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Man arrested after 18 shots fired at primary school in southern Thailand - anger over noise from school


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I don't think noise pollution is endemic to Thailand. As others have said, other South East Asian countries are the same or worse. Maybe most developing countries are similar. Lack of enforcement, poor planning, bribery/corruption and poor education/empathy for others all contribute.


I sometimes think living in Thailand is similar to living in Australia in the 1970s. Rubbish everywhere, noise everywhere, dogs running wild and selfish people with no consideration for others. Australia (and other western countries, I guess) have long since cleaned up their act, but have also lost that personal freedom to do what you want.


So where do you want to live - in a country where laissez faire is the rule or in a country where rule of the law is strictly enforced and big brother oversees everything you do?

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3 minutes ago, Reigntax said:

I suppose you maintain the same ignorance towards Thai driving as you do with noise?

There is no right to make noise. There are times and noise levels that are permissible.

However there is a right to quiet enjoyment of living in an environment that does not cause harm or discomfort just as there is a right not to be affected by the actions of another. 

its also not the short term and variable noise that causes most problems. Its caused by low frequency bass type noise that is often over volume compared to the music being played and the repetitive thumping.


I find the centre of Bangkok pleasant

compared to some rural areas.


Earplugs are useless for low frequency noise as is most fabric and building material, unless specifically designed to attenuate the offending noise frequency.


"There is no right to make noise...".


Hey, that is funny!


Guessing local village temples didn't get the memo.

Learn to live with (most) noise in Thailand.????????

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5 minutes ago, Lucky Bones said:

"There is no right to make noise...".


Hey, that is funny!


Guessing local village temples didn't get the memo.

Learn to live with (most) noise in Thailand.????????

Yes . And they also didn’t get the memo about driving the wrong way down the wrong side of the road and the licence requirement also.

And I suppose we can all laugh until we become affected.

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How pleasant to be a little hard of hearing ???? for sure takes the edge off to negate complaining

 I am surprised though, that those who complain about noise, have not created a quiet room where life outside is but a few muffled sounds 

Where a head in a good book overides all external disturbance

Perhaps the simple solution of headphones listening to music or TV 


The options for self help are really plentiful ????


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43 minutes ago, Reigntax said:

Yes . And they also didn’t get the memo about driving the wrong way down the wrong side of the road and the licence requirement also.

And I suppose we can all laugh until we become affected.

Some memos get lost in transit here.

Others are received but remain unopened/unread.

Just keep your wits about you and above all, grumble all you like (preferably to yourself)......... and then,........relax.????????

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8 hours ago, ikke1959 said:

Noise pollution everywhere in Thailand, Never get used to it, as there are laws with maximum levels, but the Police nor Government nor temples and school will ever do anything to give an example and lower the noise. I am wondering what will happen fter several years as many studies already showed that the ears will be damaged by too much noise. But Thai people probably don't have this issue or have it already why they the have make such a noise. Even speaking can not be done in a normal way.It must be screaming all the time

Bloody awful mate and don't miss it a bit.

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Thailand has her own unique culture. It is what it is. You as a guest ,try to live the best you can, with her warts and all. Select optimum location for your lodging, your community and triple window glazing for best noise insulation. Walls can be double gypsum walled for insulation too. Not effective if low bass frequencies like discos though. Grousing with your entitled value system in your host country will not elevate your grievances. 

Edited by Ctkong
Missing words.
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Thais are programmed to accept noise as an every day occurrence.  As soon as they are born their parents stick them in a cot under the family TV playing at full blast.  Their brains are then scrambled by the dross they call entertainment with dopey presenters and cartoon sound effects (and that is for the adults) the kids get hours of Chinese movies with the same story told a thousand ways. 


Later in life they cannot sleep or feel comfortable unless a radio, TV or Karaoke is blaring in the corner of the room at home or every public establishment they visit.   Unless the authorities take the problem seriously there will be many deaths in similar circumstances.

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5 hours ago, Kaopad999 said:

it's like when i want to go for a nice relaxing walk in my local park and then they start blasting out ear piercing loud music on their PA system which ruins the whole experience. i just dont get it! 

I find Thailand a very noisy place especially cars and motorcycles.

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9 hours ago, Will B Good said:

Funerals, weddings, praying for the village (whatever that means), 'special days'......the list goes on and on.


There are three things that Thais like more than food and drink..... burning stuff, modified exhaust pipes and PA systems.


I bet the school was going full blast day after day on their PA system.....it would not have just been the noise from a few kids that drove this guy over the edge.

Oh yeah, they love a PA system. I live across the road from a barracks and the drill instructors use a PA system to drill the troops. Odd that they should need to do that. My mates and I worked on a drill square 4 x the size of the one here and never felt the need to use a PA system. Then again, show an Asian a microphone and they'll grab it like it was the Kulinar Diamond!

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4 hours ago, Jonathan Swift said:

I have been here 10 years, living in Makkasan, Bangkok, as well as any place I want to travel to temporarily. First of all I knew this was a city before I came here. I have spent lots of time in some of the biggest US cities from New York to LA. City noise comes with the territory. But even in suburbs of the US how have guys mowing lawns and using chainsaws in the early mornings on the weekends, and barking dogs are not unique to Thailand. On the other hand if I want peace and quiet I don't have any trouble finding it. I have a guy like you in my apartment building in Makkasan, from the UK and Australia both, who complained about the sirens of ambulances, as if people should be denied emergency medical care just to suit him. Did you know nothing of the country before you moved here? Did you know nothing of the neighborhood you chose before you moved in?  Whose fault is that? I spent time getting to know each and every neighborhood under consideration before I finally moved to where I am. I knew EXACTLY what I was to find before I made the commitment. You're telling people not to "retire" in Thailand because you yourself are having problems adjusting to the inherent ways of the Thai people? Sounds more like the problem is YOU, and YOUR inability to adapt. I shouldn't have to say this, but it's not your country. You're free to move somewhere else if you don't like your neighbors, but you have no right or moral authority to impose YOUR value judgments on them or anyone else, so stop whining and either do something about it, or zip it. Or buy some earplugs. Nobody likes a complainer, and it seems like they all like to pile on as if they don't have the option to leave. Is whining and complaining a national sport in the UK or something? 

Beautifully written. I find the laughter of children at play quite enchanting and am appalled that anyone would unload a Glock at a kids sports day. This brain-dead gun mentality needs to stop. It is never appropriate to threaten people, much less children. I hope the police lock up this moron for a long time, and make sure everyone in prison knows the idiot tried to kill a bunch of little kids. 

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My least favorite thing about Thailand.  I'm dreading the noise for an upcoming visit.  In the village, dogs bark at all hours, loud music with no care of others, then the daily monk chants on the PA you can hear but not understand from 2 clicks away.   oh and the roosters who don't even wait for dawn. 

I imagine this Thai man remembers a much quieter time 30 years ago.   

How can some of these bars be allowed to make so much noise.  I stayed at a big name chain hotel in khon kaen on like the 20th floor.  At 3 am the beat from music was vibrating the windows in their mountings. Looking down below  It was a single story private residence that looked like it had been turned into a jungle party and didn't have that many customers.  It had to exceed hearing loss levels at ground zero.   I did ask  the desk and was moved to the other side of the man.   I couldn't believe a big conglomerate couldn't get that sound shut down.  Kinda says it all about Thailand.   Where I live and have lived most all my life has been more quiet than most people know exists.   

Edited by Elkski
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10 minutes ago, cjinchiangrai said:

Beautifully written. I find the laughter of children at play quite enchanting and am appalled that anyone would unload a Glock at a kids sports day. This brain-dead gun mentality needs to stop. It is never appropriate to threaten people, much less children. I hope the police lock up this moron for a long time, and make sure everyone in prison knows the idiot tried to kill a bunch of little kids. 

I can see anywhere that he fired a Glock, where did you read or see this?

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4 hours ago, Jonathan Swift said:

I have been here 10 years, living in Makkasan, Bangkok, as well as any place I want to travel to temporarily. First of all I knew this was a city before I came here. I have spent lots of time in some of the biggest US cities from New York to LA. City noise comes with the territory. But even in suburbs of the US how have guys mowing lawns and using chainsaws in the early mornings on the weekends, and barking dogs are not unique to Thailand. On the other hand if I want peace and quiet I don't have any trouble finding it. I have a guy like you in my apartment building in Makkasan, from the UK and Australia both, who complained about the sirens of ambulances, as if people should be denied emergency medical care just to suit him. Did you know nothing of the country before you moved here? Did you know nothing of the neighborhood you chose before you moved in?  Whose fault is that? I spent time getting to know each and every neighborhood under consideration before I finally moved to where I am. I knew EXACTLY what I was to find before I made the commitment. You're telling people not to "retire" in Thailand because you yourself are having problems adjusting to the inherent ways of the Thai people? Sounds more like the problem is YOU, and YOUR inability to adapt. I shouldn't have to say this, but it's not your country. You're free to move somewhere else if you don't like your neighbors, but you have no right or moral authority to impose YOUR value judgments on them or anyone else, so stop whining and either do something about it, or zip it. Or buy some earplugs. Nobody likes a complainer, and it seems like they all like to pile on as if they don't have the option to leave. Is whining and complaining a national sport in the UK or something? 

Yes, and it's called moaning! ????

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6 hours ago, Jonathan Swift said:

Noise from kids at a school and from temples is your definition of "noise pollution"?  Do you know whose country and culture this is? Do you think you have the right to dictate to the Thai people how they should run their lives? And your suggestion that "noise pollution" from schools is enough to damage ears is the most ludicrous thing I've seen on the web since Trump's last public meltdown. What "studies" do you refer to? Name them.  Since you want to play expert, how many decibels is considered harmful, what KINDS of sounds NAMED IN YOUR "STUDIES"  and under what circumstances such as duration of sound from a few seconds to daily exposure? It sounds to me like the solution to YOUR problem is either move to a quieter place or get some earplugs. 

Not living in THailand??? so don't comment

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2 hours ago, Flink said:

Oh yeah, they love a PA system. I live across the road from a barracks and the drill instructors use a PA system to drill the troops. Odd that they should need to do that. My mates and I worked on a drill square 4 x the size of the one here and never felt the need to use a PA system. Then again, show an Asian a microphone and they'll grab it like it was the Kulinar Diamond!

You forgot money.

Thais worship money.

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1 hour ago, Elkski said:

My least favorite thing about Thailand.  I'm dreading the noise for an upcoming visit.  In the village, dogs bark at all hours, loud music with no care of others, then the daily monk chants on the PA you can hear but not understand from 2 clicks away.   oh and the roosters who don't even wait for dawn. 

I imagine this Thai man remembers a much quieter time 30 years ago.   

How can some of these bars be allowed to make so much noise.  I stayed at a big name chain hotel in khon kaen on like the 20th floor.  At 3 am the beat from music was vibrating the windows in their mountings. Looking down below  It was a single story private residence that looked like it had been turned into a jungle party and didn't have that many customers.  It had to exceed hearing loss levels at ground zero.   I did ask  the desk and was moved to the other side of the man.   I couldn't believe a big conglomerate couldn't get that sound shut down.  Kinda says it all about Thailand.   Where I live and have lived most all my life has been more quiet than most people know exists.   

Possibly skip the "upcoming visit"?

Tell them you have covid.

Should keep everyone at bay.????????

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