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What Would You Have Israel Do to Defend Itself?

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1 minute ago, frank83628 said:

i prefer peace to wars, seems you prefer war n death.... while sitting comfy in your armchair!

You couldn't be more wrong Frank, Hamas started this war and the Palestians jumped for joy at the sight of mangled Israelis being paraded in the back of pickups being spat on and the bodies beaten with lengths of timber. Now if you said I prefer right from wrong, or good fro evil you would have been spot on!

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On 3/27/2024 at 6:12 PM, retarius said:

I think the fine minds of the UNSC have spoken about this, considered it, debated it and come to the conclusion that the genocide has to stop. 

More fine minds like mine  would say that Israel should remove itself from all stolen lands and go back into the only lands it (might be) legally entitled to, i.e. the lands shown in the maps used to delineate Arab and jewish areas in the original documents which started this wretched intractable problem.

The land was in the UN documents was divided into an Arab half and Jewish half. Sadly the Jews wanted more than their fair share of land and have been on a land theft spree ever since. 

If the jews retreat to their land and stop the land theft for settlements etc I think the problem will ameliorate but never heal. 


Reference to "the jews" and "jewish areas" make this person's racism very clear.

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8 minutes ago, frank83628 said:

i prefer peace to wars, seems you prefer war n death.... while sitting comfy in your armchair!


   I do think that we would all prefer peace and no one wants war , apart from Hamas and their supporters .

   The only way for peace is to stop those people who want war , otherwise there will be wars .

Engaging in a war to fight the people who want a war .

What else can be done ?

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24 minutes ago, Nick Carter icp said:


   I did say ABOUT 1979 , I didn't know the exact date and the exact date wasn't relevant, so I didn't bother to look it up .

   Point being that Israel wasn't occupying Gaza when Hamas carried out their terror attack in 2023


So you lied, or tried to misdirect, understood.

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11 minutes ago, FritsSikkink said:

Stop occupying other people's land would be a good start.


Any reason why this doesn't apply to other countries that have disposseded the original inhabitants of their land ? e.g Brazil,Canada, China, USA, Australia, New Zealand, West Papua, Russia, All the countries of North Africa and many others.


What arouses the wrath and hate of so many about Israel while ignoring crimes elsewhere in the region e.g Syria? What is unique about Israel? Let me think.

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6 minutes ago, Nick Carter icp said:


   I do think that we would all prefer peace and no one wants war , apart from Hamas and their supporters .

   The only way for peace is to stop those people who want war , otherwise there will be wars .

Engaging in a war to fight the people who want a war .

What else can be done ?

i prefer peace.....but kill all Hamas and supporters! yeah, very peaceful of you

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2 minutes ago, Jeff the Chef said:


So you lied, or tried to misdirect, understood.


  No, I didn't lie , I just wasn't sure of the actual exact  date and just put ABOUT + year, as the exact date wasn't relevant to my point .


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4 minutes ago, jayboy said:


Any reason why this doesn't apply to other countries that have disposseded the original inhabitants of their land ? e.g Brazil,Canada, China, USA, Australia, New Zealand, West Papua, Russia, All the countries of North Africa and many others.


What arouses the wrath and hate of so many about Israel while ignoring crimes elsewhere in the region e.g Syria? What is unique about Israel? Let me think.

Because we are focusing on israel now, not other locations or past wars. Your attempt to deflect attention from war crimes happening now has failed.

Edited by JimTripper
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2 minutes ago, JimTripper said:

Because we are focusing on israel now, not other locations or past wars. Your attempt to deflect attention from war crimes happening now has failed.


Doesn't really answer the point.The question arises why the selective indignation about Israel's response (I agree excessive) to Hamas terrorism while nothing but silence about other international crimes.I think we know the answer.

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3 minutes ago, JimTripper said:

Because we are focusing on israel now, not other locations or past wars. Your attempt to deflect attention from war crimes happening now has failed.


   But what does everyone focus on Israel all the time ?

Why is Israel held to certain standards and no other Country is ?

Why is Israel the only Country ever who is expected to feed its enemy ?

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3 hours ago, Nick Carter icp said:


   Although Israel wasn't occupying Gaza , Israel completely withdrew from Gaza in about 1979


1 hour ago, Nick Carter icp said:


   You added a new place to the equation . 

I didn't mention North Smaraia

As I said, Israel left Gaza in 1979


46 minutes ago, Nick Carter icp said:


   The point being that Israel were not in Gaza in 2023 , Gaza was not occupied in 2023 .

When Israel were previously in Gaza and to what extent is an irrelevant point

The point was that Gaza wasn't occupied in 2023 and hadn't been for a number of years and the so-called occupation of Gaza wasn't the reason for the Oct 7 terror attack , because Gaza wasn't under occupation 


35 minutes ago, Nick Carter icp said:


   I did say ABOUT 1979 , I didn't know the exact date and the exact date wasn't relevant, so I didn't bother to look it up .

   Point being that Israel wasn't occupying Gaza when Hamas carried out their terror attack in 2023


Blah, blah, blah, then completely change the point of your original untruth.

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2 minutes ago, Jeff the Chef said:


Blah, blah, blah, then completely change the point of your original untruth.


   Israel wasn't in Gaza in 2023 and  that was my point and that isn't an untruth or a lie .

When Israel left Gaza isn't relevant to my point .

What does it matter whether Israel left Gaza in 1979 or 2005 , when my point was that Israel wasn't in Gaza in 2023 . 


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12 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:


UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres: “It is important to also recognize the attacks by Hamas did not happen in a vacuum, the Palestinian people have been subjected to 56 years of suffocating occupation. They have seen their land steadily devoured by settlements and plagued by violence; their economy stifled; their people displaced and their homes demolished. Their hopes for a political solution to their plight have been vanishing.”



Your reply

3 hours ago, Nick Carter icp said:


   Although Israel wasn't occupying Gaza , Israel completely withdrew from Gaza in about 1979

Not true, fact.

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On 3/28/2024 at 10:45 AM, Nick Carter icp said:


   Its not just the settlements though , all Jews would have to removed from Israel before the Palestinians stop attacking Jews .

Finally, a sensible proposal.

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Just now, Jeff the Chef said:

Your reply

Not true, fact.


 It is indeed true . Gaza wasn't under occupation in 2023

OK, Israel withdrew from the Sinai in 1979 and withdrew from Gaza in 2005 .

As the date was irrelevant to my point that Israel wasn't in Gaza in 2023, I didn't bother paying much thought or attention to the date .

   It could even be argued that 2005 is ABOUT 1979 . , because the actual date is irrelevant to my point .

    My point was that Gaza wasn't under occupation , 

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7 minutes ago, Nick Carter icp said:


 It is indeed true . Gaza wasn't under occupation in 2023

OK, Israel withdrew from the Sinai in 1979 and withdrew from Gaza in 2005 .

As the date was irrelevant to my point that Israel wasn't in Gaza in 2023, I didn't bother paying much thought or attention to the date .

   It could even be argued that 2005 is ABOUT 1979 . , because the actual date is irrelevant to my point .

    My point was that Gaza wasn't under occupation , 



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1 minute ago, Jeff the Chef said:




   You're welcome, enjoy your celebrations tonight and get to the pub and tell everyone about it .

"Someone on the internet said Israel withdrew from Gaza in 1979 and I told then it was the Sinai they withdrew in in 1979 and they withdrew from Gaza in 2005"

   *Ring that bell, drinks are on me tonight*

*Pity Bob Smiths not here , we could be celebrating until Tuesday morning *

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1 hour ago, Jeff the Chef said:


So you lied, or tried to misdirect, understood.


  As I have acknowledged that I got the dates of the Sinai withdrawals and the Gaza withdrawals mixed up , A genuine error an no intent to deceive or  be dishonest and the actual date was irrelevant anyway and it doesn't matter whether it was 1979 or 2005 .

   Will you please retract you allegation that I lied ?


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Isn't Israel supposed to have nuclear weapons? Couldn't they use them to solve the Hamas problem once and for all? It's not as if by doing so they'd be viewed any less favourably by the international community than the pariahs they already are.


Plus, razing the Gaza Strip would make rebuilding that much easier.

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47 minutes ago, Foxx said:

Isn't Israel supposed to have nuclear weapons? Couldn't they use them to solve the Hamas problem once and for all? It's not as if by doing so they'd be viewed any less favourably by the international community than the pariahs they already are.


Plus, razing the Gaza Strip would make rebuilding that much easier.

The nukes are meant to deter Iran the actual force behind Hamas, Hezbollah, and Houtis.

Of course you were being sarcastic but I answered anyway.

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On 3/29/2024 at 10:29 AM, Rampant Rabbit said:

virtually every war ever........  the  winning side dictates what happens next


Unless the victor is willing not to comply with international law, e.g. Israel & Russia, your post is factually incorrect in reflecting current international law

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6 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

What I find sad in threads like this that there are always some Israel fanboys who deny any facts that Israel ever did anything wrong.

Israel great, Palestinians bad, all of them.

I wonder if these people think like that or just write like that.


How can anybody look at this conflict and not see that both sides contribute to the problems. Both sides fight each other since decades. Both sides blame the others.


I can understand that some people think Israel is more right, and other think the same about Palestinians. But anybody with open eyes and ears should acknowledge that there is no black and white. There is a lot of grey - and no easy solution. 

To be fair you could say this about both sides. There are people on here who ignore everything bad that Hamas has done and continues to do. 

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12 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I'm with you on that. I've basically given up on Al Jazeera as it is just more Palestinian death and destruction every day, and it just sickens me that the leaders of the so called free world do nothing to stop it. South Africa and a few other western aligned countries have spoken up, but what can they do against the US and the colluder in chief, Biden?


All I can do is hope that America runs out of bombs to send before they are all dead.

All I can do is hope that America runs out of bombs to send before they are all dead.


Happy to disappoint you, whether Hamas are killed or taken prisoner, from yesterday...:thumbsup:


Biden administration said to approve transfer of over 2,000 bombs, 25 F-35s to Israel

Citing Pentagon and State Department officials, the American daily says the new arms package includes 1,800 MK-84 2,000-pound bombs and 500 MK-82 500-pound bombs, along with 25 F-35s that were initially approved as part of a larger package by Congress in 2008. Israel requested the third squadron of 25 F-35s last July, which when delivered will bring the total size of the fleet to 75.


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What Would You Have Israel Do to Defend Itself?

  • Return to Internationally recognized borders, end the occupation

Second option

  • Immediately annex occupied territories and Gaza and give everyone subject to Israeli jurisdiction citizensihp and valid Israel passports. Maybe give first dibs to giving the West Bank back to Jordan, if they want it 


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18 hours ago, jayboy said:


Any reason why this doesn't apply to other countries that have disposseded the original inhabitants of their land ? e.g Brazil,Canada, China, USA, Australia, New Zealand, West Papua, Russia, All the countries of North Africa and many others.


What arouses the wrath and hate of so many about Israel while ignoring crimes elsewhere in the region e.g Syria? What is unique about Israel? Let me think.

1) Many wrongs don't make something right. 

2) A religion which states that they are "God's" preferred people, indicating that all other people are inferior.

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40 minutes ago, FritsSikkink said:

Many wrongs don't make something right. 


Of course they don't.But why concentrate only on Israel when worse abusers (who do not face an existential threat of annihilation) often seem to get a free pass.Perhaps for these people indignation is only appropriate when Jews are involved.

42 minutes ago, FritsSikkink said:

A religion which states that they are "God's" preferred people, indicating that all other people are inferior.


Anti Semitic trope which non racists (including many decent people appalled by Israel''s activity in Gaza) would immediately grasp.You apparently do not.

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