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So whats happened to Costas then?


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I've noticed for the last few weeks our Greek friend has been strangely silent.....

Is this because the repeatedly caustic comments some members reply to him with have finally got through his thick skin or is it something more serious???

Answers on a postcard please.....

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Maybe he is visiting family and friends in Greece. anyway, I hope he comes back soon. We still have not resolved the "why there aren't more goats in Thailand" controversy.

as far as other Posters are concerned, In my many years in this forum, I have seen many come and go

I think it is a combination of many factors, some get older and have health problems. others get frustrated with the forum, others get suspended and never come back, or banned.

What happened to David48 , I enjoyed reading about his farm life and kids, Last I knew of him he was in the running for poster of the year.

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Blimey, some of you lot sound like a "big girls blouse"............coffee1.gif

For christ's sake Costas s missing and all you can think is busty girls?

get a grip man,what if he broke a leg, or fell in a well

maybe we need to send Lassie out to find him,

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Blimey, some of you lot sound like a "big girls blouse"............coffee1.gif

For christ's sake Costas s missing and all you can think is busty girls?

get a grip man,what if he broke a leg, or fell in a well

maybe we need to send Lassie out to find him,

Don't give us false hope.

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What happened to David48 , I enjoyed reading about his farm life and kids, Last I knew of him he was in the running for poster of the year.

Lost the plot and was disappeared

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Costas is throwing the toys out of the pram after being suspended (??), not banned, because he is still checking in and "liking" posts.

Okay my Greek friend, you have made your point!!

So stop the nonsense!! I miss our fights..................

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whistling.gif On a similar topic, does anyone else remember that Thai girl who was going to the Netherlands to study in a university there a few years back.?

Cant remember her user name.

I remember she wrote she had made it to a University in the Netherlands......and how surprised she was about how many school reports she had to write for her classes.

Apparently she had never done such reports in her school classes in Thailand.

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Last I heard he was out looking for a Nana Maskouri album to add to his fine collection.

The weather's getting colder in Australia now, but I don't mind.

The wife and kid are doing well, hope you're also feeling well.

Best wishes, Kris.

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whistling.gif On a similar topic, does anyone else remember that Thai girl who was going to the Netherlands to study in a university there a few years back.?

Cant remember her user name.

I remember she wrote she had made it to a University in the Netherlands......and how surprised she was about how many school reports she had to write for her classes.

Apparently she had never done such reports in her school classes in Thailand.

That was the absolutely delightful BambinA :P

A great loss to the Pets and Vets forum, I wonder how she's doing now. I was in Utrecht whilst she was at Uni there but couldn't get in touch for a beer and bite :(

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