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Move Forward Party to Submit 45 Bills for Amendments and New Laws


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1 hour ago, Walker88 said:

Whenever I read something where the writer goes on about things like Davos or the 'globalist elite', the Dunning-Kruger Effect naivete makes my teeth hurt. Will Forum members be reading about chemtrails or FEMA Camps next?


Though you won't believe it, "Davos" is where the wealthy and those who want to be seen as 'somebody' go to show off the new interior of their Gulfstream 700. Put another way, it's about comparing 'junk' size. Those who fear Davos ought to fear lightning more, because there is a slight possibility that lightning could affect their life, while there is a 0% chance Davos will. In fact, research shows that even the flimsiest of Covid-19 masks gives the wearer full protection against everything Davos-ian. One doesn't even need to line it with tin foil.


As for the silly conspiracy nonsense about 'globalist elite', have you not noticed even Bezos and Musk compete against each other (in space), and both are Americans (Musk naturalized). Do you think Chinese, Russian, Middle Eastern and old money European billionaires all just get along like Frat Brothers?


These 'globalist elite' conspire to choose a Thai PM? Geez. Thailand might be #25 in terms of population, but is likely #100 or so in terms of world importance. It's an afterthought, except for a certain group of retirees or young ravers. Thailand is a lovely place, but not so significant that some international elite would care one way or the other who the PM is.


Most of the elite couldn't care less you exist. Most spend their time trying to knock whomever they think is their competitor off the top. They 'cooperate' the way the Pakistanis and Indians cooperate, or the Israelis and Palestinians, Germans and French, Hatfields and McCoys, Red Shirts and Yellow Shirts.



Hey, wake up from your 2020 slumber! If you don't believe in the evil woke globalist agenda, you must have been napping all this time. Time to join the conspiracy circus and put on your tin foil hat! 

Edited by racket
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I hope they manage to overcome the unelected house otherwise it’s going to end up same same with the current PM retaining his position . I really hope I’m wrong as I believe MF is good for the country but something tells me it’s going to be an uphill struggle . My main worry is bloodshed on the streets 

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19 hours ago, h90 said:

Taxes on imported goods aren't high...mostly between 0 and 10%...with the exception of alcohol which is very bad

Cars up to 300%  my Toyota Hybrid cross was built in Japan stripped down then rebuilt in Thailand in order to avoid the disgusting amount of tax that would be charged 

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20 hours ago, ikke1959 said:

... same sex couples, transparency and more tax for the rich... At last they enter the 21st century

Transparency? Does it mean replacing plastic cups with glass cups?

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39 minutes ago, crazykopite said:

I hope they manage to overcome the unelected house otherwise it’s going to end up same same with the current PM retaining his position . I really hope I’m wrong as I believe MF is good for the country but something tells me it’s going to be an uphill struggle . My main worry is bloodshed on the streets 

I worry about a scenario where there's unrest, before the military "restoring order". This time the West may not turn a blind eye like it did last time. This would mean sanctions, Thailand drifting further towards Russia and China. Then good luck to expats keeping their bank accounts back home while residing in Thailand.

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13 hours ago, Jingthing said:

You have grossly distorted the actual meaning of that bullet point  

Have I really? Or have you grossly overestimated the importance of/the needs of a minority group compared to the well-being of the majority of the  people? 


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9 hours ago, roietfortress said:

as expected, cannabis isn't in the top 50 priorities...


good list for a progressive movement..



Seeing as how cannabis  hasn't featured in the top 50, seems Thailand can now move forward (no pun intended) at a rapid rate into the modern world- wouldn't want banning  cannabis to hold back the advance. 

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On 5/18/2023 at 9:16 AM, thailand49 said:

As I noted yesterday cross your finger. Unable for him to attend schools in U. S.  his family has money part of the swamp that controls this country.  As we know during the pandemic there wasnt a lot of help from leaders or the rich where was he?


I hear he is a investor or part owner of Grab great. Heard he also speaks perfect English.

Hope for the best but I wouldn't hold my breath.

Harvard is in USA last i heard ?  Perfect English also a plus and probably hard to graduate Harvard without near perfect English.

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10 hours ago, roietfortress said:

as expected, cannabis isn't in the top 50 priorities...


good list for a progressive movement..



My theory on cannabis is if they're going to list it as a narcotic again (which was also crazy because it's not a narcotic) it will need to be done fairly soon, like in the next year or two. After like five years of legalization, it would be much harder to do a reverse.

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On 5/19/2023 at 12:29 PM, pizzachang said:

Right. The carbon dioxide thing is similar. This could even break the entire Thai economy. Just look at the damage it's done to other nations!  "Life" must have carbon dioxide, otherwise the bees will be the first victims, and then the rest.

That's right. Net Zero policies mean that energy costs increase drastically, and with that comes the prospect of civil unrest, or intervention to boot out the government of the kind we've seen before. Net Zero is an industry with very compelling PR and lobbying, but it doesn't benefit Thai people one bit.

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1 hour ago, sidneybear said:

That's right. Net Zero policies mean that energy costs increase drastically, and with that comes the prospect of civil unrest, or intervention to boot out the government of the kind we've seen before. Net Zero is an industry with very compelling PR and lobbying, but it doesn't benefit Thai people one bit.

Destroying the planet benefits who? Oil profits can <deleted> off - I’d rather not have any extinction level climate catastrophes… seems to me to be slightly more important than Exxons quarterly report numbers.

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1 hour ago, MrMojoRisin said:

Destroying the planet benefits who? Oil profits can <deleted> off - I’d rather not have any extinction level climate catastrophes… seems to me to be slightly more important than Exxons quarterly report numbers.

Net Zero is all about replacing affordable and reliable energy with unaffordable and unreliable energy, with one or another industry profiting regardless. After all, neither the fossil fuel nor the wind/solar energy indutries are charities, both having shareholders who expect dividends and capital growth. Among the paying public, though, there will be a backlash, as we're seeing elsewhere. 

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Headline: Move Forward Party to Submit 45 Bills for Amendments and New Laws



Sub-text: ...assuming they can form a government.



FWIW I also "plan" to lose weight soon.



It's good to have a plan, and the plan presented in their legislative agenda is comprehensive, but it's a moon-shot. And the reality is more like this...




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3 minutes ago, sidneybear said:

Net Zero is all about replacing affordable and reliable energy with unaffordable and unreliable energy, with one or another industry profiting regardless. After all, neither the fossil fuel nor the wind/solar energy indutries are charities, both having shareholders who expect dividends and capital growth. Among the paying public, though, there will be a backlash, as we're seeing elsewhere. 

The fossil fuel and clean(er) energy industries each have different externalities.


What do you think is the motivation of wanting to move away from fossil fuels to clean(er) energy?



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6 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

If they get rid of corruption in the Immigration police, there will be thousands, who don't meet requirements, sent packing.

Probably right. But that then means a surplus of immigration employees, too. Don't doubt it. Immigration is a jobs program for Thais. Reduce the number of foreigners needing paper work, and you'll reduce the number of Thais working for immigration. So I say, keep everything as it is. Keep everybody happy and employed.

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1 minute ago, John Drake said:

Reduce the number of foreigners needing paper work, and you'll reduce the number of Thais working for immigration.

It's the visa agents who are responsible for all the extra paper work. 


Thailand will not progress when immigration policy is so blatantly abused.

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1 hour ago, MrMojoRisin said:

What do you think is the motivation of wanting to move away from fossil fuels to clean(er) energy?

Money, as you correctly alluded to in your first post to me. So called green energy, and the technology that surrounds it, requires more investment, and it's more expensive. 


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27 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

It's about time for a visa increase.

Can't believe it's 20 years since Taksin increased visa by 300% and PR by 900%

Many farang, including my Russian and Polish neighbours, are here illegally -  paying an agent 25,000 bhat a year to bribe Hua Hin Immigration officers.

The Military government has been very good for farang here, allowing such blatant corruption and not increasing visa fees. 

Just wait, these young progressive will not stand for it.

That's true - not only the PR application fee skyrocketed under Thaksin, but the annual reentry permits went up to around 5 grand as well.


A lot of people here think that these progressives are a good thing, only then to find out that they're not farang friendly at all.

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1 hour ago, Neeranam said:

It's the visa agents who are responsible for all the extra paper work. 


Thailand will not progress when immigration policy is so blatantly abused.

True, can be amusing when they start quibbling over a TM30 the law says you do not need to have done, or demanding every page in your passport is copied when you know the same officers are taking money to issue extensions, in exchange for cash to people who do not even live in the province.

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1 hour ago, Neeranam said:

It's about time for a visa increase.

Can't believe it's 20 years since Taksin increased visa by 300% and PR by 900%

Many farang, including my Russian and Polish neighbours, are here illegally -  paying an agent 25,000 bhat a year to bribe Hua Hin Immigration officers.

The Military government has been very good for farang here, allowing such blatant corruption and not increasing visa fees. 


The problem you state is corrupt immigration officers.

an increase in visa fee requirements, will not stop that, it will just increase the corruption.


Just wait, these young progressive will not stand for it.


Will be business as usual  when the dust settles.

Yawn. :coffee1:.


Change in Thailand will never come.

As the people truly don't want to change.

When they change, Thailand will change.

and a move forward will come about.


it's going to be a long, long wait.  :cheesy:


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55 minutes ago, sidneybear said:

A lot of people here think that these progressives are a good thing, only then to find out that they're not farang friendly at all.

Absolutely, the current government has been very good for some of us, for example the path to citizenship is easier than it has ever been, taking under 3 years for me, and only 5,000 baht. This was due to the army stamping out corruption in the Special Branch police and Ministry of Interior. General Anupong did much better than his equal in the Taksin government.

There is a long period of reconstruction ahead and farang will certainly not be on the priority list.



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