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Myanmar junta says it will rethink relationship with Thailand


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JohnnyBangkok is so out of touch. It's China spreading its sphere of influence across SE Asia

as well as Africa. It's Russia who invaded Ukraine and is supplying planes, helicopters and

guns to the tatmadaw in Myanmar to butcher their own people with. 

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7 hours ago, h90 said:

Thailand has a lot border trade with people on the other side...and these aren't the richest of the society.

The job of the government is to come along with the neighbors....not warmongering and being terrorists. No matter if the neighbor has a government they don't like.

Lao is communist dictatorship, Cambodia is not really democratic in Malaysia is the Sharia. Biggest trading partner is China a communist dictatorship, another big partner is USA, the worst warmonger and state terrorist on the planet. Should Thailand be hostile to all of them? Or rather be neutral and do business?

with u there

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9 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

I feel sad for all of the ethnic groups in Myanmar. This is turning into a humanitarian crisis.

Bit late with that comment aren’t you ? It’s been ( not turning into !) a humanitarian crisis for many years. Also, it’s a crisis for all Burmese , not only the ethnic groups.  Plain dictatorship and murder. 

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7 hours ago, h90 said:

Thailand has a lot border trade with people on the other side...and these aren't the richest of the society.

The job of the government is to come along with the neighbors....not warmongering and being terrorists. No matter if the neighbor has a government they don't like.

Lao is communist dictatorship, Cambodia is not really democratic in Malaysia is the Sharia. Biggest trading partner is China a communist dictatorship, another big partner is USA, the worst warmonger and state terrorist on the planet. Should Thailand be hostile to all of them? Or rather be neutral and do business?

I'm all for pragmatism normally but it's hard to have pragmatic dealings with a government who is murdering farmers daily with its military on your border. Myanmars military government makes the Thai military look positively democratic and holy by comparison.

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10 hours ago, webfact said:

The second most powerful man in the Myanmar regime, General Soe Win, warned his troops that Thailand’s likely new government was ‘pro West’ and would help the ‘terrorists’ operating in his country, according to The Irrawaddy newspaper

Why do these little military boys that try to play leader always get it sooo wrong? You are the terrorist, bro, and that Thailand is erring toward real democracy is more a testament of being normal and right than getting in bed with the West. Please grow up (or hang yourself) and leave the good people of 'Burma' in peace! With a bit of work, your country could then move on, one day to be followed by all the questionable governments in SEA.

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4 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

I'm all for pragmatism normally but it's hard to have pragmatic dealings with a government who is murdering farmers daily with its military on your border. Myanmars military government makes the Thai military look positively democratic and holy by comparison.

it is mostly people trading, farmers, etc.....border trade. And if it is still the case, in the past Thailand bought gas from Myanmar. Should the Thais suffer higher electric costs?

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6 hours ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:

What on earth are you talking about ? Who or what is not yet premier, and premier what; premier grade gasoline, premier quality fruit ?

Premier: as a noun refers to the highest ranking government official of some countries. It has nothing to do with gasoline or fruit. It appears you are confusing premier and premium.

6 hours ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:

Premier, is the accepted abbreviation for President

No it is not. Pres is the accepted abbreviation for the word president. Pres is usually used when referring to those persons that serve in lower governing bodies such as school boards, universities, etc. When referring to the President of the United States, POTUS is used.

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9 hours ago, Enoon said:


I doubt that the regimes in Laos and Cambodia are feeling very happy about an outbreak of the hated Democracy, in their backyards, either.


The next time someone asks who Thailand needs to defend itself against (and why the new government is looking to buy new armaments).......you know the answer.



Seems unlikely that Thailand are gonna need those Submarines to protect themselves from Myanmar, Laos or Cambodia

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14 minutes ago, h90 said:

it is mostly people trading, farmers, etc.....border trade. And if it is still the case, in the past Thailand bought gas from Myanmar. Should the Thais suffer higher electric costs?

Not while I am using it. I can't see why Thailand shouldn't by gas from them......just don't be nice about it. Bankrupting Myanmar isn't going to help the people, ostracizing its military leaders might but that is a matter for ASEAN.

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5 hours ago, h90 said:

Where did I say something about support? I speak about being neutral and don't being aggressive. Neither supporting them, nor being aggressive. Just trade to mutual benefits. Or do you want to punish the Thai traders?

Being neutral is the same as supporting them. The Burmese generals are murderous thugs and somebody needs to get more aggressive with them


5 hours ago, h90 said:

Where did I say something about support? I speak about being neutral and don't being aggressive. Neither supporting them, nor being aggressive. Just trade to mutual benefits. Or do you want to punish the Thai traders?

Being neutral is the same as supporting them. The new Thai government, like the governments of the free world, are not anti Burma - they are anti the murderous military thugs who are currently running it. Somebody needs to get aggressive with them as it seems that nobody is giving much help to the freedom fighters who have taken them on.

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8 hours ago, h90 said:

Thailand has a lot border trade with people on the other side...and these aren't the richest of the society.

The job of the government is to come along with the neighbors....not warmongering and being terrorists. No matter if the neighbor has a government they don't like.

Lao is communist dictatorship, Cambodia is not really democratic in Malaysia is the Sharia. Biggest trading partner is China a communist dictatorship, another big partner is USA, the worst warmonger and state terrorist on the planet. Should Thailand be hostile to all of them? Or rather be neutral and do business?

Play Pontius Pilate do you mean? Or Sergeant Schultz? 'I know nothing'????

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10 hours ago, zzaa09 said:

At least 60 years. 

And previous to that under the wretched thumb of a foreign power.

And no different to the wretched thumb of the American native Indian under the US, or the Aborigine under the Australian thumb or crimea under the Putin  thumb/Vietnamese under the French, Hong Kong under ......, bla-de bla-de-bla.


I could add at least another 6/7 examples. the subject is Myanmar and 60 years under murderous dictatorship.


Not your petty, sneering reference to the UK.

Which of the above do you come from, eh?


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Thailand should be the one rethinking its relationship with the Burmese thugs. They need Thailand a lot more than the other way round.  It's like White Rhodesia had to rethink its relationship with Mozambique after the Portuguese upped sticks and left the country to the Frelimo insurgents who were less friendly to the Ian Smith regime. China and India will still support the Burmese junta but losing an pro-dictatorship ally along its long Eastern border will be a huge blow. That is of course assuming that MFP gets to form a government.

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15 hours ago, h90 said:

Cambodia is not really democratic in Malaysia is the Sharia.

Malaysia just had a very free and fair general election. 

Cambodia has elections but it is a sham democracy run by Hun Sen and his cronies with all opposition and dissent crushed. 

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4 minutes ago, natway09 said:

It is only China's support that is keeping the evil Burmese  junta in power.

They have no interest in their peoples welfare in any way ,shape or form only power & money.

Human life is a commidity to be disposed of when it suits.

Anyone supporting them from offshore is not much better than an animal

Thailand’s support too.


PTTEP, the Thai national oil company exploration and production division, controls most of the oil and gas fields there and makes the Burmese junta billions. 


There are many Westerners in Thailand working on these projects for PTTEP and their subsidiaries without concern for the moral or ethical issues. 

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15 hours ago, Hamus Yaigh said:

What about the 83% of the electorate who had their victory nullified by the murderous military regime. The crisis re-started in 2021 with the killings countrywide. Its not just the ethnic groups?

The 2021 coup has brought the city folk, ethnic Burmans (Bamar), in solidarity with the Shan, Karen, Chin, Kachin, etc, who have been fighting the army for a long time, since even before the 1962 coup.

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