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UFOs: Is the government hiding something?

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2 minutes ago, hotchilli said:

Yeah... okay.

There's really a critical thought process behind my thinking. It goes like this: If there were any aliens with the technology and science to defeat the distance of thousands of light years from us and they did happen to be motivated enough to come this far we'd know all about it by now.

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2 minutes ago, Tropposurfer said:

And the German guy who wrote those books made millions and was a total fraud. And yes as a seeking inquisitive surfie hippie teenager I bought his books ... DAMN!!!! ????????????????

I think I borrowed it but it got filed in the same place as Ayn Rand.

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On 7/25/2023 at 4:31 PM, EVENKEEL said:

I've listened to Tyson's spiel on UFOs, it's compelling for sure. As a kid who read "Chariots of the Gods" I've always had a curiosity about this subject. The book includes stories about stone hedges, the Nasca lines, the Egyptian Pyramids  and how or who built them. Great stuff

I also read it many years ago and I liked it, but I later realised it was a work of fiction. It was all the rage at one time, but the content has been pored over by many scientists and academics and they state that it has no basis in reality.


Perhaps he was an early viewer of the movie "Prometheus"!!!!!

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15 minutes ago, xylophone said:

I also read it many years ago and I liked it, but I later realised it was a work of fiction. It was all the rage at one time, but the content has been pored over by many scientists and academics and they state that it has no basis in reality.


Perhaps he was an early viewer of the movie "Prometheus"!!!!!

the latest must see tv series is ''secrets of skin walker ranch'' & ''beyond skin walker ranch''

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38 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

There's really a critical thought process behind my thinking. It goes like this: If there were any aliens with the technology and science to defeat the distance of thousands of light years from us and they did happen to be motivated enough to come this far we'd know all about it by now.

unless we are their petrie dish

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So, this is interesting stuff. We have Arial radar images going speeds and maneuvering unlike anything known to us as well as videos taken from Navy fighter jets. If you're lacking the inquisitiveness to ponder how some structures were built 1000's of years ago that are so massive that even today they couldn't be replicated. 70 +  ton columns hoisted 350 ft up using what? And so, so much more.

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I’ve read chariots of the gods or think of that lovely beautiful yarn ET were the alien botanist gets left behind by accident and the kids protect him Hollywood at its best just magical but all that beeing said #1 someone would have leaked verifiable proof by now #2 the vast distances and time involved to travel im just not buying it but I’d be delighted to be wrong!

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49 minutes ago, CanadaSam said:

Yes, but how do you see it in Thailand?  I have Netflix, and google shows it's on Netflix, but I can not find it at all!

i download from BitTorrent, free and safe download

Edited by wombat
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7 minutes ago, stevenl said:

To me believing in UFO's is in the same category ar believing the moon landing was fake.

UFOS are an indisputable  fact. Doesn't  mean they are of alien origin.  It means people saw unidentified  flying objects.

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4 hours ago, Purdey said:

I find it hard to understand why people believe in alien visits. Yes, there are probably aliens living on other worlds but how they fly here and elsewhere without breaking the speed of light is anyone's guess.

This is the point many miss. If faster then light travel is not possible, we're too far away from any but a couple hundred stars to travel to. There is undoubtedly life on other planets. But they may be hundreds or millions of light years away.


And our radio broadcasts have only been going into space for 100 years or so. How would they even know we're here? 

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44 minutes ago, Denim said:

UFOS are an indisputable  fact. Doesn't  mean they are of alien origin.  It means people saw unidentified  flying objects.

That's true but the claim is that they actually are aliens. That's what I dispute, not the fact that they haven't figured out what they are.

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17 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

That's true but the claim is that they actually are aliens. That's what I dispute, not the fact that they haven't figured out what they are.

I am more open minded. Not commited either way. To assume that in the unbelievable vastness of the cosmos there are not other planets capable of having intelligent life is , frankly absurd .


In mathematics , the laws of probability cannot so easily be dismissed.. Scientists believe there must be other intelligent beings out there.


The stick in the mud is the distances involved. 


Our current human understanding is that nothing is faster than the speed of light and if this is correct , any other intelligent life forms out there can never hope to traverse the vastness of the universe and ogle us with their superior technology since even at this speed , it takes to long.


But there are good scientific cases being put forward that something faster than the speed of light is possible .

It would take me too long to provide all the links but if anyone is seriously interested in this ....google is your friend.


Consider this also....the world was once thought to be flat , and that the planets orbited the earth. Other views were heretical. Even today there are those that sincerly beleve the world is flat and that the masses have been duped into believing otherwise.



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2 hours ago, EVENKEEL said:

So, this is interesting stuff. We have Arial radar images going speeds and maneuvering unlike anything known to us as well as videos taken from Navy fighter jets. If you're lacking the inquisitiveness to ponder how some structures were built 1000's of years ago that are so massive that even today they couldn't be replicated. 70 +  ton columns hoisted 350 ft up using what? And so, so much more.

What's the name of these structures "that are so massive they even today they couldn't be replicated"?

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5 hours ago, Purdey said:

I find it hard to understand why people believe in alien visits. Yes, there are probably aliens living on other worlds but how they fly here and elsewhere without breaking the speed of light is anyone's guess.

how?  because their technology is a million years beyond ours so maybe something so simple to them seems incomprehensible to a mere mortal on Earth.


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I think UFO’s should be the least of peoples concerns. 
But if there are.  And they land.  I hope the occupants do the right thing. And pass through immigration and customs with proper documents lol. 

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2 hours ago, Denim said:

I am more open minded. Not commited either way. To assume that in the unbelievable vastness of the cosmos there are not other planets capable of having intelligent life is , frankly absurd .


In mathematics , the laws of probability cannot so easily be dismissed.. Scientists believe there must be other intelligent beings out there.


The stick in the mud is the distances involved. 


Our current human understanding is that nothing is faster than the speed of light and if this is correct , any other intelligent life forms out there can never hope to traverse the vastness of the universe and ogle us with their superior technology since even at this speed , it takes to long.


But there are good scientific cases being put forward that something faster than the speed of light is possible .

It would take me too long to provide all the links but if anyone is seriously interested in this ....google is your friend.


Consider this also....the world was once thought to be flat , and that the planets orbited the earth. Other views were heretical. Even today there are those that sincerly beleve the world is flat and that the masses have been duped into believing otherwise.



I never said that weren't aliens on other planets. Like you, I believe the odds are that there are. Statistically, it wouid be nearly impossible that there weren't sentient beings on other planets. What I said was that they are highly unlikely to have overcome the physical constraints we also face and had they done so we'd have seen some concrete evidence of their presence other than the odd farmer's daughter being beamed up into a spaceship.

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4 hours ago, Denim said:

I am more open minded. Not commited either way. To assume that in the unbelievable vastness of the cosmos there are not other planets capable of having intelligent life is , frankly absurd .


In mathematics , the laws of probability cannot so easily be dismissed.. Scientists believe there must be other intelligent beings out there.


The stick in the mud is the distances involved. 


Our current human understanding is that nothing is faster than the speed of light and if this is correct , any other intelligent life forms out there can never hope to traverse the vastness of the universe and ogle us with their superior technology since even at this speed , it takes to long.


But there are good scientific cases being put forward that something faster than the speed of light is possible .

It would take me too long to provide all the links but if anyone is seriously interested in this ....google is your friend.


Consider this also....the world was once thought to be flat , and that the planets orbited the earth. Other views were heretical. Even today there are those that sincerly beleve the world is flat and that the masses have been duped into believing otherwise.



Believing is one thing,  another fact is the chances of common intelligent life out there at the same time as our existence?!


Earth, 4,5 billion +- with civilized life existence, about 5000 years? Space travelling specie in 4,5 billion years who landed on anotherobject 54 years? 


How long do you believe an intelligent lifeform alike us can survive? And we have to believe they would be very much alike us, since the universe most likely have the same building stones and laws! 


All we can do is to believe and have an opinion, facts needs proofs, 

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If aliens so technologically advanced existed, able to master travel and communications beyond the speed of light, to visit our planet, to observe us without interfering like a scientist looks at an amoeba through a  microscope, to make their presence hinted only by how accurately a large stone was cut in Egypt 5,000 years ago but nothing else after that, well, ... does it really make a difference whether they exist or not? Does it matter to the amoeba that humans exist?

I think the humankind has a few more pressing issues to worry about.

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12 hours ago, ozimoron said:

There's really a critical thought process behind my thinking. It goes like this: If there were any aliens with the technology and science to defeat the distance of thousands of light years from us and they did happen to be motivated enough to come this far we'd know all about it by now.

I acknowledge your train of thought, but there is also critical thinking being my post.

They are watching us, babies playing with high technology that we have reversed engineered from downed craft, waiting to see what we do next.

Instead of using that knowledge for the betterment of mankind, as usual the powers to be are militarising it to be the top dog.

The military are leaking material now saying UAP's exist and are an exponential threat to mankind.

BS. 90% of those sightings are from man made craft.. secret programmes.

That is so they can keep the war machine running, and the dark secrets funded with billions of dollars coming in.

If the actual aliens were such a threat they would have shown themselves or worse, eliminated us before we destroy us and half of the solar system in which they reside.

As I said, they are watching us but as yet not interfering.


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We all breath air that we cannot see. Some people believe in Jesus Christ and God, yet no one

alive has met them. There are many things in many places on earth that were supposedly built by us humans

but, many of us actually doubt that as well. Who can actually trust any government to be 100 percent truthful

when it comes to the existence of UFOs.  I have seen enough videos and pictures to believe that every one of them 

were fakes. If any military people say that all UFO sighting are fake, I do not believe them. I would be happy if

the real truth is revealed in the next 10 to 20 years. South America Central America, Egypt, and many other places

have places that are interesting and strange. Stonehenge also comes to mind. strange and great to see. Yet there may still 

be some people who think the world is flat. Amazing!

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11 hours ago, placeholder said:

What's the name of these structures "that are so massive they even today they couldn't be replicated"?

The Great Pyramid is one of the most famous. There are a vast number of theories of the man power required, 70 ton stones moved 500 miles to the site. All we have is theories as to how these feats were accomplished. So, today without using modern techniques we couldn't possibly recreate the Great Pyramid. We have to assume they were smarter 4000 yrs ago than today.

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