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Russia appreciates Thailand's understanding of reasons behind special operation — Lavrov


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3 hours ago, ChasingTheSun said:

Thailnd is likely on the right side of history on this one.

Like it or not, most countries and most people of the world are either nuetral or on russias side in the ukraine conflict. 


anyone who does the most basic of independent background research on the conflict would also likely agree that Russia was undeniably forced into this sad conflict. 

hopefully biden and nato will allow Ukraine to negotiate peace sooner, rather than later. It’s doubtful that zelensky will be around at that time to do any negotiations.




"Like it or not, most countries and most people of the world are either nuetral or on russias side in the ukraine conflict."


False news? 

Edited by metisdead
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4 hours ago, Funkymover said:

Thailand the land of the selfish, money grabbing , cowards, who are also selling their country to china.. 

You’d think that they’d be having second thoughts about going down that road after seeing what’s happened to Sri Lanka and before long the Solomon Islands, but I guess that’s greed for you. ????

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Lavrov embodies a characteristic that the West and US had 40 years ago, but no longer have:


Problems can not be resolved when only one party (Russia) is open to civil talks. 
The visceral hatred of all things Russia by many members of this forum is just symptomatic of the West's problem as these people simply reflect their own country's foreign policy.  Sad.

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4 hours ago, KhaoYai said:

Western propaganda?  Is it a lie that Russia invaded Ukraine then? A lie that they also invaded Crimea in 2014?  It may interest you to know that most of the West's news outlet's and media services are free to report whatever they wish.  Unlike Russia's which is completely managed and controlled. Putin and the majority (it seems) of his citizens live in their own, totally paranoid, parallel reality.


Its not so long ago that Russia was welcomed back into the fold of nations and it seemed that peace was finally in sight for most of the world.  Putin is a thug and a murderer who aligns himself with other's similar to himself - look what he's done is Syria, supporting that tyrant Assad.


Now name one Western country that is currently waging war against another, killing thousands, if not millions of people.  The West may not be perfect but its not on a bloodthirsty power crusade.

Not on a blood thirsty crusade? Tell that to all the countries that USA has invaded making up excuses, while the rest of the world does nothing to stop them, you might also like to read about the torture and rape squads Ukraine sent out before the invasion, no one is squeaky clean.

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7 hours ago, smedly said:

what a pile of garbled con words that say absolutely nothing, the first part almost describes Thailand backing Russias invasion and the second part leans towards Thaind backing the international response


total hogwash

Since when has any politician ever said anything meaningful?

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4 hours ago, KhaoYai said:

Western propaganda?  Is it a lie that Russia invaded Ukraine then? A lie that they also invaded Crimea in 2014?  It may interest you to know that most of the West's news outlet's and media services are free to report whatever they wish.  Unlike Russia's which is completely managed and controlled. Putin and the majority (it seems) of his citizens live in their own, totally paranoid, parallel reality.


Its not so long ago that Russia was welcomed back into the fold of nations and it seemed that peace was finally in sight for most of the world.  Putin is a thug and a murderer who aligns himself with other's similar to himself - look what he's done is Syria, supporting that tyrant Assad.


Now name one Western country that is currently waging war against another, killing thousands, if not millions of people.  The West may not be perfect but its not on a bloodthirsty power crusade.

I gave you a like yet I wonder who is killing millions in our present world?

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20 minutes ago, temporocco said:

Well done Thailand. Absolutely correct to ignore the Western war mongoring propaganda machine.

The time for US covert wars is over. The desperation is plain to see that the Biden regime will do anything to keep the truth coming out. The UN, EU, NATO M15/6, CIA, Soros et al have colluded for years to bring down the Russian economy and societal structures. Want proof? Here we go...see the attachment. READ UP AND GET INFORMED before you jump to mainstream media fed narratives. Ignorance will lead us all into a calamity. 


Rand Corp Extending RUSSIA 2019.pdf 2.69 MB · 0 downloads

At the top of this document it says:


Unauthorized posting of this publication online is prohibited.


Should you really be sharing this information on US military publications or is that just part of your desperate attempt at serving as one of the Putin apologists?

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21 minutes ago, AnotherFarang8 said:

Forum members who condemn Thailand for staying neutral should immediately leave LoS on the first available flight to be true to themselves and never return, shouldn’t they?

Expressing an opinion and acting on a belief are two different things.

The followers of Jim Jones were true to their beliefs, look where it got them.

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5 hours ago, vandeventer said:

Just when I think we are headed in the right direction they take this neutral stand. Yea, plenty of discounted oil and gas while the EU will be freezing soon.

I am not saying that the war in Europe is blameless, and I cannot speak for any EU countries, but yes the UK will be freezing soon and the blame lies within the UK itself, allowing the power companies to make obscene profits.

It is just another case of certain people making huge financial benefits out of human tragedies like the pandemic, and the war in Europe.

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5 hours ago, KhaoYai said:

Well of course, Russia is looking for new customers for its oil and Thailand wouldn't say no to securing some at a reasonable price.


Still, disgraceful behaviour - how can anyone justify Russia's invasion of Ukraine?  Anyone who believes Putin's claims that Ukraine was a threat is as daft as the millions of Russian citizens that believe the rubbish they are fed by their strictly controlled media and news services.


Ukraine was never a threat to that lunatic Putin or his country - even if they had joined NATO.  NATO exists to defend its members, not to threaten them. That one man is responsible for thousands of deaths (again) is beyond me.


What Putin really wants is the whole of Ukraine back under his control - either directly or throuh a puppet, as he has with that other thug in Belarus.  Why he wants more power, more land is beyond reason - I thought Imperialism was dead.


Thailand's position on this, given the nature of its current government is wholly in keeping.



"Thailand's position on this, given the nature of its current government is wholly in keeping."

This is an excellent post but I cannot understand this part of it.

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8 hours ago, starky said:

We recognise Thailand's generations long ability to play both sides against the middle thus making them able to simultaneously profit from both sides whilst having zero accountability nor indeed any reason to commit to anything. 

  Whats that expression? Weak as <deleted>.

Morally flawed ???????????? (+ a lot of wai-ing) 

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