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COVID-19 infections on the rise among people not fully vaccinated


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It's over for pandemic, but covid will stay forever, as flu and common cold. 
It mutates constantly and future strains can be as dangerous as delta. 
So vacces should be constantly developed, as for season flu. Offered for elderly and those with underlying conditions. 
But pharma doesn't care much about new generation doses. Governments still have large surplus and won't be ordering more, so there is no any pressure on pharmaceutical companies to run research and new production lines. 

Edited by internationalism
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1 hour ago, Lizzy Duang said:

I noticed a while ago that cardiology in BPH was more crowded than ever. Anyone here who developed heart problems after the shots?

No because that doesn't happen.


Covid is still out there and can kill you along with the flu. Easy to stay up to date with vaccinations and a yearly flu shot. It's crazy that anyone would roll the dice on their own health. 


I see there are still plenty of idiots out there willing to die to cuck the libs. Turn off Fox News.  

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2 hours ago, NorthernRyland said:

so-called vaccines do nothing to prevent transmission

This is a low-information voter response.


Whilst it's true that some remarkable vaccines do prevent transmission, most don't. The Covid vaccine is doing what you'd expect it to do. Well. 


I'm aware that in America, politicians and other hype machines made extravagant claims, but then why would you expect politicians to stick to the truth? Such a strange position to take.


Without getting too epistemological here, somebody is not lying if they knew you wouldn't believe them before they spoke; it can only be a lie if it was expected to be true. So... you only fooled yourself by expecting what they said to be true.

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1 hour ago, Rockhound said:

Don't like my graphs?  How about OWID/Johns Hopkins?  (They are identical to mine - same data and same smoothing.


What that graph is showing is the people who were vulnerable got ill first and then rates fell as potential victims who were left were more robust. Impossible to say what effect the vaccines had at this point. Correlation doesn't equal causation etc... etc...

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The vaccines should in most cases stop you from falling seriously ill or dying from Covid, but they're not very effective at preventing you from getting it in the first place. After surviving 3 years of the pandemic in Pattaya, without a single sick day, I went back to the UK in September and, within a week, I'd caught the wretched virus. And that was less than 2 months after my second Pfizer booster, so four shots of vaccine in total. I was down for a week, symptoms very much like a bad cold but with loss of smell and appetite. Worse was the tiredness and brain fog it left me with for around 3 weeks afterwards, that only passed a week before my flight back to Thailand last month. Being a generous sort, I also gave it to my older brother, and he had the same symptoms but almost 2 months later is still suffering the 'long Covid' effects. He'd had 3 shots of Pfizer in total, but his last one was almost a year ago. Whether it was the lack of protection from a recent vaccination or just his age (he's 6 years older than me) that caused him to have much worse problems that I did I have no idea.

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1 hour ago, superal said:

You said "i wore my mask in the airport and on the plane home. still caught something " as if a mask will give protection against an airborne virus , sorry but it does not . The mask will stop your projectiles from coughs and sneezes from hitting others but that is about it   


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29 minutes ago, Pinot said:

It's crazy that anyone would roll the dice on their own health. 

There are plenty of people who are medically unable to take certain vaccines due to allergy issues - for the mRNA vaccines, there are plenty of people who are allergic to either polyethylene glycol, phosphocholine or trimethamine. They are at risk of anaphylactic shock, which is potentially fatal.


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40 minutes ago, NorthernRyland said:

What that graph is showing is the people who were vulnerable got ill first and then rates fell as potential victims who were left were more robust. Impossible to say what effect the vaccines had at this point. Correlation doesn't equal causation etc... etc...

Vaccines work. My gf had 5 shots didnt get sick. I had 2 got very sick. My last shot was more than a year old.

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3 hours ago, RickyJB said:

i returned from Thailand 3 weeks ago, and was floored by some virus, fever for 2 weeks, felt worse than when i had covid last year..(i was also in hospital then) i was tested 3 times and all came back negative for covid.. so there are things out there  a lot worse than covid,, but certain people keep pushing this scaremongering nonsense,,  i started feeling ill the day i was in the airport to come home, people coughing and spluttering and not wearing masks.. i wore my mask in the airport and on the plane home. still caught something ,,

You wore your mask and yet you still got sick. What does that tell you about the benefit of wearing a mask?

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3 hours ago, RickyJB said:

i returned from Thailand 3 weeks ago, and was floored by some virus, fever for 2 weeks, felt worse than when i had covid last year..(i was also in hospital then) i was tested 3 times and all came back negative for covid.. so there are things out there  a lot worse than covid,, but certain people keep pushing this scaremongering nonsense,,  i started feeling ill the day i was in the airport to come home, people coughing and spluttering and not wearing masks.. i wore my mask in the airport and on the plane home. still caught something ,,

Food poisoning? Std?

Covid killed millions

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"Public Health Ministry announcement cancelling the decree dated Oct 9, 2020 that had allowed the ministry to procure Covid-19 vaccines to protect the public interest, control the outbreak or maintain national security."




Hopefully it stays relatively mild and cases don't spike because there won't be many vaccines available in any case. 

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4 hours ago, VinnieK said:

Most vaxxed ppl that I know have had Covid already.(afterwards)

One of them, (Thai woman), developed myocarditis after the 'v' and a few weeks later lost her mind.

I had mild Covid myself, in the early months.

Never took the 'v' 

Too many questions still un-answered about the origin of this disease and the efficacy of vaccines imo

Bat soup?....????????



I certainly won’t be having anymore jabs. Arthritic fingers & thumbs on occasion post-vaccine... I am not old, though of course it can come post-40. May just be a coincidence and doctors say there’s no connection (they would wouldn’t they), but I’d sooner suffer that cold and will let my immune system do its job in future. 

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