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Briton In Red Shirt Demonstration Regrets Video Arson Gibe


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I do not understand how this twenty-plus storey building (Central World) burnt so disastrously.

What happened to all the fire-fighting devices that are built into any-and-all major structures these days - fire-compartmentalisation - fire doors - sprinkler systems - smoke vents - fire-proof seals on all duct-work - so on and so on?

Is Thailand one of the few countries, such as Burkino-Faso, where such precautions are ignored?

If Central World could burn like that, what are the chances of surviving in one of the major hotels in the same area?

I trust that any travel agency sending people to Thailand in the future is well covered for their own insurance, as well as insisting that the travellers take out their own insurance.

(Not that that would help them, but their surviving relatives back home may welcome some cash)

as already stated, building had sprinklers, just water & power turned off by authorities.

It would take massive use of accelerants to do this with or without sprinklers

I agree. I've looked closely at the types of buildings that get built in Thailand for department stores. They're nearly all concrete and steel. Very little wood, and that only for door frames and some furniture. Plastic for pipes, but a tiny % of overall.

There must have been a lot of merchandise burning, as I can't think of much else that would feed the flames. Probably over half of merchandise is plastic of some sort, including clothing and accessories. Then there's ceiling materials. It they were flammable, then that could explain a lot - but seems to me they shouldn't be flammable - particularly for anyone familiar with the history of a very hot Las Vegas fire from decades ago in which the ceiling tiles and plastic/foam furniture caused it to spread very fast and very hot. But I don't think the Central fire was like that at all.

I venture that if fire fighters weren't hindered from responding, last week's fire damage would have been a whole lot less. Yet another reason for the Shinawatres and any of their friends who bankrolled the recent rallies should be held liable for every satang of damage done by the Reds & Blacks.

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when will they learn to stay out it........not your country you have no rights so shut the hel_l up is all i say

I don't at all condone what the hothead Brit said, but I don't agree with the above post. Yes, Thailand is not officially my country, but in many ways it's my country. I've been residing here longer than half the Thais currently here. I'll die here. I've planted thousands of trees here, and had a lot of positive interaction with locals. Plus, I come from a country where people get assimilated quite easily - all sorts, good bad and indifferent. So I don't put up mental barriers with people. The less compartamentized you make things, the freer you feel, and the freer people feel around you.

John Lennon's words from 'Imagine;

Imagine there are no countries, I wonder if you can"

Unless he is guilty of criminal acts, let it go.

Personally I have no problem with farangs being politically involved.

He appears like an immature jerk, like so many others. As you say, if he's not found guilty of criminal acts, then chalk it up to just another stupid venting Brit looking for cheap thrills - probably drunk also.

I can just say: Signed, word up, +1 and other jibes the hip kids write to signal that they agree with the previous poster.

I think whoever says that we are just guests and have no say or should be quiet should be the first one to go. Many of us pay more tax than the majority of the population and give back to the country in many more ways than others and to say that we should not have a say what happens around us is just silly. Plus that many of us have families here...

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"I am being stitched up, being fitted up. I thought it was just for overstaying my visa, but now this is serious," Savage said from behind bars in Bangkok remand prison.

taken from an interview with .The Guardian. posted online an hour ago

No Mr Savage, you are getting your just desserts for taking part in an illegal occupation, inciting violence & being filmed boasting over something you intend to do which (hey presto !) actually happens the way you tell it...

Bang Kwang beckons for sure...

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I do not understand how this twenty-plus storey building (Central World) burnt so disastrously.

What happened to all the fire-fighting devices that are built into any-and-all major structures these days - fire-compartmentalisation - fire doors - sprinkler systems - smoke vents - fire-proof seals on all duct-work - so on and so on?

Is Thailand one of the few countries, such as Burkino-Faso, where such precautions are ignored?

If Central World could burn like that, what are the chances of surviving in one of the major hotels in the same area?

I trust that any travel agency sending people to Thailand in the future is well covered for their own insurance, as well as insisting that the travellers take out their own insurance.

(Not that that would help them, but their surviving relatives back home may welcome some cash)

as already stated, building had sprinklers, just water & power turned off by authorities.

It would take massive use of accelerants to do this with or without sprinklers

I work at Off at Central World and our IT guys have been allowed in again now. They talked to the guards who were working there throughout the whole occupation. The guards said that the "peaceful demonstrators" put gas tanks out ***Long Before*** the soldiers moved in (cooking gas tanks).

When time came, the smashed the windows, opened the valves on the gas tanks and threw them in, and spiced it all with molotov cocktails (M-150 bottles and other bottles of different sizes, filled with petrol), then threw in grenades to light it all up

So much for peaceful demonstrators...

Edited by MikeyIdea
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"I was being the caricature of the British soccer hooligan."

taken from an interview with .The Guardian. posted online an hour ago

I'll have to remember that one, next time i smash a pint glass in someones face i'll just explain "i wasn't actually being a yob, i was just being a caricature of a yob"

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I do not understand how this twenty-plus storey building (Central World) burnt so disastrously.

What happened to all the fire-fighting devices that are built into any-and-all major structures these days - fire-compartmentalisation - fire doors - sprinkler systems - smoke vents - fire-proof seals on all duct-work - so on and so on?

Is Thailand one of the few countries, such as Burkino-Faso, where such precautions are ignored?

If Central World could burn like that, what are the chances of surviving in one of the major hotels in the same area?

I trust that any travel agency sending people to Thailand in the future is well covered for their own insurance, as well as insisting that the travellers take out their own insurance.

(Not that that would help them, but their surviving relatives back home may welcome some cash)

as already stated, building had sprinklers, just water & power turned off by authorities.

I don't understand why the twin towers burnt down either.

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Yesterday I saw images (will try to talk them into puttin them online) from an office close to the burn site, showing a software company. Everything look normal from the front but through the rear all windows are smashed out and a lot of computer hardware and digital cameras were gone. The first 2 minutes of 'our office is ok'-feeling was deceiving when they came back on Monday morning...

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I hate shopping, but I did go to Central word more than any mall in Bangkok, even though it was not the closed to me. It was well designed, and with so many other things nearby, eg Pantip only a 40b cab. Just imagine if you bought a franchise shop in there, and now the insurance company says, nope, it was terrorism, no pay. Is all arson terrorism?

Does anybody know who owns Central World? It was clearly a Red target.

The owners of the mall are Central Patana PLC which is essentially the Chirathivat family. The land it was built on is owned by the Crown Property Bureau which is essentially...

Edited by NanLaew
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Well, I've read about as much of this thread as I'm gonna read now. It started quite well with lots of information and then degenerated into many people slagging off all Brits as this Knob head happens to be one. After this it then became a debate about what he should be charged with, sentenced to, deported etc etc etc blah blah blah.

1, Not all Brits are like this guy ... FACT ! comparing him to a "typical football hooligan" is a pathetic stereotype ... FACT ! Look at football hooligans around the world and you will see brits are only playing at it compared to the rest of europe, south america, africa etc but that's not really important because in the mind of all non-brits ... they're the worst! Obviously this opinion seems to come from people who know nothing about this culture ... probably not a graet deal about the game either lol.

As for sentence him to this and that and one thin and another, I agree with the few people who realise that he's done wrong (or not) here so therefore must be treated to investigation and if need be, presecution within the laws of Thailand.

By the way, he has no certainty of been sent home after "X" amount of time before his sentence ending should he be found guilty. Britain has ne agreement with Thailand to accept prisoners to carryout the rest of their sentence after X amount of years unlike many other countries around the world.

In a nutshell "if you did the crime, do the time".

Before you all start whining and moaning, save your breath because i'm not gonna look at this thread again. I was lookin for information rather than opinion.

No, I'm neither a football hooligan or Ex-Con! just fed up of people talking BS!

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seems like too light of a sentence. 100 years would be more appropriate. this idiot had no business being in the area. maybe he will be deported to Montenegro and be Thaksins houseboy..

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Nine years in thailand and still using British sarcasm? oh dear,oh dear,oh dear.

one wonders how he has managed to support himself for nine years and what visa he has overstayed 4 days on?

he is too young at 48 for a retirement extension

he looks fit enough so its doubtful that he is on a disability allowance from UK or NHS

so how has he been supporting himself?

this and that ?

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I think this dude claimed he knew a load of those involved int eh planning and carrying out fo the attacks. Now we know he was just having a laugh and playacting at being a stereotypical brit football hoolie, well maybe he can get useful and name the names of thos ewho planned and carried out the crimes. After all we now know he is a normal peace loving law abiding citizen who just got a bit carreid away and of course such law abiding citizens would cooperate totally to bring to justice criminals............

Mind you considering the Matichon article on Veera and his family after he decided to drop out of all things red before the violence maybe Mr. Jeffie better be a little careful before naming any of team reds harder members

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I was listening to 103MHz on the radio on the way back home from the office yesterday, they were discussing Savage. Not positive feedback I can tell you.

He's getting some media attention, I now think that he will do time in a Thai jail


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I hate shopping, but I did go to Central word more than any mall in Bangkok, even though it was not the closed to me. It was well designed, and with so many other things nearby, eg Pantip only a 40b cab. Just imagine if you bought a franchise shop in there, and now the insurance company says, nope, it was terrorism, no pay. Is all arson terrorism?

Does anybody know who owns Central World? It was clearly a Red target.

The owners of the mall are Central Patana PLC which is essentially the Chirathivat family. The land it was built on is owned by the Crown Property Bureau which is essentially...

So, a direct or indirect attack on....

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I hate shopping, but I did go to Central word more than any mall in Bangkok, even though it was not the closed to me. It was well designed, and with so many other things nearby, eg Pantip only a 40b cab. Just imagine if you bought a franchise shop in there, and now the insurance company says, nope, it was terrorism, no pay. Is all arson terrorism?

Does anybody know who owns Central World? It was clearly a Red target.

The owners of the mall are Central Patana PLC which is essentially the Chirathivat family. The land it was built on is owned by the Crown Property Bureau which is essentially...

So, a direct or indirect attack on....

Guess who holds majority of stocks in Bangkok Post???... Chirathivat family

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I do not understand how this twenty-plus storey building (Central World) burnt so disastrously.

What happened to all the fire-fighting devices that are built into any-and-all major structures these days - fire-compartmentalisation - fire doors - sprinkler systems - smoke vents - fire-proof seals on all duct-work - so on and so on?

Is Thailand one of the few countries, such as Burkino-Faso, where such precautions are ignored?

If Central World could burn like that, what are the chances of surviving in one of the major hotels in the same area?

I trust that any travel agency sending people to Thailand in the future is well covered for their own insurance, as well as insisting that the travellers take out their own insurance.

(Not that that would help them, but their surviving relatives back home may welcome some cash)

as already stated, building had sprinklers, just water & power turned off by authorities.

It would take massive use of accelerants to do this with or without sprinklers

I work at Off at Central World and our IT guys have been allowed in again now. They talked to the guards who were working there throughout the whole occupation. The guards said that the "peaceful demonstrators" put gas tanks out ***Long Before*** the soldiers moved in (cooking gas tanks).

When time came, the smashed the windows, opened the valves on the gas tanks and threw them in, and spiced it all with molotov cocktails (M-150 bottles and other bottles of different sizes, filled with petrol), then threw in grenades to light it all up

So much for peaceful demonstrators...

"The peaceful reds with Gas Tanks '' I'm Shocked :)

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Briton facing death penalty over redshirt riot breaks down in Thailand court


"......But facing a judge for the first time since being arrested at the weekend, he broke down sobbing. "This is hurting my mother, she's 80 years old. Can't anybody help me?"

Sorry.. No.. You should've thought of that before you assumed the role of mob supremo (joining & supplying them) in a place you had absolutely no rights under the law of this (Thai) Land to do so..

Quit sobbing now & face up to your stupid, idiotic actions you fool..

quote from source: .Guardian.co.uk.

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mate, what were you thinking!

Personally I think all this talk about the 'Death Penalty' is a trifle over the top. if we shot people for just being dickheads, we would all earn a bullet at some point in our lives.

Check the video again. He was on his Pat Malone, there was no rabble fallen in behind him, rallying to his cries of freedom and justice. Jesus, they were mostly country folk, they wouldn't have had a clue what he was shouting about anyway.

Sent home in public humiliation and disgrace, never to return. Backed up with strong message to others who may contemplate the same thing in the future. Would that be fair enough? I accept the charges are serious enough to warrant nick, but the Thais really don't need a farang red shirt 'maytyr', or two, on their hands do they?

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I hate shopping, but I did go to Central word more than any mall in Bangkok, even though it was not the closed to me. It was well designed, and with so many other things nearby, eg Pantip only a 40b cab. Just imagine if you bought a franchise shop in there, and now the insurance company says, nope, it was terrorism, no pay. Is all arson terrorism?

Does anybody know who owns Central World? It was clearly a Red target.

The owners of the mall are Central Patana PLC which is essentially the Chirathivat family. The land it was built on is owned by the Crown Property Bureau which is essentially...

So, a direct or indirect attack on....

Guess who holds majority of stocks in Bangkok Post???... Chirathivat family

The Bangkok Post has always been pedestrian predictable establishment. Founded some 25 years later, the Nation always has been the upstart rebel challenger. Make no mistake about it however, both are owned by elites. None the less, Pasuk/Baker and other writers/scholars of Thailand always have cited the Nation as the newspaper of record in the former LOS.

(Thaksinistas, let it rip :) .)

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Briton facing death penalty over redshirt riot breaks down in Thailand court


"......But facing a judge for the first time since being arrested at the weekend, he broke down sobbing. "This is hurting my mother, she's 80 years old. Can't anybody help me?"

Sorry.. No.. You should've thought of that before you assumed the role of mob supremo (joining & supplying them) in a place you had absolutely no rights under the law of this (Thai) Land to do so..

Quit sobbing now & face up to your stupid, idiotic actions you fool..

quote from source: .Guardian.co.uk.

Awww... isn't that typical? The big, mean bully showing bravado when surrounded by his mates but when it's time to face the consequences of his deeds cries for his mommy.

Slap a few extra months to the sentence on account of being such a pathetic wimp. :)

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you mean there are major daily newpapers elsewhere in the world that are not owned by 'elites'?

Newspapers and all mass information media in the People's Republic of China are owned by the one and only permissable elite, the Communist Party of China in Beijing.

In Thailand and in other democracies whether strong or weak mass information media are owned by competing elites - in antagonism to the others, a diversity which is PROHIBITED in the People's Paradise.  

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"Nobody in this country has authority over me. I'm not under Thai law. I'm only obeying international law. I'm head of the red gang," he yelled at the court, brushing off efforts by embassy officials to calm him down.

Bwahahahaha..I wish more of these farang imbeciles residing in Thailand would get arrested.

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I hate shopping, but I did go to Central word more than any mall in Bangkok, even though it was not the closed to me. It was well designed, and with so many other things nearby, eg Pantip only a 40b cab. Just imagine if you bought a franchise shop in there, and now the insurance company says, nope, it was terrorism, no pay. Is all arson terrorism?

Does anybody know who owns Central World? It was clearly a Red target.

The owners of the mall are Central Patana PLC which is essentially the Chirathivat family. The land it was built on is owned by the Crown Property Bureau which is essentially...

So, a direct or indirect attack on....

The same people who own the Suan Lum Night Market land as well as the plot the Dusit Thani is built on.

What's the Thai word for coincidence?

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I hate shopping, but I did go to Central word more than any mall in Bangkok, even though it was not the closed to me. It was well designed, and with so many other things nearby, eg Pantip only a 40b cab. Just imagine if you bought a franchise shop in there, and now the insurance company says, nope, it was terrorism, no pay. Is all arson terrorism?

Does anybody know who owns Central World? It was clearly a Red target.

The owners of the mall are Central Patana PLC which is essentially the Chirathivat family. The land it was built on is owned by the Crown Property Bureau which is essentially...

So, a direct or indirect attack on....

The same people who own the Suan Lum Night Market land as well as the plot the Dusit Thani is built on.

What's the Thai word for coincidence?


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Briton facing death penalty over redshirt riot breaks down in Thailand court


"......But facing a judge for the first time since being arrested at the weekend, he broke down sobbing. "This is hurting my mother, she's 80 years old. Can't anybody help me?"

Sorry.. No.. You should've thought of that before you assumed the role of mob supremo (joining & supplying them) in a place you had absolutely no rights under the law of this (Thai) Land to do so..

Quit sobbing now & face up to your stupid, idiotic actions you fool..

quote from source: .Guardian.co.uk.

Awww... isn't that typical? The big, mean bully showing bravado when surrounded by his mates but when it's time to face the consequences of his deeds cries for his mommy.

Slap a few extra months to the sentence on account of being such a pathetic wimp. :)

Hang him high! Typical Brit giving it large but when it comes on top falling on his knees and calling for his mommy....... what bullshit.

I think the days of coming to Thailand and re-inventing yourself as something your not is fast coming to an end and that applies to all knobheads not just British ones.

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