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Pita shares cast a pall over historic May 14th Election, fears that the results may be nullified by a court


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3 hours ago, Tom H said:

Everybody knows the rules. 

Why has he shares and takes such a risk?



He has shares in a defunct media company ITV, that hasn't made a broadcast in over 8 years.


He'd obviously forgot about them, but the weasels will use anything they can get to prevent him obtaining power.

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1 hour ago, mikeymike100 said:

You may well be right, but didn't some guy, high up, in the army say the word coup is not in our vocabulary?

But maybe somebody HIGHER up may order the opposite, and soldiers have to follow orders, or face the possibility of charges. Or they could desert in droves because they are wanting change themselves?

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5 hours ago, Billybaroo said:

Drip, drip, drip to the inevitable. Nullify the election, bar Pita from running for office and the return of the old guard. 

Deja Vu,... Ive been living in Thailand for 35 years and have no confidence in Thai politics, it really is up to the Thai population to demand fairness, but I fear apathy will reign. 

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Well, the saying goes, that all good things come/are three.

Maybe, in four years from now, most of those dinosaurs are senile or cremated. You can nullify 6+ million votes (2019 springs to mind), you can attempt to nullify almost 14 million votes (rumours refer to 2023) so next time it might be 20+ million - which would be the third attempt. 

Unless, of course, a civil war would break out before that; latter would tear down the entire establishment and might bring those long overdue changes on the political stage to carry Thailand out of the Middle Age straight into the 21st century. Or - as happened over and over again in the past - tanks roll up, the censors are trying to block the printed and electronic media; May 1992 spring to mind. 

The old guard is playing with very hot fire and the whole thing can backfire in a way Thailand has never ever seen before. 

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2 hours ago, dinsdale said:

Yes, this is true when it comes to the people but maybe not so for the bastions of the three pillars aka the minority military elite.

It is the people who count. In the past they have deferred. Now? Everything has changed and that is not good news for the army. 

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The people will not tolerate these goons much longer. My theory is that the army brass already knows this, and are now forming an escape plan. Hopefully into exile, but far better, into prison. 


They can fight a few tens of thousands. They cannot possibly beat many millions. And that is what we will see when this army created debacle is over with. 


They are utterly desperate to hang onto power, and access to the trillions of baht that likely generates for them. Using the LM and sedition laws shows how utterly intolerant of criticism these very small, very weak men are, that they need to hide behind and utilize these laws, to attempt crush the will of the people. 


The time is coming, when this will no longer be tolerated. Just wait. The army is on it's way out. It could take awhile, and it could get ugly, though it will never get to the hellish level of Burma, as the Thai parents would never, ever permit that kind of genocidal behavior from their sons. You take out one more Thai, and you are forever disowned by this family. That is all it would take to bring about mass defections from the army ranks. That would sure be fun to witness. Are the pompous generals going to put themselves into harms way? Never. They do not have it in them, they are cowards. 


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10 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

It is the people who count. In the past they have deferred. Now? Everything has changed and that is not good news for the army. 

I agree it's the people that count and the people themselves are a power but as it stands now the power and direction of this country is in the hands of a very few people.

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The army unfortunately will try and find a way to weasel them selves back in power these generals don't care what all the population thinks they have prooved this before.   sad for Thailand really

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1 hour ago, Denim said:

Well, the current bunch of senators do not have long left at their jobs. Next year their tenure expires. Then what ? The army will need a new crop of hand picked lackeys to maintain their throttle hold on power.

Quite possibly another reason to spin out the process as long as possible.


A new Senate, chosen by the caretaker ", MFP banned, PT similarly banned or somehow hamstrung, fresh elections, good to go!

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1 hour ago, JohnHans said:

Deja Vu,... Ive been living in Thailand for 35 years and have no confidence in Thai politics, it really is up to the Thai population to demand fairness, but I fear apathy will reign. 

35 yrs is a long time but things have changed. Many who will be out on the streets if it goes that way were not even alive when you 1st came here. I think hatred will be more powerful than apathy.

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1 hour ago, JohnHans said:

Deja Vu,... Ive been living in Thailand for 35 years and have no confidence in Thai politics, it really is up to the Thai population to demand fairness, but I fear apathy will reign. 

Agree that the entrenched establishments will always have a big influence on politics. Thaksin tried to muzzle the military by interfering with the appointments and he got the short end of the stick. However I do see some incremental changes that can shake up the entrenched establishments that had influenced politics in the past. 

Record voters turnout in previous election is a sign that majority want change. The young and middle class voters played a big part in voting for MFP. Last 2 coups happened due to the middle class demonstration. This time the middle class vote out the military and their ally parties especially in Bangkok which is always the epicenter of demonstration and subsequent coups. Without the middle class aka yellow shirts igniting the chaos, there no excuse for the military to stage a coup. Also in the past, charismatic figures from the Dem Party like Suthep lead the protest. Doubt the party will continue that tradition after 2 big election losses. 

The army have been defanged in terms of direct command and deployment to be effective in staging a coup. 

The youth demonstration in 2020 was an eye opener for me. Some taboo subjects were the slogans for change. Maybe the establishment under a new regime may be more open to listen with some limits. I certainly look forward to that.

Thailand has yet to fully developed its potential with continuous political crisis and I have some optimism that change for the better is on the horizon.

Edited by Eric Loh
Wrong words
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5 hours ago, hotchilli said:

The people may have to take to the streets and oust the old school the old way... kick-em out.

that why the Thai military bought all those shiny new U.S.  strike vehicles from uncle Sam.

Edited by malibukid
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As foreigners we can only speculate although some read articles and believe it to be the Bible can't seem to take their history as a good indicator as to what to expect although past don't guarantee the future. 

After the coup it took years for them the old guard to drawn up a constitution that would give the old the best chance of deposing anyone. You think after the coup puppet Chan O had the brains to drawn it up in the end final approval people forget was taken to a place you can called it a palace? for some old ass monk for approval. 

This guy Pita I criticized got negative feedback he was and is a MP already from what I read those so call shares belong to his late father who he was the trustor of his estate. 

My criticism was in regards to his so call  advisor or lawyer opinion being a MP already part of the swamp he should have taken it to someone in the commission before he even decided to resume he did we can only wonder until a decision is made. 

Just a year ago I was having lunch with my Thai niece her boyfriend was involved with politics he asked my opinion I told him the truth.

What are you fighting for what you want change and how you going to go about it getting it do you have a plan? 

Do you or anyone you believe in willing to lead and stand up to the old boys and suffer and die for their people or run away like Thaksin. Will you fight and die against the establishment the military to get the changes. 

Do you or any leader willing to have a revolution because that is the only way change will happen here with the level of corruption. 


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19 minutes ago, mania said:

Sounds great & trust me I wish it were true but....

As nice as it sounds to Water the Tree of Liberty with the Blood of Patriots...

It is NOT the Thai way


Thailand has had 13 successful and nine unsuccessful coups in just over a century. The most recent being in 2014.


If the people you describe existed....

You would think someone... anyone.... even a single sniper? would have done something by now? NO

It is not the Thai way


Thai's are ingrained from birth to kowtow to uppers.

Whether that be police,teachers, military, wealthy you name it they bow


This is why it will be a loooong road out of this type of thinking. It will be a generation or two of youths stepping up to the plate


Current Thai's will not stand in revolution & the history is there for all to see.


Neither will a country ever step in to save them if they did.

Same as Myanmar Thailand has nothing anyone really wants

It is not Libya



have you ever noticed how they march the kids around in the school yard in the morning.  everyone wearing the same uniform with the same hair cuts?  it starts early.  obey

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1 hour ago, mania said:

Sounds great & trust me I wish it were true but....

As nice as it sounds to Water the Tree of Liberty with the Blood of Patriots...

It is NOT the Thai way


Thailand has had 13 successful and nine unsuccessful coups in just over a century. The most recent being in 2014.


If the people you describe existed....

You would think someone... anyone.... even a single sniper? would have done something by now? NO

It is not the Thai way


Thai's are ingrained from birth to kowtow to uppers.

Whether that be police,teachers, military, wealthy you name it they bow


This is why it will be a loooong road out of this type of thinking. It will be a generation or two of youths stepping up to the plate


Current Thai's will not stand in revolution & the history is there for all to see.


Neither will a country ever step in to save them if they did.

Same as Myanmar Thailand has nothing anyone really wants

It is not Libya



You seem very sure of this. You also seem to underestimate the hatred for the current system which was whole heartdedly voted against. History as you say is not made in the past but in the present. Times have changed here but it seems you cannot or will not see this. The people of Thailand will take to the streets. Do not doubt this.

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Surely Pita must have known the army would try every trick in the book to disallow the election if he came out ahead. The "media shares" accusation is an old one. Surely he is not so dumb as to have left that vulnerability open. But I am sure the "vested interests" and generals will keep going until they void the election and stay in power. (but wait, they already have the majority enshrined in their cooked up constitution). Stand by for ............ business as usual


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2 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

Thailand has yet to fully developed its potential with continuous political crisis and I have some optimism that change for the better is on the horizon.

Sorry to quote only a small bit of your post but Thailand has developed it's full potential in what it's always been designed for. Keep the poor in servitude to both Crown and religion whilst the minority elite prosper. Reversing this is the great fear for those that weild the power and prosper.

Edited by dinsdale
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2 hours ago, thailand49 said:

As foreigners we can only speculate although some read articles and believe it to be the Bible can't seem to take their history as a good indicator as to what to expect although past don't guarantee the future. 

After the coup it took years for them the old guard to drawn up a constitution that would give the old the best chance of deposing anyone. You think after the coup puppet Chan O had the brains to drawn it up in the end final approval people forget was taken to a place you can called it a palace? for some old ass monk for approval. 

This guy Pita I criticized got negative feedback he was and is a MP already from what I read those so call shares belong to his late father who he was the trustor of his estate. 

My criticism was in regards to his so call  advisor or lawyer opinion being a MP already part of the swamp he should have taken it to someone in the commission before he even decided to resume he did we can only wonder until a decision is made. 

Just a year ago I was having lunch with my Thai niece her boyfriend was involved with politics he asked my opinion I told him the truth.

What are you fighting for what you want change and how you going to go about it getting it do you have a plan? 

Do you or anyone you believe in willing to lead and stand up to the old boys and suffer and die for their people or run away like Thaksin. Will you fight and die against the establishment the military to get the changes. 

Do you or any leader willing to have a revolution because that is the only way change will happen here with the level of corruption. 


Well you say all this but don't give an answer. What did your Thai niece and her BF say? Thais I have talked to about this are more than willing to take the to the streets if these self serving corrupt buffoons do not accept the will of the people.

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5 hours ago, BenStark said:

Why you never mention this?




While senior members of the air force were singing on stage, air force chief ACM Alongkorn Wannarot stepped off the stage to invite Prayut up on the stage and the caretaking premier obliged.

He went on to sing and dance on the stage which is allegedly a violation of the electoral law.


Or this?




Suspect donation may result in dissolution of ruling Palang Pracharath Party

Absolutely it should be checked. Seems the guy got Thai citizenship. But if his business was illegal and that broke the election laws the party should be dissolved. That might be the reason why these 2 similar parties were at the election...already a backup plan.

Yes every wrongdoing should be checked and parties dissolved. The Thai political landscape should be cleaned up. A party donation can be easily a bribe so it should be checked very carefully and for a ruling party even more so.

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9 hours ago, ikke1959 said:

Thailand so afraid of renewing and modernizing. The old guards wants o stay in power, control the people and play many tricks to prevent that the country enters the 21st century.  pita is the thread according to them, so he must leave although the people wants to get rid of the old, conservative non working but pocket filling elite/army generals.

Where is this politician that is not seeking power? Where does this government exist that does not want to control its citizens?

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