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Do you believe that Humanity is worth preserving?

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Dearest Friends,


Most of us believe, or once believed, that Humanity must obviously be worth preserving.


However:  Do you still believe that Humanity is worth preserving, knowing what we now know about Homo sapiens?


Some might say that since all species have a finite longevity, then wishing to preserve any single species beyond its expiration date is unreasonable.


Yes, we have benefitted from characteristics such as bipedalism and large, complex brains, yet these are just two of the traits which have put us most at risk of extinction.


Perhaps, if we had stayed in the trees, rather than having climbed down to venture into the savanna, then our species would have been happier and less lethal to both ourselves and other species.


These days, almost nobody seems happy living on the savanna, relatively speaking.


 To ask the question concerning whether or not Humanity is worth preserving, is an admission of our lack of understanding of our very nature and the willingness of our species to destroy ourselves using the tools our culture has created.


So then, is it worth preserving a culture, and the species which created this culture, when we can now more clearly see that it is our culture which will lead to the destruction of the species?


If you were to try to take an unbiased view, which admittedly might be difficult for you to do, then...


Would you say that the preservation of Humanity is worth it?










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Or is it a lack of understanding of where we actually came from ?


There are different "theories" surrounding that .


"Perhaps, if we had stayed in the trees, rather than having climbed down to venture into the savanna, then our species would have been happier and less lethal to both ourselves and other species. "


Is but one such theory.


Maybe we will never be given the opportunity to "decide" anything. Maybe its already been decided and clock is ticking.

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1 minute ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

Did you come to that conclusion after reading threads here on ASEANNOW ? ???? 

No, I formed that opinion years ago from attitudes to climate change which is the most likely cause of our demise.

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4 minutes ago, CharlieH said:

Or is it a lack of understanding of where we actually came from ?


There are different "theories" surrounding that .


"Perhaps, if we had stayed in the trees, rather than having climbed down to venture into the savanna, then our species would have been happier and less lethal to both ourselves and other species. "


Is but one such theory.


Maybe we will never be given the opportunity to "decide" anything. Maybe its already been decided and clock is ticking.

For sure, the clock is always ticking.


However, I do not believe in foreordination, if that might be what you are referring to.


Also, of course, we did not descend from apes.


In fact, just checking DNA comparisons between species, for example, we now have a much clearer clue as to the origins of our species.


Lemurs live in trees.

And, we have much in common with these creatures.


The following is an interesting schematic.


While the clock keeps ticking, evolution keeps happening.

And, much can happen in just a million years, or two.





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Nature's breath, humanity comes and goes with catastrophe's and spoiled societies. Nature at its best! 


A wealthy society built on other tragedies can not really be called human societies, or what?  

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While ever humanity entrusts it's preservation to a non existent deity instead of taking responsibility for it ourselves there isn't a chance in hell.


As for the question of whether it's worth preserving. Of course it is, we need to defend our own species.


We live for a single purpose and that's to procreate, like every other species. The human species isn't really that special or distinct from other species except that we are likely just the most evolved in terms of reasoning ability. We are probably more intellectually capable than we were 100,000 years ago but not in 2,000 years.

Edited by ozimoron
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36 minutes ago, CharlieH said:

Or is it a lack of understanding of where we actually came from ?


There are different "theories" surrounding that .


"Perhaps, if we had stayed in the trees, rather than having climbed down to venture into the savanna, then our species would have been happier and less lethal to both ourselves and other species. "


Is but one such theory.


Maybe we will never be given the opportunity to "decide" anything. Maybe its already been decided and clock is ticking.

I always liked that theory. We have gone from being too smart for our own good to too dumb for out own good imho. See very little worth saving in a population hypnotised by smart phones taking endless photos of themselves whilst watching people eat food on tik tok. 

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Overpopulation.  Constant wars always. Rich vs poor every generation. Famine and disease world wide.  One could lose faith in humanity.  But these are what's in the news.  99% of people do good.  So YES to our question. 

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1 hour ago, ozimoron said:

No, I formed that opinion years ago from attitudes to climate change which is the most likely cause of our demise.

Humans are remarkably adaptable. While climate change is real, IMO it's far more likely nuclear conflict will be the cause.

As to the OP's question, I don't know. Homo Sapiens has produced geniuses such as Bach, Tolstoy and Einstein, there are far too few compared to  sociopathic a###holes like Trump.

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Do you think cats will create time machines and change the Universe?

Who will create the newest app that lets billions enjoy their lives?

8 billion people trying to enjoy life, ruined because a few are bitter?

What if the next baby shows us how live on Mars in 80 years from now?

Ruin humanity because we won't live to see it, so if we die everyone should die also?


First, destroy cockroaches.  Then ants.  Then we'll talk.....

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What a sad question.

just because some think it's the end of the world or we have f the planet up so much we should just die !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What a sad mindset !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hold on how about getting rid of the sad gits of this world fist.

Maybe we should make a B-Ark  and invite all the sad gits to leave fist, to find a new better would for us all, and we will all follow in the A-Ark a little bit latter. :thumbsup:


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10 minutes ago, stoner said:



thousands of years of rape murder and what not. you would think after covid eyes would open but sigh.

You can be the first passenger on the




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4 minutes ago, stoner said:

i would love nothing more than to be shot from earth on a rocket while giving yall the finger as i float into nothing.

Do you remember this happy couple.

Bonnie Nettles and Marshall Applewhite.

Maybe you missed your calling.



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9 minutes ago, Old Croc said:


That's scary  ... ignorance is bliss.


One has to wonder what is taught in schools any more.  At least 1 admitted  not knowing the term.


Answers the query, IF worth saving.

I'm saving me & mine ... the rest, you're on your own.

Edited by KhunLA
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3 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

That answers the question.



Yep and it's was such an accurate documentary ???? years before it's time. I was gonna post a clip as well but it can be a bit of an obscure reference. "....but it's got electrolytes" 

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Quote: "Perhaps, if we had stayed in the trees, rather than having climbed down to venture into the savanna, then our species would have been happier and less lethal to both ourselves and other species."


Humanity should have followed my exampe. When staying in Europe I live in the trees. When staying in Thailand I live in ultra cheap guest houses.

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Just a word about the capitalization of the term:  Homo sapiens


This is not a case of my becoming a member of the spelling police.

Rather, from a scientific nomenclature perspective, I am just trying to clarify proper spelling of science terms in my own mind, and for the choice I made in this topic.


First of all, actually I did agonize for hours whether I should use the spelling, Homo sapiens or Homo Sapiens.


Second of all, I just chose the capitalization that seemed best to me.


Third, I would welcome any further input from y'all if you care to disagree with my choice.


Therefore, in summation, and in conclusion, do you think my choice of the capitalization in this term, Homo sapiens, is correct or incorrect.


Now, I realize that Jimmy Kimmel, in the above posted hilarious clip, clearly is not following proper form when he used the capitalization, "Homo Sapiens".


One more thing:  Some say we should not capitalize species but what about genus?


So, in the conclusion to my conclusion, and since we abbreviate Homo sapiens as...  H. sapiens....


Then, I hate to admit it, as you can imagine...


However, I think we should write this term, like this...  Homo sapiens.


Kimmel, if I am correct, is wrong.


So solly to Kimmel.

He is just a sick comedian, not a scientist, which is so very apparent in this video clip example.


Still...Thanks so much to the guy who uploaded this video which was shot in a major city of America.





Here is an example to further elucidate what I am driving at...


H. erectus

H. sapiens 

H. habilis 


etc., etc., etc.


Also, in Pattaya, is it not true that one is more likely to encounter Homo erectus? 

Edited by GammaGlobulin
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