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Big Joke investigating Immigration after attack on Chinese man - former chief demands "Overstay" action against foreign criminals


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20 hours ago, overherebc said:

Will it be chinese on student visas getting looked at or 'all' on student visas getting looked at?

Wasn't there a Topic not a week ago about 'group punishment' for the sins of a few?  I'm sure the idea is to punish everyone. Remember no more self certifying for income because a few abused it ?

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20 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

Will he succeed in drilling down and draining the corruption swamp here in this Government........One can only hope.

One man army... he's got an uphill battle if he thinks he can stop the corruption.

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16 hours ago, Mickeymaus said:

The immigration computer knows the overstayers. Why not put their personal data with the photo on the Internet and pay for every reported information that leads to the capture of such people for instance 5000 Baht?! Why not??? They are just talking all the time... 


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7 hours ago, sambum said:

Or maybe you get too stressed out by the nonsensical requirements/requests of Immigration that seem to change every time you need an extension?


I heard of a guy that had to go to Immigration EIGHT times before they gave him an "Under Consideration" Stamp! (Each time involving a lengthy wait to see the I.O. dealing with his case, and a lengthy trip to get there from his house!) 



that may be so, but did you ever stop to think that perhaps, and I say perhaps, his paperwork wasn't correct. From my experience those that use an agent fall into 2 categories: #1. Taking a shortcut because they don't meet the requirements OR #2. They're just too lazy/incompetent to do it themselves and do it correctly.


I do my own extensions each year and have no problems whatsoever. Have the correct documentation and you shouldn't have any issues, unless the IO is having a bad day, and that's usually because they keep having to deal with foreigners that don't have their documentation correct and who want to stand there and argue with them. I've witnessed that on many occasions.

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23 hours ago, webfact said:

If it can be shown that immigration officers in those places acted incorrectly

You could say this of almost every Immigration office/police station across the land. It is so ingrained that the villains don't see it as corruption like a perk of the job.

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21 hours ago, ukrules said:

He hates us all.

He might hate you for a good reason, to which I could well understand if he even bothered to read your posts - last time I checked he certainly didn't hate me. 


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On 11/4/2022 at 3:37 AM, ThailandRyan said:

Will he succeed in drilling down and draining the corruption swamp here in this Government........One can only hope.

I think he will definitely try his best. Let’s hope he is not stopped like last time. My belief, he is a good honest man. After a terrible jet ski accident in Phuket concerning  two people  I knew, I met a policeman who was on the case. He was marvelous, devoting his time, and even his money to helping. He stopped the jet ski mafia coming into the hospital, drove me back to Patong every evening after visiting the ICU , took the Finnish idiot who drove into the 2 guys to the prison with me as interpreter as the Finnish guy was terrified , gave him money for food, gave him a pack of cigarettes etc. Endless help.

There are good police out there and I think Mr Surachet is one of them. Best of luck to him. 

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23 hours ago, billd766 said:

They been to where my wife's house is twice.


The first time was with an army patrol as somebody had told them we had a rifle. Not strictly correct, though there was a broken BB rifle belonging to the guy who worked for our neighbour. After it was explained to them they asked politely if we minded if they could look around. No problem, and they even took off their shoes to go into the house.


As they left they apologised and explained that they had to follow up on the report.


The second time was 3 years ago when the Immigration police came to check if i actually lived here. 3 of them came in a pickup, talked to my wife and a couple of neighbours (and me). They took some photos and went away quite happily and have not returned since. We offered them cold drinks an food if they were hungry. They accepted the cold drinks but not the food.


There was no mention of tea money or petrol money.


That is all the visits we have had from the police in over 18 years.


It was just the one visit we had in 8 years. That being 8 years at the same address, 8 years of photos in front of my house, 8 years of photos of us all sitting on my bed and 4 years having a yellow book for my house.

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17 hours ago, sambum said:

A bit like the rigmarole required for a Marriage Visa (Sorry - Extension of Stay based on marriage to a Thai  National - just before somebody points it out!) 


The  photos taken with Thai Immigration Officers at our house  required to prove that I/we are living in the same house that we took photos of and gave to Immigration when submitting our application for an extension for the 3rd time- accompanied of course by a Khor Ror 2 (?) to prove that we were still in the same marital status that we were in last year - and the 2 years years prior to this one! 


As a previous poster put it, Thailand seems to be the only place where you have to report to Immigration that nothing has changed since last year, whereas other countries you have to report when things HAVE changed!!!


And 90 day reporting is another similar farce!

Very similar but we did it for 8 years and the last 4 or so times we also had to get a form stamped from the council office which had to be signed by the village head man oh and back then I had to get a new embassy letter every year and translated.... in the end I got so angry with it all the wife would deal with it. I remember one time being sent back to get a document then sent back again and yes again instead of being told "You need this, this and this" that was the last straw oh and the photo copies were the wrong way round when they were perfect colour copies.

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On 11/4/2022 at 2:30 PM, CANSIAM said:

Exactly Russians are using the ‘Learn Thai Language’ education visa for an extended stay, for many it’s their only option 

Normally I do not comment on isdues like this but in this case I do: send the Russians to Russia. All of them.

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On 11/5/2022 at 10:15 AM, sambum said:

Yes, I have also seen some idiots in Immigration "shouting and carrying on" which to be honest doesn't get you anywhere, and I once heard an I.O. tell a "Do you know who I am" type who was using foul language to "go back to your United States of wherever" and quite rightly so.


But I have also been party to ridiculous requirements from Immigration that are not even noted on their "Extension Checklists", so how are you expected to have the correct paperwork in such cases? For instance, where I live, for a marriage extension you have to have a bank statement for the previous 12 months (when you are going by the monthly income route) which is on the checklist, but it does not mention that you also have to have a letter from the Bank to verify that the balance in your bank book is correct! Last year this letter (and the statement) was valid for 3 days, but this year the letter (which is not on the checklist) has to be acquired from the Bank on the day that you make your extension application at Immigration! And your bank book has to be updated on that day too - which is also not mentioned on the "checklist". Just a couple of instances of "pedantry" to frustrate the genuine applicants!  

Nothing new in those processes. Those are requirements I've had to meet each year for the past 8 years

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17 hours ago, TigerandDog said:

Nothing new in those processes. Those are requirements I've had to meet each year for the past 8 years

I think you misunderstand my point!


What I am saying is that there is nothing on the checklist about a letter from the Bank, so how do you know that you have to have one? Last year, I had to go back to the Bank and get a letter for Immigration, and as it was on a Friday, by the time I got to the Bank, it was too late for them to produce the letter for me, and consequently could not get it done until the Monday. However, it was too late to get to Immigration that day, so I had to go on the Tuesday. I was then told that the statement which I had acquired from the Bank on the Thursday to take on the Friday was now "out of date" as it was only valid for 3 days, so I had to get another one, and another letter, which meant ANOTHER visit to the Bank!


This year I acquired the statement and the letter the day before I went to Immigration, but was told that this year the bank book update (that had previously to be produced within 3 days) now had to be produced on the same day that I made my application, so once again, ANOTHER visit to the Bank the next day!


So you realise what I mean by "pedantry"?  Fair enough, at your Immigration Office, you have been meeting those requirements for the last 8 years, which is no problem if you know what is required (i.e. what is on the checklist).

But when it does not appear on the checklist at all, and then they change the timings of the requirements the next year, it all becomes a bit frustrating - and costly, as each letter costs 100 baht, each statement costs 200 baht, and each visit to Immigration can cost 500 baht each way in a taxi!


I suppose, they could be even more choosy by asking for the letter, the statement, and the Bank book update all to be produced on the same day as the application, but that would be a bit much to ask - wouldn't it? ???? 


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