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The "Form" has arrived in Chiang Mai from what I understand.


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I went down to Immigration the other day, grabbed 8 copies (4 for me, 4 for my wife,) and she mailed her 90-day report in this afternoon, including the new form. She left off a lot of stuff that was not required (no need for a bank account for a 90-day, she has no car, doesn't have an address in another country, doesn't hang out anywhere, etc., etc.)

Give us 10 days and I'll let you know if it worked.

If you still have one of those eight forms, could you please scan it and post it here? I'm interested to see what version the Chiang Mai immigration office currently uses.

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If they offered a free pink card with every correctly filled in form people would be falling over backwards to supply the info, and would quite happily be finger-printed and tagged to get one. They'd quite happily tell them not only which bars they use, but what their favourite number is.

Edited by Chiengmaijoe
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I went down to Immigration the other day, grabbed 8 copies (4 for me, 4 for my wife,) and she mailed her 90-day report in this afternoon, including the new form. She left off a lot of stuff that was not required (no need for a bank account for a 90-day, she has no car, doesn't have an address in another country, doesn't hang out anywhere, etc., etc.)

Give us 10 days and I'll let you know if it worked.

If you still have one of those eight forms, could you please scan it and post it here? I'm interested to see what version the Chiang Mai immigration office currently uses.

It's identical to the form that Nancy posted in #55

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Yesterday I did 90-day report for myself and an invalid friend, no form was offered to me.

Also I still maintain that it is not an official "TM" form, I dispute it's legality The downloaded copy of this

form has NO TM number. I thought most if not all Immigration Forms are prefixed "TM", although could

be wrong?


This was Soi 5 Jomtien

You dispute it`s legality. That must be scaring the pants off them at immigration.

I have already downloaded the form onto my computer, the PDF version that allows the form to be filled in on the computer and then printed out. When my 90 day is due again I will take the completed form with attached photo, and if they want it fine, if not who cares. These days I just go along with whatever immigration throws at me, not worth getting stressed and fighting against it, because in the end they will win out anyway.

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Sorry I will not fill it out . Only personal information about names. They will not get anything else from me. If they protest I'll just move to Cambodia for a while.

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Yesterday I did 90-day report for myself and an invalid friend, no form was offered to me.

Also I still maintain that it is not an official "TM" form, I dispute it's legality The downloaded copy of this

form has NO TM number. I thought most if not all Immigration Forms are prefixed "TM", although could

be wrong?


This was Soi 5 Jomtien

You dispute it`s legality. That must be scaring the pants off them at immigration.

I have already downloaded the form onto my computer, the PDF version that allows the form to be filled in on the computer and then printed out. When my 90 day is due again I will take the completed form with attached photo, and if they want it fine, if not who cares. These days I just go along with whatever immigration throws at me, not worth getting stressed and fighting against it, because in the end they will win out anyway.


Other than the optional material, this 'new' form doesn't really ask for any 'new' information. We've given it all before. And should the optional material someday become mandatory, well... there are ways to fill that out with valid, honest information that says nothing. Yes, I frequent Central Festival Mall and the Sunday Walking Street...

No need to get upset just because there is one more form to fill out. Thailand has yet to come anywhere close to some other countries when it comes to bureaucracy.

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Just did my annual extension application in Bangkok yesterday. Was given the new form. All was in a hurry, as they had a mad rush before the Holidays....

Anyway, they had already circled the question the wanted me to answer. Very few actually.

1) address in Thailand

2) names of parents

3) contact person for emergencies

That was all. Was not even given enough time to read the rest. Sign and go....

That was in Bangkok, Chaeng Wattana.

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This is typical sensationalized bullcrap on TVF. I got the one sided form with my re-entry permit at CNX the other night. No banking info was asked. It asked for one Thai contact, and one farang contact. I didn't even have an address for my Thai contact, and the address for the farang was in the US. It specifically states that the social media stuff is optional, and would be used if they needed to get in touch with you. I guess it's a real attention grabber for the invalids. Did it ever occur to many that they have used a lot of resources trying to located families of dead farangs, or farangs needing critical medical attention? It might save your life. If you're putting illegal stuff on FB; not telling them your account is really not going to help you. Pick your battles carefully.

No, it's not "...sensationalized bullcrap..."

You got the short form with your re-entry permit, but if you do a 90 day report in person you will get the long form like everybody else.

I got the same form...bank account info, only for certain types of visa applications...so clearly not applicable to 90 or re-entry permit. Emergency contacts...why not? Passports could be 10 years old, and many don't put a contact in there anyways. Like Nancy stated: "Overblown."

I would bet a lot of farang are taking this opportunity to give a lot of grief about this to Immigration Officers, and that surely isn't going to help anything. 90 day reports in person? A clear indicator or personal issues, as well.

Rambling drivel.

Thighlander was a high point.

Bangmai showed signs of deterioration.

This latest incarnation plumbs the depths.

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I would guess that since there has been no real 'formal' announcement about these forms that there will be several weeks of leeway time given before Immigration clamps down and demands them every time.

That is probably what will happen.

It is hard to imagine that things will get any easier or less complicated for farangs

Although there was one notable exception in 1992 when the requirement to obtain a Tax Clearance Certificate before leaving Thailand was abolished by the Anand Panyarachun government.

Since then the situation has become increasingly difficult.

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I would guess that since there has been no real 'formal' announcement about these forms that there will be several weeks of leeway time given before Immigration clamps down and demands them every time.

That is probably what will happen.

It is hard to imagine that things will get any easier or less complicated for farangs

Although there was one notable exception in 1992 when the requirement to obtain a Tax Clearance Certificate before leaving Thailand was abolished by the Anand Panyarachun government.

Since then the situation has become increasingly difficult.

This form is more than 50% of stuff that they already know and considering the fact that it is part of your 90 day report and visa application, what exactly is the point in providing that same information again, and again, and again, and ...... ?

1. Photo - they have already with whatever visa the applicant has.

2. Name, nationality, DOB, passport number - they have already

3. Home Country address - something new. I haven't lived there for 30 years, but if they want an address I can give them one.

4. Address , workplace in Thailand - they have already

5. Social media - the only optional question , and most people won't fill it in.

6. Vehicle number - something new but that info should be with motor vehicle registry people anyway, and plenty of people's cars are in the wife's name.

7 Frequently visited places - not optional, but most people will provide info that is as good as useless.

8. Emergency contact info - nothing wrong with that , I suppose

9. Bank account number - only required for certain visas, for which they have that info anyway!

So my questions -

1 Isn't immigration busy enough without adding this mound of information?

2 Is it needed for every 90 day report and visa application - as much as 5 times a year?

I can understand those that argue 'what's the harm?', but my reply would be what is the point, and where does it end?

Who here isn't tired of reporting every 90 days, or the renewal visa process, providing the same information over and over and still finding that they've just come up with some new piece of information they need or another page of your passport that they need a copy of?

For those of you that don't mind wasting time, and consider themselves to be 'guests' in this country and are happy to comply, good for you, but some us that live here, and have done so for almost 30 years, that have a wife, a family, a home and business here, the endless need to provide the same info over and over, and their desire to continually change the requirements, or even add to it, is getting pretty tiresome.

If they want to give us a form that we can fill in with 'emergency contact' info and then leave it at that - fine, but filling in yet another form, with yet another photo (not over 6 months, do not smile (why should we?), white background only) and the same info, every 90 days and with your visa application..... give us a break.

I'm sure immigration staff are not too happy with the extra workload, or the ill-feeling that they will have to deal with as a result of this. When will someone at the top come up with the idea of simplifying this mess, as opposed to adding to it? They did at the Labour office, to the point were renewing a work permit is an in and out process that on average takes less than 10 minutes, with next to no paperwork and the option of a 2 year extension!!

Edited by Chiengmaijoe
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Who here isn't tired of reporting


You know when my wife became a US citizen it was a little bit hard...had forms to fill...

fees to pay...time to wait...multiple checks etc...but it got done

Also......before that for the previous 3 years she lived in the US first she had a 2 year green card or temp residence

Apply once & not have to see them again for 2 years

Next after the 2 year expires they gave her a 10 yr green card or permanent residence ( so no return needed for 10 years)

But...After having that for only 1 year she became eligible for the 3 year total time needed for US citizenship

breezed through the test & all done...Never to return again to US immigration

So yes having seen that she did always shake her head a bit when seeing what I had to go to remain legal here.

She always asked why? I always answered why ask why it is your country 5555 smile.png

So yes I would say we were both tired of it & like you I wonder about the same things you asked such as...

"that have a wife, a family, a home and business here, the endless need to provide the same info over and over"

So we are going to take a break & leave for awhile...After 5 years maybe it is just time...We did keep our US home so that makes it easier for us

Maybe we will be right back who knows smile.png

Tired of reporting? wink.png Yep


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I agree completely with Chiengmaijoe, however I will bite the bullet, fill out the form and supply a copy to Assist Thai Visa if they require it. But I do have one question, why on earth would anyone need the names of my parents who have been deceased for decades?

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I have already downloaded the form onto my computer, the PDF version that allows the form to be filled in on the computer and then printed out. When my 90 day is due again I will take the completed form with attached photo, and if they want it fine, if not who cares. These days I just go along with whatever immigration throws at me, not worth getting stressed and fighting against it, because in the end they will win out anyway.

I've also downloaded the form from Don's website (which is the same form linked by Nancy above) as I like to fill out the thing on the computer ahead of time; however, I'm not sure if it's the same form as the one Chiangmai Immigration is using and I also don't have a clue if Don's form [which has within it a fixed Recording Agency (SUB - DIV.3, IMM. DIV. 1) contains the proper Division Number for Chiangmai Immigration.

I don't mind most of the questions but, other than telephone number and bank information (which Immigration already has), I'm listing "NONE" on all the other personal questions just because I don't intend to share that info with Immigration (for example, I don't want to have to Immigration to be able to see what I'm saying about them to friends.

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If you do your 90 day report at CM Immigration Promenada you must have it.

Last week I was also asked for a photo as well.

Nope. I use an agent. Haven't seen immigration in years.

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Don's website is so cluttered I couldn't find anything like this form.

I don't mind providing personal information if there is a rationalisation for providing it.

I don't believe there is compelling evidence that reporting every 90 days provides data useful in preventing crime or bettering the experience of the resident foreigner.

If knowing what bank I use or what grocery store I frequent had some reasonable merit for the authorities to know about, then I would feel okay about relinquishing this information. But I see no point to know this other than simply being intrusive and nosey.

Besides, much of the information they want us to provide we have already given them innumerable times. How many copies of Trujillo's passport does immigration have? Probably over 20 copies, I'd guess.

Thais don't care about inconveniencing foreigners nor do they take into consideration what consequences their actions might have. Someone decided up the food chain to ask for more information -- maybe simply to impress his boss as to how "on the ball" he is with overseeing foreigners -- without any regard or real interest about what the information would be used for or even how it would be stored. The boss says push the pencil, we push the pencil. It's stupid, redundant and practically useless? Push that pencil....

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Don's website is so cluttered I couldn't find anything like this form.

I don't mind providing personal information if there is a rationalisation for providing it.

I don't believe there is compelling evidence that reporting every 90 days provides data useful in preventing crime or bettering the experience of the resident foreigner.

If knowing what bank I use or what grocery store I frequent had some reasonable merit for the authorities to know about, then I would feel okay about relinquishing this information. But I see no point to know this other than simply being intrusive and nosey.

Besides, much of the information they want us to provide we have already given them innumerable times. How many copies of Trujillo's passport does immigration have? Probably over 20 copies, I'd guess.

Thais don't care about inconveniencing foreigners nor do they take into consideration what consequences their actions might have. Someone decided up the food chain to ask for more information -- maybe simply to impress his boss as to how "on the ball" he is with overseeing foreigners -- without any regard or real interest about what the information would be used for or even how it would be stored. The boss says push the pencil, we push the pencil. It's stupid, redundant and practically useless? Push that pencil....


In the 30+ years I've been here I've given them enough photos to fill a large album.

That is, unless they've thrown some away... perish the thought.

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Give them the (right) bank account number?

Sorry immigration, if you give me the written guarantee that your datas are safe by 100% and that you would give me back the stolen money in the case of stolen Immi-datas then I would think about giving this information. But everybody knows about "TiT", no responsibility if mistakes or flaws in the bureaucracy become publicly known.

We have the verified information by a village officer that there are (police?)spys in plain clothes in the village. Some questions - i.e. concerning my favorite places - fit these "controls". I guess our village is not the only one in T. with such a kind of informers. Although I have nothing to hide there should be a limit. Especially I will answer the question of my favorite places as follows: toilet, reading newspaper.

All these questions are as useful as an appendix.

Edited by puck2
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OK, the good folks at the CCCC Classifieds Team have updated the form to eliminate a field that was specific to a different region and have a PDF version HERE: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxSGYuI6fMQiTThfRW9XbFB3ZzJnemVuN1hRUWlaeV9md09z/view

They suggest that the purpose is indeed similar to the purpose of our Embassy's consular section services, i.e. to locate us and our emergency contacts in time of emergency. The most important information is our contact details and that of our emergency contacts, including our parents. Why parents, even if deceased? Well, that can be used to identify people with the same given names. Other fields aren't mandatory, according to the CCCC Classifieds. They urge people to complete this form in advance and always have extra photos with them when they plan to deal with Immigration.

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OK, the good folks at the CCCC Classifieds Team have updated the form to eliminate a field that was specific to a different region and have a PDF version HERE: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxSGYuI6fMQiTThfRW9XbFB3ZzJnemVuN1hRUWlaeV9md09z/view

They suggest that the purpose is indeed similar to the purpose of our Embassy's consular section services, i.e. to locate us and our emergency contacts in time of emergency. The most important information is our contact details and that of our emergency contacts, including our parents. Why parents, even if deceased? Well, that can be used to identify people with the same given names. Other fields aren't mandatory, according to the CCCC Classifieds. They urge people to complete this form in advance and always have extra photos with them when they plan to deal with Immigration.

If they wanted contact information once, that wouldn't be so bad, but my suspicion is that they'll want it every time you step in the place. Another reason for doing 90 day by post or online.

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OK, the good folks at the CCCC Classifieds Team have updated the form to eliminate a field that was specific to a different region and have a PDF version HERE: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxSGYuI6fMQiTThfRW9XbFB3ZzJnemVuN1hRUWlaeV9md09z/view

They suggest that the purpose is indeed similar to the purpose of our Embassy's consular section services, i.e. to locate us and our emergency contacts in time of emergency. The most important information is our contact details and that of our emergency contacts, including our parents. Why parents, even if deceased? Well, that can be used to identify people with the same given names. Other fields aren't mandatory, according to the CCCC Classifieds. They urge people to complete this form in advance and always have extra photos with them when they plan to deal with Immigration.

If they wanted contact information once, that wouldn't be so bad, but my suspicion is that they'll want it every time you step in the place. Another reason for doing 90 day by post or online.

This form could be the 90 days by mail killer. They could demand that you bring it in.
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OK, the good folks at the CCCC Classifieds Team have updated the form to eliminate a field that was specific to a different region and have a PDF version HERE: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxSGYuI6fMQiTThfRW9XbFB3ZzJnemVuN1hRUWlaeV9md09z/view

They suggest that the purpose is indeed similar to the purpose of our Embassy's consular section services, i.e. to locate us and our emergency contacts in time of emergency. The most important information is our contact details and that of our emergency contacts, including our parents. Why parents, even if deceased? Well, that can be used to identify people with the same given names. Other fields aren't mandatory, according to the CCCC Classifieds. They urge people to complete this form in advance and always have extra photos with them when they plan to deal with Immigration.

If they wanted contact information once, that wouldn't be so bad, but my suspicion is that they'll want it every time you step in the place. Another reason for doing 90 day by post or online.

This form could be the 90 days by mail killer. They could demand that you bring it in.

Why? If they don't demand that you bring in the 90 day report, why should they demand you bring this from in? It would be just as easy to download the form, just like you can download the 90 day report form. Hopefully they only want this form once, or at least once a year.

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It's my guess that they will soon require it be submitted with EVERY visit to Immigration. They don't care about the paperwork. While in there last month I noticed several waist-high stacks of bundles of filled applications, neatly tied in 6" thick bundles. The pile was at least a meter wide leaning against the wall, and stacked 3-4 deep, waist high. Thousands upon thousands of filled application forms... awaiting.... what?

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OK, the good folks at the CCCC Classifieds Team have updated the form to eliminate a field that was specific to a different region and have a PDF version HERE: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxSGYuI6fMQiTThfRW9XbFB3ZzJnemVuN1hRUWlaeV9md09z/view

They suggest that the purpose is indeed similar to the purpose of our Embassy's consular section services, i.e. to locate us and our emergency contacts in time of emergency. The most important information is our contact details and that of our emergency contacts, including our parents. Why parents, even if deceased? Well, that can be used to identify people with the same given names. Other fields aren't mandatory, according to the CCCC Classifieds. They urge people to complete this form in advance and always have extra photos with them when they plan to deal with Immigration.

In case they need to locate me in my bank account.

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