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Phuket cop sentenced to 25 years in prison after shooting noodle vendor in Patong in 2021


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Initially I thought, good justice being seen in Thailand, then....8mil fine to be paid whilst doing the 25 years! If he has assets to the value of 8 mil which are handed over to the victim, different story.

Or with a clause that if the 8 mil is not paid by family and friends within 8 years the 25 years is jacked up to life without any possibility of pardons etc.

Country is a joke.

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3 hours ago, Purdey said:

Wait a sec... 25 years in prison but must pay almost 8m Baht in compensation in 20 years?

Shirley shome mishtake?

I think it's possible if the plod was able to work the jail 'Gloryhole' for 20 years.

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2 hours ago, Jing Joe said:

So the cop celebrated his transfer and shot the vendor??

Ok then, the vendors thumb is usable and so would be his trigger finger?

So why not give him the cops gun to give the cop what he gave out, and would save the government 25 years of prison costs?

Then give the injured vendor a decent payout now from the projected savings?

Business is business,    and let the punishment fit the crime.


I don't think he will last 25 days in prison nevermind 25 years.

Let's hope.....

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33 minutes ago, NobbyClarke said:

I don't think he will last 25 days in prison nevermind 25 years.


They get looked after in jail. They will be given jobs educating life's basic. Policeman who lived  next-door to me shot dead 2 family friends and wounded his wife by shooting her in the mouth. Sentenced to life in jail which is 33 years max. With pardons and good behaviour he'll be unlucky if he does 15 years.  



Edited by IvorBiggun2
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Cops in Thai jails: usually transferred from jail to jail few times and released when public attention disappears.


Why these are these icture people giving thumbs up? or is he the victim?, if so then he survived and cop still got 25yrs.      

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