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Thai/British teen "selling sex for 500 baht a time" at rich man's house - mum calls for her return


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38 minutes ago, 2009 said:

Exactly, and let's not forget, we are still governed by our home country's laws even when we are abroad.

We? Why do you have a weird fixation on this being a discussion about "us Westerners". No one has said anything about any of "us" doing anything. We're discussing what Thai people do in Thailand.


I guess I can see why you're so confused if your brain has centered Western people as the actors in this for some strange reason.

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This teen is not stupid.  She has done the math and quickly figured out she is far better off as a concubine than as a child slave to her mother.  


Boon Khun (filial piety) was once a strong thread that held Thai families together especially in poorer areas.  But the kids are now realising it is a bum deal and walking away.  There is actually a whole movement named after this cultural shift.  The "let it rot" movement is rapidly expanding in China and many other Asian countries.  A Western version of this is the Great Resignation movement.  Kids are realising now that they can work themselves to death but still not have any chance whatsoever of owning a house unless their parents are rich (and generous).


Google Let it Rot.

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5 minutes ago, johnnybangkok said:

Ok Switzerland you just sit on the fence and don't get your hands dirty. No one really cares but why you feel the need to justify their actions as 'it's just their culture' is what beggars belief.

You don't need to actually do anything but you could at least voice that it's wrong. This is anonymous after all. No- ones coming to get you in your closeted exhistance.


If it's good enough for Mohammed, Joseph and God ................... who are we to question?

And before you accuse me of being a pedo, I like women in their early to mid 30s, always have, probably always will.


Can't really get worked up about what other cultures allow.

Not my business.

Edited by BritManToo
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1 hour ago, BangkokReady said:

So if the underage girl sought out and came on to the adult man, initiating all sexual acts, would it still be the the adult doing everything?

In the immortal words of Columbo, 'Let's take you back to the scene of the crime'.

The comment above is indicative of most of your comments on this subject, joining many in victim blaming and 'well is it really an problem if she initiates it?'

You are now trying the 'I'm only commenting on what I see' and trying to play the victim with 'Why should I have to condemn it? I haven't defended it. I haven't said that it's a good thing'.

Well the above comment (like many of your comments) isn't exactly snow white in the blame game is it? 

At least own up to your bias. 

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3 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

If it's good enough for Mohammed, Joseph and God ................... who are we to question?

And before you accuse me of being a pedo, I like women in their early to mid 30s, always have, probably always will.


Can't really get worked up about what other cultures allow.

Not my business.

How old was your Sons Mother at the time of birth ?

Wasn't She younger than the girl in question in this story ?

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38 minutes ago, 2009 said:

I am pretty sure according to Thai law, she needs to be 18 to be a full consenting adult.


The 15 age of consent thing is if she is married to the guy.


And, I am also under the impression if money is changing hands for sex, she needs to be 20, otherwise she is protected by some law regarding protection of minors.

Yes, 18 is the unfetted legal age 

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Just now, johnnybangkok said:

The comment above is indicative of most of your comments on this subject, joining many in victim blaming and 'well is it really an problem if she initiates it?'

I made those comments specifically in response to another comment where Bluespunk said something about it always being the case that the older man was the one who sought out the girl and initiated sex, so I questioned "what if the 14 year old girl who sought out the man and initiated sex, would it still be the case that the man sought out the girl and initiated sex?".


I didn't mention criminality, responsibility or whether it changed who was "to blame".


If You want to pretend that meant something different for your own bizarre reasons, I guess I can't do much to stop you. ????‍♂️

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21 minutes ago, johnnybangkok said:


Your personal anecdotes have very little bearing on the vast majority of children in a similar situation to you. As I said before, well done for doing so well out of what is literally a broken home story but why you think this would be the same outcome for anyone else I really don't know. 99% of children with the same back-story would have very different outcomes to yourself, most of which would be tragic and horrible.

Oh and by the way, don't think you're the only success story on here. You have no idea about who I am, what I've done and what I continue to do. Unlike yourself I have no need to brag about my accomplishments or my wealth to make myself look bigger. It's reallyv rather unbecoming all round.  

You missed my point that it was a great free and wild childhood, that lead to a great free and wild teenage years, and a great free and wild adulthood. 

Maybe just maybe the pattern of life you deem safe and responsible isnt for everyone.. Its not your job to stop people making what you perceive as bad choices. 

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2 minutes ago, BangkokReady said:

I made those comments specifically in response to another comment where Bluespunk said something about it always being the case that the older man was the one who sought out the girl and initiated sex, so I questioned "what if the 14 year old girl who sought out the man and initiated sex, would it still be the case that the man sought out the girl and initiated sex?".


I didn't mention criminality, responsibility or whether it changed who was "to blame".


If You want to pretend that meant something different for your own bizarre reasons, I guess I can't do much to stop you. ????‍♂️

Ok, then what about this comment;- 'Would it still be the adult doing everything? I'll answer for you: no, of course it wouldn't, so what you said is illogical'.

Or this one:- 'Sorry, you're saying that if a 14 year old girl came onto an adult and initiated sex, that would mean he was coming on to her and initiating sex? No.


Or even this one;- 'Not that I mentioned court, but are you suggesting that if factually the girl came onto the guy and initiated sex, and you said that in court, they would say "no, the guy came onto the girl and initiated sex"? Just seems a bit weird. If the girl came onto the guy then the girl came onto the guy.


Can you perhaps see why people think you might just be victim blaming or at least NOT condemning the perpetrators?

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6 minutes ago, LivinLOS said:

You missed my point that it was a great free and wild childhood, that lead to a great free and wild teenage years, and a great free and wild adulthood. 

Maybe just maybe the pattern of life you deem safe and responsible isnt for everyone.. Its not your job to stop people making what you perceive as bad choices. 

No but it is the laws when the person is considered a child.

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2 minutes ago, johnnybangkok said:

Can you perhaps see why people think you might just be victim blaming or at least NOT condemning the perpetrators?

In every example you have quoted, it's quite clear to me, if a 14 year old girl seeks out and initiates sex with a man, then those things have happened.


She bares no legal responsibility, the man does, whomever initiates is irrelevant. The adult will always carry the legal responsibility.


But that isn't what I was discussing. I was very specifically taking issue with the comment of "it's always the guy doing X, Y, Z", when obviously the girl, underage or not, is perfectly capable of doing those things also.


That's it. I'm not assigning blame and there is no perpetrator that needs to be blamed, as I am simply discussing the possibility of something occurring.

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Wow, so many of you are all worked up at this story with no facts whatsoever.

A woman says her daughter is missing from home for few days. That woman says that a friend of the daughter told her that the girl was seeking sex with few other girls to a businessman. 

Those are claims\stories. Unverified and not yet investigated.

If the friend knows the facts, why not go to the police? If the girl went to the businessman on her own to "sell him sex" how is it human trafficking?

And why does AN like to pay such unverified stories? What about some real journalism?

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1 hour ago, BangkokReady said:

We? Why do you have a weird fixation on this being a discussion about "us Westerners". No one has said anything about any of "us" doing anything. We're discussing what Thai people do in Thailand.


I guess I can see why you're so confused if your brain has centered Western people as the actors in this for some strange reason.

Well, there are guys on this thread arguing that this type of thing is okay.


They are literally condoning it and coming up with reasons why the girl is old enough to make this decision with comments like, "She may have wanted it and seduced him"


And acting like the guy hasn't done anything wrong on the grounds that, "Child prostitution is generally accepted by many Thai people and the police won't do anything anyway"


Kinda makes me wonder what some of the Westerners on this thread are getting up to. ????


So, I was just giving off a friendly reminder that even though you may not be prosecuted in Thailand for sleeping with a 14 or 15 year old, that doesn't stop the authorities in your home country prosecuting you for doing it (if the age of consent in your home country is greater than that).


That's right, we still have to obey the laws of our home country even when we are abroad. Did you know that?

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1 hour ago, BangkokReady said:

I made those comments specifically in response to another comment where Bluespunk said something about it always being the case that the older man was the one who sought out the girl and initiated sex,

I said no such thing. 

The points I made was that if an adult had sex with an underage child, the child cannot give consent and is the victim of sexual exploitation. 

The child is always to be considered the victim of predatory scum and cannot be blamed for actions of such scum. 

Edited by Bluespunk
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3 hours ago, LivinLOS said:

Ohh but it is cultural.. There is a very different attitude to sex and morality in asia than the west.. Pretending that isnt so doesnt change the reality. I notice you continue to ignore the adult senior family member telling the child she should have sold herself rather than give herself to her boyfriend ?!? 

Theres a million road 'laws' routinely ignored.. Are you saying that because its law then it isnt happening ?? I guess Pattaya is just the worlds largest open air brothel city in the world by chance is it ?? Closely followed by other asian capitals. 

Sex with a 14 old isn't cultural, paid sex is a big crime. Yes, you have people who sell their kids but that doesn't make it normal. Every customer of these practices should get life in the most primitive prison they can find. If somebody tries it on with a family member of mine they would wish they could go to such a prison.

Edited by FritsSikkink
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21 minutes ago, FritsSikkink said:

Sex with a 14 old isn't cultural, paid sex is a big crime. Yes, you have people who sell their kids but that doesn't make it normal.

I have never met a western parent who told that to any of thier family, let alone a 13 / 14 year old girl... Here I have seen that, seen parents sell children into sex slavery for debts, seen parents packing thier daughters off to Pattaya and Phuket with demands for ongoing stipends and car payments to be met for the parents off of thier childrens backs.. 

One woman in Patong I knew had 2 idiot fat dip<deleted> sons who sat on the sofa playing video games and one whip smart multi lingual hardworking daughter who she ragged on.. One of the sons was expelled from school and she was having to pay under the table to enroll him in another, but the daughter wasn't sent to either school, when I asked her why she replied, with the daughter in earshot or listening "why I bother, in a couple of years she will be in the shop (her parents ran a shirt making seamstress shop for those garish tourist T shirts) or in the bar, why does she need school".. Quality parenting, setting the expectations early and life goals. 

Yes, that is cultural. No other term for it. 


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I'm not in any way arguing that this is moral for someone to do, It is NOT.

but this is an argument against what somoene else said is not human nature.

It was only 120 years ago that humans in the most civilized societies had a life exptectancy to age 40.

It was normal and quite natural for females to be married at 12 and be birthing at age 13 or 14.  If we did not do that as a species for 1000's of years we  wouldn't have survived.  Especially since the younger you are the more easily you bounce back, and the more you children you can have (to beat the odds of many kinds of early death).

It's only since distribution of food and medicine have we been able to extend our lives and view those ages as strictly children in the microscope of today's exptected life expectancy of near 80.

Taking out 10'000's of years of human nature takes a little time.  Even in the 50's it was ok to marry a girl in her mid teens.   Remember, this in the terms of the macro sense has been but a blink of an eye.

Biological food for thought


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