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Blow to Biden as poll shows Trump in lead for 2024 presidential election


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2 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Trump is a terrible choice, he's way too corrupt, a wannabe fascist, and morally bankrupt. Perhaps the days of decent people running for that office in America are long gone, perhaps the nation is long gone. 

Which begs the question- If Trump is everything you say, why would millions and millions of Americans vote for him? Has to be a reason and I suspect it's not his personality.


The nation isn't gone as long as states exist, but IMO it's broken, possibly beyond repair.

Perhaps the experiment failed and the US should be split in 3. West coast, mid west and north eastern coast.

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1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:

but he will be the official candidate and get the support of the party for money and workers.

Of course he would be since he is the de facto leader of the Democratic Party.

This is true for democrats and for republican sitting presidents. . 

As I said no one is preventing anyone for running for the nomination if they feel they have a chance and are inclined to do so,

Just remember the old saying , if you go after the king. you better make sure you kill him. 

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1 minute ago, WDSmart said:

thaibeachlovers, I just don't understand your thinking.

I, too, would prefer Bernie Sanders, but that's because I'm a far-left liberal. So, I don't understand how you could even consider voting for Trump who is a far-right fascist. 

Also, your remark about not being a fan of rich people doesn't seem to fit either. I know all these people are "rich" compared to me and most in the US, but Trump runs touting his wealth.

I also am disgusted with Congress, but mostly because it is so evenly split that nothing of importance can get through. Of course, I would like to see liberal bills, but the way it is now, NOTHING seems to be able to be passed. 

Anyway, I am totally against Trump and all his followers, so if part of his agenda was to create a complete split of the US citizenry, he's succeeded, at least in my case. 

For starters I doubt you understand what an actual fascist is if you think Trump is one.

Secondly, I'm a socialist ( small s ), and don't like people being excessively rich ( nobody needs a billion $ to live well ), but if it was a choice between him ( donkey poo not being on the ticket ) and HRC or Harris I'd vote for him just to keep them out of the big chair, which is how much I "dislike" them

You still don't get that people vote for Trump as a symbol of rejection of congress, not for his personality ( though they do like keeping the hordes out on the southern border ). When the system allows for people like HRC or Harris to be the only alternative, what's left but someone like Trump? Get a better system in place and Trump wouldn't stand a chance.


No dispute from me that the US is split, and IMO it's completely broken- just doesn't realise it yet.

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9 minutes ago, daveAustin said:

Is there really only these two demented muppets available to run the US? You guys' election process is properly messed up. Rewrite your constitution: guns out, Scientology out, dinosaur presidents out. 

No need to rewrite the constitution. Just add an amendment. A good one would be no politicians over 65 and 2 term limits for every politician, not just POTUS.

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3 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

Go Trump !!!


If anyone thinks that sleepy old dementia Joe will be allowed by his handlers to debate Trump in live debates next year (assuming he can find the stage) they are really living in cloud cuckoo land.


Expect either Joe to be unable to debate due to returning 'covid' issues or say he will not debate with a 'criminal'. I really get the feeling Biden's handlers are hoping the new Chinese disease shuts down everything again so he can go hide in the bunker again 






Joe will do an LBJ on health grounds, regretfully cannot accept the nomination etc the Kennedy chump is just a spoiler who will take votes away from Trump

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2 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

For starters I doubt you understand what an actual fascist is if you think Trump is one.

Secondly, I'm a socialist ( small s ), and don't like people being excessively rich ( nobody needs a billion $ to live well ), but if it was a choice between him ( donkey poo not being on the ticket ) and HRC or Harris I'd vote for him just to keep them out of the big chair, which is how much I "dislike" them

You still don't get that people vote for Trump as a symbol of rejection of congress, not for his personality ( though they do like keeping the hordes out on the southern border ). When the system allows for people like HRC or Harris to be the only alternative, what's left but someone like Trump? Get a better system in place and Trump wouldn't stand a chance.


No dispute from me that the US is split, and IMO it's completely broken- just doesn't realise it yet.

Definitions of "fascist" from the online Oxford Language Dictionary with which I agree is:
- "an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization," and;
- "extremely authoritarian, intolerant, or oppressive ideas or behaviour."
I think that described Trump exactly.

I also am a socialist and an anti-capitalist.

I assume by "donkey poo," you refer to "Biden," correct? Why do you use that term?

I would vote for ANYONE else other than Trump, or, if the alternative was just too unacceptable, I would not vote, but I can't think of anyone that would cause me to to that. Mabye RFK... If I did that, however, not vote or write-in someone who has no chance, it would be like giving up completely, which I just might do eventually.

I think I do "get" that people support Trump out of frustration, but I just can't imagine anyone going to that extreme. Turmp supporters are, IMO, disgraceful, and MAGA supporters remind me of one of my favorite quotes about Nazis:



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40 minutes ago, WDSmart said:

Anyway, I am totally against Trump and all his followers, so if part of his agenda was to create a complete split of the US citizenry, he's succeeded, at least in my case. 


The very first paragraph of this thread:


"Donald Trump has nudged ahead of Joe Biden in national polling for the 2024 presidential election, a survey published on Saturday revealed, a day after the US president branded his predecessor as “despicable” at an event in California.".


As a slightly-right leaning moderate, my view is that both sides of the aisle, and particularly the media, have created, and feed on, the dissention between two sides.


Personally, I don't want to hear about how bad the other side is, from anyone.  I want to hear a solid plan for our country from each candidate and I will judge for myself which plan I like better.  No more than that.  No less than that.  Let your plan speak for itself.

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5 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Should that not be


The candidate who will himself be 78 on polling day remains in peril from four concurrent criminal cases against him, some over his alleged illegal efforts to overturn Biden’s 2020 victory.


He hasn't been found guilty of anything in those cases at this time.



Agreed, Trump has not yet been found "guilty". But then, I give some credence to having citizen based Grand Juries and citizen based Trial Juries coming to a definitive decision. What does Las Vegas odds makers say about Trump being found "not guilty" on all counts?

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3 hours ago, HappyExpat57 said:

We all SHOULD know that polls are worthless tripe (unless you sprinkle them around in your garden). Polls had Hillary absolutely destroying orange jeezuz up to the last minute, look how THAT turned out.


Mark McKinnon (cowboy hat guy from "The Circus") was on MSNBC with Stephanie Ruhle. Mark started reminding Stephanie how Biden had originally run on the platform of being a one-term president after which he would step aside for fresher blood. Stephanie shut down THAT remark quick, fast, and in a hurry. Though MSNBC is tacitly in the tank for Biden, this display was too obvious a tip of their hand and they will not tolerate ANY bad-mouthing Sleepy Joe. He is at best a weak candidate, and if there is a presidential debate, Joe will stammer his way to failure.


Even though Joe and traffic cone of treason boy are nearly the same age, Joe looks like the walking dead. Orange jeezuz is an energetic ball of insane and dangerous rhetoric, openly admitting he will immediately become a dictator if elected.


I am so weary of having to hold my nose when voting for a president.

Understood and some acknowledged justification. Even Biden said he would not be running if the threat of Trump were not so critical. On that basis, as well as, recognition of what positive legislation has come about being at the hands on Democrats ... my vote will be a decided opposition to Trump and the (current) Republican Party ilk.

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2 minutes ago, QuantumQuandry said:

Personally, I don't want to hear about how bad the other side is, from anyone.  I want to hear a solid plan for our country from each candidate and I will judge for myself which plan I like better.  No more than that.  No less than that.  Let your plan speak for itself.

QuantumQuandry: I like your quote and would also like to see that approach. But Trump, IMO, has strongly contributed to making the future of our (USA) population not a "quantum quandary" but a "digital yes/no" choice. :sad:

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18 minutes ago, WDSmart said:

IMO, Trump is a fascist. He's extreme right-wing, nationalistic, racist, xenophobic, sexist, etc. 

Again, IMO, he "made friends" with other fascist foreign leaders. I don't think an actual shooting war was in the cards, but an economic and social media war certainly was and still is.

None of the foreign leaders ( do you include Saudi rulers as fascists? ) he visited started wars against the US while he was POTUS. No war beats just about everything else, especially for the boys that lived.


As said before we will have to agree to disagree.

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8 minutes ago, WDSmart said:

QuantumQuandry: I like your quote and would also like to see that approach. But Trump, IMO, has strongly contributed to making the future of our (USA) population not a "quantum quandary" but a "digital yes/no" choice. :sad:

IMO doesn't matter who the GOP candidate was- the system was broken long before Trump became a candidate. I have the same opinion you have about voters for Trump about voters for Bush the younger 2nd term when we knew what he was.


IMO it's a somewhat similar situation as when Blair was Bush's poodle as now with Sunak being Biden's poodle.

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1 minute ago, Walker88 said:

There is one reason the convicted sex offender, convicted charity fraudster, convicted business fraudster, mendacious, democracy-hating, serial philandering, thieving insurrectionist trump did not start any wars is because Gen Milley stopped him. The clown trump wanted to attack Iran before November 2020, thinking it would help him in the polls. After Biden kicked trump's slimy bloated butt, trump wanted to start a nuclear war with China, believing a "state of emergency" would allow him to stay in power. Fortunately, Gen Milley told China that trump was a lunatic and don't take anything he says seriously, because the Joint Chiefs would not allow it to happen. Now trump claims what Milley did was treason and says Gen Milley should be executed.


trump is so stupid he even wanted to start a nuclear war with a hurricane.

I see no point in even trying to respond to posters with nothing but rants. Bye.

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3 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

None of the foreign leaders ( do you include Saudi rulers as fascists? ) he visited started wars against the US while he was POTUS. No war beats just about everything else, especially for the boys that lived.


As said before we will have to agree to disagree.

I don't think there will be any more "shooting wars," at least not against any countries of note. I'm sure we (US) will continue to support other countries' wars with finance, supplies, and occasionally troops, but if we were to actually get into a real war with a major country, that would probably be the last one ever because of the widespread nuclear capabilities. 

I believe there will be more and more focus on economic, cyber-sabotage, and social media disruption over actually "shooting."

But, yes, see can agree to disagree if we don't see things the same way. That's alright with me; however, MAGA supporters are on the other side of that line as far as I'm concerned.

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3 minutes ago, WDSmart said:

QuantumQuandry: I like your quote and would also like to see that approach. But Trump, IMO, has strongly contributed to making the future of our (USA) population not a "quantum quandary" but a "digital yes/no" choice. :sad:


Not to pick on you because everyone does this...but are you not doing the same thing, adding to the divisiveness, by taking a negative stance on a forum against a politician you don't like?

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7 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

IMO doesn't matter who the GOP candidate was- the system was broken long before Trump became a candidate. I have the same opinion you have about voters for Trump about voters for Bush the younger 2nd term when we knew what he was.


IMO it's a somewhat similar situation as when Blair was Bush's poodle as now with Sunak being Biden's poodle.

I don't know much about Biden and Sunak, but if what you say is true, I hope you in the UK can remedy that. And I say that not because I think Biden might give Sunak bad advice but Sunak should do what is best for the UK, regardless of what the US thinks. Hopefully, we (US/UK) will have the same goals, but I'm sure sometimes that's not the case.

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3 hours ago, Denim said:


Hobsons choice.


At the moment,  other democracies around the world seem to be struggling with the same problem, a choice of bad or worse.

When you think about it, this is a country that has spent two decades gorging itself on reality TV, and this is the same country that has made Barbie a huge hit. Having high expectations of the US is not reasonable. 


Hence, Trump as the most popular choice. He fits right into the obnoxious reality TV persona. Doesn't matter that he was the 43rd worst president in history. Doesn't matter that Xi, Kim, Putin and MBS made him look like a bloated, inexperienced schoolgirl. 


Bush Jr. was an elegant statesman, and Nixon was a super honest boy scout in comparison. 

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1 hour ago, Tug said:

Seems odd the most voracious posters on this thread are  foreigners anyway my take is #1 it’s waaaayyy early in the race some of the economic maneuvering to tamp down inflation are bearing fruit things are improving the economy is performing better and better all the time.most of what trump says is just empty hot air and don’t forget all the rights the republicans have  snatched away,we American voters haven’t that beeing said it wouldn’t hurt to have a younger candidate 

You actually changed from too early to waaaayyy too early. Such a great posting improvement. But you forgot your list of dementia Joe 's accomplishments. 

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1 hour ago, QuantumQuandry said:
 1 hour ago, WDSmart said:

QuantumQuandry: I like your quote and would also like to see that approach. But Trump, IMO, has strongly contributed to making the future of our (USA) population not a "quantum quandary" but a "digital yes/no" choice. :sad:


Not to pick on you because everyone does this...but are you not doing the same thing, adding to the divisiveness, by taking a negative stance on a forum against a politician you don't like?

QuantumQuandry: Yes, I'm doing the same thing. That's what I've been saying. Trump has solidified the divisiveness, including mine. 

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7 hours ago, swm59nj said:

If things stand the way they are.  The only alternative is Biden.  Who is not that great.  But better than having Trump.  But if Trump actually ends up running.  I have a feeling he will win.  

Surely there's a box of rocks out there somewhere better suited to the job?

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