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CNN reporters did not intentionally violate crime scene - they are fined 5K each for illegal work


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6 hours ago, kingstonkid said:

CNN will want to drop this.  I am sure that considering the new owners are trying to improve the company's image, this is not what they had in mind..........


As to the reporter, I think it might be best to go back to Aus and try a different business.  She is not going to move very far up the food chain with CNN


RTP could have charged them with more (forget about someone giving them permission) that person would disappear.


Charging them and getting them out of the country was the fastest and easiest way to resolve this for everyone.

I doubt CNN care one iota about their reputation here in Thailand  or anywhere else for that matter, and most of the people who viewed their ghoulish coveridge in the rest of the world  won't care about their actions or lack of sensitivity, 


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1 hour ago, Bday Prang said:

I doubt CNN care one iota about their reputation here in Thailand  or anywhere else for that matter, and most of the people who viewed their ghoulish coveridge in the rest of the world  won't care about their actions or lack of sensitivity, 


I notice a lot of predudice in the responses to this thread , do you think Fox news , or other faux media companies, are ethically sound and do not print lies and distortions on a daily basis ?

Gutter press are just that , singling out one organisation is simply hypocritical confirmation bias.

As for this particular incident , there were graphic pictures all over the net long before these particular journalists arrived.

Locals took and published those images , why were they not hounded and prosecuted ?

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12 hours ago, bamnutsak said:

Simply amazing that rather than deal with the real issues this CNN story remains in the news.


Meanwhile, any reporting on the real incident...crickets.

One gets the idea that is the real reason for the Faux outrage over CNN. It's worked in the past, try to focus national attention on something culturally acceptable to vent outrage on. In this case western journos. Anything but the real issues & problems.

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I think you are all exaggerating a bit. I’ve seen much worse photos of murders/ accidents etc in Thailand and sometimes graphic images on front pages.  Nobody , so far, has stopped that or written about the reporters distasteful ethics.  Why now. It should be stopped all together , forbidden by law. ( for everyone).

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My own 2 cents, sure to rankle some sat-upons:

I think (adult) people should see pictures of things like this.  It should be driven home just what the carnage is.  The damage of not showing these things is that it becomes normalized, as is happening in the US just now.  "Oh, another school shooting today?  Change the channel and let's see what else is on."  

In an age where news, politics and other current events have become entertainment people need to be reminded of what it really is.  Pictures of dead bodies etc are not there to amuse, but to be sickening.  It's like taking a bitter medicine.  I think when people call for war they they should not think of the heroes doing victorious poses with their flag, but rather of the piles of rotting corpses, and realizing that could be themselves and their own children.  Teddy Roosevelt had a noble perspective on war, "the measure of a man" etc but after losing all his sons in WWI his perspective on this was very much humbled.


I am not a pacifist nor against gun ownership (though I would prefer that my raving alcoholic wife-beating neighbor did not own one), but I think when people call for violent solutions they should be cognizant of what exactly they are supporting.  With so many people cramming the media with "don't believe what you see, believe my words" these graphic images are necessary.



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10 hours ago, Iamfalang said:

That CNN apology.

I gotta admit, I've given many FAKE apologies before and this one is really bad FAKE apology.  Horrible acting.    But at least they played the game.

still......they need some acting classes.  

It could be that there was another baksheesh fine paid, quite larger and not to be spoken of.  "No need to put on a performance, we (literally) paid our dues." 

To a CNN reporter 5k baht is probably per diem.



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19 hours ago, webfact said:

Surachate said it might have been a case of "miscommunication".

Told they could go inside, then told that violated the police cordon...

yep misunderstanding of Thainess.

Nice to see the officers wearing white and gold to drive home the point of you're about to be royally shafted.

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7 hours ago, joecoolfrog said:

Indeed !

Sneaked pictures of scantily clad young women I can live with , slaughtered children , not .

Are you claiming that two days after the massacre slaughtered children were still laying on the floor when the CNN reporters showed up? Because that is what you're indicating. I haven't seen those pictures on any news outlet.

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15 hours ago, Confuscious said:

I don't understand why everybody is making such a fuzz about 2 reporters who did nothing wrong, except doing their work while on a tourist visa.

The Thai media and many Thai sites publish this story in all colors and flavors without anybody lifting a finger.


Maybe it is because they are "Fahrang" and publish gore pictures is only allowed by Thais?

It's a good way to distract from the real issue: Ex policeman mass murderers innocent children and shoots his family dead.



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8 minutes ago, JayBird said:
2 hours ago, ausbeat999 said:

Ban CNN altogether, continuous corrupt reporting world wide.

If it was a fox news reporter, wonder if everyone showing hate would side with fox suddenly

Why bring American politics into this thread? 


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15 hours ago, Confuscious said:

I don't understand why everybody is making such a fuzz about 2 reporters who did nothing wrong, except doing their work while on a tourist visa.

The Thai media and many Thai sites publish this story in all colors and flavors without anybody lifting a finger.


Maybe it is because they are "Fahrang" and publish gore pictures is only allowed by Thais?

Yes, and not a word about the Thais that told them they could enter being reprimanded. Surprised? No.

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17 hours ago, Confuscious said:

I don't understand why everybody is making such a fuzz about 2 reporters who did nothing wrong, except doing their work while on a tourist visa.

The Thai media and many Thai sites publish this story in all colors and flavors without anybody lifting a finger.


Maybe it is because they are "Fahrang" and publish gore pictures is only allowed by Thais?

So in your Country, Foreigners can work without working permit, Joker?????

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On 10/10/2022 at 11:56 AM, monkfish said:

So seems it's true what CNN claimed they were let in. I have to admit all Thai officials ( Civil Servants) in their uniforms look like police. Also there are plenty of graphic pictures and videos on social media inside the building so who made those pictures?

Yes, they were allowed in presenting themselves as CNN Reporters. As they are not based in Siam and have no permits to work in the country ,then they were allowed in as they had shown CNN PRESS PASS deceiving the local police men who of course can not read or maybe not even speak English. ILLEGAL ENTRY AT THE END OF THE HEARING uf I were to pass judgement. 

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