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New UK Spouse Requirements - Minimum £38,700 wages p/a or £93K savings - Petition To Scrap

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Name added, to the petition. 


The increase is way over the top by at least £10k of nasty ness....


The last I read they were saying they were fudging it be phasing it, have they issued a new financial criteria annex PDF somewhere?

Edited by UKresonant
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13 minutes ago, BusNo8 said:

Just get a visitor visa and have her stay on. Don't fight the insanity.


Almost impossible to get deported, if desperate commit a crime and claim you will suffer if sent home, no worries in soft touch UK.

Edited by proton
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2 hours ago, SteveJames said:

I got that wrong its p/a , can someone get a mod to edit it? it won't let me change now...  even per year its still a decent wage you could find a UK wife on that as you say


Edited to p/a

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31 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:

Meanwhile, the petition is a waste of time as the government doesn't care. Which is why they brought in the rule in the first place. Why would they then do a U-turn?

Sadly the government brought in this rule to satisfy many UK citizens who fully support it, l don’t think there will be a U-turn.


The new requirements only affect new applicants, and are being brought in in stages.

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11 hours ago, SteveJames said:

The new income requirements are cruel for us Farrang if we ever decide to relocate back to the UK, sign to help stop it, We're nearly at 100K signatures, we can do it if you share with everyone: https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/652602



I can only identify as a retired working middle class American. The working middle class gets stuck again. I have been most sorry when I learned that your state pensions were frozen if living outside the UK. First the system does not allow for a reasonable working middle class retirement in our own countries and then there is a withholding of earned benefits when we move to a lower cost country. You guys get hit with the pension freeze, we Yanks cannot use Medicare (even though costs are much lower outside the USA).

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11 hours ago, SteveJames said:

The new income requirements are cruel for us Farrang if we ever decide to relocate back to the UK, sign to help stop it

I agree why income, when many own their own house, car etc. No money owed no monthly instalments. It should be done on a personal assessment, not income.

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1 minute ago, Ralf001 said:

After tax I reckon I could live on it.... Might be 2 min noodles now and then though.

Just out of interest, how much tax would you pay on that?


What's the average uk salary these days?

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9 hours ago, BigBruv said:

Great news.  A lot of Thais will marry a farang for a couple of years to get their golden ticket to the promised land - then dump the mug who brought them over.  I know one who is a nice enough person but is divorced and on benefits with 2 kids who sleep all the time - UK has enough problems of its own with freeloaders so this rule change is most welcome.


Yours is different: I know, I know but the exception proves the rule.


How will this rule change that? 


It may raise the bar...but a hooker marries a British bloke earning 50K p/a arrives in the UK has a sprog and dumps the bloke -(ex) hooker now gets on benefits, sends half back to Isan and sleeps all day - how does this change that outcome? 

(Apologies for the stereotypes). 


And remember most immigration is illegal migration, making legal migration more difficult only encourages the former. 

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1 hour ago, Bangkok Barry said:

Theresa May began this, effectively banning many Brits from living in their own country if they had the audacity to marry a foreigner. I'd be interested in knowing how many Brits currently living in the UK earn that threshold. Follows on from most UK pensioners living overseas being robbed of their pension increases.


Meanwhile, the petition is a waste of time as the government doesn't care. Which is why they brought in the rule in the first place. Why would they then do a U-turn?

The median earnings in the UK is 34,963 quid/year. More down south and less up north east. These figures just show me how out of touch I am with the UK reality. I always thought I was the pauper living and working in Thailand, but it appears that is not the case.  

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The plan is to raise the threshold over the next year or to, the first  stage has come into effect on 11 th April

The plan is to raise it to 34000 GB supposedly some time in 2024

and at some point 38700 GBP in 2025

The last 2 figures can be adjusted or disregarded depending which party is in power and what they want to do

Bashing foreigners in any country is always a vote winner unfortunately






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2 hours ago, Drumbuie said:

What provincial narrow-minded nonsense.


Because I don't want to subsidise your 3x4?


2 hours ago, Drumbuie said:

In the UK more than half of all taxpayers earn less than £20k a year ( and thanks to the skyrocketing cost of living have no savings at all) and the *average* salary is less than this threshold.


These losers shouldn't be allowed to vote either - they'll just vote for everyone else to chip in so they can get their leg over until she can navigate the legal system


2 hours ago, Drumbuie said:


So the majority of British citizens are now unable to marry anyone without a British passport  and bring them home to live. 

Not just Thais. *Anyone*. Including former Commonwealth citizens. It's a needlessly cruel, vindictive policy, a further diminution of citizens' rights, and we should  all sign that petition now. 



Overall such an entitled boomer comment - can't afford an imported bride so everyone else should pay!.

Save some money and earn a decent wage or tell her to get in a dinghy with the rest of them ya loser.

Edited by BigBruv
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