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Controversy erupts as Thai doctors clash over mRNA vaccine effect


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This is a good article - https://www.mcgill.ca/oss/article/covid-19-critical-thinking/anti-vaccine-documentary-died-suddenly-wants-you-feel-not-think

It makes a very good point when the author says "People want to feel like their concerns are heard. Being dismissed can lead to loss of trust, which can send people looking for empathy in the wrong places."   

It never really occurred to me that part of the reason that so many people seem to gravitate towards conspiracies is they don't have the education to understand things that frighten them, and those of us who are educated do tend to treat these people as if they should just stop being stupid.  

Certainly in the western world there are vast numbers of people who are being dismissed as unimportant, there is a growing divide between let's call them "the struggling" and "the thriving". 

The "struggling" being working class people, who have been promised a good life by the great Western dream, or by all the marketing that tells everyone they can have a great life and all the nice things.  When in reality that isn't close to possible.   

Not everyone can have a nice middle class life, with no financial pressure.  Most people are going to have to scrimp and save if they want to amass any decent amount of money.  Unfortunately these people have also all been given credit and it seems most of them don't have the financial education to use that properly, hence millions of them in debt to credit card companies and banks.

Then you have "The Thriving" who are people who, for whatever reason, are making good money, have got a good life and are seen in marketing campaigns and social media flaunting their wonderful lives.  These people are typically well educated, and in positions of authority. 

The "struggling" are being made to feel more and more ignored and marginalised by the "thriving".   Which in turn makes them lose trust in the government (especially if it's a Gov they didn't vote for), and not trust anything coming from the side of the fence where the people who seem to get all the breaks are ie the 'Thriving". 

I really think this divide is largely caused by the class and socioeconomic differences.  The only people I see or hear believing in conspiracies seem to be working class types who I'm guessing  didn't have the best educations (beyond the basics of reading, writing and arithmetic).  They are not typically private school educated members of society, in highly technical or science based jobs. 

People in the West have been brainwashed to believe that everyone should have a comfy life, they forget how lucky they were to have been born in their society at all. Sure, they may be at the bottom of the UK (for example) social ladder, but at least they weren't born into a slum in Calcutta. 


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14 hours ago, johng said:

Oopps !!!!!  Safe and Effective


There is also an article in the paper that cannot be named on here  entitled

Long Covid, vaccines may cause disease and death: Chula, Rangsit


also a new study

COVID-19 vaccines and adverse events of special interest: A multinational Global Vaccine Data Network (GVDN) cohort study of 99 million vaccinated individuals.

found here


which concludes

While our study confirmed previously iden­tified

rare safety signals following COVID-19 vaccination and contributed evidence on several other important outcomes, further
investigation is warranted to confirm associations and assess clinical

An analysis of the study. Maybe not as convincing as the testimony of an embalmer, but, still, actual evidence.



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14 hours ago, pomchop said:

you mean the maga morons who drank bleach and stuck a light up their butts or the excess deaths caused by people refusing the vaccines?

There's none so blind as those whop will not see. 

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2 hours ago, rattlesnake said:


The claim I replied to, "The narrative was NEVER that it will stop the virus from spreading", is false.

There was a brief period when the vaccines were very effective against the virus spreading. 

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1 hour ago, shunter said:

Remember that drug panacea for all, ''Thalidomide''? The experts at the time wouldn't listen to or look at the delights that Thalidomide endowed upon babies.


Big Phara was and still is about profit over the collateral  damage known as people.


Thalidomide is now used as a cancer and leprosy  treatment, the babies of the time were Big Pharma lab subjects.

So, modern medicine is not for you?


Are you a fan of leeches?

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14 hours ago, proton said:


Campbell is a nurse not a medical Dr, his opinion is no better than anyone else's

More importantly, he has been censured for promoting ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine as drugs that will cure Covid, and this nonsense has been debunked time and time again. 


There is an excellent link here that posters should read because it lays out the details of this charlatan, and how he only really started to make money when he jumped onto the Covid bandwagon.


John Campbell conspiracy theory nonsense


Just for the record, with some vaccinations there is a possibility that the body will react to this by producing a cytokine storm which in rare cases may cause death, but it is not the norm. And remember that many of us have been receiving vaccinations over decades past, and indeed I've had three Covid vaccinations.

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John Campbell has long noted excess deaths that are not attributed to Covid-19 and recently noted these white blood clots post mortem but he has NOT attributed the former with the later. Those excess deaths remain unexplained, while this Thai doctor's assertion of a relationship with mRNA vaccines is unsupported and unattributable to John Campbell. 

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41 minutes ago, Bday Prang said:

               The whole charade has been lie after lie.  from the very start.regarding =:  Its origin ? Who was responsible? The death rate, (especially the projected numbers) ?    The computer modelling?  The effectiveness of lockdowns?  The ever increasing infectiousness?    Then add in the involvement of "big Pharma",     a good dosing of corruption ,   the breathtaking amount of money available for the taking , and the darker side of human nature.    Then finally top it off with a healthy dose of governmental incompetence, a bit more corruption,  political point scoring,  opportunities for  experimental social engineering,  and then finally add the ever present mainstream media who never let the truth get in the way of a good story

                 Those questioning anything are behaving perfectly rationally, who wouldn't have concerns, bearing in mind any of the above?  The asking of questions and seeking answers and or  the truth,  are fundamental aspects of human nature, "instinctive" for want of a better word and an essential part of our evolution and development

                 Those turning on them often quite viciously hurling insults are not, there is little to be gained, by simply accepting everything we are told, especially by incompetent governments and those with vested interests    but they are however  a shining example  of the effectiveness of propaganda  and how through the skillful use of fear , people can not only be persuaded to believe anything that inspires hope and makes them feel safe.  but they can also be motivated to do the authorities work for them by attacking anybody who spoils their comforting illusion by  disagreeing or simply just questioning

                   Its quite telling that those questioning things on here are doing simply that, But without exception   Its those clinging to the narrative that are behaving aggressively



I am pretty sure you didn't go to Northern Italy in early 2020. Or anywhere to nearby France a couple of months later. Dunno UK, but I think they ended up short of hospital begs too.


And of course all these people (RIP), who died lying of their tummies were just the biggest hoax ever. 


Please AN do something about these post Covid threads, there is some entertaining manure but the stench can get overwhelming. IMHO  topics like this one should be vetted by a qualified moderator.

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13 hours ago, dinsdale said:

By the way he has had professors on his channel. Now please say they are not experts.

Unfortunately there are a one or two medical folks out there who can be just as stupid as the likes of the doctors who promoted ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine as cures for Covid.....America’s Frontline Doctors:


Simone Gold, a Beverly Hills physician who founded a doctors’ organisation that challenged pandemic public health measures and promoted unproven covid therapies, has been sentenced to 60 days in prison by a US federal court in Washington, DC, for illegally entering the US Capitol building during the riot on 6 January 2021.

Gold came to prominence in July 2020 with a viral video introducing America’s Frontline Doctors on the steps of the US Supreme Court. Seven white coated physicians denounced lockdowns and masks, questioned the utility of vaccines, and touted the benefits of hydroxychloroquine, a drug which had recently been endorsed by Donald Trump.

Most of the organisation had no experience treating covid patients, but Gold was then a working emergency department physician. Trump later retweeted the video, making her an overnight star in the conservative media. She has 482 000 Twitter followers, is banned by Facebook, and …






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"In a peer-reviewed pre-proof accepted for publication in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, researchers presented two cases that demonstrate, for the first time, the ability of COVID-19 vaccines to penetrate the fetal-placental barrier and reach the inside of the uterus. Additionally, researchers detected spike protein in placental tissue, indicating the bioactivity of the mRNA in reaching the placenta."




No link whatsoever of course with the steep decline of births observed in many countries in 2021, 2022 and 2023...


And remember that they told  us in 2021 that the "vaccines" STAYED in the location of the injections...


It's funny how "science" can evolve... in just a few years...


Enjoy your products "safe and effective".

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18 hours ago, dinsdale said:

You need to check some facts regarding excess deaths. A % are attributed to covid deaths but not all. 


Estimated preventable COVID-19-associated deaths due to non-vaccination in the United States




u mean like the estimated 230 k extra deaths in usa in 15 months?  did anybody say all?

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