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Famotidine, up to 40 mg per day, is an OTC medication that I take. Lighter than omeprazole which I suppose should not be taken for too long time. I take omepazole only when I am approaching a big dinner event. - Lose weight. Eat not later than 6 pm or so. - With stomach problems, consider to make a hospital test on helicobacter pylori.

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Long time GERD sufferer, had to change to Omeprazole when I moved to Thailand (easiest available and affordable here) but it NEVER worked for me!


Changed to Rabreprazole which is a million times better.


Will try a few others, but Omeprazole, never again!


Yep! I had the same problem except I don't drink. It turned out to be gall stones and they were blocking my bile tubes. Nearly got jaundice over it. Had the bladder removed, now much better.

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just my 2 satang


years ago, I suddenly did not digest food anymore...

something I ate during the day, I woke up with full stomach, not digested


acid reflux at night


so visit to the hospital


got antacids .. several brands...  proton pump inhibitors


gastroscopy after 2nd visit a month later, as nothing was better


thought my stomach was paralyzed...  


Gastroparesis is where food passes through the stomach slower than it should. It's a long-term condition that can be managed with diet changes, medicines and other treatments.


sucky life if you get up middle of the night vomiting acid...


with no medical solution as md said it was idiopathic, meaning, they are idiots and did not know, lol


I researched natural ways...  and instead of killing my stomach acid, to digest FOOD, I actually found a solution,  that was 100% the opposite of Md's expensive useless advice...


I did not have ENOUGH stomach acid... so I started to read and learn how to activate the stomach again...


Those prilosec or other medications were never intended to be used more than a few weeks and I read some or on those for YEARS


when you get of those, you get a rebound effect and your stomach starts to make massive amounts of stomach acid and most people go back on the medication which solves NOTHING...


drinking baking soda before sleeping, I also tried that, but it makes your stomach more alkaline, not what you want, it relieves for a few hours...


I also learned that if you are over  40,  you do not need 3 meals and snacks...


skip breakfast to start... I could not in the beginning as I got severe headaches when I did not eat my trash traditional breakfast...


apple cider vinegar, 30 min, in a glas of water, before meals... did the trick after several weeks, also a bit of fasting, no snacking ...  giving the stomach and intestines to digest the food instead of fermenting in the stomach, due to lack of acidity...


but off course, you can go check at the hospital if it is not gallstones or worse...


md's and hospitals are there to make money and see you back every few weeks, not to cure you...   believe what you want...

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There are so many things you can try before medication. Go to YouTube, watch a few videos with real Doctors, read some of the comments and choose the things you would like to try.


For example, Special but simple breathing techniques, Apple cider vinegar (with the "Mother" is best)


Acid reflux also has a symptom of heartburn that might scare some as chest pain involving an actual heart problem.


In any event, always consult with your Doctor.

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I too was a sufferer. Eventually got scoped and diagnosed as oesophagitis.

Omeprazole prescribed 40mg pd until clear then 20mg pd daily for life.

I sleep elevated mostly. Avoid eating after 6pm. Octagenarian.

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As mentioned before you can put some blocks under the head of the bed to raise it an inch or two.


My wife got some good relief from taking probiotics, get a good multiple strain brand.


There is this tumeric drink for sale on lazada:  (I didn't search for the best price)

Curma Max


I would also say that if you do use some of the acid reducing medication only use as long as needed.  Don't use it chronically.  There are also lots of videos on youtube if you search there.  Most mention the stuff already said here.


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i tried apple cider vinegar because people kept banging on about it and YouTube videos said it was the best thing since sliced bread. Did nothing for me, even made my stomach feel a little more sore, so totally depends what the issue is

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       Who wants to be suffering in the last few years of life? You have to get it together and Stop the beers. Get on a Low carb and low-sugar diet. Better would be no sugar. Eat a light dinner early in the evening. No being a couch potato.  Elevate your head while sleeping. No more antacid pills. They throw off your whole digestive system.                                                                                                           How Your Antacid Drug Is Making You Sick 


Most people have no idea how many vital roles stomach acid plays in our bodies. Such misunderstanding is perpetuated by drug companies who continue to insist that stomach acid is not essential.

Meanwhile, millions of people around the world are taking acid suppressing drugs that not only fail to address the underlying causes of heartburn and GERD, but put them at risk of serious (and even life-threatening) conditions.

There are four primary consequences of acid stopping drugs:

  1. Increased bacterial overgrowth
  2. Impaired nutrient absorption
  3. Decreased resistance to infection
  4. Increased risk of cancer and other diseases
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On 7/9/2023 at 1:39 PM, prakhonchai nick said:

I used to take Omeprazole daily (and it seemed to work)

I take it as needed and it works.

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Beer is the highest in Uric Acid content of all the alcohols (although they are all very high).


It's simple science...simple math.


Don't consume 'high-acid' foods and beverages.


Problem solved. 


Or go on a public forum and cry...whei,whei, whei...


"I poison myself everyday and feel like <deleted>...what should I do...?"


You create the problem...you create the solution. 


Quit asking 'bozos' for advice. 



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4 hours ago, hotchilli said:

Anti-acid isn't a cure for the underlying problem, it just masks it.

At last a credible answer!


Ido not claim to have a cure, but I suffered acid reflux for years, and like the rest of you, swallowed ant-acids, gaviscom, etc. etc., all of which helped a bit, for a short time. 


I then read somewhere...and I can't give a reference, but it was a credible source at the time... that the problem with acid indigestion and acid reflux was not excess acid, but insufficient. The treatment suggested was, drink a teaspoon of vinegar or lemon juice, diluted to a semi-palatable quantity, as soon as the symptoms appear.


For me, at least, it works every time. If I am in a situation where I do not have access to the cure..... I suffer., and antacids might give some relief, but very temporary.


I do however recommend medical investigation to eliminate the major risks.

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On 7/9/2023 at 7:13 AM, NONG CHOK said:

Hi there,  I did drink a lot be beer and never really took care of my diet in my younger years. Now I'm 80 years old, reduced my weight by 20 kg's and still walk 90 minutes daily. Over the last 5 years I've developed chronic acid reflux. I'm very careful what I eat and reduced my beer intake to a few every day. I've been to several hospitals and many doctors but I've never improved. I take Omeprazole 20mg daily with no success. Any suggestion of any other treatment or OTC medicine. Thanks.

I've been through this, Omeprazole at 20mg is a low dose, I eventually was on 40mg twice daily, Lansoprazole is the next step, then Esomeprazole.


In addition it is important to stop eating at least 3-4 hours before sleeping, also to elevate the bed head end by abut 6 inches.


An additional great pill for night time use is Famotidine 40mg at night.


All this is suggestions, and there are no real surprises here, just standard progressive drug use.


This is the advice from a NHS Gastroenterology Surgeon over the past 5 years to date.


Of course, there are many home made remedies, Ie Apple Vinegar etc, but bad GERD Acid Reflux is usually caused by a Hiatus Hernia and that can only be fixed by Proton Pump Inhibitors etc or surgery.

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I have had acid reflux issues starting around age 35.  I’m 68 now.  Mine is due to a hiatal hernia.  This was diagnosed by an Upper GI Endoscopy. Over the years having this condition doctors have changed the medication.  Because after a while some would not start working as well.  
You say nothing seems to work and it is bad?  Have you spoken to the doctor about this?  I’m surprised you medication wasn’t changed.  And if it is that bad you should see a Gastroenterologist.  Because ongoing acid reflux especially severe.  Can cause Barrett’s Disease. 
You say you reduced you beer consumption to a few a day?  How many is a few a day?  How many beers were you drinking before just a few a day? That sounds like a problem right there and might have caused your health issue. 
It could have slowly occurred. 
If you have chronic very bad acid reflux you should not be consuming alcohol . Especially a few a day . 
And your daily alcohol consumption is probably effecting the medication you are taking. 
As for food.  You say you watch your food intake. You cannot eat spicy foods. 
Just because you take the medicine doesn’t mean you can do anything you want too. And you need to lay off the booze. 

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4 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:

What did the doctor tell you? You have consulted a doctor, rather than readers of AN, haven't you?

Doctor just prescribes Miracid and charges me 1000 baht. I can go to the pharmacy by myself and save a bundle.

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The problems of acid reflex are often a problem of inadequate stomach acid rather than too much stomach acid. As we age we tend to make less stomach acid which is one of many contributing factors to digestive issues.


You need stomach acid to acidify your food before it leaves the stomach and enters the small intestine where the nutrients and minerals are extracted from it. If the food has not been well acidified, it will be more difficult to get extract the goodness from your food.


Doctors have long prescribed Omeprazole which reduces stomach acid. When Omeprazole was first introduced to the market it came with warnings to use it for a limited period of time i.e. several weeks. These days some doctors prescribe it for years which can cause issues over time such as small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, fungal overgrowth and numerous digestive issues.


Omeprazole has its benefits and it is one of the most widely prescribed drugs. But today there are many doctors who believe that adding stomach with a supplement like Betaine HCI can help the symptoms of acid reflux.


Dr Mark Hyman is one of many doctors who explains very clearly what is going on with acid reflex and why Omeprazole might not necessarily be a good choice. There's a lot of good info online and it's worth doing some research of your own.

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I've had acid reflux for the last 55 years. There are many different pills you can take. lansoprazole, omeprazole, prilosec, etc. 


Currently prevacid is working for me, but before that I had to experiment with many others


I still have to take Pepto when I drink ! ! !   I'm 73



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What is the reason of acidic reflux?

The intake valve of stomach is not close properly. 

This valve is closing better, if the acid volume in the stomach is bigger, this is triggering a perfect close. It is my experience.

So eat a lot of sour, acidic food. All time, of you feel the reflux, immediately drink a half glass of pure water, to flush back the refluxed food.

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I used to suffer badly if I had a fatty meal and went to bed not long after. Some time ago I had the cams up and down and doctor said due to a faulty valve in my oesophagus the lower part had been quite burnt by acid reflux. He put me on Dexilant for a time. When he said I could stop the reflux kept coming back. I decided to take a 30mg tablet 3 times a week and it worked. I told him bout what I was doing and suggested a 60mg tablet twice a week so I did that and again it works well. They are expensive even OTC at around 2200 baht for 28 tablets. But as I only take 2 a week they last 14 weeks nd believe me well worth it. 

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as always, some have found a solution in alternative methods,  while acid reflux is food rotting or fermenting, because of lack of ACID to open the lower valve... and Md's are happy to prescribe pills against the acid, which cures the pain but not the root cause... the total opposite in many cases... lack of stomach acid...


h. pylori...  creates it's own ammonia, which is high in ph about 10... you need 1,2 or 3 of acidity to digest your foods... or it can give problems lower like SIBO or IBD or IBS...


but most people everywhere are not ready to go read for themselves... and blindly follow any MD advice...


each to their own

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