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Advice for a bad case of the runs?

bob smith

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3 hours ago, expat_4_life said:

@bob smith
I no doctor .... but I been here long enough to know the difference between too much spicy food and the squirts.

For anything that lasts more than a couple of days and is just stinky water

I take norfloxacin - relief within a day

Check with your pharmacist, but ask for dysentary medication - does not sound to me like you're in Imodium territory anymore

I agree. I take Ciprofloxacin or norfloxacin if squits and/or stomach pains last more than 2 or 3 days. Make sure you finish the 5 or 7 day course though even if it clears up quickly. Because if you don't that's how superbugs/bacteria evolve which are becoming immune to all existing antibiotics. Maybe you know already that It is a big problem in the world. Hope you get better soon.


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10 hours ago, SammyJ said:

I take norfloxacin - relief within a day

Check with your pharmacist, but ask for dysentary medication - does not sound to me like you're in Imodium territory anymore


You might be aware that norfloxacin, like other related drugs, may have very serious and permanent side effects--in the US, it carries that is called a "black box warning" for all doctors and pharmacists and is to be used when all other antibiotics may have failed in helping---below is an example of the most serious side effects (and i have had family members and friends be prescribed levofloxacin, a related drug and too often prescribed for  minor respiratory problems) and had these very side effects that lingered for years.


Norfloxacin may cause swelling or tearing of a tendon (the fiber that connects bones to muscles in the body), especially in the Achilles' tendon of the heel. This effect may be more likely to occur if you are over 60, if you take steroid medication, or if you have had a kidney, heart, or lung transplant.


As I shared, family members and friends, quickly discontinued use of this drug due to strong tendon problems, and even after stopping, the aches lingered for years.

Its not a good idea to be self diagnosing and medicating yourself without consulting a doctor as you really have no idea of the true problem or the effects of the meds your guessing will fix the problem 

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7 minutes ago, Dan O said:

Its not a good idea to be self diagnosing and medicating yourself without consulting a doctor as you really have no idea of the true problem or the effects of the meds your guessing will fix the problem 

I have found that some doctors here, and even in the US, are ignorant of the side effects of some medicines--the "...floxacins and quinss-" have the strongest US FDA warning on them, use only if all other medicines do not work and only under the guidance of a doctor--the tendon damage can be severe and permanent--there have been cases of individuals Achilles tendons rupturing.  

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2 hours ago, SammyJ said:

I have found that some doctors here, and even in the US, are ignorant of the side effects of some medicines--the "...floxacins and quinss-" have the strongest US FDA warning on them, use only if all other medicines do not work and only under the guidance of a doctor--the tendon damage can be severe and permanent--there have been cases of individuals Achilles tendons rupturing.  

They typically dont list issues of concern if there is no basis. Thats part of the reason you should not self medicate in instances like this. You have no idea if its a parasitic infection, a bacterial infection or some other issue the may not react as you think to your medication of choice. I would take my chance in a doctor 's possible ignorance over social media recommendations and ignorance. Google MD licenses are not recognized in most all countries

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23 hours ago, bob smith said:

Ive had the runs for a few days now after a curry a few nights ago.


averaging 5/6 craps a day at the momemt.

nothing but water.


any advice for me?

i accidentally soiled myself in bed last night as i thought it was just a fart, but I was sadly mistaken.


the smell was beyond all comprehension.



Imodium and charcoal tablets

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For food poisoning Carbon pills/capsules work good.  Capsules are easier to take.  The pills get pretty dry in your mouth.  The carbon helps absorb the bacteria.


But for as bad as you have it you are probably getting very dehydrated.  If you went to a hospital they would want to admit you and put you on an IV.

Drinking electrolytes will help too.


If you notice blood in your stool/squirts definintely go to a hospital.

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2 minutes ago, rwill said:

But for as bad as you have it you are probably getting very dehydrated.  If you went to a hospital they would want to admit you and put you on an IV.

they do that for everything here, even if you stub your toe or have a common cold!


same with blood pressure reading.


it's just hospital protocol. I hate thai hospitals and avoid them like the plague.

I literally have to be on deaths door before I admit myself to one.

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3 minutes ago, bob smith said:

they do that for everything here, even if you stub your toe or have a common cold!


same with blood pressure reading.


it's just hospital protocol. I hate thai hospitals and avoid them like the plague.

I literally have to be on deaths door before I admit myself to one.

That has never been my experience. 

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8 minutes ago, rwill said:

That has never been my experience. 


1 minute ago, bob smith said:

what hasn't?

Being admitted to a hospital every time we go there.  My wife broke her kneecap one time they didn't admit her.  If you go to a hospital with a fever they will want to admit you.  Or if you are dehydrated.

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9 hours ago, Dan O said:

They typically dont list issues of concern if there is no basis. Thats part of the reason you should not self medicate in instances like this. You have no idea if its a parasitic infection, a bacterial infection or some other issue the may not react as you think to your medication of choice. I would take my chance in a doctor 's possible ignorance over social media recommendations and ignorance. Google MD licenses are not recognized in most all countries

I agree---you can see that a number of posters recommended Imodium and norfloxacin when those are not really the appropriate treatments.  Sometimes, even doctors are not up to date on medicines--in the US, it is the pharmacist who is licensed and must undertake ongoing training, etc--here, not so sure--if one uses a consensus of reliable sites, Google can assist in understanding the side effects of medicines prescribed, side effects that perhaps no one warned you about,  I learned a long time ago, that one must be their own advocate, whether in the US or here, when it comes to medical treatment.

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On 12/18/2023 at 7:10 AM, bob smith said:

Ive had the runs for a few days now after a curry a few nights ago.


averaging 5/6 craps a day at the momemt.

nothing but water.


any advice for me?

i accidentally soiled myself in bed last night as i thought it was just a fart, but I was sadly mistaken.


the smell was beyond all comprehension.



Put a Tampax up where the sun don't shine.  But  seriously, not easy but swallow 2 tsp of ground cumin, learnt that one in Morocco, cured in 15min.

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20 hours ago, SunsetT said:

I agree. I take Ciprofloxacin or norfloxacin if squits and/or stomach pains last more than 2 or 3 days. Make sure you finish the 5 or 7 day course though even if it clears up quickly. Because if you don't that's how superbugs/bacteria evolve which are becoming immune to all existing antibiotics. Maybe you know already that It is a big problem in the world. Hope you get better soon.


Verybad advice to self diagnose problems and then decide what to take on your own 

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17 minutes ago, SammyJ said:

I agree---you can see that a number of posters recommended Imodium and norfloxacin when those are not really the appropriate treatments.  Sometimes, even doctors are not up to date on medicines--in the US, it is the pharmacist who is licensed and must undertake ongoing training, etc--here, not so sure--if one uses a consensus of reliable sites, Google can assist in understanding the side effects of medicines prescribed, side effects that perhaps no one warned you about,  I learned a long time ago, that one must be their own advocate, whether in the US or here, when it comes to medical treatment.

Your were one of tge people recommending it doing it ???


Yes goigle can get you some additional info but it may or may not be accurate based on who posted it.  Gather additional info is good but it does beat going to a doctor. If you don't think they know the medicine properly then ask questions or get a second opinion 

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Most dangerous part of "runs" is the fact that if allowed to continue without some treatment (ask any pharmacist what one should keep at home in case of this happening.  As a world traveller (due to work) we always carried medicinal needs, including those for the runs as one might just get a mild case but which could get worse.  After a day or so one can be dangerously dehydrated and should seek immediate help either by pharmacy or doctor.  The pharmacies here are well aware of stomach problems and are always a great help in my opinion.  I always keep electrolytes at home as I exercise regularly and after a good sweat, drink a mixture of the same with water.  imodium is a great one to STOP the runs.  good luck

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