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1 hour ago, rudi49jr said:

The white supremacy should already have come to and end, because everybody knows that we all hail from somewhere in Africa, a couple of thousand generations ago. 

It was actually 1  million years ago that Humans migrated out of Africa , rather than  43 000 years ago . although people did begin to arrive on the America continent about that time 

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1 minute ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

It was actually 1  million years ago that Humans migrated out of Africa , rather than  43 000 years ago . although people did begin to arrive on the America continent about that time 

It depends on how you define "humans". My most accounts you are way off the mark. I know I'm sounding like a cracked record but where's your link?

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1 hour ago, rudi49jr said:

The white supremacy should already have come to and end, because everybody knows that we all hail from somewhere in Africa, a couple of thousand generations ago. So every white supremacist has black ancestors, but they just refuse to believe that and make up their own reality. They also don’t care that native Americans were/are the original inhabitants of the continent. 

I think for those kinds of people its all a bit hard to comprehend lol!

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On 1/17/2023 at 9:28 PM, ozimoron said:

It depends on how you define "humans". My most accounts you are way off the mark. I know I'm sounding like a cracked record but where's your link?

As I don't have a link to my School education , you will have to make do with this link 




Early humans first migrated out of Africa into Asia probably between 2 million and 1.8 million years ago. They entered Europe somewhat later, between 1.5 million and 1 million years. Species of modern humans populated many parts of the world much later. For instance, people first came to Australia probably within the past 60,000 years and to the Americas within the past 30,000 years or so. The beginnings of agriculture and the rise of the first civilizations occurred within the past 12,000 years.


https://humanorigins.si.edu/education/introduction-human-evolution#:~:text=Humans first evolved in Africa,different species of early humans.



Edited by metisdead
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On 1/17/2023 at 9:31 PM, Mac Mickmanus said:

As I don't have a link to my School education , you will have to make do with this link 




Early humans first migrated out of Africa into Asia probably between 2 million and 1.8 million years ago. They entered Europe somewhat later, between 1.5 million and 1 million years. Species of modern humans populated many parts of the world much later. For instance, people first came to Australia probably within the past 60,000 years and to the Americas within the past 30,000 years or so. The beginnings of agriculture and the rise of the first civilizations occurred within the past 12,000 years.


https://humanorigins.si.edu/education/introduction-human-evolution#:~:text=Humans first evolved in Africa,different species of early humans.



They were not Homo Sapiens. H.S. migrated to Europe from Africa about 200,000 years ago and successive waves came from the Middle East as recently as 15,000 years ago. The salient point is that white people aren't really that white. 


By reanalysing human skull fragments discovered four decades ago in Greece, an international team of researchers now believe that an early modern human migration out of Africa may have reached Europe by at least 210,000 years ago.

This pushes back the known date of Homo sapiens in the region by more than 150,000 years.



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26 minutes ago, ThaiFelix said:

You see, theres that baseless arrogance again.  What an embarrassment!

To some extent he's correct. In many areas, what arises in the US spreads internationally, since no country is producing any culture nowadays. There's no more Beethoven, Tolstoy, Joyce, Shakespeare, etc. Culture should be dynamic and not just rely on the long dead past, but nobody is adding to it now. The vacuum gets filled, like it or not.


Thus, the world gets stuck with rap and R&B (some of which I do enjoy), Hollywood, plus denims and track shoes and inner city fashion from New York or South Central Los Angeles. Old people dress like old people, but the youth of the world emulates US inner city. Starved for culture worldwide might be the reason. I've stopped being surprised seeing young people in Thailand, Myanmar, Hong Kong, Japan, the UK, Germany, etc. look like they're Straight outta Compton, complete with the hand gestures and 'attitude'.


Even cutesy 'boy bands' came from the US, with New Kids on the Block and other abominations eventually yielding K-Poppers like BTS.

Edited by Walker88
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It is still considered rude to wear one’s hat, ten gallon or pint size, inside a home or building. Wearing in large public spaces is tolerated, unless a building for religious purposes. 

We speak English, German, Czech-Slovak, Spanish, Vietnamese, Mandarin, French, and a smattering of other languages depending on where you are. No different than any other country.


Braggadocio, stereotypical in the movies, is more of a personality trait, than reflective of most here.



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29 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

We can all be thankful we were born on the "right side of the railway tracks".

We had our skydiving drop zone on the other side, and had to pass the other side colony every time we had a wet night out. Extreme sport, but never heard anything happened to anyone during that time. We left them alone, and them us. But strategic placed since once and awhile the airplanes disappeared for a day, and came back in the night without lights on. 

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On 1/16/2023 at 3:05 PM, happydreamer said:

I retired at 40 off of investing into the scam and came to live in this lovely place.  I guess when you can't change the game you just learn to play by the games rules.

45 ... I was a late bloomer.  Rolled my RE over to the market.  Know the scam, play the scam ... or lose.  Wish I taught myself the market when I was 20 ish yrs old, could of retired at 30.


Started 1998, retired 2001 ... Y2K BS to start, them oil after Bush 2 was elected ????  really was too easy.

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1 hour ago, ThaiFelix said:

No, American English is spelt totally different to the English spoken by those who are not too arrogant to acknowlege that English comes from their old master, Britain.  Surley you have noticed that?

What does arrogance have to do with how someone spells words?  Language evolves. Thats the nature of it.  Im not really sure what point you're trying to make other than being offensive by making repeated generalizations.  


BTW, you spelled "surely" wrong.  

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1 hour ago, ThaiFelix said:

No, American English is spelt totally different to the English spoken by those who are not too arrogant to acknowlege that English comes from their old master, Britain.  Surley you have noticed that?

We got rid of that old master 239 ish yrs ago.


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2 hours ago, ozimoron said:

I thought it looked like a "mars bar". I didn't even believe it was real when I first saw it. I accused the poster of being racist for posting it. mea culpa.

Will you be apologising to the poster whom you called a "racist" and be retracting that allegation ?

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54 minutes ago, happydreamer said:

Origin is irrelevant to the conversation at hand.  We're talking about current day Americans abroad, specifically in Thailand.

I didn't see the OP.


Didn't know there was a timeline for the conversation, since the Americas have been visited for about, over 1000 yrs maybe, and USA, a country for 239 ish yrs.  Did someone mention 'melting pot' .... oh no, they did not.


So I guess we should only mention gen X Y & Z, maybe baby boomers aren't current enough.  And only Americans in TH.  Oh krap, I'm old 1954 stock, out of here.


Haven't seen any with 10 gallon hats ... or slaves, so you better let the others know they are off topic.

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2 hours ago, KhunLA said:

45 ... I was a late bloomer.  Rolled my RE over to the market.  Know the scam, play the scam ... or lose.  Wish I taught myself the market when I was 20 ish yrs old, could of retired at 30.



It is always puzzling to me how difficult it is for native English speakers to write this correctly.


As a side note I think retirement is overrated and I hope to be able to work until my 70s at least (if I stay alive that long) like my mum. I have no interest in playing golf every day. Or at all, for that matter.

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11 hours ago, rudi49jr said:

Almost all Americans that I ever met can not stop talking, they just talk all the time, about the most inane and trivial things. I was on Ko Phi Phi once, and some people had gathered on a hill overlooking the sea to watch the sunset. It was rather beautiful, it was quiet and peaceful, and when someone said something it was in a very low voice or a whisper.
Then two young American women showed up and they sat down, didn’t even look at the sunset and just continued their loud conversation, that we had already heard coming towards us for a couple of minutes as they made their way up the hill. After about five minutes of them yacking it up I asked them, very politely, if they could please be quiet, as we were trying to enjoy the sunset. They looked at me as if I had insulted them deeply, immediately got up and left in a huff.

Don’t get me wrong, I have several American friends and I love them dearly, but sometimes I wish I could tape their mouths shut for just a little while. 

It is not only Americans, some (Southern) Europeans do it as well. I once followed a small group of Spanish tourists in Rome and listened to them. They were practically thinking out loud saying just about anything, down to the most  trivial things.

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On 1/13/2023 at 11:11 PM, Fat is a type of crazy said:

... One last comment on the term septic tanks - I have never heard someone use that term in my life and it was probably last used in the 50's or 60's. 

Septic tank?  I use one every day.  Have to have it pumped out every 5 years or so.  Last time it cost around $400. (USD).

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On 1/14/2023 at 1:23 AM, Taboo2 said:

I say I am from California and I am not an <deleted> Blue woke Cali person.  The reason is that whenever I say San Francisco or Silicon Valley, most Thais have no clue, but they all remember California from the song that used to be played 24/7, before the "Zombie" song took over.

You mean the "Hotel California" song?  It was released the month before I went to Thailand as a Peace Corps volunteer in 1977.  Oddly, we stayed in San Francisco for a couple days at the California Hotel. 

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On 1/14/2023 at 2:55 AM, Captain Monday said:


Health care

  • Thailand: I thought I had a piece of glass in my foot so I shuffle  to the most famous intl hospital in Bangkok with no apointment saw an actual Doctor quickly and the total charge was 650 baht. US: Insurance company initial response is to partially deny my claim.  If it happened in the US I would pay minimum $75 or $100  co-poy and insurance would be billed a huge amount. One time I needed three stitches it was over $1000 almost twenty years ago


Some 20 years back my son went to the emergency room in the U.S. with a bad gut pain.  We didn't have health insurance at the time.  He was there about 4 hours.  Not sure if they did a CT scan or whatever.  We got a bill for somewhere around $20,000. (USD).  Due to him being under 18 and no income, most was forgiven.  Still, the Doc on duty that night cost us a couple thousand $.  And he probably didn't spend more than 1/2 hour total.


Contrast that with my visit to a Thai emergency room in October last year.  ER, x-rays, CT scan and an overnight in the Loei government hospital - about $425. at the exchange rate then.  It was an interesting experience.


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On 1/14/2023 at 9:52 PM, KhunLA said:

Reading these replies ...

... there really is no need to ask why I'm Anti-social toward expats and avoid them regularly.  The level of arrogance, ignorance & prejudice is simply mind boggling.

I read these forums and sometimes the bickering and nastiness seem to come through.  Poster against poster, name calling if you will.  I just don't get it.  One thing I learned in Thailand 45 years ago is to get along with others.  It may not always be pleasant but life goes on. 

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5 minutes ago, Damrongsak said:

I read these forums and sometimes the bickering and nastiness seem to come through.  Poster against poster, name calling if you will.  I just don't get it.  One thing I learned in Thailand 45 years ago is to get along with others.  It may not always be pleasant but life goes on. 

I'm open minded, will listen and debate any subject, and even learn somethings along the way, at times.


But this thread, all it did, was add another full page to my ignore list ???? 

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