Popular Post thaibeachlovers Posted April 14, 2024 Popular Post Posted April 14, 2024 10 hours ago, 0ffshore360 said: The Middle East is rapidly devolving into a conflagration that typically is contrived to distract. Netanyahu once more and more has petulantly defied the US like a naughty child and pee'd in the back yard of Iran invoking an informed response from Iran that demonstrates the minimum it could. The world waits to see just how the US will respond when it ,self declared as the world's "police" is facing 3 fronts of combined military and economic challenges. At this moment I think Zelensky is considering a ticket to obscurity, Putin sending first class antifreeze to XI, and Netanyahu has more than a simple earache ! Do Or Die ? As I have the opinion that netanyahu is trying to deflect attention from Gaza, IMO he has succeeded beyond his wildest dreams. I doubt any western news is about Gaza any more, and the colluding western nation "leaders" have been happy to rant about Iran instead. However he may come to regret it, or at least I certainly hope so. 1 1 1
ThaiFelix Posted April 14, 2024 Posted April 14, 2024 18 hours ago, CharlieH said: A proffessional liar! 1
MangoKorat Posted April 14, 2024 Posted April 14, 2024 Back to the proposition made in the title of this thread - that Iran may have triggered World War 3 by attacking Israel. Whilst I don't think that time is yet with us, its a fact that we are closer to that prospect than we have even been since World War 2. The West has been facing actions and threats, mainly from radical Muslim groups and nations for decades. It would take pages and pages to discuss the reasons behind those matters but most seem to involve Islamic groups/regimes that impose a particularly radical version of Islam on their people. Some radical Muslim groups also fight against their 'brothers'. The Palestine/Israel situation has been a particular probelm for even longer. There are very long standing reasons for that conflict and neither side is likely to get what it wants - unless they are made to. The Palestinians will never succeed in ridding what was Palestine of the Israelis and the Israelis need to respect previously drawn borders. I can't see things improving there unless a settlement is imposed on both sides but even then - their neighbours might not accept any settlement and continue creating problems Putin began his aggression in by attacking Georgia in 2008, annexed The Crimea in 2014 and of course, invaded the rest of Ukraine in 2022. The real reasons for his attacks are unknown. Some say he is a bear that shouldn't have been poked by Ukraine's attempts to join both NATO and the EU - he doesn't want NATO or the EU on his borders. That doesn't make sense to me as he already has a small border with NATO and if he is allowed to take Ukraine, he will not only have a bigger border with NATO, he will have more EU neighbours. Several other smaller conflicts exist around the world, notably in Africa where most of the other 'shaky' regimes exist. Again most of the conflicts involve Muslim nations or groups. Although there is no current conflict with China, China remains a threat to many nations such as Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and The Philippines with more recent potential threats towards the latter two. Putin and Xi also made a pact in 2022 describing their relationship as a 'partnership without limits'. What does the world have to combat these threats to overall world peace? Nothing is the real answer. The United Nations is little more than a talking shop, it has no teeth. It only has its 'peace keeping forces' and if they are attacked, they are usually withdrawn. So, we have a can of worms where different groups seek different things, sometimes out from greed, sometimes seeking power and sometimes trying to impose their ways or religions on others. It is notable that those who are most aggressive usually have very poor human rights records towards their own people. They also, often control the news their populations have access to in order to brainwash them through blatant propaganda. The solution, well maybe for another 80 years or so, probably is another World War. Pretty sad really, seeing as humans are supposed to be the most intelligent species. We are an intelligent species without a police force though. Personally, I believe we are some time from a full on World War but I do think we are creeping slowly but inevitably towards one. The current conflict in the Middle East may accelerate the process though. I don't think Iran will have been the trigger - more like the accelerator pedal, we have been going down that road for quite some time. Using the excuse of respecting sovereignty, we have failed to take on the main troublemakers and allowed their power to grow. The current conflict in the Middle East appears to be diverting attention and funding away from the biggest threat - Putin. He must be very happy - it may have taken him much longer to take Ukraine than he ever thought it would but things are not looking too good for Ukraine right now. People say that nuclear weapons have been the ultimate deterrent and whilst that may be true, the reverse may also be true. Putin has used the threat of nuclear war to deter other nations and NATO from taking the actions necessary to stop him. I believe that NATO and the rest of Europe will regret not taking Putin on directly or providing Ukraine with the means to do that themselves. I certainly wouldn't want to live in Poland at the moment. 2 1
sirineou Posted April 14, 2024 Posted April 14, 2024 8 hours ago, coolcarer said: Deadly serious. Had it not been for the massive terrorist attack of the 7th Oct by Hamas this would not have happened. Title should be WW3 potentially triggered by Hamas By that logic one could make the case that the Romans are the ones to blame. If the Romans had not destroyed Judea initiating the Jewish diaspora ....... But why stop there I am sure Assyrian destruction of Israel had a major part to play. Of course the American indian failure to resist the paleface allowing the creation oh the US who made nuevo Israel posible........ 1 3 1
Hummin Posted April 14, 2024 Posted April 14, 2024 41 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said: Who is a terrorist and who is a freedom fighter depends on which side one is. Do israelis consider Begin to be a terrorist, which the British did? Given they made him PM I doubt it. well drugs, oil and dictators in South America was treated well as long they played along, same as Mujadins In Afghanistan, Middle east dictators and rebels in Africa. Iran wanted to nationalize their own oil reserves, therefor executed a coup helped with cia to put a dictator in place. a brutal dictator who was protected by Usa until the revolution happenend. Everything has an connection to what we see today, and thinking 9/11 and 7. october is anything special for those who have lived their lifes in open air jail at Gaza all their lifes? Might think again. How many innocent lifes have been taken and mutilated since the war on terror started? How come Isis was created? In a vacum?
sirineou Posted April 14, 2024 Posted April 14, 2024 14 minutes ago, MangoKorat said: small border with NATO do you think that small border with NATO might be to operative phrase. . If you had a dangerous neighbored, would you want him neighboring 66km ( The Suwałki Gap) or would you want an additional 2,295.04 kilometres to keep an eye on?
wombat Posted April 14, 2024 Posted April 14, 2024 Muslim V Christian... Let them have at and sort it out.
sirineou Posted April 14, 2024 Posted April 14, 2024 21 hours ago, Tropicalevo said: Why? The last one dropped in anger stopped a war. 100% record so far. Why do I even come to this forum and allow this toxicity in my home?
coolcarer Posted April 15, 2024 Posted April 15, 2024 17 minutes ago, sirineou said: By that logic one could make the case that the Romans are the ones to blame. If the Romans had not destroyed Judea initiating the Jewish diaspora ....... But why stop there I am sure Assyrian destruction of Israel had a major part to play. Of course the American indian failure to resist the paleface allowing the creation oh the US who made nuevo Israel posible........ Yes I think I have that. The title said Iran. You changed it to Israel. I changed it to Hamas. who started this? 1
soalbundy Posted April 15, 2024 Posted April 15, 2024 21 hours ago, Tropicalevo said: Why? The last one dropped in anger stopped a war. 100% record so far. You forget that at that time there was only one country with nuclear weapons. These days its use is a threshold that nobody should even consider crossing, once that taboo is broken Pandora's box is opened. 1
hotchilli Posted April 15, 2024 Posted April 15, 2024 21 hours ago, JackGats said: A decade and a half ago Jimmy Carter said Israel had about 123 nuclear warheads in its arsenal. Best thing for Israel could be to nuke Iran before it's too late. A small country like Israel can only have a first-strike nuclear doctrine unless it equips itself with a submarine deterrent. So nuke Iran, Iran is gone, and the rest of the world has to suffer the fallout from the radiation and other pollution form the strike.. yeah, great idea.
Bangkok Barry Posted April 15, 2024 Posted April 15, 2024 Iran Israel potentially triggers World War 3 by attacking Iranian Consulate 1
norfolkandchance Posted April 15, 2024 Posted April 15, 2024 1 hour ago, AreYouGerman said: Yes, sure, most of the leaders are bought off but their population isn't. I really wonder when and if the population is getting really angry with their leaders about their non-existing responds. I mean the Saudi King always claims he's the leader of all Muslims and Erdogan tries the same and yet, ... nothing happens, for now. Post link. to Saudi king and Erdogan being the leader of all Muslims.
spidermike007 Posted April 15, 2024 Posted April 15, 2024 21 hours ago, Goat said: You forgot the USA, who have been active in more wars, and killed more "enemy" in more countries than all those you listed above, have the most weapons and sell the most weapons. If war breaks out I will enlist to fight for Thailand. Take on the Burmese again. We have a few scores to settle. The Burmese Army deserves to fall and the generals deserve to be exiled or put to death.
spidermike007 Posted April 15, 2024 Posted April 15, 2024 Iran is a nation of terrorism, no doubt about that. They need to he stopped. But it is foolhardy to think that the actions of Israel do not have major blowback.
rabas Posted April 15, 2024 Posted April 15, 2024 1 hour ago, Bangkok Barry said: Iran Israel potentially triggers World War 3 by attacking Iranian Consulate HOT: Israel bombs Iran's IRGC global terrorist generals in Syria planning attack on Israel. -- Iran embassy losses Geneva protections after harboring military activity. Oops. 2
koolkarl Posted April 15, 2024 Posted April 15, 2024 22 hours ago, Tropicalevo said: WW3 has already started. This is just the build up to total conflict. Russia v Ukraine HAMAS v Israel Muslims v Jews. Third columnists causing disruption in the western countries under the guise of 'peaceful demonstrations' And waiting in the wings - China v Taiwan Get the tin hats out folks, it will be a rough ride for a while. It is the muslims vs. all non believers in the long run. 1
stevenl Posted April 15, 2024 Posted April 15, 2024 2 hours ago, AreYouGerman said: Oh no! He said 'Jew'. ANTI SEMITIC! Shut it down! So it's hateful to wonder to which country the Jewish US Foreign Minister is pledging his allegiance to by saying that he comes as a Jew? How can this dude be objective in that matter and represent the US citizens interest and not just Israels? He doesn't have to be objective, he is executing US foreign policy.
koolkarl Posted April 15, 2024 Posted April 15, 2024 21 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said: BREAKING NEWS! Iran potentially triggers World War 3 IMO that headline is incorrect. It should be "Israel potentially triggers World War 3" which it did when it attacked Iranian sovereign territory in Damascus, which IMO was a declaration of war. Iran has been financing terrorists and supplying them with weapons for decades. It is Iran, Qatar and Syria who are the evil empire and the muslims have their ultimate sights on all non believers. You should thank Israel as they are defending you too! 2
koolkarl Posted April 15, 2024 Posted April 15, 2024 21 hours ago, Neeranam said: Does Israel think they can commit Genocide with no consequences? It's about time someone stood up to the bullying of Israel. It's about time the USA stopped being complicit in said Genocide by supply funds to Israel and bombs. No doubt they'll send Blinken over there to try to sort it out. The hamas terrorists wear civilian clothes, like cowards, and hide among civilians in schools, hospitals, etc. Their leaders, who stole billions from the palestinians hide in Qatar like cowards. Hamas gives themselves up, release all hostages and return the stolen billions and all stops. The Palestinians themselves know about the tunnels as they took years to build. They stand there and take the punishment instead of turning Hamas in. You have no clue. 1 2 1
Popular Post Hakuna Matata Posted April 15, 2024 Popular Post Posted April 15, 2024 In my opinion, this is Israel and the United States under Biden administration who are triggering the war in the Middle East. 1 1 2
xenophon Posted April 15, 2024 Posted April 15, 2024 Israel says 'go fetch' and the dumb ol' US of A lumbers into another quagmire. Unfortunately, it might drag a lot of us in with it.
Neeranam Posted April 15, 2024 Posted April 15, 2024 2 hours ago, AreYouGerman said: Oh no! He said 'Jew'. ANTI SEMITIC! Shut it down! So it's hateful to wonder to which country the Jewish US Foreign Minister is pledging his allegiance to by saying that he comes as a Jew? How can this dude be objective in that matter and represent the US citizens interest and not just Israels? Jews are the majority of the Biden administration yet only 2% of US population, why is this and does it have any effect on US policy? How many Muslims in Biden administration? Valid question. US invaded Iraq to help Israel, so will do the same with Iran. 1 1
Red Forever Posted April 15, 2024 Posted April 15, 2024 22 hours ago, Tropicalevo said: Why? The last one dropped in anger stopped a war. 100% record so far. No it didn't. Japan were ready to formally surrender. The Japanese fleet had been ordered to disarm and sail to an area in South China Sea to surrender to US navy. Nagasaki and Hiroshima were acts of wanton violence similar to the Dresden bombing. 1 1 1
zyphodb Posted April 15, 2024 Posted April 15, 2024 22 hours ago, JackGats said: A decade and a half ago Jimmy Carter said Israel had about 123 nuclear warheads in its arsenal. Best thing for Israel could be to nuke Iran before it's too late. A small country like Israel can only have a first-strike nuclear doctrine unless it equips itself with a submarine deterrent. So you're insane enough to want to start WW3 with nukes? words fail me...
Trippy Posted April 15, 2024 Posted April 15, 2024 4 minutes ago, Red Forever said: No it didn't. Japan were ready to formally surrender. The Japanese fleet had been ordered to disarm and sail to an area in South China Sea to surrender to US navy. Nagasaki and Hiroshima were acts of wanton violence similar to the Dresden bombing. Ok, just re-write history any way you want. 1 1
The Fugitive Posted April 15, 2024 Posted April 15, 2024 26 minutes ago, koolkarl said: The hamas terrorists wear civilian clothes, like cowards, and hide among civilians in schools, hospitals, etc. Their leaders, who stole billions from the palestinians hide in Qatar like cowards. Hamas gives themselves up, release all hostages and return the stolen billions and all stops. The Palestinians themselves know about the tunnels as they took years to build. They stand there and take the punishment instead of turning Hamas in. You have no clue. You recommend Palestinian's turn in Hamas soldiers and throw themselves on the mercy of Israel? 1 1
Popular Post Nick Carter icp Posted April 15, 2024 Popular Post Posted April 15, 2024 1 minute ago, The Fugitive said: You recommend Palestinian's turn in Hamas soldiers and throw themselves on the mercy of Israel? Do you really believe that Israelis will attack all Palestinians on sight ? Israelis will treat Palestinians in the same way that you treat people from your neighbouring country. It is Hamas that brutalise the Palestinian people , Israel will treat them civilly 1 1 1 1
sirineou Posted April 15, 2024 Posted April 15, 2024 1 hour ago, coolcarer said: Yes I think I have that. The title said Iran. You changed it to Israel. I changed it to Hamas. who started this? This is a retaliation to Israel bombing Iran's Sovereign territory and causing the death of it's citizens. Israel was already bombing Hamas. 1 3 1
Paul Catton Posted April 15, 2024 Posted April 15, 2024 8 minutes ago, Nick Carter icp said: Do you really believe that Israelis will attack all Palestinians on sight ? Israelis will treat Palestinians in the same way that you treat people from your neighbouring country. It is Hamas that brutalise the Palestinian people , Israel will treat them civilly With open arms like the West Bank? https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2024/02/shocking-spike-in-use-of-unlawful-lethal-force-by-israeli-forces-against-palestinians-in-the-occupied-west-bank/ 1 1
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