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Police hunt thugs who brutally attacked British family in Hua Hin

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Sick and tired of all the Thai Thuggery that. goes on all tge time that was appalling I advise everybody not to go to that bad place called Thailand it is not the land of smiles but the land of violence it happens all the time... they are a violent race and don't say they're not they are

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well those of us who live here know about the thai male. ego, 100% of the females i know have had the sh*t kicked out of them by an ex husband or boyfriend,, gutless little toe rags, and we all know the outcome., yes nothing . move on

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This is appalling.

Perpetrators are appalling.

Passive watchers are appalling.

Comments of many people here are appalling.

Why do you always have to raise the race card ?

Do you understand that every time you make generalizations about any race, it is RACISM, plain and simple.

Stop thinking in terms of race, them against us, etc... That is prehistoric tribal thinking, and that is exactly the root-cause of such conflicts.

We live in community on this planet, and we have rules, laws, so start thinking in terms of crime.

Whatever the reason, such violence is a crime, and the law should punish the criminals, full stop.

There is a vast majority of very nice thai people, but there are also thai scums.

There is a vast majority of very nice westerners, but there are also western scums.

We have different cultures, but we are all humans.

What is really appalling is the level of consciousness (or lack thereof) of the human race as a whole.

We cannot be called a civilization, as long as we treat each others (and animals, and nature) with such lack of respect.

Our fake "civilization" is based on technological gadgets, but a good portion of us still lack the basic awareness to be called a human.

It is always easy to see the fault in the other, but real integrity is to live up to our own responsibilities.

I feel sorry for the family, i feel sorry for mankind, and I feel sorry for everything that we destroy.

In the end, what we do to others, we do to ourselves.

This is what I have to say, and I will not answer replies to my post.


Don't be so self-righteous.

Add a mixture of delusion and myopia.

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Tourists are at fault here. They initiated the situation by shoving/pushing the guy out of the way. They then started an argument and the lady threw the first punch at one of the Thai guys in the face.Very very stupid thing to do.

That doesn't justify the beating dished out, but it explains the causation. They started a fight and got beat up.

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Yep, s##t happens sometimes, had Songkran been celebrated in UK, the hoodies and the chavs would've created more havoc and mindless violence than this. All the "share this with everyone you know" crowd, are you also this enthusiastic about sharing good experiences you may encounter in TH, or do you just enjoy a good whinge?

Actually, you are quite wrong. The notting hill carnival is of equivalent to what happens on Songkran here in Bangkok and much bigger than Hua Hin's songkran effort. Of course incidents have happened, in the past (1980's/early 90's), including stabbings, but it is pretty rare now to have such a problem at these events in the UK. This of course is due to the overwhelming police presence that you would find at such an event and the resources law enforcement of a western country can afford to push at it, is far greater than what can be afforded here in Thailand.

As much as I am disgusted by this video and the actions of these people, this really isn't "an only thai problem", this happens around the world and in some places they would of finished them off by cutting the throats of those lying on the ground. it's shocking, yes share it, tell people to be careful when on holiday, but please measure your responses.

You must let me know the name of the optician who sold you those rose-coloured specs, I could do with some myself. As it is, I'm completely appalled by this video. Those responsible for this attack aren't human let alone Buddhist. They're monsters.

I'm 72yoa now and I've never heard of two elderly people and their young child being beaten unconcious in a public place with a crowd looking on and not intervening.

I've been in Thailand now for nine years and it just seems to be getting worse. I had very high hopes when I first arrived believing in the "Land of smiles" blx. If I wasn't married to a Thai I'd have beggered off years ago.

C'mon you rosie-specs brigade, tell me if I don't like it I don't have to stay here. You lot who try to make light of these things are almost as bad as those who perpetrate them.

I guess at 72 years old...

Watching old people getting beat up is really disturbing..

And you must really need prescription glasses, cuz no child was beating up..

Sounds like it's time for you and your Thai wife -- or just you to depart the LOS to your home country, where apparently old people can go around smacking younger people with no fear of getting "Knock Out" in retaliation...

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Avoid confrontations whilst intoxicated with Thai people,


Well let me try to educate YOU a bit better then.

As a stable de facto resident of Thailand for a decade, i find i natural to take care of the environment where i live in, so, as my usual, one day i was cleaning up from all the rubbish trowed up from the thai and ONLY thai that live around here, from the foothpath fronting my property, i don't think this is unreasonable, well, the guy living on the other side of the road from me, which i never ever seen grabbing a brum even once, to even clean around his house, came to me and was sort of tense, he asked me what i was doing, and i said with a smile that i was cleaning the foothpath fronting my home (as that wasn't clear enough yet for this guy apparently), then he started telling me with an angry voice that "...this is Thailand!!! You are a farang and you CANNOT DO THAT!" , i that point i replied very calmly and try to let him understand that there was nothing wrong or bad in cleaning outside my home, as the rubbish with a little wind will end up just inside my property, but his loud reply attracted a crowd of people, around 10, one of which came slowly toward me and grabbed my wrists, at that point the angry one started punching me with such a force and repeatedly that the resulting wounds needed to be stitched up at an hospital, i did NOT react, not even verbally.

Just after the attack, i went straight to the local police station, all covered in blood to make a report, voluntarily did not clean up myself to make them take a better notice of what had just happened.

They make me wait for a while and none of the police officer was really interested, but they wrote down a report, then i went to the hospital, and after a doctor wrote down a report, i ask for a copy of it but they told me that i could not have it because a (mysterious) police officer had taken everything.

During the following few days i went repeatedly to that police station to complain because NOBODY was doing anything and my aggressor was just doing as his usual at his home (i could see everything as he just live opposite to me), i asked to see the officer in charge of the station, but NONE of the big officers was apparently willing to listen to me, only a lieutenat replied to me very annoyed that they already did everything and i should go away.....this is Thailand for you!

Another day i had an unknown person parking his shining pick up just on front of my vehicle's entrance, i gently asked if he could move it as i had no other entrance, he took his gun out, pointed to my face and pulled the trigger, but it was unloaded, then he asked his mate to give him some bullets, loaded the gun, and first pointed at point black against me again, then fired a bullet into my land just next to me........what to say? Sabai sabai.

I don't blame these people for their wild and violent actions, the real blame is for the institutions that by treating "farangs" as rubbish, are simply educating the rest of the people which is ok to do that and they are in fact encouraged to prove their greatness this way.

THat is an unfortunate situation and a terrible story.

Pursue it further and it can only get worse, you realise that ?

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The Thais are the biggest racist people you will ever meet the only reason they tolerate foreigners is because of our money pure and simple they are evil

I'll disagree with the biggest racist people to ever meet..

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Pussys . I'm sorry but these little mugs wouldn't do this to someone sober or half the age of this family . The tourist industry should be damaged by this as these little rats have been getting away with this for decades

They are pussies! But they will do the same to sober and young men. They do it all the time and there are videos of some of them.

They won't fight one on one, or even two on one. They use pipe and baseball bats on their victims, conscious or not.

They don't fear punishment because usually there is none. There is a lot of hatred simmering beneath the surface.

It will get worse before it gets better!

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You think the drunk, already agitated Thai men, if slapped in the face or sucker punched by anyone other than a white tourist, would simply have turned the other cheek?

You're right she was asking for it.

But aren't you a feminist? One of those guys that usually claims 'they asked for it' isn't an excuse?

Must be hard, being a 'Thai apologist' and a 'feminist' and a supporter of 'western women' when this happens.

Now you have a Thai man beating an elderly western woman, who to support?

Guess you aren't that big a supporter of western feminism after all.

If she were meek and mild and accepted her place in society, it would never have happened ...... type of thing?

But no, she stood up for her son, that'll teach her.

Edited by BritManToo
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This is appalling.

Perpetrators are appalling.

Passive watchers are appalling.

Comments of many people here are appalling.

Why do you always have to raise the race card ?

Do you understand that every time you make generalizations about any race, it is RACISM, plain and simple.

Stop thinking in terms of race, them against us, etc... That is prehistoric tribal thinking, and that is exactly the root-cause of such conflicts.

We live in community on this planet, and we have rules, laws, so start thinking in terms of crime.

Whatever the reason, such violence is a crime, and the law should punish the criminals, full stop.

There is a vast majority of very nice thai people, but there are also thai scums.

There is a vast majority of very nice westerners, but there are also western scums.

We have different cultures, but we are all humans.

What is really appalling is the level of consciousness (or lack thereof) of the human race as a whole.

We cannot be called a civilization, as long as we treat each others (and animals, and nature) with such lack of respect.

Our fake "civilization" is based on technological gadgets, but a good portion of us still lack the basic awareness to be called a human.

It is always easy to see the fault in the other, but real integrity is to live up to our own responsibilities.

I feel sorry for the family, i feel sorry for mankind, and I feel sorry for everything that we destroy.

In the end, what we do to others, we do to ourselves.

This is what I have to say, and I will not answer replies to my post.


Don't be so self-righteous.
Remember, he's not going to respond to any replies to this naive, childish, self righteous nonsense.

I understand that he's on a higher level to people masquerading as humans.

Edited by BaldPlumber
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I wonder if the fact that this story has just hit the UK press is what has 'sprung' this 'manhunt into action several weeks after it went national in Thailand?

You think Thailand really cares what some small islands 5000 miles away print in their newspapers?

If it affects the tourism industry, those making money from it do care.

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Sick and tired of all the Thai Thuggery that. goes on all tge time that was appalling I advise everybody not to go to that bad place called Thailand it is not the land of smiles but the land of violence it happens all the time... they are a violent race and don't say they're not they are

They're not... And it does not happen all the time drama queen..

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Pussys . I'm sorry but these little mugs wouldn't do this to someone sober or half the age of this family . The tourist industry should be damaged by this as these little rats have been getting away with this for decades

They are pussies! But they will do the same to sober and young men. They do it all the time and there are videos of some of them.

They won't fight one on one, or even two on one. They use pipe and baseball bats on their victims, conscious or not.

They don't fear punishment because usually there is none. There is a lot of hatred simmering beneath the surface.

It will get worse before it gets better!

The fact that there are no real repercussions to bad behavior is instilled in Thai males from an early age. I taught at a school where a 15 year old slashed someone with a blade. Not the first time either. He stayed in school that day...made jokes about it and the punishment was his mom paying 4000 baht to the victim's family. This is Thailand...get used to it mates.

Edited by tonray
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Well what can you say about this attack on a British family? Maybe the first time they are in Thailand and do not know the Thai culture. The British tourists start the incident and now they are innocent, maybe they thought it is the same as in the UK. What they have failed to understand is not to get involved in an argument with Thais. The guy in black pushes a Thai man in the passing by with his hand and he react back by pushing the farang. Obviously he is not to sober, lose his balance and knock his head. The women get involved in an argument with him and slap him in the face. Now my question is who started this argument? The Thais or the British tourists? IN the eyes of foreigners, tourists can do whatever they want to do and get away with it. It is time that foreigners respect the country they visit and its people.

The mob that got involved in the attack on the tourist has nothing to do with this argument and should be taught a lesson by the authorities and not just a slap on the hand and 200 THB fine. It is a total disgrace the behavior of the young tugs. They have no respect for themselves neither the country they live in.

Now for the people who have all negative comments on this blog about Thailand and that it must be shared worldwide how bad Thailand is. Why are you in Thailand and why are you spending all your hard earned savings in such a bad country. Why not stay home and enjoy your money in your own country then you will not sit with the misbehavior of Thais.

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It seems that a lot of people enjoy the show , as nobody move to intervene. Hope these gangsters will be seriously punished . this video will be watch worlwide with all its consequences.

Yes but unsurprisingly the Thai tv stations here Hav kept quiet on this an also the PM, just a racist country that is getting out of control.

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Pussys . I'm sorry but these little mugs wouldn't do this to someone sober or half the age of this family . The tourist industry should be damaged by this as these little rats have been getting away with this for decades

They are pussies! But they will do the same to sober and young men. They do it all the time and there are videos of some of them.

They won't fight one on one, or even two on one. They use pipe and baseball bats on their victims, conscious or not.

They don't fear punishment because usually there is none. There is a lot of hatred simmering beneath the surface.

It will get worse before it gets better!

And envy and these are terribly retarding human emotions. l think that the fact Thais are not personally empowered to advance themselves realistically with their labour and intellectual pursuits in commercial pathways is the biggest reason for this distain.

Also, Thailand is not as diverse as we think. They do not have natural multicultural perspectives on alternative ethnics within their sense of nationalism. Very inner looking with primitive defensive responses.

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Many of the commenters on these pages have made judgments as if all the facts are known at this stage.

32 year old Thai man kicks a 65 year old woman's teeth out on a busy street, then carries on kicking until she's unconscious.

What further facts do you think anyone needs to make a judgement?

In case you wonder, my judgement, 5-10 years in jail.

Proper judgments are made on ALL the facts. There are SOME facts ( the main ones, I agree) that are undeniable. Judges don't determine the final outcome of a case only regarding factors of innocence or guilt. How do you think the judges and Establishment as a whole would treat the case if the Brits had bad-mouthed about the King or insulted Buddha to those Thais? They would be stoutly defended for the mitigating circumstances.

I am as outraged as you about what has happened but if provocation is proven it has an effect on sentencing.

Sorry, I cannot agree on the "string 'em up" mentality.

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You think the drunk, already agitated Thai men, if slapped in the face or sucker punched by anyone other than a white tourist, would simply have turned the other cheek?

You're right she was asking for it.

But aren't you a feminist? One of those guys that usually claims 'they asked for it' isn't an excuse?

Must be hard, being a 'Thai apologist' and a 'feminist' and a supporter of 'western women' when this happens.

Now you have a Thai man beating an elderly western woman, who to support?

Guess you aren't that big a supporter of western feminism after all.

If she were meek and mild and accepted her place in society, it would never have happened ...... type of thing?

But no, she stood up for her son, that'll teach her.

Bless. You're trying ever so hard, aren't you!

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To all Farangs reading and commenting in this thread.

To those that live here,how many of you will pack your bags and leave due to this incident ?

To those that come to Thailand on Holiday, how many of you will stop coming due to this incident ?

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If Thai people hate farangs, why do they keep marrying them?

Thai men hate farangs. I fact I am of the opinion most of them, unless connected and powerful, hate themselves too.
Agree! Most of them haven't achieved much in their live and envy everybody with a little bit more they have.
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What they left was a bloody mess. They never fight alone and I hope that some people who read this will understand that.

I couldn't agree more. Yes, they would never fight alone. This often is the trade mark of a typical coward. And the other reason is jealousy. You are farang, you are rich. If you don't share your money with me, you deserve to be attacked.

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Avoid confrontations whilst intoxicated with Thai people,


Well let me try to educate YOU a bit better then.

As a stable de facto resident of Thailand for a decade, i find i natural to take care of the environment where i live in, so, as my usual, one day i was cleaning up from all the rubbish trowed up from the thai and ONLY thai that live around here, from the foothpath fronting my property, i don't think this is unreasonable, well, the guy living on the other side of the road from me, which i never ever seen grabbing a brum even once, to even clean around his house, came to me and was sort of tense, he asked me what i was doing, and i said with a smile that i was cleaning the foothpath fronting my home (as that wasn't clear enough yet for this guy apparently), then he started telling me with an angry voice that "...this is Thailand!!! You are a farang and you CANNOT DO THAT!" , i that point i replied very calmly and try to let him understand that there was nothing wrong or bad in cleaning outside my home, as the rubbish with a little wind will end up just inside my property, but his loud reply attracted a crowd of people, around 10, one of which came slowly toward me and grabbed my wrists, at that point the angry one started punching me with such a force and repeatedly that the resulting wounds needed to be stitched up at an hospital, i did NOT react, not even verbally.

Just after the attack, i went straight to the local police station, all covered in blood to make a report, voluntarily did not clean up myself to make them take a better notice of what had just happened.

They make me wait for a while and none of the police officer was really interested, but they wrote down a report, then i went to the hospital, and after a doctor wrote down a report, i ask for a copy of it but they told me that i could not have it because a (mysterious) police officer had taken everything.

During the following few days i went repeatedly to that police station to complain because NOBODY was doing anything and my aggressor was just doing as his usual at his home (i could see everything as he just live opposite to me), i asked to see the officer in charge of the station, but NONE of the big officers was apparently willing to listen to me, only a lieutenat replied to me very annoyed that they already did everything and i should go away.....this is Thailand for you!

Another day i had an unknown person parking his shining pick up just on front of my vehicle's entrance, i gently asked if he could move it as i had no other entrance, he took his gun out, pointed to my face and pulled the trigger, but it was unloaded, then he asked his mate to give him some bullets, loaded the gun, and first pointed at point black against me again, then fired a bullet into my land just next to me........what to say? Sabai sabai.

I don't blame these people for their wild and violent actions, the real blame is for the institutions that by treating "farangs" as rubbish, are simply educating the rest of the people which is ok to do that and they are in fact encouraged to prove their greatness this way.

This story sums up the attitude Thais have towards foreigners perfectly. We are viewed to be at the same level as a soi dog and we have seen what happens to stray dogs in the news lately. Thai rak Thai.

Edited by Dodgydownunder
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The Thais are the biggest racist people you will ever meet the only reason they tolerate foreigners is because of our money pure and simple they are evil

I'll disagree with the biggest racist people to ever meet..

I will whole heartdely dis-agree.

Are we being enslaved and segregated like blacks were in the States? Sensationalist nonsense. The great majority of Thai people like are just pretty "meh" to foreigners. Of course there are some that dislike foreigners but show me a country that doesn't have a racist contingent.

These were some pissed/yaba'd up idiots looking for a fight. It is the authorities here I have zero faith in.

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To all Farangs reading and commenting in this thread.

To those that live here,how many of you will pack your bags and leave due to this incident ?

To those that come to Thailand on Holiday, how many of you will stop coming due to this incident ?

I won't leave but there are precautions I follow, every country has it's own commonsense rules to stay safe, including my home USA.

Here I:

1) Don't drink except at home

2) Don't live out in the sticks where I stand out even more

3) Never have anything more than a "Hello, How are you?" discussion with any Thai male

4) Stay away from Thai centered events (like Songkran celebrations) where men will be drunk

5) Never argue or accuse a Thai of anything (that includes smiling at the guy I caught trying to lift my wallet on the bus last week)

Given these rules...I feel pretty safe. Safer than walking down the street in NYC or LA, fearing I turned down the wrong alley or got on the wrong train after dark.

Learn about the places you live or travel to and you will be a lot better off.

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