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Teacher attacks primary students - investigative committee set up

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6 hours ago, ikke1959 said:

I don't approve the behavior of the teacher. There are other ways to punish, but this is Thailand and believe me in a overcrowded class and sometimes uneducated kids, they can drive the teacher mad. It happened to me several times that the class was uncontrollable and that I just left the class very angry. I strongly believe that parents don't educate their kids in normal behaviour and that overcrowded classes with 50 kids or more are triggering bad behaviour. But alas... Thailand  

I agree with you. I have had many classes where the students behavior was totally out of control. When complaining the Thai teachers could see nothing wrong, they attitude was 'Mai Pen aria', they baby". High School  classes, babies..........?????

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3 hours ago, 1happykamper said:

So many of the bully teachers. Get rid of them.

And lose half the 'teachers'.

59 minutes ago, Spock said:

If you 'refrain from judgement' then you are part of the problem an have no role in the solution.

You're partially right. I don't have a role in the solution anymore whatever minimalistic it was. I refrained of judging this teacher's conduct because I don't know the person and all the cirdumstances that led to this violent outburst which I don't aprove of. At the same time I'm aware of how the system works and the role of parents in education system. The school's management will hastingly try to solve the situationIt and blame it on the teacher souly. Though, I point it out that this is a socilal problem of upbringing. Why the kids didn't do their duty? Does it have anything to do with parenting? Parents' behaviour is similar to what you can read in many posts here and they sound like a voice of a lynch mob or burning witches at the stake. If you ever have the chance to step into any classroom and try to make a difference you might get a new perspective.    

8 hours ago, webfact said:

ASEAN NOW notes that under the government of Yingluck Shinawatra capital punishment in schools was outlawed.



I doubt it was ever within the law.


Have you ever wondered why the world we live in is in such a state, parents do not disipline their children when the children misbehave and guess what, those children often grow up to be spoilt brats because they were never shown boundaries. The children get to school and dont want to listen and respect their teachers so the teachers gets <deleted> and give them the cane. Yes the cane physically hurts at the time but hurts their  pride more than anything. It should be a lesson to the kids and the parents when the teacher says jump they should be saying yes sir and not being cheeky little spoilt brats. I say the cane teach's boys to have some respect and they grow up being better people. Look around you in Thailand and see how these boys behave as grown men!

8 hours ago, ikke1959 said:

I don't approve the behavior of the teacher. There are other ways to punish, but this is Thailand and believe me in a overcrowded class and sometimes uneducated kids, they can drive the teacher mad. It happened to me several times that the class was uncontrollable and that I just left the class very angry. I strongly believe that parents don't educate their kids in normal behaviour and that overcrowded classes with 50 kids or more are triggering bad behaviour. But alas... Thailand  

Shame on you for making excuses for a sadist pretending to be a teacher.

8 hours ago, ikke1959 said:

I don't approve the behavior of the teacher. There are other ways to punish, but this is Thailand and believe me in a overcrowded class and sometimes uneducated kids, they can drive the teacher mad. It happened to me several times that the class was uncontrollable and that I just left the class very angry. I strongly believe that parents don't educate their kids in normal behaviour and that overcrowded classes with 50 kids or more are triggering bad behaviour. But alas... Thailand  

Been there done that. That is why I teach private.

You are wrong however this is not just a Thai problem with students look at the u.s. and u.k.


Teacher takes away Gameboy student beats up teachers.

Parents these days do not teach self respect or consequences for actions.  

It would be interesting to know what the home life is like.  Who rule's the family.


My father's outlook was that if I screwed up at school I took the punishment if he heard about it then I was in deeper trouble.  Daughters school had a homework book if she screwed up I got notified in the book and dealt with it at home.

She instituted the same with grandkids oldest is dean's list with 3.9 at university.


A large group of concerned parents should go see teacher Boss and tell him to fetch his cane.  If he doesn't step to it immediately he should be beaten doubly. 

5 minutes ago, kingstonkid said:

Been there done that. That is why I teach private.

You are wrong however this is not just a Thai problem with students look at the u.s. and u.k.


Teacher takes away Gameboy student beats up teachers.

Parents these days do not teach self respect or consequences for actions.  

It would be interesting to know what the home life is like.  Who rule's the family.


My father's outlook was that if I screwed up at school I took the punishment if he heard about it then I was in deeper trouble.  Daughters school had a homework book if she screwed up I got notified in the book and dealt with it at home.

She instituted the same with grandkids oldest is dean's list with 3.9 at university.

What shall we conclude from all this that you wrote above? 


Beat our children unmercifully so they can graduate summa cum laude?

3 minutes ago, kingstonkid said:

Been there done that. That is why I teach private.

You are wrong however this is not just a Thai problem with students look at the u.s. and u.k.


Teacher takes away Gameboy student beats up teachers.

Parents these days do not teach self respect or consequences for actions.  

It would be interesting to know what the home life is like.  Who rule's the family.


My father's outlook was that if I screwed up at school I took the punishment if he heard about it then I was in deeper trouble.  Daughters school had a homework book if she screwed up I got notified in the book and dealt with it at home.

She instituted the same with grandkids oldest is dean's list with 3.9 at university.

Some antiquated golden droplets in there... Gameboy was 33 years ago !!..


The vast majority of kids are decent, in most cases is a poor teacher who is unable to control a class.

There are of course the ‘examples’ - the kids who simply should not be there, but that is not most schools. 

I’m sure we all remember the very good teachers and those were classes in which even the worst of us didn’t mess around in. 


I do agree that a lot ‘respect’ starts at home, but if a teacher can’t maintain the respect of the students they are probably not very good teachers to begin with.



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8 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

Some antiquated golden droplets in there... Gameboy was 33 years ago !!..


The vast majority of kids are decent, in most cases is a poor teacher who is unable to control a class.

There are of course the ‘examples’ - the kids who simply should not be there, but that is not most schools. 

I’m sure we all remember the very good teachers and those were classes in which even the worst of us didn’t mess around in. 


I do agree that a lot ‘respect’ starts at home, but if a teacher can’t maintain the respect of the students they are probably not very good teachers to begin with.



Have you ever taught in a class room orca group of kids.


No there was no capital punishment at my or my daughter's house.  I had other means of getting my point across usually loss of privilege or writing times tables 

9 hours ago, HuskerDo2 said:

They have to set up a "committee" to investigate? The bruises and wounds weren't enough proof? The punishment should be 13 whacks from the same cane for each child he struck. 13 to the head, 13 to the back and 13 to the groin. Scum!!

Add the school director too, since they obviously accept/condone this teacher's methods...

Let's give them a taste of their own medicine for EACH and EVERY time they do something wrong.

Guess they wouldn't't be teaching for long though...

8 hours ago, BananaStrong said:

I've been saying this for YEARS (different accounts, of course!! lol):

This violence towards kids is much more prevalent than you think.  Especially private schools, IMO.   Also, I've seen farangs hit kids.  Horrible humans.  Yes, I reported them all.  Nothing was ever done.


Before COVID (my last "teaching" job), government school employee teachers were afraid to hit kids.  FINALLY a change, because they knew they would lose their "job" of doing nothing and it's almost impossible to get fired.  I would send my kid to a gov't school before  a private school.   


Oh, it's the culture!!!!  Discipline is good!!!  Well, if you have an IQ above 49 you would realize science has changed on human development and it's a horrible thing to do.  Oh, you only use your phone for Instagram??  Well, there you go, and you still remember your grandfather hitting you so it must be the right thing?   Can't fix stupid.


Plus a Thai teacher snitching on another Thai teacher is like seeing a unicorn.   


If you are a parent, GO to the school and observe.  You will cry while driving home, knowing you failed your child.  lol.  I laugh because what did you really think?  Oh, it was inexpensive.  There you go!!!!

I was thinking you were a professional trol but you must have become rich teaching in Thailand?


  • Confused 1
3 hours ago, Pouatchee said:

Being a teacher here over 20 years I can tell you first hand that the only one who gets in trouble is the foreign teacher if he tries to do any of your suggestions. I gave lunch time detention, lines, extra-homework and every time either the work wasn't done, the kids didn't show up or the parents called to complain, and even the foreign teachers back stabbed me saying I was too harsh. Suffice it to say their classes are generally out of control and most actually only care about the visa and the salary. What else can you expect from tourist teachers who have no qualified teacher status. There is no solution. When I do job interviews I always ask the interviewers if the school is supportive of its teachers and the answer is always yes. I ask if there is a discipline code, and usually the interviewers look dumbfounded and usually tell that if there is a problem to bring it to their attention. I will let you guess the end result.

So those without QTS are tourist teachers? You probably need to rephrase that. You are assuming those with QTS are not here for the money or the visa. You are assuming that only qualified teachers are the only ones to care about their students. A re-think is in order. BTW I'm aqualified teacher (without the UK QTS). 

  • Confused 1
2 hours ago, DavisH said:

BTW I'm aqualified teacher (without the UK QTS). 

And what makes you qualified? An online PGCEi? A Thai master's degree in education? They aren't even recognized in American curriculum international schools... go look on aj.com --> this R_ffles job advert....


 Note that a Master's or PGCEi without QTS is not considered equivalent to an American teaching license in the international school job market, but such candidates may be considered if they have experience working in reputable K-12 international schools.


Sorry bub, but if you can't take your degree and go teach back home then you are not a 'teacher' per say. I am not a lawyer nor would I be able to practice as a lawyer back home per lack of the degree. Here, almost anyone can pose as a teacher and get a job. You can call yourself a teacher, but unless proven otherwise I certainly won't call you that. Too many crappy make shift quick degrees available out there. Funny thing is is that those who take short cuts are the ones who take most offence when confronted with their credentials.





Not condoning what this teacher did ...
But I remember when I in school in the early '60's (A Catholic school run by Catholic monks and nuns), the teacher "Religion" beat me on my hands with a metal rules so hard that I could barely hold a pen for a few days.
Coming home and telling to my father what the monk did, my father took a ruler and hit me again on my hands.
"If the monk has hit you, he surely had reason for it and you should not complain."

  • Like 1
3 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

Some antiquated golden droplets in there... Gameboy was 33 years ago !!..


The vast majority of kids are decent, in most cases is a poor teacher who is unable to control a class.

There are of course the ‘examples’ - the kids who simply should not be there, but that is not most schools. 

I’m sure we all remember the very good teachers and those were classes in which even the worst of us didn’t mess around in. 


I do agree that a lot ‘respect’ starts at home, but if a teacher can’t maintain the respect of the students they are probably not very good teachers to begin with.



Sure you never stood before a class as a teacher

  • Thumbs Up 1

Confuscious.....my father took a ruler and hit me again on my hands.
"If the monk has hit you, he surely had reason for it and you should not complain."

Ah memories... I went to a similar secondary school in England. In rhe 70s. My dad once asked me if the monks ( the Brothers) had ever hit me ( this was with the Tawse: a thick reinforced leather strap). 

When I said yes , he was at first outraged but after a couple of seconds said "well you must have deserved it"!! Fortunately I was not whacked again by my dad

To be honest in those days  most students preferred  school discipline  to having parents informed as the consequences would have been far far worse ....punishment not only for the misdeeds but for having brought shame on the family and being reminded of this at every opportunity  by your folks!!! 

  • Thumbs Up 1

I didn't see the picture of these cane marks.   But I got sent to the principal with a buddy.  It was justified.  It was serious to get sent to his office.  He had us touch our toes and we each got 3 wacks with a 12-18" ruler.  I teared up I recall but the ruler broke on my buddies ass so we laughed after.   I dont think it left a mark and I do think it was positive in my life to learn there are repercussions if you goof off.    I think there were a few times at home in late 60s I chose the belt over days of being grounded to my room.    I've seen these lazy, chubby ,video playing Thai boys.  They don't seem to be required to do anything around the house.   In fact it is similar for even 17ye old school girls.  You guys complain about all the crazy young men.  So what is your plan?  I can't imagine trying to teach a grade school class over 40.  

  • Love It 1
3 minutes ago, Elkski said:

I didn't see the picture of these cane marks.   But I got sent 5o the principal with a buddy.  It was justified.  It was serious to get sent to his office.  He had us touch our toes and we each got 3 wacks with a 12-18" ruler.  I teared up I recall but the ruler broke on my buddies ass so we laughed after.   I dont think it left a mark and I do think it was positive in my life to learn there are repercussions if you good off.    I think there were a few times at home in late 60s I chose the belt over days of being grounded to my room.    I've seen these lazy, chubby ,video playing Thai boys.  They don't seem to be required to do anyt6ari7nd the house.   In fact it is similar for even 17ye old school girls. 



It is amazing to me how many of you ignore the teacher.  Why is it always the children's fault? What does it say about you?  


Perhaps it is too simple.  I'll help all you who feel the need to apologize to some sadist masquerading as an educator. 


  • His nickname is boss. 
  • multiple children have come forward to claim being assaulted. 
  • There is a video of the results of the assault. 

Sally has a black eye. Rick frequently walks his street, and he speaks to Sally about the obvious black eye.  Rick asked Sally who assaulted her.  Sally, of course, lives her life in fear, so she doesn't dare tell Rick about her husband's multiple assaults.  "Don't make a big deal of it," she told Rick.  "At least I don't have two black eyes like Raven two houses down," she said. 





18 hours ago, Burma Bill said:

Well done Yingluck and the Pheu Thai Party!!

I bet the pro-military and establishment parties would not have done this.

Unfortunately your political leaning has clouded your brain, you dont know what the "pro-military government" would have done.  

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