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Appeal Launched for British Teacher Gravely Injured in Thailand Crash

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7 minutes ago, AlexRich said:


What I don’t understand is the glee and sneering over someone, who on the face of it appears to be a very decent human being, appears to be a very decent human being. 


seems every brittle from a cut finger to a leg amputated.... dont have means to pay their bill nor family that care enough to raise the funds..... instead Gofundme !!

  • Sad 1
1 minute ago, Ralf001 said:
11 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:



 Brilliant for you.... But you still can't understand that others might not have such fast access to funds ????


What was your first line again ?


ohh... you another stupid.


wow AN has all the stupids coming out the woodwork lately.



Oh dear... So because 'you can access funds quickly'... You draw the assumption that everyone can....


... and you throw out the term stupid...      Thats the pot calling the kettle black.

1 minute ago, richard_smith237 said:


Oh dear... So because 'you can access funds quickly'... You draw the assumption that everyone can....


... and you throw out the term stupid...      Thats the pot calling the kettle black.


Hey stupid replied again, how goes it champ ?

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1 minute ago, Ralf001 said:
3 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


Oh dear... So because 'you can access funds quickly'... You draw the assumption that everyone can....


... and you throw out the term stupid...      Thats the pot calling the kettle black.


Hey stupid replied again, how goes it champ ?


Ignored...    not dropping to that level of retardedness.

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5 minutes ago, Digitalbanana said:

ex Stickboy just tweeted saying he had insurance but it was voided as the hospital found drugs in his system.


Link ?  - & where does ex Stickboy get his information from ? 

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8 hours ago, 1happykamper said:

Obviously not. Judge much? Your comment is insensitive and very judgmental. 

Nothing to judge here....be a man and own your problems. What world do we live in, where people are holidaying in remote countries and expecting others to cover their shortfall?


I haven't seen yet any appeal from an Italian mama begging for her son...she would be disdained for life doing this. She'll do anything necessary to gather the money without begging the public.

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8 hours ago, Screaming said:

So true proton, only an idiot gets on a motorbike in Thailand. You have to make a death wish to ride a motorbike.


Been here 15 years and every time I get the itch to get a motorbike a story like this pops up.

Just now, kingstonkid said:


Been here 15 years and every time I get the itch to get a motorbike a story like this pops up.


Love jumpin on me litre bike and giving it the berries on the weekend.

7 hours ago, Scouse123 said:

Insurance abroad to cover all eventualties should be top of peoples lists, unfortunately, it tends to be an afterthought, with inadequate insurance or no insurance being the norm.


I get some kind of insurance via my Thai credit card for accidents, Do I think this covers me for anything major? Of course I don't and have full medical insurance in Thailand as well as, not instead of.


When I was a kid, asking strangers or neighbours for money was classed as begging and a badge of shame in my family, and we were poor!


Why do people in 2024 think it's OK to just put up a GoFundMe page and let charity from online strangers take care of their oversights and shortcomings?


A side issue and short story, I have a spare house in Isaarn and I had this guy come regarding rental. We weren't asking much, it's a three bed bungalow, with European style bathroom and toilet and a kitchen/diner.


This German tried to beat us down from 6,000 baht a month to 5,000 baht. I saw him in the local bar later that evening, where women of the night are available. The girls didn't understand him and he asked me to translate, he wanted to request they would come down from 3,000 baht to 2,500 baht for the night.


So here we have a guy, who is prepared to pay 2500 baht to get his rocks off for a couple of hours, but doesn't want to pay 6000 baht for a months accommodation.


It's called getting your PRIORITIES RIGHT and what is important in your life!


And No, I didn't rent the clown the house!





Part of the problem is not having insurance. Even when you do, it is hit-and-miss.  The companies don't want to pay. They will nickel and dime you to death or drag their heels.


International companies are all the same. The coverage is there, but there are so many loopholes. Also, a lot of them will reimburse you, but you have to pay upfront and get the money afterward.


8 hours ago, Owiee said:

I believe the article mentions he was insured but it would not cover all cost n

Thanks for pointing that out, maybe had SS through work, so didn't think any need for more


However he may have blundered with insufficient insurance, risky riding, lack of money back home, I'd say these injuries are severe enough to generate some pity for him and hope for the best as well as maybe throwing in some money. He's going to live with horrible enough physical consequences without being lectured on inadequate insurance.

11 hours ago, proton said:

but they need to go e begging for the non insured as usual.


12 hours ago, webfact said:

While some costs may be covered by insurance, it’s estimated that medical expenses, including transferring Mr Davis to Bangkok for specialised care and eventually back to the UK, could exceed £30,000. Mr Pugh expressed hope that the funds raised could also allow Mr Davis to return home for Christmas as originally planned.



Mr Davis's parents have flown to Thailand to assist him, as he remains in and out of consciousness and unable to manage his care or insurance arrangements.


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2 minutes ago, Liverpool Lou said:

Where was it reported that it was a motorcycle accident?


A shattered pelvis is a dead giveaway, happens when you hit the handlebars. 

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8 hours ago, Gottfrid said:

What I posted was that it´s stupid to buy an insurance without coverage, and it´s stupid to, if he did, ride without helmet and license.

Is it not also stupid to assume that he was on a motorbike when there is no mention of that anywhere?

7 minutes ago, Liverpool Lou said:

Where was it reported that it was a motorcycle accident?


Valid point...   Its an assumption that he was riding a motorcycle, particularly given the injuries (crushed leg, shattered pelvis, torn bladder).....    that would be my bet anyway - but you are right, nowhere is it reported that this was a motorcycle accident.

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8 hours ago, billd766 said:

What should happen is the the person who hit him. their insurance company SHOULD pay up automatically and quickly. That assumes that the other driver had proper insurance.

You're assuming that the other vehicle's driver (if there was one) was at fault.  

1 minute ago, Liverpool Lou said:

Is it not also stupid to assume that he was on a motorbike when there is no mention of that anywhere?


Given the injuries.. no, I don't think such an assumption is stupid....  especially the shattered pelvis, a motorcycle accident seems most probable.


As this is a discussion forum to share, debate and discuss events and opinions - what would you assume the mode of transport was ?






  • Sad 1
9 hours ago, CLW said:

No insurance? Just irresponsible and now others (including his family) have to help him out 


Have you tried reading an article before rushing to  blame and condemn. The man had insurance. It will not cover all of the related expenses.

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Just now, Patong2021 said:
2 hours ago, Digitalbanana said:

ex Stickboy just tweeted saying he had insurance but it was voided as the hospital found drugs in his system.

Many drugs administered in an ER can give a false positive. Errors can be made. If the man was brought into an emergency room with  a traumatic injury he may have been given an opioid related  pain relief. If a blood test is taken after its administration, it will show up in the blood test. The time when a blood test was given and what is identified matters.


Good points - but the more pertinent question would be.. what is the veracity of this information ?...  

... I'm calling BS until a valid link is provided (and gossip from stickboy is not valid proof).

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