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How much information do you divulge to your gf / wife re your financial situation back home


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seen a few things on her ..from what i was asked it went like this...she wanted 500000 in her bank...a ATM card UK...from this she wanted to spend money as and when required..i would not be able to ask her how much she was spending...UNCHALLENGED she called it

a salary every month..of 30000..on top of this...as well as all the household bills and car payments....

this was after we was married...

so around 60000..a month ...from me...then she had money in the bank....AND THE UK ATM CARD

she got greedy and i outed her quickly...

no cash in the bank

no atm card..

no monthly salary

what the hell was she thinking...i can only guess it was her ex thai husband who is looking after her 2 children that put the hammer on her

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What my wife does for me is priceless... She wants to help out financially, but I asked her to just take care of me and keep me company. She knows everything about my pension, but says it is quite alright to keep our money in my account in the States. I set up an emergency fund for her in Thailand, and she never touches it. dam_n lucky to have her. She rambles on quite a bit, however. At least it is done in English. She is quite good at taking care of the bills, and never runs short on our budget. I find she is actually more frugal than I, when she is handed the monthly wad of cash. No credit, so no worries. She shops less and I don't sweat the details as long as we are eating good throughout the month, and the bills are paid. The remainder is savings and goes in my account, which I openly show her. She smiles and enjoys the progress.
then you wake up..
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most of us keep quiet or lie about our financial situation,

if our GF knew......she would leave us !!! ha ha ha !!!!

I know a farang,who maried his GFand took her to the UK ,he was 60 she 25,

in the UK he still lived whit his parents ,had no work,no money.

The GF had to find a job !

Many ladies dont realise that most farang in the bars ,have to work a whole year

to spend 3 weeks acting like millionaires .

no chance, he would av never got a visa for her,no job no money, no home, more chance of nailin a blamonge to the ceiling..
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IMO NEVER divulge your financial info to a Thai woman.

If she really loves you for yourself, she will not ask, though she will probably want to know if you have enough to provide for her.

How can she be expected to 'not ask' and 'want to know if you have enough to provide for her' ? Hows she supposed to find out ? through tea leaves ?

However what's wrong with that ? Theres not a woman from ANY country that would not want to know her future was assured so why would it be any different for a Thai girl ? Its getting tedious how many men think Thai females are there simply to be used and abused and dare to have a modicum of self respect! This is going to shock a lot of people but they are human too!

because He is such a handsome man , and he knows that because many bar girls told him so, cheesy.gif

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I can't comment on how much or when to tell a Thai girl about your finances before marriage. But here is a workable game plan once you have decided to tie the knot.

1) Get a ironclad prenup agreements in both your native country and in Thailand and register the Thai one with the appropriate Thai court. Unlike many foreign countries, Thai courts do not recognize any prenups that have not been recorded. Both prenups should reference one another and both should specify what assets each of you is bringing into the marriage and which will remain separate and which will become community property to be split in the case of divorce. The prenups should also mention what she gets if the marriage does not work out and make sure this is fair and equitable to her so it will not be thrown out by a court in either your country or in Thailand as being too one sided. As an example, a court will throw out a prenup provision that does not provide any compensation for a spouse if you have been married for a long time. I suggest an approach that vests your Thai wife in your assets much like you are vested in a pension plan (you get more the longer you have worked there or in this case she gets more the longer you were married). The prenup should also detail, how any existing or future children will be supported and who will do what in the event the marriage breaks up.

2) The Thai lawyer that I used to set up my will here in Thailand told me to never tell a Thai woman, including a wife or GF, that you have left them anything. Also never put anything you have paid for such as a condo, car or other big ticket item in her name. The lawyer said if you want to leave them something do it secretly by getting a copy of their Thai ID card. With that, the lawyer can her up as a beneficiary without her knowing anything about it.

However, that is the simple approach. I suggest that after the marriage, get an iron clad will in both your native country and another one to cover your assets (real estate, bank accounts, business interests, personal property, etc.) in Thailand. You need the Thai will as it is my understanding that Thai law does not recognize wills prepared in other countries as valid for passing assets located in Thailand. In both wills, specify that all of your assets are to be left in a trust (the wills should set up but not fund the trusts and any competent lawyer can do both at the same time) for the benefit of your spouse and your children, present of future, and appoint a trusted friend(s) as trustee(s) to handle the collection of all assets and income for deposit into the trusts and to make disbursements from the trust based upon guidelines you have established in the trust. When your children reach adulthood, you can specify that the their share of your assets are distributed to them, or you can continue the trust for the remainder of their lives or set some other reasonable restrictions on when and how much they can receive. Examples of this might be making a distribution, partial or total of their share upon marriage to buy a house, to set up a business or for educational expenses. Likewise, you should not make any provisions to pay your spouse any assets other than maintaining her lifestyle in support of your children until all of them have reached adulthood. At that point you can make a decision to pay out her share just as you have with each of the children. I could go on in great detail here but a good lawyer will address each of these concerns and can come up with a custom plan that encompasses the needs of each of your children, including those with disabilities or special needs, and your spouse without placing too much of a burden on your trustee(s). By doing this, and letting your Thai wife know that you have done this, you do away with any incentive she might have to arrange an accident for you. The Thai lawyer can mention to her that there are provisions to cut her out completely from your wills and trusts if you die under mysterious or questionable circumstances and even if that is not the case she doesn't have control or access to your money anyway in that it can only be used to maintain her and your children while they are still young and when they are adults she will only get her proportional share and only then if the trust specifies it. Knowing this your Thai wife now not only has every incentive to not do you in she actually has a built in incentive to keep you alive and healthy so the provisos of this trust do not kick in (make sure the trust also kicks in in the event you become mentally or physically unfit to manage your own affairs--you will also note that this prevents an evil hearted Thai woman from disabling you to get control of your money).

3) The third part of this plan is to handle the always sticky part of any relationship with a Thai lady. How do you handle real estate and the request she will inevitably make of you to build a nice house for her parents, for herself and your children, and perhaps some other needy relatives. As most of us who already live here know, only Thais can legally own land. Sure you can set up a bogus company and put the land, or a condo for that matter, into the company name or you can do a very long term lease, but a lease is still a lease and that is not as good as owning the land. Here is my solution: Buy condos in foreign name only and preferably do this buying before you marry and make sure that prenup you created, you did create one didn't you?, mentions that these condos belonged to you before the marriage and they will remain with you if the marriage breaks up. Once you have the condos in your name, you can rent them out and your Thai wife can then buy or build whatever houses she wants and apply for mortgage loans in her name only using that rental income as security for the loans' repayment. If the marriage works out, the loans are repaid and the property your wife bought becomes hers or her families, and if the marriage does not work out and you get a divorce the condos are still yours and your wife no longer has the rental money to make the mortgage payments and she loses the properties she bought as she can no longer make the payments. If you die or become incapacitated, the trusts you set up in your wills, you did set up that wills and trusts didn't you?, continues to use the rental income from the condos (the condos are now assets of the trust) to make the payments on the house you bought for your family, and, at the discretion of the trustee(s), the payments on the other properties you wife bought for her family. Your widow has every incentive to be nice and cooperate with your trustees as they, and only they, will decide if they want to continue using the rental income and other assets of the trust to pay off properties other than your family home.

And that my fellow travelers is how a man of means protects himself from predatory women in this or any other society. They can't get a share of the assets you brought into the marriage if you divorce them for cause in short order, they can't hope to get anything out of the marriage that you did not agree to let them have and are only reasonably compensated for the years you were actually together. Finally they are responsible for paying any mortgages on real property they bought in their name (good luck with that since the source of the payments evaporated when the marriage broke up) and they have no incentive to kill or disable you to get at your money.

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My Wife never mentioned money at all in our courting period, never asked for a thing for her or her family and never has since (almost 8 years ago)

She earns way more than me now due to me encouraging her in a business venture way back then.

She knows now everything I have but in your case I would keep it all to yourself until you feel you dont have to anymore.

Tell her in 10 years.

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Mine doesn't ask, I do not tell.

A few of her nosey friends have done, and she simply told them 'He always seems to have money for what we need'....

Shows that they are all different and you need to select well.

Many seem to think you should share everything with your 'life partner'.... well again I have seen both types of relationships where they share everything, and others where there is some financial independence. I personally would never go so far as to put everything I had into an account that she had free access to. Self preservation or selfishness or distrust, call it as you will.

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seen a few things on her ..from what i was asked it went like this...she wanted 500000 in her bank...a ATM card UK...from this she wanted to spend money as and when required..i would not be able to ask her how much she was spending...UNCHALLENGED she called it

a salary every month..of 30000..on top of this...as well as all the household bills and car payments....

this was after we was married...

so around 60000..a month ...from me...then she had money in the bank....AND THE UK ATM CARD

she got greedy and i outed her quickly...

no cash in the bank

no atm card..

no monthly salary

what the hell was she thinking...i can only guess it was her ex thai husband who is looking after her 2 children that put the hammer on her

You guys are still married?

If so, how are things between the two of you now you refused the cash demands?

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most of us keep quiet or lie about our financial situation,

if our GF knew......she would leave us !!! ha ha ha !!!!

I know a farang,who maried his GFand took her to the UK ,he was 60 she 25,

in the UK he still lived whit his parents ,had no work,no money.

The GF had to find a job !

Many ladies dont realise that most farang in the bars ,have to work a whole year

to spend 3 weeks acting like millionaires .

A good Thai lady goes to the west to have a better life, and will make 4-6 times more than she makes in Thailand

So the fact she had to work is a good thing

as long as she was not expected to keep her husband as well

It is normal in the west for for husband and wife to work to survive

For example in my case

when I took my wife to the west I set up a company

we both worked in the company and she got 60% of the company profits

It was a massive job to teach her that running a company has expenses creates expensives

these have to be paid from company profits before you get paid

sorry but the worst thing you can do for a Thai lady is throw money at her when she goes to the west

what happens if suddenly pass on

how can she survive

her tap of money has been turned off

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If you are going to marry her, and you want trust in your marriage ( you will need trust if you want your marriage to succeed) then yes, you tell her about your financial situation back home, there should be no secrets between you, on the other hand, anything that happened in your life before you met her, is none of her business, and vice versa.

"anything that happened in your life before you met her, is none of her business"

So by your own reasoning my money is none of her business, since I got it before I met her. Great! tongue.png

Yes, that's right, before you got married, your money and financial affairs were none of her business, but after your marriage, there should be no secrets between you regarding finance or anything else, but what you do with your money after marriage is entire up to you. These are things you should both speak about before you marry. Marriage is a partnership and no one is the boss, you decide everything together, and anything you don't agree on you should try and reach a compromise.

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When I first met my wife [of 12yrs now], I pretended to be a poor backpacker and that didn't bother her so I figured that she was the one I could trust. Later I tried to explain my finances [some stocks and a couple of bank accounts in the US.....not rich, but can live a decent life]...............she still showed no interest. Now, I just tell her that the 'glass' is half full or half empty, depending on what she needs/wants or has to have and that answer is easiest for her to understand and me to explain.

BTW.................she is a college graduate and doesn't have a clue about money management.

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Where do you guys get all these dumb women. I can find out about anyone in a few hours and I don't even have a detective card. It is SOP in the West to investigate the new BF; are Thai women that much behind the times or is it that you don't have clue what Lek is up to anymore?

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3) The third part of this plan is to handle the always sticky part of any relationship with a Thai lady. How do you handle real estate and the request she will inevitably make of you to build a nice house for her parents, for herself and your children, and perhaps some other needy relatives

Stopped reading at this point when you raised the "any" and "inevitable" cliches about Thai women.

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Let us not say that all women are bad, nor all Thai women. Of course, if you decide to full in love with a hooker, then do not be so shocked that she was not up front with you... Finding women of character is tough, if most of your time is spent at a watering hole. I have met plenty of Thai ladies who were sincere, and wanted a good relationship (of course financial security is important to everyone). I am happy with whom I have met, and we are both on the same level....education, money, history of One failed marriage, and age with 10 years of each other. There are plenty more out there like her. I am guilty of losing the bank when I decided to divorce my wife (who was true) in order to chase younger women. Ended up drunk, broke and stupid. Now its 17 years since the divorce, and I found much happiness. Had to get away from the bar scene....that was the problem.

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3) The third part of this plan is to handle the always sticky part of any relationship with a Thai lady. How do you handle real estate and the request she will inevitably make of you to build a nice house for her parents, for herself and your children, and perhaps some other needy relatives

Stopped reading at this point when you raised the "any" and "inevitable" cliches about Thai women.

You appear to be the gallant defender of Thai womanhood and that is a nice role to play but I look at reality. I have lived and worked in Asia for most of my adult life and retired here when I stopped working. My thirty three years experience has led me to the conclusion that Asian women, and Thais are Asian women, seek financial security and a large part of financial security for traditional Asians is land and house ownership. That is why most all farangs will inevitably receive a request to buy their sweetie one or more pieces of land and put some nice houses on them. It is their security. I don't have any problem with that but I want to make sure that I am smart about the way I chose to finance that request. Doing it my way insures they will stick around and not abandon me once they have the land and the house. Good ladies have nothing to fear and bad ones will walk once you lay out my ground rules and follow them.--Kluckmeister.

Edited by Kluckmeister
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Here are some of my comments I have mentioned many times in the past here on Thai visa regarding these type of subjects:

Over the years attitudes towards relationships have changed dramatically in Thailand.

I have been with my Thai wife over 30 years; both in our 50s now and the ways of thinking were completely different in the days when we first met.

These days I just don`t feel that Thai women make good wife/girlfriend partners anymore and best not to become too deeply involved with them.

Down my way there is a Thai family. The guy has a very attractive daughter in her late 30s. She is not and has never been a bar girl but has her own business as an exporter of antique goods. All sounds good and would appear as an ideal catch for any discerning farang. But this woman is something like the black widow spider. Over the years she has had a string of profiles on dating websites. She always aims for farang guys in they’re 50s and early 60s because she believes that guys in this age group are more likely to have money and be more desperate for a younger female companion. After the first couple of dates she invites the farangs to meet her family, than the process for extracting these men of a lot of money begins, with stories that she requires money for her ailing business, the father needs a stomach operation and so on. Within the last 2 years the parents have had a new home built, new vehicles purchased and so on with the monies obtained by scamming these farangs. It is well known by the locals how this family have acquired their newfound wealth. There was one particular German man that we know gave this woman almost 1.5 million baht before she dumped him. My wife and I have said; one day this woman is going to choose the wrong victim and end up dead.

Many of the Thai women can now be compared with their counterparts in the West, where basically all they want is a child and to accumulate wealth for a comfortable life later on without a male partner. I am not in anyway intentionally denigrating Thai women, my point is that it`s a sign of the times and whatever you do, has to be done at your own risk and discretion, or in other words, tread carefully out there, it can be dangerous world where you stand to lose everything, even your life in some cases.

It`s really a case that the OP has to form his own judgements based on his life time worldly experiences and play it by stealth and by ear. One good piece of advice I can give, is to especially keep an eye on the girlfriend`s online activities, such as facebook and type in her email addresses, mobile phone numbers, nicknames and so on into Google and see if anything comes up about her. Watching these people online often gives a good indicator as to the true characters of people. Although this may seem sneaky, you have to consider your own welfare and interests as number one, also to avoid being whacked hard in the future.

What you are telling here it is partially true..and it is happening.... in ANY country in this world...I know personally a beautiful mid age woman, ex 2 times widow in California, that was on hers 4 marriage in 2002..and always with very wealthy older men. Just for getting more money. She is already a millionaire.....She do not need to be on the Internet...She just frequents the most expensive places around...

And you talk about 1.5 million bath, you are talking about $45.000....Many foreigners around the world spend that kind the money in one date with a young and beautiful escort., or have to pay that amount divorcing after few years marriage....every month for life...and do not feel scammed.

Talking about women, not distinctions or comparisons are valid. Thailand is like any other country. You get what you chose...and if you make a mistake it is just your fault....

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I bet the OP is extremely satisfied in seeking consultation with the TV relationship experts.

Is a pre-nuptial contract not a good way to protect all parties? Nobody can foresee the future. People can change. Situations can change. Relationship can sour and animosity and vengeance can make the loveliest people in the world reverse 180 degrees (men or women)

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I bet the OP is extremely satisfied in seeking consultation with the TV relationship experts.

Is a pre-nuptial contract not a good way to protect all parties? Nobody can foresee the future. People can change. Situations can change. Relationship can sour and animosity and vengeance can make the loveliest people in the world reverse 180 degrees (men or women)

Do you know anyone who has enforced a pre nup in Thailand?

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My wife's never requested anything from me. Our 2 properties are financed by her and the money for the one we just sold went into our joint bank account. This is after my wife asking if I'd rather put it in mine to make it easier for a foreigner to access should we need to. We may put some towards a new car. Her family have never asked for a bean let alone a house. They don't need to. They're houses are bought and paid for.

Is my wife's family rich? No. They're what I call comfortable. Her dad drives a new Accord. Enjoys a game of golf with his retired mates. What does he need from me? I've mentioned previously that when I messed up my money transfer to buy a new car he gave me a bridging loan until it was sorted. Same as when my niece came to the UK with us this summer. Her folks paid for the ticket. If I'd offered to pay they would have been aghast.

My wife's got security through her job. I haven't got a problem willing all my assets to her. After putting up with me for 14 years with never a cross word spoken and giving me a daughter that we idolize she deserves it.

Is she trustworthy. I guess so. I also guess that's why she's on THB 190k a month + benefits working for an international company and I'm posting this from the apartment they rent for us on lower suk. I guess her western bosses ( who after meeting them are a ,lot sharper cookies than me) think she's trustworthy too.

Can a marriage fail. Sure. They all can and the statistics prove it. And more power to the blokes who want to protect their assets. I'm just not overly keen with the absolutes you state regarding Thai women. Maybe with my wife working for westerners all her career she has a different outlook on what Thai women want. She thinks it's great that my dad ( who was a Regent petrol station pump boy) married my mum who came from a local business family and built their own business up for her and my dad.

Strewth that was an epic ramble. Too much coffee today biggrin.png

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She knew my financial situation back home right before she signed the prenuptial agreement. And after our marriage it was clearly stated in my will.

After three years of marriage we were talking divorce. She didn't ask me for anything as we were discussing going the the amphur office and just signing papers of dissolution of marriage. But we worked our way through those issues. Three years later, our relationship is better than any previous relationship I have had. We're both getting up in age. So yeah, we discuss finances now without any issues. But it's something you do as you develop trust.

Edited by connda
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My ex thai wife had a uni degree a good job and family.I had invested 7 million baht in land and building before i met her.

after 5 years of marriage and another 11 million baht in building on my land i closed my company and put my assets in our

married name as she is a thai national life would be easy.the day this happened i became invisible to my wife and her family after

5 years of eating and sleeping under my roof they no longer recognized me then the police turned up and took me for questioning over

a large drug deal they said if i was on the island {samui}in 24 hours i would not see freedom for long time.8 hours later i arrived home

to find 3 thai men in my empty house all with pistols i was told by the new owner to leave his land or he will shoot me.my wife and inlaws were gone

even my dog.I sent a long email to the ex and she replied {_UCK OF YOU WERE JUST A PIECE OF SHIT THAT PASSED MY LIFE}

Never trust or tell a thai what you have and never ever try to find love trust or honesty in Thailand it does not exist their every one around

you is corrupt and after your money at all costs you are a small insect with a million birds circling 10cm over your head keep your

guard up at all times and expect the unexpected GOOD LUCK.

I have been saying for years on this forum never to buy property in Thailand.

What a life you could have lived here with 11 million, but it's gone and you never even got to enjoy the money. That's sad.

BTW, I was also just a piece of **** that would do for the present to my western ex, so I don't trust any woman of any race with my money.

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If you are going to marry her, and you want trust in your marriage ( you will need trust if you want your marriage to succeed) then yes, you tell her about your financial situation back home, there should be no secrets between you, on the other hand, anything that happened in your life before you met her, is none of her business, and vice versa.

"anything that happened in your life before you met her, is none of her business"

So by your own reasoning my money is none of her business, since I got it before I met her. Great! tongue.png

Yes, that's right, before you got married, your money and financial affairs were none of her business, but after your marriage, there should be no secrets between you regarding finance or anything else, but what you do with your money after marriage is entire up to you. These are things you should both speak about before you marry. Marriage is a partnership and no one is the boss, you decide everything together, and anything you don't agree on you should try and reach a compromise.

<Marriage is a partnership and no one is the boss,> whistling.gif

I tried that with my western ex and all was fine right up to the point that I walked out on her because she became impossible to live with.

My Thai wife is the boss in our marriage, and if I want a happy life that's OK with me. But, I'm the boss of my money, and she works for her own money.

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She knew my financial situation back home right before she signed the prenuptial agreement. And after our marriage it was clearly stated in my will.

After three years of marriage we were talking divorce. She didn't ask me for anything as we were discussing going the the amphur office and just signing papers of dissolution of marriage. But we worked our way through those issues. Three years later, our relationship is better than any previous relationship I have had. We're both getting up in age. So yeah, we discuss finances now without any issues. But it's something you do as you develop trust.

If you are unable to develop that level of trust, then I'd suggest staying single and renting your female companionship by the hour. However, over the course of time, it's gonna cost you the same if not more.

I'd rather be in a relatonship even if it takes work and compromise. But that's just me.

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its this type of attitude toward marriage, that leads to failure.

Firstly why would you marry some one you don't trust? are you that hard up for sex?

If you trust your wife and are truly a team, why not divulge everything to her?

I trust my wife, she trusts me, It is not my money, it is OUR money, we have dreams and plans for the future together

she is an equal partner, and has a vested interest , as such she is vigilant Stewart of OUR money!!!

Does not spend it freely, will not give it away frivolously My wife is a bulldog with OUR money

This are the hall marks of a trusted , engaged wife with a vested interest in a marriage

On the other hand aside from the other obvious disadvantages of being married to some one you don't trust

a wife is much more likely to spend frivolously and or give away YOUR money if she does not have an understanding of your finances, and a vested interest on the out come of her financial decisions

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My wife's never requested anything from me. Our 2 properties are financed by her and the money for the one we just sold went into our joint bank account. This is after my wife asking if I'd rather put it in mine to make it easier for a foreigner to access should we need to. We may put some towards a new car. Her family have never asked for a bean let alone a house. They don't need to. They're houses are bought and paid for.

Is my wife's family rich? No. They're what I call comfortable. Her dad drives a new Accord. Enjoys a game of golf with his retired mates. What does he need from me? I've mentioned previously that when I messed up my money transfer to buy a new car he gave me a bridging loan until it was sorted. Same as when my niece came to the UK with us this summer. Her folks paid for the ticket. If I'd offered to pay they would have been aghast.

My wife's got security through her job. I haven't got a problem willing all my assets to her. After putting up with me for 14 years with never a cross word spoken and giving me a daughter that we idolize she deserves it.

Is she trustworthy. I guess so. I also guess that's why she's on THB 190k a month + benefits working for an international company and I'm posting this from the apartment they rent for us on lower suk. I guess her western bosses ( who after meeting them are a ,lot sharper cookies than me) think she's trustworthy too.

Can a marriage fail. Sure. They all can and the statistics prove it. And more power to the blokes who want to protect their assets. I'm just not overly keen with the absolutes you state regarding Thai women. Maybe with my wife working for westerners all her career she has a different outlook on what Thai women want. She thinks it's great that my dad ( who was a Regent petrol station pump boy) married my mum who came from a local business family and built their own business up for her and my dad.

Strewth that was an epic ramble. Too much coffee today biggrin.png

I guess what antagonized me about your first reaction to my post is the all too frequent response I have observed in sites like these where members tend to have an agenda and look for ways to discredit what other posters have said as a way of rationalizing and justifying their own prejudices. Specifically, you stated that you stopped reading my original post because I mentioned "any" and "inevitable" as regards Thai women. Rational people read entire posts and react to the facts. It annoyed me that you did not read the rest of my post and if you had you would have known that I said the same advice could be applied to all women. My use of the words "any" an "inevitable" may not have been the best of choices but clearly my intentions was not to demean all of Thai womanhood but to indicate that their are bad actors in all countries, including Thailand. You knew or should have known that before posting your message criticizing my comments.

That said let's take a look at the situation you described with your wife. She comes from a relatively well to do family (father drives a nice car new car and golfs regularly with his retied buddies. Never asked you for anything.), and your wife is probably one of the top one percent pay wise with a job that pays 190,000 baht a month! You even admit that she used her money to finance and pay for the two properties you own.

My advice was for people who are in relationships with average Thai women from poor rural backgrounds especially guys who are involved with women much younger than themselves. In what way does your situation fit this average guys concerns?

It seems to me that while your marriage seems to be a success on all levels and I congratulate you on that, it would have been more appropriate, given her status and family background, for her to have had a prenup, wills and trusts set up to protect her from you should your marriage have foundered. Of course she didn't need those because she was a Thai in Thailand and those things would have been unnecessary to her. I don't mean to be insulting to you, your wife, or your wife's family here but please realize that your situation is the exception to the experience that most farangs have with Thai women and being an intelligent guy you should have realized that my post was not intended to slight or demean all Thai women but to protect guys from female predators the world over though with particular relevance to those living and contemplating marriage with a Thai.

I took offense at your dismissing my comments as irrelevant because you live in an insular world with a very successful Thai wife from a relatively well to do family. That is great for you but it does not fit the experiences of 95% of the people who are interested in this topic and I saw your criticism of me as a way of you expressing your smugness with your situation rather than a concern for providing a vulnerable set of members with a solid set of guidelines they can depend on to protect themselves from a bad actor entering a marriage with bad intentions. If a farang follows my advice and does not deviate from it when confronted with a whining GF or wife, he will protect the majority of his assets from a predator and at the same time protect his children, past, present and future. So my final question to you is did your post contribute anything toward the topic or did it just make you feel better about your already successful marriage?

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