air in Pattaya!

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2 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

No question that the over reaction, and the belief in everything the authorities tell them is over the top, mindless, not science based, and not appealing to tourists, at all. I was just on Samui and 80-90% of Thais were still masked up. Less than 5% of foreigners were wearing those silly masks. They do seem to be very risk averse. 

Yes, the farangs you saw on Samui.....????

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17 hours ago, Smoothsailing1 said:

Thailand is not my wife, who is going through a medical problem and needs my support.


Thailand is a holiday destination. These are self inflicted injuries. They could knock off the Thailand pass and Covid restrictions tomorrow without any harm to the country.

but they're not going to so you lose. Junta 1 - 0 Whiny Farang ????

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23 hours ago, uksmdh said:

By example


Why isn't Prayut leading by example.  We need to call these people out everytime they flaunt that masks are commoner dress-code that is not for the elites.

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21 hours ago, unblocktheplanet said:

Say what you will, I'm keeping mine on. Read here about Long COVID: https://www.self.com/story/long-covid-study-cdc


Good luck to us all, eh.

 I've had long Dengue.  About 2 years to get over it.  Not pleasant.  And if I get Dengue again it could kill me.  What should I do?  Cover every inch of skin with thick fabric and cover myself with bug spray?

I guess I could.  But I don't.  I just accept it.  Living in constant fear is a horrid way to live.  I'm cautious without being compulsive.  And living like is and exercise in risk mitigation.


I suggest wearing a 3M P100 filter.  They actually work.  But you can't keep the masks on 24/7.  You gotta eat.  Do you eat alone?  Do you avoid family?  Most of my family have had the shots and the boosters, and most have had Covid.  For all of the it was two or three day feeling under the weather and then back to normal. 
But Covid kills!!!  Yep.  So does Dengue.  You could get Long Covid!!! Yep. And you could get Long Dengue.
But honestly - most people how get Covid or Dengue will survive. 

Anyway - get the P100 mask.  I've got one I use in crowded hospital waiting rooms when I go to the local hospital for my wife's checkups.  They are a little bulky but comfortable to breath though. 

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