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Unfair criticism of Thailand’s immigration is unacceptable although other functions at airports could be improved upon


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1 hour ago, Woof999 said:

For those with lots of recent entry stamps... avoid the fast track even when flying J / F. It's usually MUCH quieter than the main queues and they have a lot more time to be thorough looking through all your entries.

However for those who have an ME type of Visa there is no scrutiny, at least I never experienced it and hope with my new LTR Visa which has a 10 year viability and a 5 year ME included I will see in a few weeks when I fly out and then return.

Edited by ThailandRyan
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"Unfair criticism of Thailand’s immigration is unacceptable...."


Why bother starting the sentence with "Unfair"? 


Most people that I know would probably agree that:-  "Criticism of Immigration is unacceptable" (By Immigration!) 





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27 minutes ago, Archie Baker said:

Immigration clearance can be done enroute to simplify travel.  Security screening has been done  before take off. Simplify the system don't make it buearatic and complicated.  Use Elons "AI" if you wish but stop F2F screening it won't stop the criminals only slow down the honest holiday makers. 


I mean we are in the 19th century aren't we?

So how do you suggest folks get stamped into the country based upon there passport type and country of origin, what just pass them through? So with no stamp will they magically not overstay the allotted time or will immigration round them up on there last day and escort them to extend for 1900 baht or escort them out of the country via the air terminal, and if no ticket to leave lock them up?  Do you have a plan for your view?  AI does no help in doing this unfortunately unless you go to a kiosk, put your passport inside of it which notates your here and then stamps you in.  If thats what your suggesting then the lines will be catastrophically long as people can not figure out how to operate said kiosk and then if a malfunction occurs then what?

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In all fairness, I've landed back in the USA a time or two with really long lines at immigration when a few flights came in together, and other times hardly any line, both in America and Thailand. But I agree with everyone else, they should open more counters.

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I returned with my wife late October in early hours of the morning. The farang channel was backed up a bit but nothing concerning. We took the Thai channel. Processed promptly, customs was breezy as well.


Immigration has total control over the process. They know flights and inbound passengers and can schedule staff accordingly. I expect as a foreigner not with my wife to be processed in less than thirty minutes. After that it's a total fail

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In reality - there is so much which can be done. I have worked on process simplification ie too change a massively used  application process from 18 mins down to 1.5 mins...  had a huge impact on queues and customer satisfaction.


Should get the guys who designed the thai passport application process to help them revisit the process, for anyone who has applied for a new thai passport in bangkok, the process is amazing and world class.  


An ooh, there are world class Work Force Management systems which can give you queue prediction and resources required - accuracy is about 97% for 15 mins intervals ie predict arrivals on a Saturday in 2 months from now at 9:15pm.



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Well, as long as Somchai flips through my (almost) full passport, page by page, and comments that I would travel a lot .......... I hold a PR and little yellow ScotchIt stickers show where the present re-entry is. The passport is machine readable and has a chip; in Chiang Mai the fastest (from Mandalay back in the day) was 10 seconds, at Swampy they are more patient. 

It is ridiculous that a flight from Rangoon to Bangkok takes less time than the queue at Bangkok's immigration. But yes, Thais know better and at least you get a taste of how inefficient the bureaucracy in general works here. 

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Wah wah wah....no fair. Typically Thailand. Whine & cry about the truth and constructive criticism instead of addressing the problem. :1zgarz5:


Get yo ???? together and solve this forever problem. Been a problem long as I can remember...and I can remember LONG. 

Edited by Skeptic7
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8 hours ago, webfact said:

There is no doubt that the pictures of people standing in long lines at the immigration counter at Bangkok’s Suvarnabhumi airport is something that can easily be avoided

You write that the pictures can easily be avoided.  How?  Banning cameras? Is that really the solution you propose?

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Its not unfair to criticise the excessive queues at Immigration in any airport. 


Its not unfair to criticism the excessive queue at Immigration in Thailand either, long queues were a major issue before Covid-19, it appears that there have been no improvements made. 


I’ve passed through Immigration 6 times already this year...  on not one occasions was I processed in less than 3-4 mins ?... so 45 second is simply and outright lie. 


Previous this year the queues were not bad because of far less travel (due to Covid), now travel is back to normal Thailand needs to sort their act out and fill ALL immigration counters. 


While I’m ‘criticism’ the same needs to happen with the UK airport security which is an utter s#!t show running by jobsworths...  

Last time I went through security in the UK (summer) - It was easily going to take longer than 3 hours - I gave up on catching my flight, spoke to an ‘official’ who just told me to continue waiting in line...  my flight was eventually called and we were whisked through... 

... the issue there (UK) is that so many people are trying to travel cheap and not pay for baggage so are carrying everything on to the flight !!!...  the whole cheap flights no bags thing has caused chaos....


In Thailand - its an Immigration scheduling issue - they know the flights, but don’t always schedule well which is a fundamental basic.. but, TiT !!!

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7 hours ago, internationalism said:

they should simplify their entry requirements.

I don't remember anywhere in europe travellers being fingerprinted and photographed - passport scan and glance at passenger, 10 seconds procedure.

That thai procedure gives an impression of entering police state. Doesn't create holiday mood for tourists. 

Despite those and many other immigration measures, thailand is heaven for criminals. Their system doesn't work properly.

The main fault being probably manpower - unqualified, corrupted, unmotivated and lazy, bureaucratic. So many stories of immigration officers being biased and downright rude - just from my personal experience at border crossing and in immigration offices.

The second is probably poor digital data processing. Outdated systems, not integrated with world's security data. That's how travellers to and from thailand can use stolen/lost passports - that, as well as fake passports made in thailand itself.


Another story are visas from thai consulates. There were cases of fake visas being sold in Kuala Lumphur. That is not responsibility of immigration. But shows that thai police was not cooperating with ministry of foreign affairs to detect this scam





Not my experience with immigration officials at entry and at immigration offices over many decades in Thailand. Exactly the opposite in fact. But I have seen the behaviour of some farangs at that well known resort, and it would try the patience of a monk.

No problem with entry being over 70 so use the Prority channel.


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And that right there is the difference in mentality - "Criticism is UNACCEPTABLE". Who cares if other countries have long lines too? be better! The issue isn't that so many people are coming - we're still far below 2019 levels - the issue is poor planning OR lack of care OR just laziness in not opening all available booths. We can and WILL criticize that.

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It's easy to put the blame on Immigration.
But the real culpritt is the AOT authority.

I was returning from Belgium on Monday and lots of airplanes were landing.
Spewing a lot of tourists to the Immigration counters.
Some of them, like the airplane I was travelling in, spewed 800 tourists at once into imigration.

The tourists in front of me was a familiy with 2 young children.
The children were kicking and screaming and didn't want to get a picture taken.
Lots of time wasted because the parents had no authority about their children.

At another boot, a tourist spend lots of time at the immigration boot because he didn't find the documents required.

The tourists passing Immigration don't make it easier for them.

Maybe, putting a few officers to check if the tourists do have all the required documents ready (like they do at the local immigration) would speed things up.

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9 hours ago, soi3eddie said:

There's an easy way for immigration officials to avoid criticism and that's simply to open all counters (in and out) and get the staff to process passengers quickly. Is it really beyond their ability? They know the flight schedules and when it's likely to be busy <deleted>! 


It obviously is beyond their ability....far beyond!

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35 minutes ago, Confuscious said:

It's easy to put the blame on Immigration.
But the real culpritt is the AOT authority.

I was returning from Belgium on Monday and lots of airplanes were landing.
Spewing a lot of tourists to the Immigration counters.
Some of them, like the airplane I was travelling in, spewed 800 tourists at once into imigration.

The tourists in front of me was a familiy with 2 young children.
The children were kicking and screaming and didn't want to get a picture taken.
Lots of time wasted because the parents had no authority about their children.

At another boot, a tourist spend lots of time at the immigration boot because he didn't find the documents required.

The tourists passing Immigration don't make it easier for them.

Maybe, putting a few officers to check if the tourists do have all the required documents ready (like they do at the local immigration) would speed things up.

They do this at many airports, have been for years/decades, proving that it's a worthwhile activity. 

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I am of the opinion that foreigners holding O visas as well as long term B visa holders should be allowed to use an auto gate. It will probably happen the only question is when. All other classes they are well within rights to let them stand in line as well as give them a brief line of questioning. You can bet the Chinese are going to be heavily scrutinized.

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10 hours ago, soi3eddie said:

There's an easy way for immigration officials to avoid criticism and that's simply to open all counters (in and out) and get the staff to process passengers quickly. Is it really beyond their ability? They know the flight schedules and when it's likely to be busy <deleted>! 


Right. I have arrived on international flights and waited a long time while looking at immigration booths not opened at Swampy. The claim of immigration doing everything possible is baloney. They are well due their share of criticism.

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5 minutes ago, Kwaibill said:

Right. I have arrived on international flights and waited a long time while looking at immigration booths not opened at Swampy. The claim of immigration doing everything possible is baloney. They are well due their share of criticism.

My guess (and its only a guess) is that there has always been a ‘financial power struggle’... 


Do Immigration get additional money from AOT for their ‘airport services’  ??

Are they playing a game of silly buggers vying for more money to pay more officers to man more desks ????


Just a thought... 

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56 minutes ago, Confuscious said:

It's easy to put the blame on Immigration.
But the real culpritt is the AOT authority.

I was returning from Belgium on Monday and lots of airplanes were landing.
Spewing a lot of tourists to the Immigration counters.
Some of them, like the airplane I was travelling in, spewed 800 tourists at once into imigration.

The tourists in front of me was a familiy with 2 young children.
The children were kicking and screaming and didn't want to get a picture taken.
Lots of time wasted because the parents had no authority about their children.

At another boot, a tourist spend lots of time at the immigration boot because he didn't find the documents required.

The tourists passing Immigration don't make it easier for them.

Maybe, putting a few officers to check if the tourists do have all the required documents ready (like they do at the local immigration) would speed things up.

the only documents required now are passport and boarding card (can be also on application, in email).

There is no airplane taking 800 passengers. Max is some 615 on a380 (only 15 such big capacity has emirates), but usually around 400-500, depending on seating.  And very rarely airplanes are completely full

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They could open the self serve immigration to foreigners. I was in Australia last month and noticed they allow about a dozen or more countries to use them and Thailand is one of them. Why can't they return that courtesy to other countries? When you go up to the immigration line in BKK the automatic gates for "Thai Passport Only" is often empty. 

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2 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

A solution other countries use to mitigate against the limited ‘man-power’ issue... 


Thai’s use E-Gates... 

- Thai ID card. 


Approved Foreigners use E-gates...

- Foreigners on long term Visa’s

  i.e. Any Non-Imm and S.E. / P.E. Visas Thai Elite.

- Work Permit Holders

- Permanent Residence holders


Issue all of the above (foreigners) with a ‘residence’ card that can be used at E-gates. 


That ’should’ get rid of the issue of not enough Immigration officers to man desks at busy periods.

It doesn’t ’solve’ the problem - but it certainly reduces it.


Took me 25 mins in OZ to enter, 15 secs to exit. They had e gates. Thailand took 20 secs to enter or exit.


Thailand is doing ok.

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3 minutes ago, HuaHinHim said:

They could open the self serve immigration to foreigners. I was in Australia last month and noticed they allow about a dozen or more countries to use them and Thailand is one of them. Why can't they return that courtesy to other countries? When you go up to the immigration line in BKK the automatic gates for "Thai Passport Only" is often empty. 

Oz self serve was Oz only. 2 lines for entry e gates Oz, person farang. E gates took 25 mins. Terrible. Person was slow too. Pathetic. 

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8 hours ago, ikke1959 said:

I believe that 95% or more of the people are coming in a country have good intentions... But they get irritated by the way they are welcomed or by the waiting time... especially if you see officers playing on the cellphone, or talking with other officers while the queue is growing. People come on holiday and don't want to waste time slow immigration. Yes they have to do their job and check, but a smile and friendly attitude and especially doing their job instead of other things will take a lot of irritation away. 

singapore is a great place to visit.....and one whizzes thru immigration in no time!!!!

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