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Trump rushed off stage after possible assassination attempt


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37 minutes ago, frank83628 said:

didn't see maga cult members rioting, smashing, looting and burning cities in the BLM 'summer of love', oh, and that was all because of george Floyd..a convicted felon!

Although we did see exactly this at the Capitol on January 6, oh, and that was all because of Twitler..a convicted felon!

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Just now, RichardColeman said:

First they try to take away your money, that doesn't work they try to put you in prison, that doesn't work they try to take your life.


Funny how all that has happened to Trump.


If anyone believe that some 'deep state' does not have it in for Trump you must be so delusional as to believe Biden could win the Kypton Factor !

Anyone thinking that the delusional left are not mentally 'challenged' needs help - but not from this 'Doctor'.





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3 minutes ago, RichardColeman said:

First they try to take away your money, that doesn't work they try to put you in prison, that doesn't work they try to take your life.


Funny how all that has happened to Trump.


If anyone believe that some 'deep state' does not have it in for Trump you must be so delusional as to believe Biden could win the Kypton Factor !

If anyone believes that some 'deep state' has it in for Trump must be delusional.

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7 hours ago, novacova said:

The AGR building where the shooter was positioned was exposed and not covered by the SS, clearly a gap and failure of the SS. 

True, but I don't think security was the same as for a sitting president where they cover every possible angle. I think Trump was on the ex-president security level even with an election on the way.

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Just now, proton said:


Disgracefully idiotic suggestion

About as disgraceful as trying to compare the BLM protests to the attack on the Capitol. Or suggesting Biden was behind it. Or suggesting it was the deep state.


But considering Trump's ego. Totally possible.

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Just now, RichardColeman said:

Would you need links to believe that left wing nutters are mostly responsible for riots and deaths during riots ? BLM, Floyd, Antifa, Roe wade, supreme judge attempted murder, list goes on and on and on ..................Its also funny that the left shadows that in France, UK, etc.

Wow. What a deflection! :cheesy:

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4 hours ago, jvs said:

Yes another amazing photo!


Where are the people in the back ground?

Another manipulated photo shopped picture,i have seen a few now already.


It looks like a contrail in the background.

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15 minutes ago, novacova said:

Yet most mass shooters and murderers are left wing nutters. 

Speaking of Left-Wing Nutters:

Lenin, Stalin, Pol Pot, et.al.  Why stop at executing a few people - go for millions. 


"A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic."
-Joseph Stalin

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3 hours ago, Danderman123 said:

This may just be an internet rumor.


But a shooter is usually a nut job, so his political persuasion may not be relevant.

Not a rumour - his voter registration is a matter of public record. Here's a copy of it.




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21 minutes ago, connda said:


He loves using the term but he doesn't have a clue what it means other then it's a good term to use against people whom you hate and despise. 

Here Jingthing.  Take 5 minutes and at least educate yourself as to what Fascism actually is as written by Mussolini and co-written by "the father of Fascism" Giovanni Gentile.

"Anti-individualistic, the Fascist conception of life stresses the
importance of the State and accepts the individual only in so far as
his interests coincide with those of the State, which stands for the
conscience and the universal, will of man as a historic entity (11).
It is opposed to classical liberalism which arose as a reaction to
absolutism and exhausted its historical function when the State
became the expression of the conscience and will of the people.
Liberalism denied the State in the name of the individual.

Most of those you claim to be "fascist" are individuals whom value natural law and the right of individuals to enjoy "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness" as individuals.  Fascism is not a doctrine of individualism.  And in the ultimate of ironies, it's those who bandy the term "fascist" and claim to be "anti-fascist" who are themselves more aligned to the tenets of Classical Fascism then any "MAGA' supporter who you refer to as "fascists" or those of us who are classical liberals who value the individual above the State, where those like yourself want the State to intervene and control individuals who express individualism. 

What does this have to do with the Trump attempted assassination?  In your mind and the mind of others like you - and most likely the shooter - Trump and all Trump followers are 'fascist." You are just using a highly charged term as a pejorative, i.e., you are name-calling.
In reality most MAGA supporters are individualists, conservatives, and are the antithesis of Fascists.  Many - especially independents like myself (although I'm not a MAGA supporter), hold to the tenets of Classical Liberalism2 as their guiding philosophy. 

Do you want to see a fascist?  Find people who want the State to repress the rights of individuals.  Which by the way is the opposite of what MAGA supporters want.  Most MAGA supporters are individuals who want the State to stay out of their affairs.  It's those on the Left, especially the progressive Left who want the State to crush those with whom they disagree.

So Jingthing - use the term correctly. 

1. THE DOCTRINE OF FASCISM, Benito Mussolini, Giovanni Gentile, 1932

2. Classical Liberalism, Encyclolpaedia Britannica, June 2024


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1 hour ago, impulse said:


Compared to almost a week of rioting across the country after HRC claimed to be cheated, and the BLM 2020 Summer of Love, January 6 looks like a grade school tour of the capitol. 


One dead on Jan6, and by police hands, compared to dozens killed, and entire city centers burned down for HRC and BLM.  Not to mention $ billions in damages.  Seems like lefties are a lot more dangerous than MAGAs


Prove that wrong...




Oh where to begin.


first of all ,off topic.

Since you mentioned it i will respond.

I must admit i am very confused,first it was my believe the Jan 6 riots had nothing to do with

"Right Wingers"

I was told by Right Wing Republicans it was Antifa and selected government agencies who staged

a riot to blame it on trump.

Now you are defending the Jan 6 riots  by saying it was nothing compared to the BLM protests.

Are you admitting it was done by Right wing Republicans?

I think you are.

I just wish you would get your(republicans)facts straight so you can all draw one line instead of confusing yourself and others.










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Republicans are calling for an investigation into the SS protection. That may be justified, but premature. First wait for the report.

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22 minutes ago, novacova said:

Disgraceful labeling BLM riots as protests. They were rioting tearing and burning things, raping and murdering, embezzling funds…protests, good frik’n grief…give me a break already 

Disgraceful blaming Biden, or saying those who attacked the Capitol and caused the death of a policeman peaceful protesters.


Raping? You listen to Trump too much! :cheesy:

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1 hour ago, frank83628 said:

how so, what proof do you have??


 didn't see maga cult members rioting, smashing, looting and burning cities in the BLM 'summer of love', oh, and that was all because of george Floyd..a convicted felon!

Did the BLM assault the Capitol n order to try to steal the election, after being excited by a candidate to the Presidency? 😀

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9 minutes ago, connda said:

Speaking of Left-Wing Nutters:

Lenin, Stalin, Pol Pot, et.al.  Why stop at executing a few people - go for millions. 


"A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic."
-Joseph Stalin

Is the ultimate sum of the left in order to achieve their goal. In the modern day western left, which group is off on a vile tangent, using the classic subversive methods of autocratic authoritarian means against their political opponents to achieve their goals? It’s plain as day, and the extreme left knows it but pretend disingenuously that they don’t. Looks severely pathetic and foolish. 

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2 minutes ago, novacova said:

Is the ultimate sum of the left in order to achieve their goal. In the modern day western left, which group is off on a vile tangent, using the classic subversive methods of autocratic authoritarian means against their political opponents to achieve their goals? It’s plain as day, and the extreme left knows it but pretend disingenuously that they don’t. Looks severely pathetic and foolish. 

A well written B.S. conspiracy theory post.

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