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Thai vet becomes first person in the world to get Covid from a cat, Thai media


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What is the value of knowing this or going into the world records with this information? Does it contribute anything? A solution?  We already new in 2020 that cats would be able to infect people as we got notifcations of such. It was already known in the fur industry that cats infected minks and minks infected people and vice versa.  So what does this add to that? Is this something to be proud of? 

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9 hours ago, Ralf001 said:

Thailand is on a roll with world firsts.


Last week it was someone dying from pot and this week a cat transmitting covids !!1169728776_amazingthailand.jpg.6832c4148f533e679f23dd24b6318140.jpg

It was a Thai university that came out with the result. I wonder if they used the same kind of system they pass the graduates on? Ha!

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Just now, Ginner said:

It was a Thai university that came out with the result. I wonder if they used the same kind of system they pass the graduates on? Ha!

he who's parent has the fattest wallet gets the best grades ?

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6 minutes ago, ThailandGuy said:

What is the value of knowing this or going into the world records with this information? Does it contribute anything? A solution?  We already new in 2020 that cats would be able to infect people as we got notifcations of such. It was already known in the fur industry that cats infected minks and minks infected people and vice versa.  So what does this add to that? Is this something to be proud of? 

Don't forget The Thais were going to travel into space until someone asked "how".

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Maybe the vet got Covid from the owner.  Or 20 other potential sources of infection.  Vet clinics are usually high turnover areas where there is a lot of person to person contact.  There are very few people I know who have not had Covid. 
Claiming they got Covid from a cat?  Whatever.  They got it?  Deal with it.  Go home and isolate.

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2 minutes ago, Ralf001 said:

he who's parent has the fattest wallet gets the best grades ?

My Thai friends took their dog to a vet, with stomach trouble. The vet said 50/50 and kept the pet over night. Next day the vet call to say the dog is clear now can go home. They went to collect the dog and were presented with a bill for B70,000. They paid the bill. while traveling back home , the poor dog died.

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1 hour ago, Sydebolle said:

Well, well, that did not take long then. 

Catrona-19 virus is roaming the Soil and gardens of Thailand, beware. Make sure the cats stay indoor during curfew and no food and drinks from midnight to 6 am - that's when Catrona-19 is most active. 

Just made my day; lets wait and see, what else they will have up their sleeves for us this week! 


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2 hours ago, placnx said:

This Science article shows how the vet's infection by cat could be proven: by full sequencing of the vet's covid virus. Without that, this infection by cat is only conjecture.

Tut! You'll say anything to avoid this getting into the Guiness Book of Records.......????

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2 hours ago, trevoromgh said:

What a catastrophe !    Sorry couldn't help myself  ????

I had a  "mews"  about posting that but decided against adding to all the CATerwauling but then changed my mind by a whisker


OK......   :sorry:

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2 hours ago, placnx said:

One of mine was already sick from smoke inhalation, but then in the rainy season his condition suddenly worsened and even with oxygen the hospital couldn't save him. They did not test for Covid, though, but I suspect it. I didn't know that the vet could test cats for Covid.

How come cats didn't die in other countries? How come Monkey pox is running loose in 1st world countries that have never had it, yet it isn't here , where  monkeys actually, are here. I think someone is blowing smoke somewhere.... or a whole lot of places....ROFLMAO

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10 hours ago, 2long said:

But can they PROVE that 

- the cat actually had Covid?

- the vet caught it from the cat, and not from any other human who she came in contact with?

This sounds very fishy to me!

Next week, fisherman from Thailand catches Covid from a snake-head fish.

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9 hours ago, RedRoadRunner said:

2 of my cats died, cause (proven)  was Covid and the vets couldn't help them. Sad but true, cats can carry the Covid virus.

See my previous post about possible Covid 19 in cats. I buried 3 robust toms in 2 days.

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Natures way of culling the herd I suppose, there is Feline HIV, Canine Tuberculousis.    SAR's 2  a myriad of diseases that pbly can infect humans - I suspect the Vet contracted SAR-2 not Covid-19.


Mi Dos Centavos      Peace

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This is ridiculous. Don't believe it. The guy most likely caught it somewhere else, and blames the cat. Plus the original source is the NYT who are unreliable fear mongers. Just the fact that this is "the only case ever" says a lot.

I have cats, and have been around street cats (including sick ones) through this entire 2.5 years. I've never once had covid.

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On 6/20/2022 at 3:25 PM, sandyf said:

It is not conjecture, the escape route of every Doubting Thomas.

The conclusion is within the range of reasonable probability, as is the possibility that he is not the first in the world, highly likely others have been infected by domestic animals without knowing it.

You will be telling us next the mink farmers got it down the pub.

If you had bothered to check the link which I posted, you could have been informed that the mink to human transmission was proven because admixture of mink DNA was found in the Covid sequencing of the human victims. That does not prove that cats were the cause of somebody's Covid as alleged.

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On 6/20/2022 at 3:35 PM, Manny said:

I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed by any means (or The WHO, NIH or CDC) but does this statement "The cat sneezed in the face of the vet who was wearing gloves and a surgical mask but no eye or face shield protection", suggest that the flying invisible killer virus coming soon to a theater near you (more dangerous than Osama Bin Lying), that it can enter the body through "Your eyes" rendering masks to be useless or even theater. Please help me understand as I'm not qualified or holding the Corvid Virus or the Corvid Virus family "vaccines" (You know the protection that failed to protect the protected) PATENTS like our savior Dr. Fauci is! I just dunno Jacko ??? Help me a confused "eater" as the WEF calls me.

Actually eyes can be an infection route.

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