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Russia appreciates Thailand's understanding of reasons behind special operation — Lavrov


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53 minutes ago, blazes said:

Er, wasn't this what Italy did in WW2 when they saw which way the military wind was blowing?  Few today hold this sensible change of tack against the Italians....

Thailand was coined the 'Italy of Asia' for that reason.  

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18 minutes ago, aussienam said:

Thailand was coined the 'Italy of Asia' for that reason.  

Perfect fit.


Same in regards to their Generals.  Confused and dazed if they ever encountered anything dealing with military maneuvers. 

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1 hour ago, PeeJayEm said:

I'm against the invasion. But has anyone here ever read what the Ukrainian nationalists did to Poles

left on the wrong side of the border after WW2?  Far worse than the Japs in Nanjing and as bad as anything the Nazis did in France. So the Russians do have some grounds to fear for Russian speakers in Donbas.


Another funny russian troll))))))))) The soviets attacked and occupied Poland together with Nazi germany. You cannot compare atrocities that russia committed during last 100 years and still is commiting now, in mdern days. The Katyn massacre was a series of mass executionsof nearly 22,000 Polsih military officerd and intelligentia prisoners carried out by the Soviet Union, specifically the NKVD ("People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs", the Soviet secret police) in April and May 1940. Though the killings also occurred in the DIFFERENT prisons and elsewhere, the massacre is named after the Katyn, where some of the mass graves were first discovered by German forces. And russians continue doing it now. I am not saying about millions ukrainians starved to death when russians sarted robbing them and taking all their food and harvest, creating artifitial famine in Ukraine. Russian now is worse than germany during the second world war

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1 hour ago, PeeJayEm said:

I'm against the invasion. But has anyone here ever read what the Ukrainian nationalists did to Poles

left on the wrong side of the border after WW2?  Far worse than the Japs in Nanjing and as bad as anything the Nazis did in France. So the Russians do have some grounds to fear for Russian speakers in Donbas.


Mariupol is Donbass russian speaking city who has completely destroyed it now??? Please do not drink my friend. 

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7 hours ago, sambum said:
5 hours ago, possum1931 said:

I am not saying that the war in Europe is blameless, and I cannot speak for any EU countries, but yes the UK will be freezing soon and the blame lies within the UK itself, allowing the power companies to make obscene profits.

It is just another case of certain people making huge financial benefits out of human tragedies like the pandemic, and the war in Europe.

Couldn't agree more!


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Thailand did the right thing to be neutral and not choose sides between USA and Russia.


USA is trying to pull all the small non-European countries to its side which I don't think should be done. They should be neutral because these are internal family affairs.

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5 minutes ago, EricTh said:

Thailand did the right thing to be neutral and not choose sides between USA and Russia.


USA is trying to pull all the small non-European countries to its side which I don't think should be done. They should be neutral.

Actually Thailand is not neutral but it does not shout about its vote when it supported a resolution at the UN General Assembly in New York deploring Russian aggression in Ukraine and calling for the immediate withdrawal of Russian forces.

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3 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

Actually Thailand is not neutral but it does not shout about its vote when it supported a resolution at the UN General Assembly in New York deploring Russian aggression in Ukraine and calling for the immediate withdrawal of Russian forces.

But Thailand did not do the same thing as Singapore and Japan so they are considered neutral in the eyes of the Russians.


Ukraine and Russia shared a common history so they are internal affairs.

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5 hours ago, possum1931 said:

"Thailand's position on this, given the nature of its current government is wholly in keeping."

This is an excellent post but I cannot understand this part of it.

In keeping because as usual, the Thai government wants to ride both horses.  When do they ever have a firm opinion on the actions of other countries that may possibly be able to be of use to them?

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Just now, EricTh said:

But Thailand did not do the same thing as Singapore and Japan so they are considered neutral in the eyes of the Russians.


Not sure how you work that one out when Thailand voted for the immediate withdrawal of Russian forces. What Russia's trying to do is get them onside as part of their new world order that they are attempting to build in Asia, they've already got Iran and North Korea with them. 


Did Thailand make any statement about this meeting? I only see Lavrov in a quote from the ever so credible TASS

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2 hours ago, PeeJayEm said:

I'm against the invasion. But has anyone here ever read what the Ukrainian nationalists did to Poles

left on the wrong side of the border after WW2?  Far worse than the Japs in Nanjing and as bad as anything the Nazis did in France. So the Russians do have some grounds to fear for Russian speakers in Donbas.


did they ever read what azov the ex nazi-nationalist,today part of ukrainian army ever did in east ukraine .................



but its all more about extention of nato what russia cant except,and already 2007 the red line was crossed.

today ukriane is nothing more than a vassal state of the US ,and zelensky have fools freedom bcs of his us backers.

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11 hours ago, ChasingTheSun said:

Thailnd is likely on the right side of history on this one.

Like it or not, most countries and most people of the world are either nuetral or on russias side in the ukraine conflict. 


anyone who does the most basic of independent background research on the conflict would also likely agree that Russia was undeniably forced into this sad conflict. 

hopefully biden and nato will allow Ukraine to negotiate peace sooner, rather than later. It’s doubtful that zelensky will be around at that time to do any negotiations.




You believe that the Ukrainians are eqger to negotiate away a piece of their country and only the US and Nato are preventing it?

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3 hours ago, joecoolfrog said:

Simply not true , which western nations have censored social and independent media.

I dont know why you people print such easily refuted nonsense , only those with an existing pro russian agenda accept it.


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10 hours ago, blazes said:

What the MSM fail to mention (though the info is hiding in plain view) is not just the existence of incriminating laptops but the amount of profiteering that American defense companies are making out of this war.


We know that $39 Billion has been shovelled over to the corrupt Ukraine regime (as bad for the people as anything that Putin can lob over to them), but we don't know exactly how much Northrop Grumman and Lockheed Martin (to name only two merchants of death) have been able to scoop up in this war.  (Reuters mention "more than $10 Billion".)


This might give some clue:

Share price of Northrop Grumman

Feb 3: $369.75

Sept 9: $491.35


Lockheed Martin

Feb 3: $389.33

Sept 9: $421.53  (on Aug 16 it was $440.16)


So, in conclusion, the American tax-payer is being told he or she is funding this expensive  boondoggle that brings not the slightest sliver of extra security to the American citizen.



So who would you have supply the weapons if not companies that currently build them? The USA doesn't own a lot of federally owned industry does it? Maybe you think the USA should adopt socialism and have the government control the means of production? 

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7 hours ago, connda said:

Lavrov embodies a characteristic that the West and US had 40 years ago, but no longer have:


Problems can not be resolved when only one party (Russia) is open to civil talks. 
The visceral hatred of all things Russia by many members of this forum is just symptomatic of the West's problem as these people simply reflect their own country's foreign policy.  Sad.

Russia rules out peace deal to end Ukraine war

    Moscow sees no possibility of a diplomatic solution to end the war in Ukraine and expects a long conflict, a senior Russian diplomat has warned, as President Vladimir Putin’s full-scale invasion reaches the six-month mark this week.

Gennady Gatilov, Russia’s permanent representative to the UN in Geneva, told the Financial Times that the UN should be playing a bigger role in attempts to end the conflict and accused the US and other Nato countries of pressing Ukraine to walk away from negotiations. There would be no direct talks between Putin and Ukraine’s president Volodymyr Zelenskyy, he said.

“Now, I do not see any possibility for diplomatic contacts,” Gatilov said. “


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7 hours ago, Mbaki said:

Not on a blood thirsty crusade? Tell that to all the countries that USA has invaded making up excuses, while the rest of the world does nothing to stop them, you might also like to read about the torture and rape squads Ukraine sent out before the invasion, no one is squeaky clean.

Actually, i don't take much of an interest in fiction.

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4 hours ago, JimmyJ said:

"for 10 years or more, she's been dreaming about censorship, banning Western media and Russia becoming like China by achieving total information control. Most of all, Simonyan doesn't want the idea of freedom to ever come back to Moscow."



What she wishes is already there.


Russia has consolidated media to where 90% of media companies are owned by 6 mega corporations.


They are also allowing companies owned by a few of the wealthiest oligarchs in the world to decide whose voices can be heard on their social media platforms, so only 1 side is heard, even banning a former head of state.



My mistake - I got confused -  all of that is the USA.



And when they question the government's version of events, do Americans get sentenced to 15 years on prison? Do anti-government reporters in the USA regularly get murdered?

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