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US Kick streamer provokes brawl in Thailand

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Too bad, he should have gotten his ass kicked and put that up on his video. The Thai guys got to be quicker and really beat this guy's ass maybe he won't do it again.

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13 hours ago, george said:

The situation escalated when the Kick streamer seemed to threaten a bystander off-camera, causing uproar among the onlookers. A group of furious locals confronted Jino, prompting him to backtrack frantically.


13 hours ago, george said:

“I don’t care if I gotta fight 3 v 1, I just wanna hit a motherf*cker right now

He could easily get his wish.... more like 10 v 1...

big mouthed streaming idiot.

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I am American, sorry to say. This little jerk is part of what is wrong with a once great nation today. I only wish that I had been there to "take care" of this national disgrace and teach him some manners. PLEASE throw him in jail for a while and then expel him from Thailand barring him from returning. I moved here to get away from him and his ilk. 


Hey! I've got an idea! Regardless of what country you are from, Switzerland, USA, UK, Germany....when you see one of your countrymen making a fool out of his or herself step in. Little jerks like this punk obviously did not benefit from any parenting. It might be too little too late but perhaps a proper ass whipping might do them good.

Sometimes the Thai police are too accommodating.   

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13 hours ago, Puccini said:


Apparently, a Kick streamer is a person who streams (electronically transmits) live video to the internet platfom named Kick.


I also did not know this and had to loock it up.

Kick Vs. Twitch: Choosing the Right Platform for Live Streaming - OBSBOT https://www.obsbot.com/blog/live-streaming/kick-vs-twitch

Seeing as you obviously know things, can you help out and tell me what a woosh guy is.? Could be whoosh.

Many thanks.

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I saw an article about him when he was arrested in Japan, maybe a month or two ago. It was mentioned that next he wanted to go to Thailand.

Obviously, it would be great if idiots like him would never arrive. But then, we all can be sure that the locals will "explain" to them very soon their errors of "thinking".

Maybe next he should order drinks for a couple of girls, make pictures in the bar, and then refuse to pay. 😉

Before that he should make sure he has a good health insurance.


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Individuals like this should be prohibited from traveling altogether. Their behavior tarnishes the reputation of all travelers.  They go on the no-fly/no-travel ban. 

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19 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

I saw an article about him when he was arrested in Japan, maybe a month or two ago. It was mentioned that next he wanted to go to Thailand.

Obviously, it would be great if idiots like him would never arrive. But then, we all can be sure that the locals will "explain" to them very soon their errors of "thinking".

Maybe next he should order drinks for a couple of girls, make pictures in the bar, and then refuse to pay. 😉

Before that he should make sure he has a good health insurance.


His health insurance won't pay if he provoked the attack and injuries.

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Just break his Jaw, few ribs and a broken legs.. as memory for this scum Yankees.. let him learn a hard way...if he doesn't like a humble way...A coward, when confronted.. A very low character.. 😕

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What a tosser, the slightest bit of confrontation towards him, and he gets scared, even though he is the instigator, then expects to be treated above all others by saying "I'm an American, I'm an American", I have heard this used before why do some Americans think they are special and should be treated better than others? 

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