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Two-year-old child brutally attacked by dog in South Pattaya, has over 200 stitches


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A trick to stop the attack of any raging dog? Get on all fours immediately. Every dog is frightened and stopped by seeing that strange animal on all fours. The problem is that then on all fours you have to stay there, because if you get up the spell wears off...

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6 minutes ago, martand said:

A trick to stop the attack of any raging dog? Get on all fours immediately. Every dog is frightened and stopped by seeing that strange animal on all fours. The problem is that then on all fours you have to stay there, because if you get up the spell wears off...

A little two year old laddie has been savagely mauled, suffered life changing injuries that required 200 stitches …… and this is your contribution is it  ¯\_()_/¯

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14 minutes ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:

A little two year old laddie has been savagely mauled, suffered life changing injuries that required 200 stitches …… and this is your contribution is it  ¯\_()_/¯

It is not a joke.

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8 hours ago, law ling said:

A sickening attack - but sadly not uncommon here.


Best wishes to the lad for full recovery, albeit with scars for life (both physical and mental).


Yes, you can't WALK anywhere around here if you are not familiar with the area.

yes poor kid ..but as long as the Thais give preference to the dogs and not the victims it will continue..in what is considered to be a cultured modern country..its pathetic...hope the kid gets well 

or as much as he can after this..

Dog off to the local temple for a little TLC eh!!


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1 hour ago, Dont confuse me said:

Slightly off subject but may be of assistance to anyone encountering aggressive soi dogs.

Simply bend down as if to pick something off the ground it stops them in their tracks! It has worked for me on several occasions! I saw a Thai woman do it, it worked so I now use the same method.

I agree. Once on a HHH run in Phuket, i was off the trail and was followed by a pack of stray dogs. Can't say I wasn't scared, but I remembered that advice and picked up and threw some imaginary rocks at them. It worked and if ever stray dogs appear to follow me that's what I do. So far, so good!

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Its a populair dog in thailand now, pitbull and Bull teriër. You know its a dangerous dog who like to attack people ( kids ) and other dogs.

More crazy then soi dogs. attack without reason.  

Just put it down and give the owner a fine and some jail time..

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I'm starting to see more and more Pit bulls the last few years, when I do I always noticed the dog pulling doing the leading in what suppose to be the owner walking them.


To be honest, if this ever happen to anyone in my family and it is a pit bull owner there will be no forgiveness no amount of money is going to buy me off nor an apologies.  The dog will have a big hole in his head so will the owners after I put them through some suffering. And I fully understand it isn't the fault of the dog but its owner but I'm not going to pet the sucker and tell him o.k. you made a mistake don't do it again. Whether people like it or not it needs to be put asleep those who don't feel free to adopt it.


As for the bending down it stops them in their tracks it would mean one has to stay in that position at what point does one know it is safe?  Dogs bark get nervous when they sense fear?  For years I've cycle here in Thailand use to do a annual ride on my own middle of the night from Pattaya to Bangkok I never felt threaten by vehicles or trucks but got chased by lots of dogs on my ride but I never panic I just keep a pace and after a certain location they would stop same whenever I go out jogging carrying a sharp metal bar.


Last two years and as recently as two months ago I was bitten now I just go to the park in a secure area there are more and more it seems no longer wanting to take a chance you got to protect yourself the government leaders in each province or district aren't. 

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9 hours ago, proton said:

Dog will not even be put down, any dog attacking anyone should be immediately sent on it's way to the kennel in the sky. 

As is already the Law in many progressive societies! 

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8 hours ago, NorthernRyland said:

Don't walk past open gates on public paths in Thailand or you may get killed by dogs and it will be your fault for not knowing better. Poor kids just wanted to go for a walk.

I moved from one Soi in Jomtien bécause of the stray dogs.  I was so annoyed as I loved my small condo and nice staff and pool. Even people passing on bikes or cars were chased, disgusting this happens and no one cares.  The parents of this recent attack should sue the dog owners to hell and back and make sure every single website and newspaper gets the story. Only way to get some reaction from the government. Maybe could save more poor kids from attacks. 

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We have laws, laws, laws, rules, regulations and prohibitions. Add such dogs onto the list - no such dogs to be kept as domestic pets.

The owner is to be held responsible for all the damages and a juicy fine of 100K - 200K Baht; beneficiary an orphanage or a medical healthcare institute for the no-haves. 

It is time to clean up this failed state and it starts here and now! 

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8 hours ago, jesimps said:

I'd go even further. Any unrestrained dog on the street should be put down, because people, especially children, don't know if it's friendly or vicious. Also, the owner (if they can be found) should be heavily fined and if the dog's attacked anyone, prosecuted and possibly jailed. 

I'd also like a law to be brought in against barking dogs, they're a festering nuisance.

Buddhism is often blamed, but it's more the result of the book! Thais have no problem with cock fighting, butchering livestock and smashing fish to death. Dogs are untouchable for another reason.

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Many responses here, but not one person is saying what they are doing to address the problem. All over Thailand people are running capture/neuter/vaccinate/release programmes to address the stray0 dog problem. They are restricted simply by lack of funds, so we regularly contribute money and food to one such programme. Over the years we have also adopted 12 stray/unwanted dogs, two of whom have gone to the great kennel in the sky, but we still have ten. We keep them within our grounds, and make sure that any escapees are supervised, although only the local chickens are ever in danger. If all the keyboard warriors were spurred into action, the stray dog problem could be reduced considerably, although it needs a radical change of attitude before the problem of the unrestrained owned dogs is solved.

Edited by Stupooey
spelling error
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8 hours ago, Harveyboy said:

im with you on that one mate

5 hours ago, proton said:

Buddhism is often blamed, but it's more the result of the book! Thais have no problem with cock fighting, butchering livestock and smashing fish to death. Dogs are untouchable for another reason.


6 hours ago, geisha said:

I moved from one Soi in Jomtien bécause of the stray dogs.  I was so annoyed as I loved my small condo and nice staff and pool. Even people passing on bikes or cars were chased, disgusting this happens and no one cares.  The parents of this recent attack should sue the dog owners to hell and back and make sure every single website and newspaper gets the story. Only way to get some reaction from the government. Maybe could save more poor kids from attacks. 

Owners are the problem same throughout the world


10 hours ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:


My wife has just shown me the CCTV footage of this terrible attack. My heart goes out to the poor wee laddie, and his parents.


The “nanny” was very negligent in this, allowing the two wee laddies to loiter outside the open gate while playing with her phone. She did not attempt to pick the little lad up, and had no idea what to do.

Another (skinny) woman soon appeared trying to pull the dog off; my wife said she was the dog’s owner, but again, had no idea what to do and no control of the dog. If you simply lift a dog’s hind legs to hold him in a “wheelbarrow” position, they will usually let go, but nobody at the scene even tried this, or knew what to do.

My wife said the owner is a Thai woman married to a farang, who is apparently out of the country. I can’t verify this as it was just the commentary on the video that my wife translated. However, everyone can see that nobody, including the owner knew what to do. An avoidable tragedy, the poor wee laddie, only 2 years old.

So you recommend lifting his leg up

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Jail for the owner and a bullet in the head for the dog.  This is outragous and already the third case in a single week.  It has to stop. Calling time on soi dogs is long long overdue.  New Governor get on with it please.

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This poor kids life will never be the same. The dog should be immediately put down. And all owners of dogs who commit these kinds of crimes, should be charged with causing grievous injury, and made to serve prison time. This kind of thing is no joke, and the authorities need to start taking very badly behaved dogs seriously.


If it were a member of my family that dog would have been taken down already. Gone, baby gone. And the owner would be dealt with severely, also. 

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3 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

This poor kids life will never be the same. The dog should be immediately put down. And all owners of dogs who commit these kinds of crimes, should be charged with causing grievous injury, and made to serve prison time. This kind of thing is no joke, and the authorities need to start taking very badly behaved dogs seriously.


If it were a member of my family that dog would have been taken down already. Gone, baby gone. And the owner would be dealt with severely, also. 

No dog deserves to be put down - only the human 'responsible' for allowing this dog to roam free deserves that treat.

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12 minutes ago, MaiDong said:

No dog deserves to be put down - only the human 'responsible' for allowing this dog to roam free deserves that treat.

I suspect if it were your 2 year old kid that was attacked you might feel differently? 


Humans are to blame for going out of their way to breed viscous dogs and then fail to train or  control them but to count on humans to do the right thing is a bit of fantasy.

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16 minutes ago, pomchop said:

I suspect if it were your 2 year old kid that was attacked you might feel differently? 


Humans are to blame for going out of their way to breed viscous dogs and then fail to train or  control them but to count on humans to do the right thing is a bit of fantasy.

I don' think it's a fantasy to expect humans to control their pets, it's basic common sense/responsibility.


And yes, you're right, if it were my child I'd be livid, but it's not, that's why I have a levelled and reasonable approach to the subject, which is to punish the human owner, not the vicious dog, which was bred by humans, and owned (& not controlled by) humans.

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Just now, MaiDong said:

I don' think it's a fantasy to expect humans to control their pets, it's basic common sense/responsibility.


And yes, you're right, if it were my child I'd be livid, but it's not, that's why I have a levelled and reasonable approach to the subject, which is to punish the human owner, not the vicious dog, which was bred by humans, and owned (& not controlled by) humans.

There's a Pitbull/cross on my soi, the owner lets him wander around. One day I was walking my dog(on a lead & harness) and this mongrel came shooting over, I swiftly levered my dog out of reach but the mongrel was scratching and biting me as it tried to get to my dog, the owner managed to pull the dog away but I was furious, I took my dog home and went straight back out to deal with the situation, I found a large piece of wood from an adjacent building site, and proceeded to chase the mongrel back into it's own yard, the owner sh4t himself and ran inside, locking the gate, rightly so too, as my anger wasn't with the dog, but the pathetic little brainless owner.

He couldn't apologise enough, but then explained that this mongrel had in fact had a few other scuffles, and in one instance the mongrel had managed to get the entire head of another dog into it's mouth, and was chomping away on it, and the owner couldn't do anything about it!!


Since this incident I've seen the same dog, untied, roaming the soi, whilst the pathetic little man stands there doing pointless little arm-swivelling exercises.


So again, it's not the dogs fault, they're bred from wolves, it's instinctive. The owners(controllers) have a responsibility, and if they fail in their responsibilities they should be punished.


It's a bit like a man-child blaming his pickup for an accident in the rain...

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