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If you can't be happy in Thailand

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19 hours ago, Dolf said:

If people aren't happy in Thailand I wonder what will make them happy. Unless you are a skier who need snows I'm not sure why people rubbish Thailand. Cheap dental, cheap food, lots of women, cheap rooms.





Its the water

Pathogens in the water cause people who extremely intelligent upon arrival to become  blithering idiots and write posts like this one. 

Wait a second, this did not come our right I meant thread like this, not posts, NOT POSTS!!

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19 hours ago, Tarteso said:

Also Taylor Swift doesn't want to sing in Thailand.

Easy to fly from Thailand for the shows.  I know a few people who are taking their kids to see her perform.

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21 minutes ago, Walker88 said:

You do seem to have a woody for him. I wonder why.


I wonder if anyone who thinks he's the second coming can name any of his policies, other than hot air, 3-4 word slogans, and nicknames for anyone who ever looked cross-eyed at him.


Border? He told Repubs not to fix anything now, as it's an issue for him. That suggests he really doesn't give a flying eff. He had 4 years to build his wall, 2 years with an R House and R Senate. 52 miles were built along an 1800 mile border. Oh, and Mexico did not pay for it.


Tariffs? He told everyone China would pay. China paid as much as Mexico paid for his wall. The tariffs were passed on to the US Consumer. Then trump had to up US Socialism, by handing money to farmers hurt when China retaliated by switching their sourcing to Brazil. Trump's only policies seems to be 'own the libs' and 'retribution'. of course he'll turbocharge influence peddling, as he did while sullying the White House.


I was in the US recently. Haven't seen it booming so much since under Clinton in the 1990s. Jobs go unfilled and Help Wanted signs everywhere. Stock market at record levels. Of course to benefit, an American needs brains, skills and a good work ethic, which seems to rule out lots of trumpers. Millions of jobs are being created to fix the infrastructure, something trump "promised" but never delivered on in 4 years. The Chips Act is bringing manufacturing back. Affordable Healthcare is insuring more Americans than ever, while trump's promised "unbelievable HC program" was just more hot air.


For those with skills and ambition, it's the best of times now in the US.


If you can't be happy in the booming US economy......

Trump just won in Texas 🤔

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Every country has at least a few pluses, and all have a few minuses. Thailand is no different. Having had the pleasure of living in a host of countries, Thailand is more pleasurable than many.


We all have our likes and dislikes. I could never live in rural Thailand. I have driven it north to south and east to west, but never saw a rural area in which I would like to settle. I would be bored to tears. Others find it immensely appealing. Good for them.


Neither would I enjoy Bangkok as a retiree, as I see far too many who end up fat and drunk. One needs a challenge in life, so having a business is more rewarding than hitting every daily happy hour. I'm sure there are retirees in Bangkok and Pattaya who avoid the bars and live a rewarding life, but they are invisible to me. Out and about all I see are the drunk, fat and tatted.


I'm still fairly basic in the language, and likely will never learn it. Some languages appeal, some don't. I've learned the ones that appeal to me, but I have never developed a fondness for the sound of Thai. Others love it. Again, good for them. I can get by easily, so no issues nor complaints. Thais are understanding, and appreciative if one even tries.


Yes, the roads are dangerous, but less dangerous than, say, India. In the time I lived in India, traveling all over the country, I saw more dead bodies and body parts on the roads than all the accidents I've ever seen. India highways are a war zone. On the other hand, if I was a kid just out of university, I could easily live a few years in rural India, in a place like Manali in Himachal Pradesh. Astonishing beauty and glorious air.


For the time being, Thailand is a pleasant place to be. I suspect a few things will get old sooner rather than later (mostly bad air), and it will be time to move on. I'm lucky enough to own property in several countries, so have alternatives.


Sparky thinks here is best, and for him it may well be (He does say he gets hit on by women just going to a park, so Thailand is a good place to be a babe magnet). Some of us can find happiness anywhere, and some cannot find it anywhere. Adaptability is one key; curiosity another, flexibility is another still. Best to never burn any bridges and leave open any and all possibilities.

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12 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

Obviously most of us are here because we like it here. 


BUT... there seems to be this disconnect on forums such as this whereby for some, any observation if it isn't purely positive is a Thai Bash and must mean we don't like it here... "go back to where you came from if you don't like....  ... .... "


The reality is that many of us enjoy a great many aspects of Thailand but also recognise that it is far from perfect, in fact main of Thailands imperfections are downright negatives... but for the most part those negatives are outweighed by the positives. 



One of the most notable things for me is the roads....   whenever I'm in different countries a different driving culture is noticeable... 


In Thailand, its within 20mins of leaving the Airport that I very soon witness degrees of outright f*ckwittery on the roads unsurpassed since my earlier travel out to the airport. 


I slam Thailand for a number of issues. 

- Societies attitudes to Road, Electrical and Water Safety

- Official attitudes towards education

- Systemic and endemic corruption

- Defamation laws

- In ability to handle loss of face

- Kraeng Jai (which I find to be a huge hinderance to forward thinking)


.... And.... as many topics overlap and cover many of the above issues I found outstandingly poor, when discussion such, it has been argued that I am a 'Thai Basher'...    I have no issues with that, when accused of being a Thai basher on any of the above subjects I agree and I'd double down and argue Thailand should deservedly be bashed in area's where it fails.


BUT, a number of posters on this forum struggle to reconcile the difference between caring, critical observations and criticism and dislike - binary thinkers struggle with objective opinions...  as much as I love Thailand, there are aspects I hate and dislike. 



So... the topic title... "If you cant be happy Thailand"....       I think the person who can't be happy in Thailand is not going to be happy anywhere... But also, the person who thinks Thailand is amazing in all aspects and should never be criticised has pulled the wool so far over their own eyes they are choking on fluff.... 



There is a lot to like here in Thailand, there is a lot not to like....    much of the issue then is how we reconcile the pro's and con's. 


I do see some posters; which I suspect is the trigger for the thread, that are so negative about every aspect of Thailand I do wonder what they are doing here...

They seem to hate the culture, hate the people and have no idea 'its them' not everyone else who is the issue. It seems every negative encounter they have is self inflicted (some perhaps aren't)... But Thai's like many other nationalities are incredibly intuitive, even if its just on a subconscious level... and thus, when a negative person is encountering something negative, they blame everyone else but themself.... 


I can list the posters on this forum who I consider seem to struggle to be here, they all have similar traits and as far as I can tell, are here because they'd striggle to get tail in their home countries. 

- Don't speak Thai

- Don't want to speak Thai

- Don't want to interact with Thai's

- Don't feel interaction with Thai's is necessary

- Don't want to mix with other Foreigners

- Are highly misogynistic 

- Blame everyone else for failed relationships or business

- Are divorced (some more than once)

- Are opinionated to the point of bigotry

- Are unaware of their racist undertones (they are racists but wouldn't accept that accusation)

- Are unaware that they are fundamentally 'under-educated' 










What's your point? You pretty much described every foreigner in Thailand, almost, pretty much. 


You forgot the ones who sold everything in home country and moved to LOS and now are unable to afford moving back home. So, they're stuck. 

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22 hours ago, PJ71 said:

Hold on buttercup, you forgot:


- some of the most dangerous roads in the world

- endless bueracracy

- visa issues

- daily discrimination ( depending on where you live )

- shocking air quality

- language that's difficult ( but no impossible ) to learn

- banking regulations

- abissmal education system


Should i continue?


So there one Question....why to hell do you stay in Thailand?

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23 hours ago, Dolf said:

If people aren't happy in Thailand I wonder what will make them happy. Unless you are a skier who need snows I'm not sure why people rubbish Thailand. Cheap dental, cheap food, lots of women, cheap rooms.





Poor immigration issues??

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43 minutes ago, Shmo said:

You say that like there is some wrong with an id and house book?

please explain yourself…

I've explained it many times already.


They're both a waste of time and effort but some fanrangy's treat them like a 'right of passage' to get a stiffy about the amount of time they've been here.

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On 3/5/2024 at 7:28 AM, Dolf said:

If people aren't happy in Thailand I wonder what will make them happy. Unless you are a skier who need snows I'm not sure why people rubbish Thailand. Cheap dental, cheap food, lots of women, cheap rooms.

In a way I agree; if you as a foreigner don't like Thailand, you are free to move to some other place or back home...:thumbsup:

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21 hours ago, NorthernRyland said:

Living in Thailand you trade one set of problems for another. It's not a magic paradise. Happiness comes from within anyways so why would changing countries matter that much?

I agree, but Life can be easier in thailand if you have chronic pain, vitamin d deficiency, stress, economic reasons, if you are diciplined enough to create a life in Thailand with healthy routines and lifestyle. 


If you abuse stimulants, lack of social skills it doesnt help moving to Asia. 

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While I don't see any evidence here, I wonder if it might be time to consider the impact of global warming.  Certainly the air quality is a continuing problem.  But this hot season seems to be setting records, no?  97-102 F highs in BKK last two weeks?  My Thai mia noi who wants a sweater at 75 F is running the AC all day, complaining it's Hot, Hot, Hot, and willing to come to New York.

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On 3/5/2024 at 1:28 PM, Dolf said:

If you can't be happy in Thailand, people aren't happy in Thailand

Some people were born grumpy, they wake up grumpy, go to sleep grumpy. 

There's no pleasing them. 


This is why we see so many negative, angry, hostile comments on AN forums, lots of these guys here. 


I'm always reading negative postings, threads that are full of complaining, whinging, whining comments, these angry people want us all to be angry. 


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Have you had a long history of problems with your teeth to put 'cheap dental' as a factor? (Wait until some other medical issue comes forth and see if you feel the same?)

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4 hours ago, SAFETY FIRST said:

Some people were born grumpy, they wake up grumpy, go to sleep grumpy. 

There's no pleasing them. 


This is why we see so many negative, angry, hostile comments on AN forums, lots of these guys here. 


I'm always reading negative postings, threads that are full of complaining, whinging, whining comments, these angry people want us all to be angry. 


I see that. They have 1 thing in common.

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On 3/7/2024 at 5:03 AM, SAFETY FIRST said:

Some people were born grumpy, they wake up grumpy, go to sleep grumpy. 

There's no pleasing them. 


This is why we see so many negative, angry, hostile comments on AN forums, lots of these guys here. 


I'm always reading negative postings, threads that are full of complaining, whinging, whining comments, these angry people want us all to be angry. 


Fix the problems they are complaining about and they are happy most likely.


What's the alternative, not complain about anything and things never get fixed or wait for problems to just fix themselves?

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48 minutes ago, JimTripper said:

Fix the problems they are complaining about and they are happy most likely.


What's the alternative, not complain about anything and things never get fixed or wait for problems to just fix themselves?

I like Thailand and all it's issues, that's why I'm living here. 


The alternative is to find somewhere to live that pleases you. 

Please don't change Thailand, I've seen too many changes over the past couple of decades because of whinging foreigners. 


Nothing to change, Thailand is perfect for me. 


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1 hour ago, JimTripper said:

Fix the problems they are complaining about and they are happy most likely.


What's the alternative, not complain about anything and things never get fixed or wait for problems to just fix themselves?

I enjoy the unique perspective of Jim's posts. If you don't have a relationship or a cultural affinity here, I agree: Thailand would be a bit of a hard sell. If it's down to it just being cheap, Siem Reap should be calling.


I feel the same way about Europe: it'a great, but if it cost the same as here, I would still pick here. The people who dream of Florida or Texas mystify me due to the Jesus-factor. When I lived in Jacksonville, they outlawed the selling of rolling papers. Beam me up, Scottie.


Jingthing said yesterday that for him, Pattaya was Miami on the cheap -a very pragmatic approach.

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35 minutes ago, SAFETY FIRST said:

I like Thailand and all it's issues, that's why I'm living here. 


The alternative is to find somewhere to live that pleases you. 

Please don't change Thailand, I've seen too many changes over the past couple of decades because of whinging foreigners. 


Nothing to change, Thailand is perfect for me. 


Just curious... 


What changes have you seen over the past couple of decades that are because of whinging foreigners ?


I've seen the TM28 abolished

I've seem submission of the TM30 made easier

I've seen the 90 day reporting go online

I've seen the TM6 abolished

I've also seen Immigration firm up on some of its criteria


I have also seen a lot of modernisation, but that level of development happens anyway, with or without tourism, but the tourist income may contribute towards some of that development and thus, in some area's the development may be accelerated. 



Personally - I could never call Thailand perfect - for all its failings its tolerable and all its positives outweigh its failings... but Thailand is never perfect, the attitudes towards safety knock it way down the scale of perfection - we shouldn't have to compromise on safety this much in any civilised society, thus Thailand cannot be 'perfect' IMO due to this failing. 









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5 minutes ago, Prubangboy said:

I enjoy the unique perspective of Jim's posts. If you don't have a relationship or a cultural affinity here, I agree: Thailand would be a bit of a hard sell. If it's down to it just being cheap, Siem Reap should be calling.


I feel the same way about Europe: it'a great, but if it cost the same as here, I would still pick here. The people who dream of Florida or Texas mystify me due to the Jesus-factor. When I lived in Jacksonville, they outlawed the selling of rolling papers. Beam me up, Scottie.


Jingthing said yesterday that for him, Pattaya was Miami on the cheap -a very pragmatic approach.

Thailand has more diversity than Cambodia, better healthcare.

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48 minutes ago, SAFETY FIRST said:

I like Thailand and all it's issues, that's why I'm living here. 


The alternative is to find somewhere to live that pleases you. 

Please don't change Thailand, I've seen too many changes over the past couple of decades because of whinging foreigners. 


Nothing to change, Thailand is perfect for me. 


Alternatives may be less pleasing then Thailand. The issue remains that that there are things to complain about. The same answer applies, just say nothing or voice your problems and opinions.

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Yeah, but if you're in the region for cheap rent and beer, Cambodia wins hands down. 


I wouldn't live in Vietnam for free (no sanuk, unBuddhist, blah food), but a lot of people on this forum would move there in a second if they had a retirement option.


I'm very willing to vacate my Chiang Mai apartment for a minimum of 8 weeks a year due to the smoke for the privilege of living there, but I understand why a lot of people think that's crazy. It's great to hear how everyone  makes their own living in Thailand deal with the devil.

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