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Chalerm: Police paratroopers to arrest PDRC leaders


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blueskies is showing suthep being escorted by cops to some place. whats happening

An important meeting. he's not under arrest.

Hopefully Suthep is willing to negotiate terms of some kind of mutual accommodation.

Practically everyone has turned against him save for a pack of die-hard keyboard warriors at TVF who don't realize the term is the title of a series of violent tuff-guy Hollywood action movies.

The keyboard warriors here want to use maximum force immediately and in all directions while the military and the police along with the adults here would avoid the state using force and violence, and prefer instead to do everything possible to prevent violence and armed force being applied.

This is Thai against Thai in Thailand so the keyboard warriors need to bugger off for a while, give 'em some needed room.

we are talking about Red Shirt Keyboard warriors that I keep reading

he ones who keep saying they want a civil war

You're out of your mind.

The keyboard warriors here are the PDRC types who keep calling for the Army to go out to mow down the reds, clean 'em out, finish 'em off once and for all, using "FORCE" to blast the families and regime they hate out of their offices and homes into another (far off) land. The purge patrol of PDRC types who continue to support and praise Suthep.

I'm one opposite poster who recognizes the consequences to Thailand of the Bangkok elites and ammart overthrowing or in any way removing the government. Recognizing vs advocating are two very different postures. Many posters here recognize the consequences, very few advocate them.

The PDRC posters keep calling for a military mutiny coup d'état and keep banging on that the Army must blast away in all directions against the Thai people.

You're missing a lot here.

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Surprised there are not more replies from ex sas there are certainly plenty out in the bars yakkin on about stuff like this

Indeed, it wasn't until I went for a drink in Jomtien a few years ago that I realised what a big organisation the SAS was. Beats me how they all fitted onto the Iranian Embassy balcony back then!

Anyway, back on topic(ish), memo to Chalerm: most cunning plans do not involve telling the enemy what you're going to do!

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Keyboard political warriors don't know beans about it. Don't try to tell me in your own mind what I want. All the pressure and much state power and authority are being directed at Suthep and his PDRC to quit, cease, desist.

Suthep supposedly is in a meeting now with senators, or at least some certain senators. Let's give 'em some elbow room, see what may come of it.

PDRC violence and the use of state armed force is the last resort. While the keyboard warriors are commencing their fire and blasting away in all directions, let's let the authorities who are responsible for life, state security, public safety, try peaceful means.

Engaging reverse gear, are we Publicus? Wise decision judging by the events of the last 6 days. Will we all be singing Sutheps praises in another week? Just asking,sort of tongue in cheek, but the tide seems to have turned with a vengeance with even you appearing to be (in your own words) in a state of flux. Thanks Ratcatcher for that one! Still a few idiot reds screaming for a Coup though, for some unfathomable reason.

"...with even you appearing to be (in your own words) in a state of flux. Thanks Ratcatcher for that one!

I made a lotta posts today so I don't recall in my own words saying "in a state of flux."

Kindly point out to me in which post and at which thread today I said "in a state of flux" in respect of anything.

Get on the case boyz cause I wanna know when I posted today to say "in a state of flux."


"...with even you appearing to be (in your own words) in a state of flux. Thanks Ratcatcher for that one!

I made a lotta posts today so I don't recall in my own words saying "in a state of flux."

Kindly point out to me in which post and at which thread today I said "in a state of flux" in respect of anything.

Get on the case boyz cause I wanna know when I posted today to say "in a state of flux."

Just wanted to remind you guys you forgot to pay the check. You wanna take care of that now please, thank you.


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The last think the PDRC want is a coup - this give PT and Thaksin more ammunition. He can just say his 'legitimate government' was removed by the military. This will just strengthen the Red Shirt movement, not weaken it. A coup is really the last resort. Its sad that the military is really the only check and balance this country has. Politicians from both sides treat the law with contempt. They get what they deserve in the end.

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what a fool.

sorry I was going to add something more meaningful to that but the thing posted on its own...maybe enough said.....

Then, this guy is a disgrace to himself, his party, the government and the Thai nation. Needs to be said.

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"Chalerm also anticipated increasing violence after the PDRC guards assaulted many innocent people and thus created hatred among the people.

The CAPO chief also said the protest rally of the redshirt United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship would be peaceful as protesters are those who are demanding democracy and wanting to see election in the country."

Says it all really. Reds right, rest wrong. Red violence a myth, protesters violence a danger to the country. PT angels in distress. PDRC the devil incarnate.

Pure BS.

. Mind does explain the rash of increasingly lurid anti pdrc guard stories in press of late.

Yes but if you add this to all the stepped up red radio and tv propaganda then a worrying pattern emerges.

Look like one side is trying to whip up a frenzy ready for a fight from their bunker.

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"Chalerm also anticipated increasing violence after the PDRC guards assaulted many innocent people and thus created hatred among the people.

The CAPO chief also said the protest rally of the redshirt United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship would be peaceful as protesters are those who are demanding democracy and wanting to see election in the country."

Says it all really. Reds right, rest wrong. Red violence a myth, protesters violence a danger to the country. PT angels in distress. PDRC the devil incarnate.

Pure BS.

. Mind does explain the rash of increasingly lurid anti pdrc guard stories in press of late.

Yes but if you add this to all the stepped up red radio and tv propaganda then a worrying pattern emerges.

Look like one side is trying to whip up a frenzy ready for a fight from their bunker.

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Arrests will not happen in this lifetime. The Con Courts have their orders and will let Suthep and his rent-a-mob do whatever they want to bring Thailand back to the stone-age. The cops ARE NOT ALLOWED TO GO NEAR THESE CLOWNS. Anybody else have an exit strategy??

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Having a tough night with the posting eh Bb.

Between this thread and at least one other, posting for you has gone a bit awry.

At least at this thread you haven't mucked up any of my posts the way you did at another thread.


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This is probably a dumb question, but why does a police force need Paratroops? Are they supposed to parachute onto the hood of your car when you blow a stop sign?

Just more Bullshit that puts a pair of wings on their uniform along with all those medals they love so much. Makes them feel like real Macho Men.

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The acting Senate Speaker gave permission for Suthep to enter parliament premises yesterday and hold a closed-door discussion with himcrazy.gif

why was that even allowed and why wasn't he arrested then?huh.png

Probably because most sane people realize a (relatively) peaceful arrangement is preferable to bloodshed.

Also, Suthep, the acting Senate Speaker, and most people we see "on stage" are probably not the ones calling the shots.

Everyone got their own little private Skype chat going.

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The last think the PDRC want is a coup - this give PT and Thaksin more ammunition. He can just say his 'legitimate government' was removed by the military. This will just strengthen the Red Shirt movement, not weaken it. A coup is really the last resort. Its sad that the military is really the only check and balance this country has. Politicians from both sides treat the law with contempt. They get what they deserve in the end.

Its even sadder when people think the army are a check and balance. They are the most corrupt of the lot! they just have lots of guns.

The very fact that the head of the army is exercising restraint because his retirement is coming up, tells you all you need to know about him caring for the country or himself.

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If they were serious about arresting Suthep ( I recall seeing a picture of him walking out of govwrnment house after he sat inside for a couple of hours) escorted by police. As they had him next to them and without his body guard entourage they could have taken him in on all the outstanding warrants. But no they didn't. I think I know the answer why- the "revered" fortune teller has not decided on the auspicious day to arrest him.

I have a half formed idea, and this is my opinion, that the government doesn't actually want to arrest him; he is too good a boogieman to incite their own supporters while at the same time not capable of doing any real or meaningful damage to PTP. The courts they are very affraid of, Suthep not so much.

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Am I missing something, wasn't this clown sacked from government last week a long with Little Miss handbags the PM? Or was that not relevant to this , and if not ,why not? Confused!?facepalm.gif

No, the "clown" is still walking through the streets of BKK. And you can still call his name: SUTHEP. And YES, he got a young wife with handbags. Maybe SHE wants to become the wife of a PM?

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Sooooo. Publicus - you elite military ops volunteer veteran and not just a keyboard warrior you - where are these paratroop m'fers and when are these lower-court-authorized arrests going to happen? Ground insertion just taking a liitle longer than expected or what?

Yeah yeah yeah, I know. Frivolous, frail, marginal, whatever... My editorial staff advises me to consider my audience (but I don't do pompous, pedantic and petulant very well).

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I think almost as many " we will capture & arrest them" as there have been "final pushes".

Ongoing farce!

Thailand won't be quite the same sans Chalerm the same as flood management shall suffer without the water pushing expertise of Prodprasop.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I notice half the Foreign police volunteers have wings on their uniforms, is this the elite force they are going to use??

I'm ready, Colonel Mainwaring....

Sorry to be pedantic but you have just promoted Captain Mainwaring to a Colonel...... were dooooomed!

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Bwahahahahahahahaa!!!!! cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Let me tell you something about Thai so-called 'paratroopers' such as Government employees and police who wear para wings on their uniforms.

I taught a high-ranking civil servant for 9 months and one day he came in wearing his nice white uniform, and there was a set of wings. I told him I'd done a para course when I was in the UK reserves and asked him how many jumps he'd done and what aircraft.

He looked a bit shame-faced and after he shuffled his feet a bit and looked at the floor a lot, he said 'Um, none'.

When I asked him how that could be, he explained that the criterion to 'earn' those para wings was ...

... to jump off a 50 foot tower (without a canopy) in a harness at the end of a rope which is attached to a fan with blades flat on to the air, which slows the descent! In the UK we do about 6 of those before we are even allowed in a plane, never mind jump from one. It's called 'doing the fan'

So bring it on, Thai paras, you've got everyone really impressed with your 'skills'

This was the same 'jump' that Drew Noyes bottled, he still got his wings though.

Actually I'm beginning to think it's only a 33 foot tower (10 metres). If this guy bottled that, then he's a wimp and a half. Having Googled him, he certainly looks one tongue.png

But, this being Thailand, they'd hate him to lose face, so they'd give him his (un-earned and undeserved) wings anyway ...

Edited by Mister Fixit
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I notice half the Foreign police volunteers have wings on their uniforms, is this the elite force they are going to use??

I'm ready, Colonel Mainwaring....

Sorry to be pedantic but you have just promoted Captain Mainwaring to a Colonel...... were dooooomed!


Don't tell them your name Pike!

You could run that programme using a few Thai pollies

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I actually have a set of those wings, and yes, I did get them by jumping off of a 10 meter tower during a school English Camp.tongue.png

I did, however, jump out a real airplane once. It was a real rush, but I was already sailing in the summer and skiing in the winter, so I couldn't afford to take up another expensive sport.

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