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What the flip is this flying monster in my condo and how do I make it go bye bye?

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32 minutes ago, connda said:

I had an Atlas moth flying around my place 4 years back.  Fantastic creatures.  Beautiful.


We used to get them in the garden occasionally too. Not seen one for many years now though, probably because of the smoke. 



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It's a baby Mothra.  The tiny princesses will be looking for it, expect some Japanese folks to come knocking.


I saw this movie when it came out, it made me scared of moths for a few years.



10 hours ago, CanadaSam said:

Totally harmless moth.  Quite rare.  Please don't harm it. 


Best idea was to turn off indoor lights, put on outdoor ones, leave window/door open.

I certainly hope it's rare as I would hate to see a gaggle of them take residence. Yes I know the word gaggle isn't for moths.


Anyway, update on this.


I did try try the above method.

But it was hidden at the time.

So either it took the bait to split or it's still with me.

That's hardly closure.

I'll be expecting it to pop up anytime. 

On 11/23/2024 at 5:59 PM, connda said:
On 11/23/2024 at 5:55 PM, KhunLA said:


It's a Atlas Moth, Emperor Moth, or a close relative.


So it's definitely a MAGAmoth then.

On 11/23/2024 at 6:27 PM, Nick Carter icp said:

Just leave it alone , its not going to harm you at all

Correct, completely harmless, no teeth, no poison!


This has to be a laugh doesn't it? 

On 11/23/2024 at 5:03 PM, Jingthing said:

It's got to go.

No room for both of us.

What is it?

Will it bite?

Is it poisonous?

A giant roach or beetle?

Could it be a bat?

A beetle? A cockroach? A bat? Poisonous? A two year old might thinks it's a butterfly but not a cockroach etc. I'm sure. Something tells me the ganja shop is way too close to where you live. If you actually don't know what a moth looks like there's something seriously missing.

On 11/23/2024 at 5:59 PM, connda said:

It's a Atlas Moth, Emperor Moth, or a close relative.  Beautiful creatures.  Harmless as can be.  Trump did not send it.
It's a sign of luck.  Buy a Lottery ticket.  I'm serious about the good luck 'tho.  I haven't seen one of those for about 4 years.


You Dems still resorting to insulting the majority of the population of the US, even on a post about moths! When I was in the Brit army in Borneo, we were nice to the local tribes and managed to get them on our side, you lefties ought to try the hearts and minds thing yourselves. Might give you a chance at the next election.

11 minutes ago, jesimps said:

You Dems still resorting to insulting the majority of the population of the US

Uh.... I don't think Connda is a Dem, judging by his posts.


The OP, on the other hand, was terrified by the innocuous moth and wanted to KILL it as he's killed other harmless, defenseless insects. He, judging by his posts, leans left wokey Dem.

  • Confused 1
On 11/23/2024 at 5:17 PM, novacova said:

Weved umber moth


Yes - quite possibly a Waved Umber Moth:


Photo - Waved Umber - Menophra abruptaria - Observation.org


It is harmless, but if you dislike, ordinary fly/mosquito spray will kill it.


It may be big, looks like a moth. As said wide glass or bucket , gentle force it in and release outside.

You better worry about tiny animals, they could be lot worse, like this one in Thailand:

Doesnt bite, BUT dont ever touch it ! 

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And there's me a, nasty hatful far right racist Trump supporter , who walks home at night picking all the snails and worms and even snakes up off the road and putting them back in the trees so they don't get run over .

   I even put food next to the ants nest so they don't have to all walk far , also taken injured birds to the vets and carried baby birds home, who fell out their nest . 

   Wouldn't even kill a cockroach 

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Well days later it's either still in hiding or has gotten out of Dodge.

I am no longer trying to keep it out of my bedroom.

If it shows up again I will try to trap it if it's in a good place for that.

5 hours ago, xtrnuno41 said:

It may be big, looks like a moth. As said wide glass or bucket , gentle force it in and release outside.

You better worry about tiny animals, they could be lot worse, like this one in Thailand:

Doesnt bite, BUT dont ever touch it ! 


It's Paederus.

The effects are sometimes called Nairobi eye.

When I had it for the first time, everybody asked me how I had gotten into a fist fight.


I never got it that bad again, but, yes, I respect them very much.  Never touch!


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