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12 dead in attack on Paris newspaper; France goes on alert


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Hollande had just finished making some overtures of lifting sanctions against Russia.

Wrong move my boy. That will lead to Islamic terror!

We'll tell you who to hate, when to hate and how to hate.

Got it.

Not sure what your point here is but when Putin first came to power, there was some apartment bombings going on. And Putin told the US that it was extremist muslims. The US was like , whatever.... Then a month later , 911 happened

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I know what I would do to all these would-be Islamic martyrs. Make them unacceptable in their after-life to the 70 virgins they are supposed to earn.

Maybe make them eat bacon

You don't get the virgins if you ain't got the fishing tackle. Second verse, 4th line.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

This is the whole point, islam is a way of life not a religion, they don't want to integrate, it's their way or the highway.

According to history muslims have tried to conquer the world twice before, 7th century and 11th century but have failed both times. For me personally Allah, is exactly the same as Hitler, they both had the same goal, to rule the world, only time will tell if his wishes come true.

Please don't mix up everything : Islam is a religion and 99.9 % of muslims are rejecting these barbaric terrorists. By posting such absurdities you are contributing to worsening the issue. And since we are talking about extremists, keep in mind that christians, and other religions, have also their followers. Open your eyes.

I beg to differ I don't know of any Christians from the west that are causing terror and killing people in the name of Jesus unless your talking about 800 years ago , in fact not one part of Jesus word mention or says it's ok to kill not one part of that new testaments

I usually consider the IRA a religious (catholic) motivated, foreign (US-Irish) sponsored terrorist organization (not so much anymore now but certainly less than the 800 years you mention). But usually, Christian extremism is so nicely rolled up into day-to-day racism that it's easier to label it with the latter (USA, Russia, some of Eastern Europe to be current examples).

I'm not going to read through 11 pages of predictable ThaiVisa reactions, but I'd wager that nobody mentioned or is even aware of the fact that on the same day, more than 3 times the amount of lives (37) were lost by a car bomb in Yemen, possibly from AQ. Is there a thread here on TV? Didn't see much about it in other news sources. Yemen? Not us, not like us, them, not worth the mention... day-to day racism when even 3 of them are worth less (in news) than one of "us".

Almost all of the victims of Islamic terror are muslims, and yet somehow that is all "their" fault, too? Ah, the bigotry of TV...

"Almost all of the victims of Islamic terror are muslims, and yet somehow that is all "their" fault, too?"

Are you seriously posing that question??? No of course a muslim killing a muslim is not a muslims fault. It's the fault of the west; right?

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When you invite the wolf onto your farm don't start complaining when it slaughters your chickens.

Religion is the root of so much evil on this planet.

Islam is not a religion. Its an ideology. religions assimilate, idiologies dont

Indeed Islam differs from all other religions in many ways and if it was a religion of peace how come so many kills innocent in the name of Allah? Soon we will see these attacks happening all over Europe this is just the beginning and with mass immigration there is plenty of nutjobs going around.

I am pleasantly shocked at how few muslim apologists are in this thread.

Maybe, just maybe there will be some reforms to immigration in the western states.

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O f course the muslims are a peaceful folk.

Especially in London.

They love their families of 10+ children [think of the free government benefits] so much that the women go shop [lifting]ping with 2 or more of their friends

with all the children hanging tightly to the oversized buggies striding 3 abreast along Wood Green High road.and allowing just enough time foir the white folk [whose predecessors died fighting for freedom] just enough time to scuttle out of their way.

What wonderful family people...Just what England needs...

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I am pleasantly shocked at how few muslim apologists are in this thread.

Maybe, just maybe there will be some reforms to immigration in the western states.

I am not an apologist but I do wonder why the strong focus by many

about immigration? Of these three "suspects" weren't two of them French Nationals?

The other it seems is yet unknown nationality wise?

Same in other countries many times we have what we call sympathizers. These are not immigrants

They react to what they have seen reported & perceive/define it as a wrongful action & then react with yet another wrongful action

I know many would like it to be simple so would I


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EU should consider bringing back the death penalty (at least for terror related murders). Note: I am not sure if individual countries of EU can opt to do it by themselves, independent from EU overall (I guess not).

I am saying this not just because of vengeance; I am saying this because of the fact that in jails, such murderers might be seen as heroes by some inmates and might inspire some to go for terror attacks after leaving jail.

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All the snipers are around an apart in- Reims. Those little bastards will not get out of there alive. And, me that loves love - not this time.

I hope you're right. Hunt like they are dogs and kill them.

The trick here is to stay way back and pick them off. They have to come out eventually. The ammo (7.62x39) for the AK-47s they have doesn't have a long range. The 5.56x45 NATO ammo is accurate out to perhaps twice the distance. The AK round is much slower and therefore gravity pulls it down into an arc at a shorter distance. The ammo for the M-14 (7.62 NATO) is much better yet.

That comblock crap is just that - crap.


So, NeverSure, if you awakened tomorrow to read that snipers had picked these three guys off while the three were in their apartment, that the case was now closed, you would be good with that?

You have that much faith that the dogs the government says did it, did it?

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I am pleasantly shocked at how few muslim apologists are in this thread.

Maybe, just maybe there will be some reforms to immigration in the western states.

I am not an apologist but I do wonder why the strong focus by many

about immigration? Of these three "suspects" weren't two of them French Nationals?

The other it seems is yet unknown nationality wise?

Same in other countries many times we have what we call sympathizers. These are not immigrants

They react to what they have seen reported & perceive/define it as a wrongful action & then react with yet another wrongful action

I know many would like it to be simple so would I


Simple to me: They are heavily-armed psychopaths. Any questions?

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Excellent commentary.

Slowly but surely , I think the apologists are starting to figure this out.

Maybe. Apart from a few shocking offensive posts in the first few pages of this thread, the board's resident Islamists apologists have remained quiet.

Maybe hanging their heads in shame somewhere.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

EU should consider bringing back the death penalty (at least for terror related murders). Note: I am not sure if individual countries of EU can opt to do it by themselves, independent from EU overall (I guess not).

I am saying this not just because of vengeance; I am saying this because of the fact that in jails, such murderers might be seen as heroes by some inmates and might inspire some to go for terror attacks after leaving jail.

"EU should consider bringing back the death penalty (at least for terror related murders)"

IMHO, I don't think any of them (terrorists committing offences against the innocent) should make it that far.

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EU should consider bringing back the death penalty (at least for terror related murders). Note: I am not sure if individual countries of EU can opt to do it by themselves, independent from EU overall (I guess not).

I am saying this not just because of vengeance; I am saying this because of the fact that in jails, such murderers might be seen as heroes by some inmates and might inspire some to go for terror attacks after leaving jail.

Depends, solitary confinement for life with nothing to do or read might be a good idea.

No exercise, no visitors, nothing just many years to lay on a bunk and wait for all the virgins in paradise.

Edited by uptheos
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Imagine if French law had allowed its citizens the basic human right of armed self defense.

The organization that suffered the attack was in fact quite a despicable one, nihilistic far left wingers who held in utter contempt the most cherished beliefs of Christian and Moslem alike. But however squalid their aims and methods, by no stretch of a barbaric imaginationwere they due a violent fate, much less one not sanctioned by civil law. It was quite enough that their subscriptions had fallen to nearly a third of its peak to see justice served.

In a world of hateful nihilists and even more hateful savages, the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. I can think of no object I personally find more despise than a gun, but at the end of the day, it is clear that the State can no longer defend us. When that is that case, gun control is abomination.

Despicable : You're a moron and you don't even know what you're talking about.

Gun control abomination : Yes, sure, better in Columbine, Sandy Hook, Virginia Tech... country where you probably come from or live.

You want the list, just as a reminder:


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This happened because of French racism, unemployment, and poverty. We know this because the talking heads on CNN says that it is so. It's the French's fault. And now we must worry about all those "backlashes" that actually never really occur. Oh, by the way, 12 people were just killed but that isn't as important as the racism against muslims.

Islam isn't a race.

But congratulations on the popularity of your post.

Edited by Globeman
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Please don't mix up everything : Islam is a religion and 99.9 % of muslims are rejecting these barbaric terrorists. By posting such absurdities you are contributing to worsening the issue. And since we are talking about extremists, keep in mind that christians, and other religions, have also their followers. Open your eyes.

99.9% you say. You just made that up didn't you???

I wouldnt expect an answer from him because that is a totally made up statistic and undefendable. I wonder why he would lie?

The official estimate is 20% of the world's Muslim population are fundamentalists, so roughly 300 million people which is a disturbing amount in itself. The true figure is probably closer to 40% but in countries like Pakistan it would be much higher. This doesn't mean that all of those people plan to take up arms or kill infidels it's just likely means that they agree and support those who do.

This trait of terrorism associated with Islam is not a regional thing because it is true in every country from Africa, the Middle East, Asia and even the West. There are British born Muslims who were educated in the UK who are extremely radical and are fighting in the IS, the same for every European country.

So what is the one single common factor that all of these terrorists share? It is not a culture, regional, racial or social factor. The only thing that all of the terrorists from all over the planet have in common is Islam so anyone who says that Islam does not create terrorists from an alarmingly high percentage of its followers are deniers or apologists.

And while we are talking about statistics, what percentage of all suicide bombers have been Muslim?

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I know what I would do to all these would-be Islamic martyrs. Make them unacceptable in their after-life to the 70 virgins they are supposed to earn.

Maybe make them eat bacon

. According to Rear Admiral D.P. Mannix, who fought the Moros as a young lieutenant from 1907–1908, the Americans exploited Muslim taboos by wrapping dead Moros in pig's skin and "stuffing [their] mouth with pork", thereby deterring the Moros from continuing with their suicide attacks.

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