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Moustached Man Refuses to Leave Women's Restroom, Citing Gender Identity

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In an unusual incident at a nightclub in Leeds, a man with a moustache refused to leave the women's restroom, claiming he "identifies as a woman." The situation unfolded on a student night at The Warehouse, a popular club in West Yorkshire, and left many attendees shocked.


Connie Shaw, a 20-year-old student from the University of Leeds, described her encounter with the man, who has not been publicly identified. According to Ms. Shaw, she and a friend had entered the women's lavatory when they noticed the man inside. She recounted how other women in the restroom were already confronting him, telling him to leave. His response to the complaints was a simple, “I identify as a woman.”

Connie Shaw

Moustached man refused to leave female nightclub lavatory because he ' identifies as a woman'


Ms. Shaw, a third-year student studying philosophy, ethics, and religion, explained that the man’s response seemed rehearsed, as if he anticipated being questioned about his presence. “He said straight away, ‘I identify as a woman,’ because he knows and other men know that that is what will get them into women’s spaces,” she told *The Telegraph*. She also noted that the man was not using the facilities but was simply standing by a cubicle, watching others. “He wasn’t queuing, he was just standing there with his back to a cubicle just watching,” she added.


Following the confrontation, a nightclub bouncer was alerted, and the man was removed from the premises. Ms. Shaw said the man was wearing a black T-shirt and sported a moustache, further fueling the discomfort of the women present. Despite reporting the incident to West Yorkshire Police, Ms. Shaw was informed that no crime had been committed and that it was up to the nightclub to handle the matter.


Ms. Shaw, who is writing her dissertation on gender, has since voiced her frustration, particularly regarding the debates surrounding gender identity and women’s rights. A post she shared online about the incident caught the attention of J.K. Rowling, the famous author and outspoken gender-critical campaigner. Reflecting on the experience, Ms. Shaw expressed anger toward activists who claim incidents like this do not occur. “It makes me angry because trans activists say that this never happens – that terfs [trans-exclusionary radical feminists] fear-monger and make these things up,” she said. 


The issue of female-only spaces has been a contentious topic, especially as debates around gender identity continue to grow. Ms. Shaw emphasized the importance of maintaining these spaces, particularly in environments like nightclubs where women might already feel vulnerable. “There’s a reason why we have separate toilets, especially in a nightclub. We’re regressing. We’re harming young women in particular and violating women’s rights to have safe spaces,” she stated.


She added that nightclubs, where incidents of assault are more common, should be especially mindful of maintaining these boundaries. "In a club especially, where you’re more likely to be assaulted in general, there needs to be somewhere for women to have a space."


The nightclub, The Warehouse, has yet to release a comment on the incident.


Based on a report from: Daily Telegraph 2024-09-28







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Well ok make him into a girl then problem solved lady’s you have a razor use it fulfill his dream!…..(just kidding) what a sex pest meh likely some ticktock idiot 

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14 minutes ago, jippytum said:

Ridiculous. Could i enter Crufts if i identified  as a dog??


I cannot understand why   gender identity   is so prevalent these days even in schools.? 

"All the world is mad save thee and me and even thou art a little queer."

It's called diversity by the 'woke', insanity by the rest of us, I presume it is thought that if it's rammed down our throats long enough, we too will willingly join the ranks of the mentally compromised, in the UK it's fast becoming illegal not to.


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5 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

"All the world is mad save thee and me and even thou art a little queer."

It's called diversity by the 'woke', insanity by the rest of us, I presume it is thought that if it's rammed down our throats long enough, we too will willingly join the ranks of the mentally compromised, in the UK it's fast becoming illegal not to.


Oh don't be so Transphobic there's no need for it 

Open your heart and hug a Transexual person.


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6 minutes ago, georgegeorgia said:

Oh don't be so Transphobic there's no need for it 

Open your heart and hug a Transexual person.


George Orwell warned us of newspeak, we didn't listen and now dystopia is knocking on the door but this too shall pass.

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