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Have you recently become more concerned about Inflation, Stagflation, and the Price of Eggs?


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Dear Friends,


I guess you recall the good old days when, in the 1970s, and early 1980s, Inflation and Stagflation became two words often discussed around the breakfast table


And yet, with all the inflation and stagflation, things did not get too bad, provided that one was used to eating beans and rice for dinner, with an egg or two for breakfast, and a thin slice of toast.


Most people in the USA, these days, don’t recall what it was like to live with high inflation during those times, over 50 years ago.


Where I lived, we had to carry around large buckets of ten-dollar bills, just to buy a loaf of bread.


I hope it never becomes this bad, ever again.


A nickel in the 1970s, when I was growing up, is probably worth, these days, about a hundred dollars. 


If only somebody could invent a dollar bill that would shrink, based on its real value.  You might start out with a dollar bill that was its intended size, one year, and then, 50 years hence, it would be no larger than the pieces of lint in one’s pocket.


So what about chicken eggs?


Do chicken eggs shrink, over time, like the US dollar?


Chicken eggs always stay the same sizes.


You got your Peewee eggs, Small eggs, Medium eggs, Large eggs, Extra-large eggs, and the Jumbo eggs.


But, nobody tells you that the Jumbo US dollar of 1945 has now become the Peewee dollar of 2022. The dollar continues to shrink in size, but you just can’t tell by looking at it.


Regarding the egg sizes, such as the Peewee...




Regarding the size of the US dollar bill, the size never changes.  It remains, so deceptively, the same size, while being reduced in value, year upon year.


Years ago, one could buy a Jumbo egg with a dollar.

But now, one can buy only a Peewee egg for a dollar.


Is this fair?


Probably, the price of eggs here in Thailand will not change much, no matter what happens.

Eggs are an important source of protein for everybody.

Still, low-cost egg production relies quite a bit on cheap energy, not to mention high-intensity lighting to keep those hens laying as many as possible.


However, other than eggs, what about a wedding party this year.

Inflation might increase the cost of getting married, for example.

And then, the fertility rate here might fall even faster, if couples delayed their weddings.

And then, the follow-on effects and implications could be significant.


Living with rather-high inflation is not for the feint hearted.

You only need to try it once to learn that you don't like it.

14% inflation rate is not something which has been unheard of in recent decades in places like the United States.


Therefore, just a question:


If inflation, or even stagflation, not to mention constipation, should get it's claw in us, at inflationary rates not seen in the United States since during the 1970s, then would you be willing to go from having a Jumbo egg for breakfast to eating a Peewee egg once every other morning?





Please Note:  Nobody in the US, under the age of 65, has experienced similarly high rates of inflation as what we may be experiencing soon. High inflation is not fun, and does cause instability in governments. Governments/Regimes fear inflation even more than the populace.  Most governments do not know what they are doing.  Otherwise, they would fix what they don't know how to fix, just to maintain control.  Our leaders are far more fearful of inflation than are we, probably.











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No, inflation doesn't concern, bother, worry me.  As I've eliminated most monthly inflatable bills most are bothered with; rent, utilities, petrol.


Take control, adapt & adjust ????


Got to love the forum though, as motivated me to go weigh my #0 eggs, and coming in between 68-76 grams





"Years ago, one could buy a Jumbo egg with a dollar.

But now, one can buy only a Peewee egg for a dollar."


Where the hell do you shop ? 

What idiot pays $1 for an egg ?


I get 30 #0s for ฿142 / $3.97 USD

1 egg ฿4.7 / $.13 cents


You need to start shopping @ WalMart

Egg ... $.30 cents


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9 minutes ago, 1FinickyOne said:

I bought some eggs yesterday... I have no idea how much they cost... 

If you were asked to buy a million eggs, then the price per egg, and the weight of each egg, might become of paramount importance to you. 


The dietary importance of chicken eggs in Thailand should not be underestimated. 


I have eaten, conservatively speaking, 2000 chicken eggs during the past 12 months, for example. 


Far healthier than pork bellies. 


Do you know much about pork belly futures? 


What do you think about Eddie Murphy? 

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1 hour ago, KhunLA said:

No, inflation doesn't concern, bother, worry me.  As I've eliminated most monthly inflatable bills most are bothered with; rent, utilities, petrol.


Take control, adapt & adjust ????


Got to love the forum though, as motivated me to go weigh my #0 eggs, and coming in between 68-76 grams





"Years ago, one could buy a Jumbo egg with a dollar.

But now, one can buy only a Peewee egg for a dollar."


Where the hell do you shop ? 

What idiot pays $1 for an egg ?


I get 30 #0s for ฿142 / $3.97 USD

1 egg ฿4.7 / $.13 cents


You need to start shopping @ WalMart

Egg ... $.30 cents


The density of an egg is inversely proportional to its size.


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19 minutes ago, Boomer6969 said:

The density of an egg is inversely proportional to its size.


Had a couple double yolk'ers in this present tray I'm working my way through.  Pleasant surprise, as only think I've had 2 total, prior to this tray of, the last 20 years.


Maybe the few more over 70 gr will surprise me ????

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45 minutes ago, KhunLA said:

No, inflation doesn't concern, bother, worry me.  As I've eliminated most monthly inflatable bills most are bothered with; rent, utilities, petrol.


Take control, adapt & adjust ????


Got to love the forum though, as motivated me to go weigh my #0 eggs, and coming in between 68-76 grams





"Years ago, one could buy a Jumbo egg with a dollar.

But now, one can buy only a Peewee egg for a dollar."


Where the hell do you shop ? 

What idiot pays $1 for an egg ?


I get 30 #0s for ฿142 / $3.97 USD

1 egg ฿4.7 / $.13 cents


You need to start shopping @ WalMart

Egg ... $.30 cents


You mean to say that you are shopping at Walmart? 


Which Walmart? 


I haven't seen a real Walmart store in decades. 


Back in the 1990s, I visited a Walmart type of store in Guam.


Maybe it was a Walmart store, but it didn't look like it, at the time.


Just so you know, the last time I visited a real Walmart store was in 1989, in Florida. . No eggs for sale at Walmart, then. Mostly cheap clothing hung on racks upon racks, and extremely depressing. 


In fact, this mega-store method of shopping will probably soon come to an end. 


Do you know why? 


Because, when an entire country, an entire population of people, shops at Walmart, then all people begin to look the same, and wear the same. 


This is why all Americans wear clothes that make them look and feel like garbage collectors. You can't deny this distinctive garbage-collector, Walmart, look. 


This must have been Sam Walton's dream, and now his legacy. 


Sam Walton's dream seems to have been to convince Americans to wear the cheapest and shoddiest clothing, not even fit for prison attire. 


Personally, I would prefer to wear a grass skirt rather than to be caught dead wearing anything off-the-rack from a Walmart store. 


It's like this. 


Sam Walton and Chaiman Mao had the same vision. 


Everyone should carry a Little Red Book. Everybody should wear clothes which makes everyone look the same, from sea to shining sea, the garbage collector look. 


Dress cheap. 

Look cheap. 

Feel cheap. 




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1 minute ago, GammaGlobulin said:

You mean to say that you are shopping at Walmart? 

Which Walmart? 

Not me, not now, but if you're paying ~$1 for an egg, you should be shopping at WalMart.


When I lived in the Germantown, TN, USA area, I shopped at WalMart, as best priced store around.


Also never saw anyone dressed like the meme s & silly photos people post of WalMart shoppers.  Also didn't live in the slums of TN, or where ever, what slum area they would have been taken.

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14 minutes ago, KhunLA said:

Not me, not now, but if you're paying ~$1 for an egg, you should be shopping at WalMart.


When I lived in the Germantown, TN, USA area, I shopped at WalMart, as best priced store around.


Also never saw anyone dressed like the meme s & silly photos people post of WalMart shoppers.  Also didn't live in the slums of TN, or where ever, what slum area they would have been taken.

When I was young, we never ventured into Germantown, PA. 


Today, there are 49 million people of German ancestory, German-Americans, who are living in the US. There is no larger ancestory group in the United States. 

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45 minutes ago, GammaGlobulin said:

When I was young, we never ventured into Germantown, PA


Today, there are 49 million people of German ancestory, German-Americans, who are living in the US. There is no larger ancestory group in the United States. 

I lived in Germantown TN, Outside Memphis TN, not the Philly neighborhood.


Had to look on Gmap to refresh my memory where Philly Germantown even is.  That's embarrassing.   Don't think I ever made it there either, unless passing through.  Been next door at Manayunk area, more than few times.  As that area along the river went upscale, sort of like a South St vibe, but more relaxed, and much safer after dark, as South St is not safe/comfortable, after 'dark time' arrives, even with the huge police presence.  Need to be out of that area by 8pm.  Which I always was as last train out was 8:30pm, well after happy hour ????


Hope that wasn't too racist.

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My wife and I don't have any debts and we own our home and vehicle but we still have to pay for insurances, juristic fees, licenses and Food etcetera. I am more concerned about the losses I made on the stockmarket and crypto???? recently.


The inflation rates should be a concern for everyone because it shows us how little control we have over "normality" in general.



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40 minutes ago, KhunLA said:

I lived in Germantown TN, Outside Memphis TN, not the Philly neighborhood.


Had to look on Gmap to refresh my memory where Philly Germantown even is.  That's embarrassing.   Don't think I ever made it there either, unless passing through.  Been next door at Manayunk area, more than few times.  As that area along the river went upscale, sort of like a South St vibe, but more relaxed, and much safer after dark, as South St is not safe/comfortable, after 'dark time' arrives, even with the huge police presence.  Need to be out of that area by 8pm.  Which I always was as last train out was 8:30pm, well after happy hour ????


Hope that wasn't too racist.

Not racist, at all. 


Please just stay west of the Schuylkill river, around Gladwyn or Bryn Mawr. 


Bryn Mawr College girls, mostly, have hairy legs, but they won't bother you much. Some girls there are Math wizards. Although intelligent, they are naive about the real world. 


Basically, Bryn Mawr is a finishing school for young women seeking marriage with wealthy crypto guys like Bankman-Fried. 


Bryn Mawr is no Vassar, by any stretch. 

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Inflation is a hidden, insidious form of taxation, and governments know this.

Higher taxes on wages might lead to discontent, uproar, and have a knock-on

effect at the polling booth. Inflation is thus the preferred route, a de-facto

devaluation of the dollar, pound, euro, whatever.


Because it creeps up on the unwary (read, the average man in the street), 

inflation's erosion of purchasing power over time is generally un-noticed.


However, inflation increases into double-digits of late have happened 

relatively quickly, and the docile public is starting to sit up and take notice.


If inflation is not reined-in soon, expect the muttering and grumbling to

take on a more overt form, and, quite possibly in my view, riots and blood

in the streets.

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58 minutes ago, Aussieroaming said:

My wife and I don't have any debts and we own our home and vehicle but we still have to pay for insurances, juristic fees, licenses and Food etcetera. I am more concerned about the losses I made on the stockmarket and crypto???? recently.


The inflation rates should be a concern for everyone because it shows us how little control we have over "normality" in general.

The amount of inflation in TH, compared to most other countries, very little, along with the minimum requirements  for long term visa (40k/65k monthly), I can't believe anyone is struggling here.


It would really take a major mis-management of your funds to end up at the end of the month, without enough.   Especially if owning home and car, or don't even have a car and rent inexpensively, <10k a month.

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5 minutes ago, KhunLA said:

The amount of inflation in TH, compared to most other countries, very little, along with the minimum requirements  for long term visa (40k/65k monthly), I can't believe anyone is struggling here.


It would really take a major mis-management of your funds to end up at the end of the month, without enough.   Especially if owning home and car, or don't even have a car and rent inexpensively, <10k a month.

I'm not struggling luckily, we kept a large chunk of money in fixed term and also a good sum in a USD account. However it would still be nice to recoup our losses at some point. 

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33 minutes ago, allanos said:

Inflation is a hidden, insidious form of taxation, and governments know this.

Higher taxes on wages might lead to discontent, uproar, and have a knock-on

effect at the polling booth. Inflation is thus the preferred route, a de-facto

devaluation of the dollar, pound, euro, whatever.


Because it creeps up on the unwary (read, the average man in the street), 

inflation's erosion of purchasing power over time is generally un-noticed.


However, inflation increases into double-digits of late have happened 

relatively quickly, and the docile public is starting to sit up and take notice.


If inflation is not reined-in soon, expect the muttering and grumbling to

take on a more overt form, and, quite possibly in my view, riots and blood

in the streets.

Taxation without almost any representation. 


You are entirely correct, of course. It's a tax on the poor who have very few Monet, Van Gogh, Pollock, or Munches, hanging on their kitchen walls above their wood stoves. 


However, please don't fret The grim reaper, like Santa Claus, never forgets if one has been naughty or nice. 


Someday, the rich are going to pay, and pay. 


When this day comes, I won't feel sorry for these Sugarplum Fairies. 


In the end, we will all sink together. 


Global warming is NOT a myth. 


Until then, my friend... 


We'll meet again. 

Don't know where. 

Don't know when. 



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18 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:

If you were asked to buy a million eggs, then the price per egg, and the weight of each egg, might become of paramount importance to you. 


The dietary importance of chicken eggs in Thailand should not be underestimated. 


I have eaten, conservatively speaking, 2000 chicken eggs during the past 12 months, for example. 


Far healthier than pork bellies. 


Do you know much about pork belly futures? 


What do you think about Eddie Murphy? 

I really think you need to buy some books !  Boredom can drive a man crackers.

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On 11/16/2022 at 11:03 AM, KhunLA said:

No, inflation doesn't concern, bother, worry me.  As I've eliminated most monthly inflatable bills most are bothered with; rent, utilities, petrol.


Take control, adapt & adjust ????


Got to love the forum though, as motivated me to go weigh my #0 eggs, and coming in between 68-76 grams





"Years ago, one could buy a Jumbo egg with a dollar.

But now, one can buy only a Peewee egg for a dollar."


Where the hell do you shop ? 

What idiot pays $1 for an egg ?


I get 30 #0s for ฿142 / $3.97 USD

1 egg ฿4.7 / $.13 cents


You need to start shopping @ WalMart

Egg ... $.30 cents


Drug dealer scales!????????

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