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What are your health rules you live by?


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3 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

or what I'm doing is no oil, using non stick, but when I'm out i have no choice, fair enough, avoiding fatty oily foods as much as possible but that's another story

I wouldn't attempt to cook without oil or butter.  Adds way too much to the process of cooking (conduction of heat) and flavor.


Moderation will keep you healthy, aside from the fact, your body needs fats.  Many body functions and digestive / absorption processes rely on it.  Fat is flavor, (not itself) as some say, as it a 'conduit'  of flavor to your taste buds.

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13 hours ago, Sqoop said:

Avoid processed foods.

My mother is about to turn 94 this week. She drinks a bottle of wine a day easily and smoked until 50. She has always been an alcoholic. Her secret? Never eat any processed food at all, not even bread. She cooks absolutely everything from basic ingredients.

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1 minute ago, ozimoron said:

My mother is about to turn 94 this week. She drinks a bottle of wine a day easily and smoked until 50. She has always been an alcoholic. Her secret? Never eat any processed food at all, not even bread. She cooks absolutely everything from basic ingredients.

Probably more to do with luck, or maybe a bottle of wine a day is the secret?

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After suffering gout attacks during my mid 30's to 40's, I changed my diet to a less acidic version of what i was eating and drinking before. In my mid 50's now, and the fittest I've been since I was a kid.

A lot of processed meats, (especially organ meat) is very acidic / high in Uric acid. Ditto soda drinks (especially cola-based).

A chart here, for anyone with gout or high uric acid in their blood:



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52 minutes ago, huangnon said:

After suffering gout attacks during my mid 30's to 40's, I changed my diet to a less acidic version of what i was eating and drinking before. In my mid 50's now, and the fittest I've been since I was a kid.

A lot of processed meats, (especially organ meat) is very acidic / high in Uric acid. Ditto soda drinks (especially cola-based).

A chart here, for anyone with gout or high uric acid in their blood:



I am <deleted> then.


I must just be a walking mass of uric acid.

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On 8/7/2022 at 10:03 AM, Iamfalang said:

listen to your body.  if it craves carbs, get it.  craves a steak, forget it, not in LOS.  lol


no alcohol.  exercise above all else.  only one big meal a day.   yea, try to avoid processed <deleted>.  


sugar is OK if immediately after exercise.   if not, not good.   


fruits are great unless you have some issues (get some blood work).


the no-carbs, no-protein, no-anything stuff never will work for everyone.  never ever ever.


my body is getting tired of digesting tiger meat.  

No steak in LOS? We have Australian and NZ beef plus we have our own cross bred herds. We have  grain fed and grass fed beef available  in restaurants  and shops.

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On 8/8/2022 at 1:16 PM, scubascuba3 said:

i appreciate diet is like religion, almost pointless arguing about it

Ironically, veganism and hence your Dr. McDougall have a religious origin in the Seventh Day Adventists. Explains some of the fanaticism. So McDougall claims that "studies go back to the Christian Bible" show that "we are starch eaters." Certainly needs a closer reading of the Scripture. And the medical lit he cites here and there.


All our members considering giving credibility to McDougall as an objective source of info should watch him in action ranting here:



Seem to be suffering from growing senility at age 72.




Edited by BigStar
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5 hours ago, 2009 said:



But I think the others are bad to cook with due to being unstable when heated and creating oxidization more easily (which is a greater concern, when cooking with oil, than saturated fat content).


Coconut oil also remains stable when heated quite well compared to other oils.


Even lard and palm oil are healthier to cook with than most other vegetable oils (due to handling heat better and remaining more stable).


Vegetable oils is a misnomer, canola, rice bran, sesame, peanut, sunflower, rapeseed  etc. are all seed oils. Olive oil and coconut oil AFAIK are the only mass-produced oils derived from fruit.


The stability of coconut oil is due to its 92% saturated fatty acid content, only 8% unsaturated esters to be oxidized. OTOH, olive oil is 83% unsaturated oleic acid esters.


Both oils can be regarded as healthier because they are extracted from the parent fruit by physical pressing operations. In contrast, seed oils are extracted using chemical solvents, which also recover undesirable compounds.

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On 8/8/2022 at 11:34 AM, scubascuba3 said:

Sugar is good for you unless you're insulin resistant, sugar phobic people will have a drop in immune function as cortisol will be too high, sugar lowers cortisol

Most expats, like, say, 88% of the USA population are insulin resistant, however. So advice in favor of sugar and carbs, always with the proviso that "if you're healthy" (and of course aren't going to get unhealthy by growing addicted to sugar and carbs)--that advice can't be useful for them. Big Food and Pharma would disagree.


Since Judy Durham of The Seekers died the other day, we should play a tune for you and other sugar promoters that Coke expropriated:



Edited by BigStar
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8 minutes ago, BigStar said:

Most expats, like, say, 88% of the USA population are insulin resistant, however. So advice in favor of sugar and carbs, always with the proviso that "if you're healthy" (and of course aren't going to get unhealthy by growing addicted to sugar and carbs)--that advice can't be useful for them. Big Food and Pharma would disagree.


Since Judy Durham of The Seekers died the other day, we should play a tune for you and other sugar promoters that Coke expropriated:



Dr McDougall has plenty of videos on curing insulin resistance aka type 2 diabetes, works for his patients that are open minded to try

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On 8/8/2022 at 1:12 PM, scubascuba3 said:

They don't have to with the correct diet, fat is the major cause of type 2 diabetes and too many fat farang like the fat

No. McDougall is correct that the fat you eat becomes the fat you wear, and eventually become diabetic as your metabolism becomes impaired, but then he's ignoring the excessive carbs typically eaten with the fat by those who become overweight. So simplistic it can only be marketing.



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1 minute ago, BigStar said:

No. McDougall is correct that the fat you eat becomes the fat you wear, and eventually become diabetic as your metabolism becomes impaired, but then he's ignoring the excessive carbs typically eaten with the fat by those who become overweight. So simplistic it can only be marketing.



the carbs isn't the issue though it's the combo of fat and carbs, pizza, chips, cake, pastries, ice cream. If still hungry after eating i eat more carbs not fat until full

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1 minute ago, scubascuba3 said:

Dr McDougall has plenty of videos on curing insulin resistance aka type 2 diabetes, works for his patients that are open minded to try

Any diet's better than SAD. He'll finally fall back on calorie restriction, and weight loss can only be helpful. Counseling is extremely helpful and is in a way, cheating. The real test is with the independents who try to go it alone. There you'll find few who are able to overcome their insulin resistance with sugar and starches because they get too hungry and overconsume. 


The big success stories at overcoming T2D are in low carb.






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4 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

the carbs isn't the issue though it's the combo of fat and carbs, pizza, chips, cake, pastries, ice cream. If still hungry after eating i eat more carbs not fat until full

So then you'll agree with my point that he conveniently ignores the combo of fat and carbs. Elsewhere, he cites a flawed study in favor of carbs while he ignores that the meat-eaters had a much greater incidence of smoking, explaining the poorer results. ????


You see, nobody denies (to once again mention our FAVORITE straw man argument) you can lose weight on most any diet. The low carb gurus all say exactly that, while our ace Nutritionists lie about them. 


I dunno why we don't just point to Weight Watchers and be done with it. Probably the most successful diet of all time and one of the oldest established programs. There, no foods are off limits! 



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15 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

the carbs isn't the issue though it's the combo of fat and carbs, pizza, chips, cake, pastries, ice cream. If still hungry after eating i eat more carbs not fat until full


Carbs protein ok

Fat protein ok


All 3 doesnt work unless carbs n fat low or u train 



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18 minutes ago, Sparktrader said:

Link? The article shows no proof.


Poorly written at best. Where is the data?

French authorities not good enough? I'm only posting the link, not making any claim and so have no onus to post any further links. Make up your own mind. I did. I stopped eating red meat in any form a couple of years ago. Apart from bacon and eggs once in a blue moon.

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9 minutes ago, BigStar said:

So then you'll agree with my point that he conveniently ignores the combo of fat and carbs.

I'm working through his videos,  i can't recall him addressing it specifically, he says the fat you eat is the fat you wear, high carb\starch diet, low fat\oil. I reckon generally a balance diet with low junk will cause weight loss \ get to natural weight. I tried as an experiment for a month to eat extra carbs when hungry rather than default to crisps, chocolate etc and it worked immediately, full plus lost a few kilos, easy to try, nothing to lose. I got my bloods tested first so i could compare before and after as i was increasing my carb\sugar intake. It's nice eating whenever you want, no calorie restriction, only junk restriction

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3 hours ago, huangnon said:

After suffering gout attacks during my mid 30's to 40's, I changed my diet to a less acidic version of what i was eating and drinking before. In my mid 50's now, and the fittest I've been since I was a kid.

A lot of processed meats, (especially organ meat) is very acidic / high in Uric acid. Ditto soda drinks (especially cola-based).

A chart here, for anyone with gout or high uric acid in their blood:



You may be interested in this:


We briefly review recent evidence that obesity can also be induced by nondietary sources of fructose, such as from the metabolism of glucose (from high-glycemic carbohydrates) through the polyol pathway. These studies suggest that fructose-induced obesity is driven by engagement of a “fat switch” and provide novel insights into new approaches for the prevention and treatment of these important diseases.

    --Uric Acid, the Thrifty Gene, and the Predisposition of Humans to Fructose-Containing Sugars


In the 18th and 19th centuries, England was the first country to have an obesity and gout epidemic owing to overconsumption of sugar.



    --Sack and sugar, and the aetiology of gout in England between 1650 and 1900


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On 8/8/2022 at 3:50 PM, scubascuba3 said:

Atkins died obese and with heart disease

Vegan propaganda and a myth up there with our beloved "exercise killed James Fixx."


How come you're not mentioning H. Jay Dinshah, the "American veganism activist and natural hygiene proponent who was the founder and president of the American Vegan Society" who died at age 66 of a heart attack? Amazing how hard it is to find info about that early death.


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13 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

French authorities not good enough? I'm only posting the link, not making any claim and so have no onus to post any further links. Make up your own mind. I did. I stopped eating red meat in any form a couple of years ago. Apart from bacon and eggs once in a blue moon.

I looked at this a year ago. It seems risk goes up but its small overall.


Red meat is packed with nutrients. Dont over cook it.



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2 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

do you get your bloods checked? i do annual checks now from a lab, something like 30 items checked from 500-700 baht, incl uric acid

Good price. Which lab, may I ask?

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Robert Atkins, creator of the high-protein, low-carbohydrate Atkins Diet, died Thursday after an accidental fall on April 8 left him comatose. Atkins, 72, was rushed to New York Weill Cornell Medical Center by his colleague, Dr.17 Apr 2003


https://edition.cnn.com/2003/HEALTH/04/17/obit.atkins/#:~:text=Robert Atkins%2C creator of the,Center by his colleague%2C Dr.

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4 minutes ago, BigStar said:

Vegan propaganda and a myth up there with our beloved "exercise killed James Fixx."


How come you're not mentioning the "American veganism activist and natural hygiene proponent who was the founder and president of the American Vegan Society" who died at age 66 of a heart attack? Amazing how hard it is to find info about that early death.


Adel uni study is one of the biggest food studies ever. Proves meat is good.


Take out drinking and smoking plus junk food and meat is good.


Google beef nutrients compare with any vege

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if you just skip drugs and alcohol you'll be pretty healthy,


probably should not overeat, keep a BMI of 20 or less and you'll be fine and maybe 2-3 workouts a week will keep you healthier than most. 


this is coming from someone who studied dietetics in university, theres no real special diet or food that is going to change much in the long term

Edited by dj230
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