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Thailand remains neutral on Israeli-Palestine conflict


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2 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

You do realize you do exactly the same thing in a different manner. You disagree just to disagree. It remains a fact that letting people get away with anything lets them continue the behavior. All countries should stand by each other. that is what would make the world a safe, livable place. Terrorists do things because they are sick, jealous extremists that don't understand there are ways to get along without fear and killing. This is about politics, which is not the way it should be. Helping others is what a human should be about. Killing because of religion, meaning the twisted form of what religion should be, because of race, creed or nationality, is disturbed prejudiced thinking. Something they learned growing up from their parents.                                                                                 I for one don't feel powerless in any way. If I had to do something to protect my family, I would do whatever I had to to destroy anyone trying to hurt them. If I lost a family member in Israel, I would be there doing what I could to rid that area of the sick maniacs that are killing innocent children and civilians. With no regrets of taking the lives of anyone who is a terrorist. They have no place in society and I would gladly send them to their gods. This is the same stance countries should take, especially when it involves their citizens, which it did here. Thais lost at least 12 people. It's their duty to get involved. If they don't, it's because of fear of loss. Money being the one thing that drives most here. It's a soldiers duty to protect. The same as the police. many don't get involved because they are afraid. The military and police aren't positions to get involved in if you are afraid. better to work in a labor position.

I don't make long posts like that. Words are just words. Sitting on a computer in Bangkok or Pattaya or Isaan and telling the Thai PM what to do is really just laughable. He doesnt care what you guys think.

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1 minute ago, bignok said:

I don't make long posts like that. Words are just words. Sitting on a computer in Bangkok or Pattaya or Isaan and telling the Thai PM what to do is really just laughable. He doesnt care what you guys think.

Exactly. He doesn't care what anyone thinks. If it involved  losing money, he would get involved.

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13 minutes ago, Scott Tracy said:

How can that be said with certainty?

It can’t be, he’s talking absolute nonsense. The majority of Palestinians in Gaza elected Hamas as their Government; the Palestinians voted for this terrorist organisation to represent their best interests.

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3 hours ago, Neeranam said:

Good post. I agree. 

One thing I don't understand is why Israel are blocking those in Gaza from leaving. They destroyed the airport in 2001, they are blocking all the borders. Do they really plan to wipe them all out? 

Yes, I do believe Israel is planning to wipe out as many Palestinians as it can, soldiers (a.k.a. "terrorists") and civilians, men and women, adults and children. All Israel's efforts for the past 60 years have been focused on taking over what used to be Palestine and establish a Jewish-only state of Israel, as they believe was promised them in the Torah (Old Testament). ????

And, as the saying go, "There will be blood!" ????

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17 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

Among them were 18 Thai workers who were caught in the cross-fire.

"Crossfire"??? Seems that Hamas captured and killed at least some of them, while continuing to hold others hostage? And the government is neutral with this being done to their own citizens?  

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17 hours ago, bignok said:

Neutral is smart. They don't want more muslims bombs in Thailand. They do business with Russia. 



Yes, pragmatism is wiser than explosive words that do nothing to help but may harm in the long run. There is always fighting and unrest in the middle east. Up until now many Arab countries have started to ignore the Palestine problem and have either diplomatic or working relations with Israel, I suspect Hamas is trying to change this humiliating state of affairs.

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6 hours ago, riclag said:

Not until they take out the threat!

The terrorist Hamas have been 

compared to Isis ! They govern Gaza.There can be no negotiations until they are wiped out!Only the Israeli govt can come to that conclusion!

What governing body in The World,decapitates & takes children as hostages?

I think you forgot that Israel occupied the West Bank/Golan Heights. So Israel is the Aggressor. Hamas and Hezbollah reacted. There is also an UN resolution against Israel. Don't you think you would fight if your family would be cut off from drinking water and electricity? 

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22 minutes ago, newbee2022 said:

I think you forgot that Israel occupied the West Bank/Golan Heights. So Israel is the Aggressor. Hamas and Hezbollah reacted. There is also an UN resolution against Israel. Don't you think you would fight if your family would be cut off from drinking water and electricity? 

What did Hamas react to, this time?

The attack was planned well beforehand - months or even years in the making.

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21 hours ago, JensenZ said:

There are some serious cowards in this government. How could anyone in good conscience remain neutral? Neutral means they condone the slaughter of civilians, including the murder of infants. They need to preserve their Arab tourism at all costs. They cannot risk upsetting them.



They should condemn the apartheid state's 70-year pogrom of ethnic cleansing. as well as their illicit nukular weapons program.

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8 hours ago, Neeranam said:

You are now on ignore. I gave you the chance for an apology for calling me racist/antisemitic/liar and to quote one of my posts  highlighting this, which you never did. 

I've no time for rude trolls like you.

I despise Hamas, I despise Netanyahu. I am not Pro-Palestine, you are deluded. 

If you don't like my posts, ignore me as you'll never get another reply to your trolls. 


ha ha ha ha stick me on that too if you like as I agree with everything he has said about you, your an apologist and a poor one at that, begins with W ends in R you can fill in the rest...

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5 hours ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:

Here we go, another apologist for the terrorist organisation Hamas


No mention at all in your comment about Hamas invading Israel and slaughtering 260 young kids at a music festival by ripping their bodies apart with machine gun fire.

No mention of Hamas going house to house slaughtering entire families while they slept

No mention of Hamas murdering women, stripping them naked and then parading them through the streets of Gaza on the back of pick up trucks.

No mention of Hamas raping and beheading women.

No mention of Hamas slaughtering 40 little babies, slitting their throats and beheading some of them

No mention of Hamas abducting over a hundred people from babies to the old

No mention of Hamas executing parents in front of their children and then abducting the children


Not a single word from you about any of these unprecedented atrocities …. just criticism and speculation of what Israel might do in response

You will find the massive majority of these hypocrites and apologists have never actually had to face up to terrorists, they see things through their rose coloured glasses usually with a western education and a socialist bent from a nice comfortable life others have paid for


They are the sheep the wolves want to eat and the guard dogs keep safe. They truly do not understand that freedom isn't free and the only reason the majority of them can spout their nonsense is because hard men make tough choices often at great personal cost


I have started to despise them even though I know it's pointless, they are the sheep and sheep need guarding from their own stupidity left to them we would all go to hell in an handcart. RIP the latest victims of terror and the innocent's Hamas have doomed through their twisted ideology...

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3 hours ago, Morch said:

What did Hamas react to, this time?

The attack was planned well beforehand - months or even years in the making.

Reacting to ongoing occupation and harassment. To move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem was like pouring oil into the fire.

There were never real peace talks. (actually you didn't answer my question but asking me instead????)

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3 minutes ago, newbee2022 said:

Reacting to ongoing occupation and harassment. To move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem was like pouring oil into the fire.

There were never real peace talks. (actually you didn't answer my question but asking me instead????)

There's a lot of talk about Israel's current attacks on Gaza are not proportional. Do you think that the Hamas attack on Israel was proportional? Mind, I'm not denying Israel's bad policies and actions vs. the Palestinians. And, by the way, I don't recall the Embassy move was cited as a major factor related to the attack, at least not by Hamas.


I said nothing about peace talks, real or otherwise. No idea what you're on about.


Your (loaded) question was directed to another poster, not me.

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28 minutes ago, newbee2022 said:

Reacting to ongoing occupation and harassment. To move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem was like pouring oil into the fire.

There were never real peace talks. (actually you didn't answer my question but asking me instead????)

It's pretty simple what they're reacting to (by they I mean Hamas, Hezbolah and the puppeteer Iran) they are reacting to the potential thawing of relations between several Arab nations and Israel!


They simply can't have that, they would cut their own throats rather than make peace their twisted take on religion and their whole ideology guarantees it. They will never make peace as it would admit everything they have done is a lie


They have damned themselves and their nation by their monstrous actions and unfortunately innocents will pay for their arrogance, their actions have shown they are just another death cult, another ISIS that will be stamped out but not before many innocents have been killed...

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22 minutes ago, Morch said:

There's a lot of talk about Israel's current attacks on Gaza are not proportional. Do you think that the Hamas attack on Israel was proportional? Mind, I'm not denying Israel's bad policies and actions vs. the Palestinians. And, by the way, I don't recall the Embassy move was cited as a major factor related to the attack, at least not by Hamas.


I said nothing about peace talks, real or otherwise. No idea what you're on about.


Your (loaded) question was directed to another poster, not me.

Mate, in my opinion we have too many wars anyway. Israel, Ukraine, Serbia, Armenia, some starting again, then many civil wars in Africa in former colonies aso. The benefit is with the arms industry not with the people. Now we'll have antisemitism in our countries growing caused by open gates in EU. We host Israel's enemies. It's only a matter of time that bombs will explode in synagogues or Jewish people will be attacked on the streets. Therefore the whole world (UN is powerless) is to influence Israel to come to peace talks and to agree to a 2 state solution, and to give back the West Jordan Land.

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2 minutes ago, newbee2022 said:

Mate, in my opinion we have too many wars anyway. Israel, Ukraine, Serbia, Armenia, some starting again, then many civil wars in Africa in former colonies aso. The benefit is with the arms industry not with the people. Now we'll have antisemitism in our countries growing caused by open gates in EU. We host Israel's enemies. It's only a matter of time that bombs will explode in synagogues or Jewish people will be attacked on the streets. Therefore the whole world (UN is powerless) is to influence Israel to come to peace talks and to agree to a 2 state solution, and to give back the West Jordan Land.

Yes, of course, Israel just had a 9/11 moment, so what better time to pressure it for peace talks.


Anyway, a two-state solution requires two parties. Not like Hamas is into it. Not that the PA is willing and able to either. So what's the rationale for singling out Israel for international pressure? Especially at this time? Why not pressure the Palestinians?


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4 minutes ago, mark131v said:

It's pretty simple what they're reacting to (by they I mean Hamas, Hezbolah and the puppeteer Iran) they are reacting to the potential thawing of relations between several Arab nations and Israel!


They simply can't have that, they would cut their own throats rather than make peace their twisted take on religion and their whole ideology guarantees it. They will never make peace as it would admit everything they have done is a lie


They have damned themselves and their nation by their monstrous actions and unfortunately innocents will pay for their arrogance, their actions have shown they are just another death cult, another ISIS that will be stamped out but not before many innocents have been killed...

"Stamp out"....Is this your only answer? According to the bible..take an eye for an eye...? Since 1945 the US is acting like that. Without any success. Wherever the Americans marched in they left a chaos and an unruled destroyed country . 

So to answer with more arms and more killings we will never have a sustainable peace. 

We are supporting Ukraine and mark the invader as a cruel monster but we did not do anything when Israel invaded Jordan (West Bank). Where is the state Palestine?

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4 minutes ago, Morch said:

Yes, of course, Israel just had a 9/11 moment, so what better time to pressure it for peace talks.


Anyway, a two-state solution requires two parties. Not like Hamas is into it. Not that the PA is willing and able to either. So what's the rationale for singling out Israel for international pressure? Especially at this time? Why not pressure the Palestinians?


You want to pressure the invaded and not the invader? 

You would agree to put pressure on to Ukraine instead of Russia?

Don't tell me it's that what you mean.

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25 minutes ago, newbee2022 said:

"Stamp out"....Is this your only answer? According to the bible..take an eye for an eye...? Since 1945 the US is acting like that. Without any success. Wherever the Americans marched in they left a chaos and an unruled destroyed country . 

So to answer with more arms and more killings we will never have a sustainable peace. 

We are supporting Ukraine and mark the invader as a cruel monster but we did not do anything when Israel invaded Jordan (West Bank). Where is the state Palestine?

Oh yes they will be 'stamped out' just like ISIS, you can mark my words on that!


I agree we will never have substantial peace as some ideologies are incompatible with peace and they need to be eradicated, Hamas, Iran et al knew this but decided terror was the way to further their cause. They have misjudged and many, many innocents on both sides will be killed because or these religious nutters!

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3 hours ago, NoDisplayName said:



They should condemn the apartheid state's 70-year pogrom of ethnic cleansing. as well as their illicit nukular weapons program.

This topic is about Thailand's position on the current conflict which started last Saturday.


It was interesting to note that Thailand was absent for the United Nations Resolution 181 vote. On 29 November 1947, the United Nations General Assembly voted 33 to 13, with 10 abstentions and 1 absent (Thailand), in favour of the modified Partition Plan.


(United Nations General Assembly in 1947 called for the partition of Palestine into Arab and Jewish states).


I suppose Thailand's absence was not surprising considering the millitary coup of November 1947.

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