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Altercation Turns Violent: Englishman and wife injured in Knife Duel


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Anyway, the title is a misnomer. There was no knife 'duel' - a duel would require both combatants to have a knife and in this case there was only one knife. A better title would be, 'Wife slashes her hand while fighting with husband over a knife'.

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We all know the sociopathic behaviour of the phrase "run amok" ... Not everyone knows this is one of the few Indonesian words to make it into the English language.


For good reason.  Exhibit 1 m'lud - my Indonesian ex-wife.

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1 hour ago, michaellee said:

This is what happens when you have a relationship with a bar girl. Nothing good comes out of it. 

Generally correct, but not entirely. Some, albeit a minority, are genuinely good people, as they are in the same work in any country.

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8 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

I hope there will some follow up news on this.

It seems lots of Thai females grab knifes to win arguments. I always wondered how that will play out when someone gets hurt, and the police arrives.

Will the husband be prosecuted for injuring her with the knife?

Will she be prosecuted for taking a knife and threatening him with that?

Possibly he would never have injured her if she wouldn't have grabbed that knife. (yes, I know that is just a speculation)


I think from a "western" perspective only few people would grab a knife in an argument if they don't try to defend their life.

In Thailand there seems to be almost no barrier from a few words to grabbing the next available knife.

It depends.  Normally as soon as the threat is eliminated you're not allowed to use deadly force anymore, as far as I know. Since he took the knife from her, the knife wasn't a threat to him anymore, if he then cut her intentionally, he can be held responsible. If it's true what the article says and she continued to physically attack him while he had the knife and she got accidentally cut during the struggle then he can't be held responsible. At this point it's he-said, she-said, though, and now it depends on whom the judge will believe. Since she's already admitted that she attacked him with the knife, it's not looking good for her. 

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There's always 3 sides to a story.   


What one person says, what the other person says, and what really happened.


The best way to win a knife fight is to not get in one.  This can also be applied to a  gun.

Edited by NedR69
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10 hours ago, webfact said:

Englishman was reported to have sustained injuries in a scuffle with his partner 


Failing to overpower her, he took hold of the knife, swinging it in a threatening manner 

Crickey another story about a English man. 


Crazy couple knife fight soi Watboon 😮



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2 hours ago, Big Robin said:

You brits never learn, as a Scot, pleasure the woman...she grabs a knife, your response should be to grab the bread and peanut nut butter. Her nuchuring insticts will kick in and she will make you a tastey sandwedge to eat.

Dont correct my spelling, I have never called anybody a can't.

Dream world. I'm also a Jock and in my experience Scottish women can be very violent. Hence now I'm married to an Asian from a very good family. I have had many friends in Thailand with violent wives/gf and for some bizzare reason stay with them. One guy wouldn't live above ground floor. The one thing they all had in common was the profession of their wife/gf before them (that profession leaves deep scares) being a cashier and honest its my first night.....

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6 minutes ago, SAFETY FIRST said:

Crickey another story about a English man. 


Crazy couple knife fight soi Watboon 😮



Yep, so far this week the teacher kiddy fiddler, the stabber and the hit and runner.


Its only Wednesday.

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1 hour ago, HauptmannUK said:

Absolute nonsense. Knife crime in the UK is very low by international standards and death by stabbing in the UK is almost the lowest of any country in the world and well below Thailand, US, Australia, France, Germany...etc. 


When stabbings do occur in the UK they are nearly always between gangs of youths (usually know to each other). They get well-reported of course.

let me guess.You are a Brit?


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8 minutes ago, Goat said:

Yep, so far this week the teacher kiddy fiddler, the stabber and the hit and runner.


Its only Wednesday.

And the biter and the fake kidnappers. Brits seem to be having a great week.

Next week will probably be Russians, Chinese or Antipodeans.

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1 minute ago, couchpotato said:

And the biter and the fake kidnappers. Brits seem to be having a great week.

Next week will probably be Russians, Chinese or Antipodeans.

I forgot about the biter😆

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2 hours ago, Andrew65 said:

In 2018 I was 53, living in Thailand, and unable to find a job in Thailand. So, with 14 years left until  (state pension) retirement age, I thought I best (still reluctantly) return. I had previously worked in the oil industry, but hadn't worked for 3 years, although I still had around £50k in savings.

Things I didn't know about returning after so long away:

Car insurance cost about double because I had been out of the UK for 5+ years. BMW320i cost £1500 to insure.
Because I hadn't maintained a bank account in the UK, I had no credit-rating.
On 2 occasions I had to pay 7 months rent going-in (the thick end of 4 grand). I had no referee in the UK. Finding a place to live can be a bit like finding a job!😫
I got a new dentist at the first attempt, easy. I had moved to a place that wasn't my home town, so I just sigend up to a surgery in my new town (Worcester), no questions asked. I did actually get Bumrungrad to send some medical records over.

All-up, it's been ok, Also managed to give up smoking 3 years ago, after 44 years a smoker. The biggest motivation? Not wanting to spend £400 a month on fags! Also cut down on drinking by quite a lot.🙂

(If I'm ever lucky enough to win the lottery I would of course return to live in Thailand, I'll always love the place, so many great memories).

Obviously the cost of living in uk has gone up a lot I assume since you are 50+ with expired safety certificates ect offshore no more? Have you been able to earn enough to survive and put a little aside or is UK 🇬🇧 now more difficult than before?

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10 hours ago, simon43 said:

My mad ex #2 graduated from throwing plates at me to throwing knives at me.  Plates I could handle, but a knife thrown while I had my back to her was too much.  I opted for a more peaceful life...

As a lion tamer. 555

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4 hours ago, hotchilli said:

Did you throw it back? :whistling:

Ah no.  I did once try to calm her down by responding in kind.  She was shocked, stopped in her tracks for about 5 seconds and then restarted the attack but 10 times more violently!!  Totally barmy..... (that's Dr Google's medical opinion!)

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2 hours ago, NedR69 said:

There's always 3 sides to a story.   


What one person says, what the other person says, and what really happened.

There are many more versions ,   you have forgotten about what the newspapers choose to publish ,  what gets said on social media,  and of course the expert interpretations of the super sleuths on this forum.

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4 hours ago, Phil1964 said:

Absolutely correct. My Thai Mrs and her 11 year old daughter both explode without warning, zero build up, zero empathy or regards to safety. Never seen such a lack of personal self-control in people. I asked other farangs of their experiences with their Thais and sure enough apart from one of them, they all admitted to enduring dangerous episodes of Thai psychosis in the female form! 


Get a divorce then. Find a better woman. Your friends must have bad taste in women too as many are patient and nice.

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5 hours ago, schweizer said:

Wat Boonyakanchana Ram, Nongprue, Bang Lamung, Chonburi is a very long winded way to say Patttaya

They don't want to damage the  reputation of Pattaya as a wonderful family holiday destination

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